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Chapter 1

The Solid State


1. Answer (4)
2. Answer (2)
Due to strong forces of attraction.
3. Answer (1)
Melting point of ice = 0°C.
4. Answer (1)
5. Answer (4)
Isotropical not crystal system.
6. Answer (4)
7. Answer (2)
8. Answer (3)
14 Bravais lattices.
9. Answer (2)
10. Answer (1)
11. Answer (3)
12. Answer (2)
F– occupies T-void.
13. Answer (2)
C.N. of Na+ is 6.
14 Answer (1)
15. Answer (4)

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2 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-1)

16. Answer (1)
17. Answer (3)
a = 2r+ + 2r–
18. Answer (1)
Particles come closer.
19. Answer (2)
20. Answer (1)
21. Answer (1)
Schottky defect
22. Answer (4)
23. Answer (4)
24. Answer (3)
Crystal defects
25. Answer (3)
26. Answer (1)
Number of atoms per unit cell depends on contribution of each atom towards unit cell.
27. Answer (2)
Both statements are correct.
28. Answer (3)
In CCP, O-voids are present at edge centres and body centres.
29. Answer (2)
Both statements are correct.
30. Answer (3)
Not very high.

31. Answer A(r, s); B(p, q, r, s); C(q)

32. Coordination number of HCP = 12
Coordination number of CCP = 12

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-1) The Solid State 3
33. In crystals sometimes some of ions are shifted from their regular sites to interstitial spaces, this is called
34. Because the size of cations is quite similar to size of anion, which cannot fit into the void.

 r+ 
35. Radius ratio  –  for an ion to occupy
r 
(i) Tetrahedral void is 0.225 – 0.414
(ii) Octahedral void is 0.414 – 0.732
36. Yes, most of the metals ((except Hg) possess close packed structures. These can be
Simple cubic-packing fraction 0.524 or 52.4%.
Body centred cubic PE = 0.68 or 68%
Face centred cubic PE = 0.74 or 74%
37. As all stoichiometric defects are caused due to internal reasons such as ions dislocation, loss of cations and
anions etc. they are called intrinsic defects.
38. Due to metal excess defect.
39. (i) Ge(group 14) doped with In (group 13) causes p-type semiconductor while.
(ii) B(group - 13) doped with Si(group-14) causes n-type semiconductor.
40. Ferromagnetic substances can make better permanent magnets. They have spontaneous alignment of magnetic
moments of domains in same directions which persists even when the magnetic field is removed.
41. NaCl (Molten) is best electrical conductor among all.
42. At low temperature, where a substance offers no resistance to the flow of electricity is called superconductivity.

‰ ‰ ‰

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Chapter 1

The Solid State


[Classification of Solids and Crystal Systems]

1. Answer (3)
Glass is an amorphous solid as silicate tetrahedral unit are shifted in randomly arranged pattern.
2. Answer (4)
3. Answer (3)
SiC forms a covalent solid.
4. Answer (3)
5. Answer (1)
Only one Bravais lattice is present in ‘Hexagonal’ form.
6. Answer (1)
[Unit Cells and Voids]
7. Answer (2)
8. Answer (1)
For FCC lattice,
Edge length a = 4.070 Å

a 4.070
d=   2.878 Å
2 1.414
9. Answer (3)
B– occupies the lattice :

1 1
? B– ions = 8   6  4
8 2
Number of tetrahedral voids = 8

? A+ becomes ×8=2
Ÿ Formula of solid = A2B4 or AB2

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-2) The Solid State 5
10. Answer (2)
ABCABCABC...........packing is similar to FCC packing

4  3
3  a  = 0.74
Packing fraction =  
a3  2 2 
 Void fraction = 1 – 0.74 = 0.26
11. Answer (2)
In CCP :

1 1
Number of atoms present = 8 × +6× =4
8 2
Number of tetrahedral voids = 8

 Ratio = =1:2
12. Answer (3)
Anions ‘B’ are in CCP.

