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SIP Report - Product Management Intern, Walmart

Internship Experience -

My internship experience as a Product Management intern with Walmart Global Tech

was truly one for the books, filled with learning, growth, and unforgettable moments.
From the very beginning, I was warmly welcomed into the team and embraced by my
incredible mentor, Swati Arya, who proved to be an inspiration and a guiding light
throughout my journey.Working with Swati Arya was an absolute privilege. Her passion
for product management, coupled with her extensive knowledge and experience, ignited
a spark of enthusiasm within me to excel in my role. Swati took the time to understand
my strengths and areas of improvement, tailoring the internship to ensure I gained
valuable skills and experience. She encouraged me to think critically and creatively,
constantly challenging me to bring fresh perspectives to the table.Swati's mentoring
style was supportive and empowering. She provided constructive feedback that helped
me grow as a professional, while also celebrating my successes, no matter how small
they seemed. Her belief in my abilities bolstered my confidence, and I felt more and
more inspired to take on new challenges and tackle complex problems. With her
guidance, I learned to be resilient in the face of obstacles and to approach
problem-solving with a strategic mindset.Apart from my mentor, I must mention my
manager, Srivatsa, who played a pivotal role in my internship experience. Srivatsa had
a unique way of fostering an environment that encouraged creativity and innovation. He
constantly pushed me to think outside the box, encouraging me to explore
unconventional solutions and take calculated risks. This approach not only honed my
problem-solving skills but also taught me the value of embracing ambiguity and learning
from failure.Throughout the internship, I was exposed to various facets of product
management, including market analysis, customer research, and project management.
Each task and project was carefully crafted to provide hands-on experience, allowing
me to apply the theoretical knowledge gained from my academic studies to real-world
scenarios. The collaborative nature of the team made it easier to seek advice and learn
from the diverse perspectives of my colleagues.Beyond the technical and professional
growth, the team at Walmart Global Tech became like a second family to me. The
supportive and inclusive culture made it easy to bond with my colleagues and feel like a
valued member of the team. The intern-specific events and networking opportunities
further enriched my experience, enabling me to build connections and friendships that
will extend beyond the internship.
As I reflect on my time at Walmart Global Tech, I can confidently say that this internship
has been a turning point in my career journey. Swati Arya's mentorship and guidance
have left an indelible mark on me, inspiring me to continuously strive for excellence and
become a better product manager. Srivatsa's approach to fostering innovation has
instilled in me the confidence to take risks and embrace challenges with an open mind.I
am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to be part of such a remarkable team and to
learn from two outstanding individuals like Swati Arya and Srivatsa. This internship has
not only equipped me with invaluable skills but has also reaffirmed my passion for
product management. As I move forward in my career, I will carry the lessons learned
and the experiences gained during this internship with me, forever grateful for the time
spent at Walmart Global Tech.

Internship Learnings -

Having spent three enriching years as a Software Engineer at Oracle, I had gained
invaluable technical expertise and an in-depth understanding of the software
development process. However, I felt an increasing yearning to expand my horizons
and explore the realm of product management – a domain that seemed like a natural
and exciting progression in my career. So, when the opportunity to intern as a Product
Manager at a global leader like Walmart Global Tech presented itself, I leaped at the
chance to pursue my long-held dream.

From the very outset of my internship, I realized that product management was more
than just a job; it was an ever-evolving journey of discovery, creativity, and collaboration.
The sheer thrill of being part of a team that envisioned and brought products to life was
unparalleled. I thrived in an environment that celebrated innovation, embraced
ambiguity, and encouraged bold ideas.

One of the most gratifying aspects of my internship was the relentless focus on
customer-centricity. Every decision, every feature, and every improvement we
considered stemmed from a deep understanding of our users' pain points and desires.
This customer-first approach resonated with the motivation that had sparked my interest
in product management years ago. As we iterated and refined our products based on
real user feedback, I witnessed the tangible impact of our efforts on the lives of
customers. This sense of purpose was immensely fulfilling and fueled my drive to excel
as a Product Manager.

Collaboration was at the heart of every success we achieved. Working side by side with
cross-functional teams, including designers, engineers, marketers, and data analysts, I
learned the true power of collective intelligence. I admired how each team member
brought a unique perspective to the table, enriching our discussions and propelling us
towards creative solutions. Embracing diverse viewpoints and fostering a culture of
open communication made the journey all the more rewarding.
As a Product Management intern, I had the privilege of being mentored by the
exceptional Swati Arya. Her dedication to nurturing talent, coupled with her boundless
enthusiasm for product management, was a source of inspiration for me. Swati's
unwavering support, constructive feedback, and empowering guidance were
instrumental in shaping my growth as a Product Manager. Under her mentorship, I
learned to approach challenges with a strategic mindset, to embrace failure as a
stepping stone to success, and to continuously seek opportunities for improvement.