1 1
Therefore, number of anions = 8   6  4
8 2
Cation A are equally distributed between octahedral and tetrahedral voids
4 O-voids are occupied
4 T-voids are occupied
? Cations A are 4 + 4 = 8
Ÿ Formula becomes A8B4 = A2B
13. Answer (2)
A tetrahedral void is formed by one corner and three face centres.
14. Answer (4)
15. Answer (1)

x (Primitive) ; rx =
y (FCC) ; ry =
2 2

z (BCC) ; rz =
? rx > r z > r y
16. Answer (2)
For BCC crystallization,
Number of nearest neighbouring atoms = 8
Number of next nearest neighbouring atoms = 6.

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6 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-2)

17. Answer (1)

Given : Mw = 50 g; Z = 4; a = 400 pm
? a = 400 × 10–12 × 102 cm = 4 × 10–8 cm
Z  Mw 4  50
?  3

a  NA (4  10 )  6.023  1023
–8 3

200  10 2000
?   = 5.188 g/cm3
64  6.023 64  6.023
18. Answer (1)
19. Answer (1)
20. Answer (2)

dfcc 4M N  (3)3

 3
 A = 1.259
dbcc NA  (3.5) 2M
21. Answer (2)
O2– occupies ccp
1 1
 O2– is equal to 8   6  4
8 2
‘X’ is present in O voids.
‘Y’ is present in T voids as well as O voids.
Therefore, 2 atoms are present in O voids. So, fraction of octahedral voids occupied is equal to .
[Structure of Simple Ionic Compounds]
22. Answer (2)
The radius ratio for the given below values
R 1.46
  0.67
R– 2.16

The radius ratio lies within the range 0.414 to 0.732, hence it becomes NaCl type.
23. Answer (1)
a (FCC) = 508 pm ; Rc = 110 pm
R(anion) = ?
We can say,
2(Rc + Ra) = a
a 508
Ÿ Rc + Ra =  = 254 pm
2 2
? Ra = 254 – 110 = 144 pm
24. Answer (4)
All have the four formula units.
25. Answer (2)
Since S2– occupies ccp.
1 1
? Number of S2– = 8 × +6× =4
8 2
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Solutions of Assignment (Step-2) The Solid State 7
Zn2+ occupies alternate tetrahedral voids.
? Zn2+ = 8 × =4
Coordination number becomes 4 : 4.
26. Answer (2)
In fcc and hcp for Zinc blende and Wurtzite, Zn2+ is surrounded by 4 S2– ions and vice versa. Therefore, the
coordination number is 4 : 4.
27. Answer (1)
a = 4.3 Å
Body diagonal = 3a
3a 1
Interionic distance =  (body diagonal)
2 2
3a 3  4.3
  3.72 Å
2 2
28. Answer (1)
In FCC, tetra void touch the lattice point at
?  2r r = Radius of carbon atom
3  356 pm
r  77.07 pm
29. Answer (1)
For BCC, opp. charged ions touch at
a = 387 pm

 335.1 pm
30. Answer (1)
In diamond C forms ccp in which alternate tetrahedral voids are occupied.
1 1
Therefore, C.N. of carbon = 4 and number of C atoms/unit cell = 4  6  8  8


(THV )

31. Answer (3)

Increase in pressure in ionic solids may increase the coordination number. So, 3rd option is incorrect.
[Imperfection in Solids]
32. Answer (4)
It is a Frenkel’s defect where a cation leaves the site and occupies an interstitial position.
33. Answer (1)
In Schottky defect, equal no. of positive and negative ions are missing hence there is a decrease in density.
34. Answer (2)
Let nNi2  x
? nNi3  (0.98  x)

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8 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-2)

Applying charge balance,

3x + 2(0.98 – x) = 2
Ÿ x = 2(1 – 0.98) = 0.04
Percentage of Ni3+ =  100  4.08
35. Answer (2)
In metal excess defect metal cations becomes excess because of which electrons occupy anionic positions
to make it electrically neutral.
36. Answer (3)
When Anions are deficient, vacancies are occupied by ‘electrons’ which are called as F centers.
37. Answer (4)
[Electric and Magnetic Properties]
38. Answer (4)
Anti Ferromagnetic has a compensatory wavy form
39. Answer (3)
40. Answer (4)
41. Answer (1)
42. Answer (2)
43. Answer (3)
44. Answer (16)
In HCP tetrahedral voids are
(i) 8 inside the unit cell [4 between A to B layer and 4 between B to A]
(ii) 12 tetrahedral sites are present at vertical edges.
45. Answer (24)
8 atoms in one plane, so 24 total.
46. Answer (28)
Body diagonal contains
2 corner Q– and one P+ ions.
P+ Q–
Before heating 4 4
3 15
After heating 3 3 
4 4
15 3
Excess charge 3 
4 4
Charge on 1 R ion = 3
3 1 1
So, number of R ion required =  
4 3 4
Formula P3 Q15 R 1  P12 Q15 R1
4 4

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-2) The Solid State 9
47. Answer (20)
Number of O2– ions per unit cell = 4

 OV  4
TV = 8

p q
3 4 82  8
100 100
3p + 4q = 200

 0.1 3p  4q   20

Previous Years Questions

[Classification of Solids and Crystal Systems]
48. Answer (3)
For triclinic Crystal,
abc Axial distance
      90 Axial angle
49. Answer (3)
Quartz, tridymite and cristobalite are crystalline forms of silica.
Kieselguhr is an amorphous form of silica.
50. Answer (4)
Covalent solid have high melting point due to network like structure and they are insulator e.g. diamond, SiO2.
51. Answer (1)
Crystalline solids are anisotropic and having long range order.
Amorphous solids
- Pseudo solids.
- Softer over a range of temperature.
- do not have definite heat of fusion.
52. Answer (1)
Monoclinic a z b z c, D = J = 90°, E z 90°
[Unit Cells]
53. Answer (4)
No. of atoms in

Simple cubic unit cell  8 1
BCC unit cell   8  11  2
1 1
FCC unit cell  8  6  4
8 2

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10 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-2)

54. Answer (8)

In body - centered cubic structure, atoms occupy all the corners of the cube as well as body centre position
in a unit cell.
? Co-ordination number of atom in BCC structure = 8
55. Answer (1)
Z(M0 )
Density =
NA ×a3
Z = 4 (FCC)
M0= 63.5 g
NA = 6 × 1023
a = x × 10–8 cm.
4 × 63.5 422 g
? d 
6 × 1023 × x 3 × 10-24 x 3 cm3
56. Answer (1)
N  a3
9  103 
 200  
2  1012 6  1023

M = 0.03 kg/mole
57. Answer (4)
4 3 4
Volume occupied by atoms in solid 2  r  (2r)3  12 r 3
3 3
Relationship between edge length (a) and radius of atom (r)  6r  3 a  a 
Packing efficiency  3
 100 = 90%
 6r 
 
 3
58. Answer (2)
a3  NA
6.17  8 3
(For BCC Z = 2)
(3  10 )  6  10 23
M = 50 g/mol
In 200 g, 4 moles of X2 is present.
59. Answer (33)
In BCC, the relationship between edge length and radius of an atom is given by

4r  3a

4r  3  27
4r = 1.73 × 27Å = 46.71 Å

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-2) The Solid State 11
In FCC, the relationship between edge length and radius of atom is given by
4r  2 a   a (edge length)
Ÿ a | 33 Å
[Concept of Voids and Radius Ratio]
60. Answer (1)
A2B3 can be written as Ÿ A4B6
HCP has Six atom so 'B' form
HCP lattice and A is present in void.
Total tetrahedral void = 12
Fraction of tetrahedral void occupied by
A = 4/12 = 1/3
61. Answer (3)
For BCC,