The fast-paced nature of product management exhilarated me. Every day brought new
challenges and opportunities, each presenting a chance to stretch my capabilities and
think outside the box. The dynamic nature of the role kept me on my toes, encouraging
me to be agile, adaptable, and always open to learning.

Reflecting on my Product Management internship, I can confidently say that it has

solidified my passion and determination to pursue this career path wholeheartedly. It
has instilled in me a profound appreciation for the art of understanding customers,
aligning teams, and crafting products that make a difference. My time at Walmart Global
Tech has not only allowed me to grow professionally but also nurtured a deep sense of
purpose and fulfillment in my work.

As I embark on the next phase of my journey, I carry with me the experiences, lessons,
and insights gained during this remarkable internship. I am eager to continue my pursuit
of becoming a seasoned Product Manager, armed with the belief that every challenge is
an opportunity for innovation, and every customer's smile is a testament to the impact
we can create. With unwavering enthusiasm and an unyielding commitment to
excellence, I look forward to shaping a future where customer-centricity is at the core of
every decision, just as it has been throughout this transformative internship experience.

Project Deliverables -
As a Product Management intern at Walmart Global Tech, my most exhilarating and
rewarding project was centered around enhancing the shopping experience for
customers on Walmart Mexico and Canada platforms by adding a new payment option.
Titled "Product Discovery: Exploring Bank Transfer as a Payment Option," this endeavor
encompassed a comprehensive and iterative process that combined user research,
business impact analysis, competitor analysis, user journey mapping, wireframing, and
collaboration with the tech team to define a product roadmap and metrics for success.
The journey began with an immersive user research phase to understand the pain
points customers were facing with the existing payment options and to identify their
preferences for potential new options. Conducting surveys, interviews, and user testing
allowed us to gain invaluable insights into the needs and expectations of our customers.
Through this process, bank transfer emerged as a promising option, with many users
expressing a desire for a secure and convenient way to complete transactions without
relying solely on credit cards or cash.

Armed with the insights from the user research, the next step involved conducting a
thorough business impact analysis. This critical assessment aimed to quantify the
potential benefits of adding bank transfer as a payment option. Analyzing historical data,
market trends, and customer preferences, we projected the potential revenue increase
that could be achieved through this enhancement. The findings of this analysis not only
validated the importance of the project but also highlighted its potential to drive
significant financial gains for Walmart in the Mexican and Canadian markets.

To ensure we designed a seamless and user-friendly experience, we embarked on a

comprehensive user journey mapping process. This involved studying how competitors
were incorporating bank transfer as a payment option and identifying best practices.
This informed our approach to develop a frictionless user journey that minimized
obstacles and encouraged customer trust and satisfaction. Understanding the user
journey was crucial in aligning our product strategy with the needs and expectations of
our target audience.

With a clear vision in mind, the project progressed to the wireframing phase.
Collaborating with UX designers, we sketched out the visual representation of the user
interface, carefully considering user flows and interactions. Wireframes served as a
blueprint for the product's design, guiding us in creating an intuitive and engaging user
experience that would seamlessly integrate the new payment option into the existing

Incorporating a collaborative approach, I worked closely with the tech team to lay out
the product roadmap. This involved detailed discussions on the technical feasibility,
timeline, and resource allocation for the implementation of the new payment option. The
collaborative effort ensured that technical constraints were proactively addressed, and
the product roadmap was realistic and achievable.

Finally, the project culminated in defining key metrics to track the success of the newly
implemented payment option. By establishing measurable goals, such as conversion
rate, customer satisfaction, and revenue growth, we could continually monitor and
evaluate the impact of the product enhancement. This data-driven approach allowed us
to make informed decisions and iteratively improve the feature based on real-time

In conclusion, my product discovery journey to add a payment option on Walmart

Mexico and Canada platforms was a testament to the power of customer-centric
decision-making and cross-functional collaboration. Through meticulous research,
thoughtful analysis, and innovative problem-solving, we were able to empower
customers with a new payment option while driving substantial revenue growth for the
company. The project experience reaffirmed my passion for product management and
my commitment to shaping user-centered solutions that make a positive impact in the
lives of customers and the success of the organization.

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