3a  4R  R 
? Empty space at edge = a – 2R = a  = diameter of sphere
a a
? rsphere  2   2  3  a  0.067a
 
2  4 
62. Answer (2)
Lattice formed by B(ccp) = 4
A = 50% of octahedral voids = 2
O = tetrahedral voids = 8
Formula = AB2O4
63. Answer (2)

In FCC, tetrahedral voids are located on the body diagonal at a distance of from the corner. Together they
form a smaller cube of edge length .
64. Answer (3)
Octahedral void in fcc is present at edge centre and body centre.

= Octahedral void

2 2
a a a
Minimum distance between two nearest octahedral void is       
2 2 2

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12 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-2)

65. Answer (4)

M1 M2 O
50% 12.5% ccp
octahedral tetrahedral
void void
50 12.5
4 8 4
100 100
2 1 4
Charge 2x 1y 4×2
2x + y = 8
66. Answer (2)
M  12  8
or M4A3
67. Answer (15)
Ga crystallizes in a hexagonal close packing.
1 1
Number of Ga atoms per unit cell =  12   2  1 3  6
6 2
Number of tetrahedral voids = 2 × 6 = 12
Number of octahedral voids = 6
Total voids per unit cell = 18
Total voids per atom of Ga = 3
? Total number of voids in given sample =  3  6.023  1023
= 14.99 × 1021
| 15 × 1021
68. Answer (1.00)
Number of octahedral voids present in a lattice (ccp or hcp) is equal to the number of close packed particles.
So, the number of octahedral voids per particle = 1.
69. Answer (43)

Since X occupies hcp lattice,

Number of particles of type X in a unit cell = 6

Number of particles of type Y = × 12 = 8

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-2) The Solid State 13
? Percentage of element X =  100
= 42.85
70. Answer (3)
A atoms are in CCP contribution of A is
If atoms from opposite faces are removed, then
A = 4 – x
Value of x = 3
[Structure of Simple Ionic Compounds]
71. Answer (1)
a3  NA
4  58.5
43.1 
a3  6.02  1023
a3 = 0.9 × 10–23
= 9 × 10–24
a = 2.08 × 10–8 cm
= 2.08 × 10–10 m
For NaCl,
Distance between Na+ and Cl– =
= 1.04 × 10–10 m
72. Answer (566)
In cubic close packing, octahedral voids form at edge centers and body center of the cube
a = 2(rA+ + rB–)
a = 2 (102 + 181)
a = 566 pm
[Imperfection in Solids]
73. Answer (3)
AgBr shows both, Frenkel as well as Schottky defects.
74. Answer (1)
Frenkel Defect : This defect is shown by ionic solids. The smaller ion (usually cation) is dislocated from its normal
site to an interstitial site.
It creates a vacancy defect at its original site and an interstitial defect at its new location.
F-centre is formed in metal excess defect which is a non-stoichiometric defect.

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14 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-2)

75. Answer (4)

Vacancy defect causes decrease in density.
76. Answer (5)
1 Sr2+ replaces two K+. It occupies 1 of the position and 1 void is created.
Number of vacancies in 1 mole of KBr =  6.023  1023
Moles of KBr given 
1 1
? Total vacancies in 1 g of KBr =   6.023  1023
119 107
= 5.06 × 1014
| 5 × 1014
77. Answer (85)
Let the number of O–2 ions be 100
and the number of Fe+2 ions be X
The number of Fe+3 ions be (93 – X)
? X(2) + (93 – X)3 = 200
279 – X = 200
X = 79
? % of Fe+2 ions = × 100  85%
[Electric and Magnetic Properties]
78. Answer (3)
Quartz exhibits piezoelectricity. It is fact based.
79. Answer (3)
(a) Diamagnetism — (iii) NaCl
(b) Ferrimagnetism — (iv) Ne3O4
(c) Paramagnetism — (ii) O2
(d) Antiferromagnetism — (i) MnO
80. Answer (4)
Mn3O4 is magnetic in nature.


Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : (011)-47623456
Chapter 1

The Solid State


Objective Type Questions (One option is correct)
1. Answer (3)
Amorphous solids are isotropic in nature.
2. Answer (4)
SO2 – Dipole -Dipole interactions
3. Answer (1)
4. Answer (1)
6th co-ordination of atom X will be 24 ‘X’ atoms present at four adjacent edge-centres of each of six adjacent
units cells.
3rd co-ordination of atom X will be 8 Y atoms present at all corners of the unit cell.
6 th C.N. 24
 3
3rd C.N. 8
5. Answer (2)
Normal occupancy of hcp = 74%
Normal occupancy of bcc = 68%
If number of atoms in both are halved percentage occupancies will be 37% and 34% respectively for hcp and
bcc, therefore

percentage void in hcp  100  37  21

 
percentage void in bcc  100  34  22
6. Answer (3)

Mn 1 
Si 1 
Ÿ Mn 1 
Si 1
  4 1   4   1
8  8  2  2

Ÿ MN3/2 Si1/2
Ÿ Mn1.5 Si0.5
1.5 1.5
Fraction of Mn =   0.75
1.5  0.5 2.0

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16 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-3)

7. Answer (1)
C – 3 axis of symmetry is body diagonal.
? Number of particles of X removed = 2
Number of particles of Y removed = 1
Number of particles of Z removed =
Formula of crystal = X6 Y3 Z 15 = X8Y4Z5

8. Answer (3)
Tetrahedral void is formed by one corner and atoms at the face centres.
? 1, 2, 3 & 4 atoms are around the tetrahedral void.
9. Answer (2)
rA  rC
  x  y  0.75 … (i)
rB rD

rA  rC
  x  y  0.25 … (ii)
rB rD
Ÿ 2x = 1
? x = 0.5
That lies between 0.414 - 0.732 therefore A+ is in octahedral void and y = 0.25 that lies between 0.225 - 0.414
therefore C+ is in tetrahedral voids.
10. Answer (2)
Density of A 
NA x 3
Density of B 
NA y 3
If dA = dB Ÿ N x 3  N y 3
M   x 
Ÿ 4 A    
 MB   y 
x x
Ÿ 8   2
  y
11. Answer (2)
2  mass of one metal atom
x 3
 4r 
 
 3
4  mass of one metal atom
y 3
 4r 
 
 2
x 23 3
  0.92
y 42 2
? y > x

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-3) The Solid State 17
12. Answer (4)

Z   56  16 
Density =
NA  5  5  5  10 24
Ÿ Z=4
? Mass of a unit cell = 4 × formula mass
13. Answer (2)

 0.414 (approx)
rA +  rB–  70.5 Å

rA   20.6 Å

14. Answer (2)

CN is 8.
15. Answer (3)
If atoms along the axis passing through two opposite face centres are removed, crystal will remain neutral.
16. Answer (3)

Dist. of 1st nearest neighbour (A+) to corner ion B 
Dist. of 2nd nearest neighbour (B–) 

Dist. of 3rd nearest neighbour (A+)  a
17. Answer (1)
18. Answer (2)

o Coordination number = 6 (octahedral void)

19. Answer (2)

The colour is due to presence of F-centres in crystal.
20. Answer (3)

Objective Type Questions (One or more than one option(s) is/are correct)
1. Answer (3, 4)
Pseudo solids means behaving like solids but atoms in the solid are having irregular arrangement. Rubber
and coke are pseudo solids.
2. Answer (1, 2)
Distance between the neighbouring atoms
 a
For primitive,  d  
 2

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18 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-3)

 a 
For FCC,  d  
 2

 3 a
For BCC,  d  
 2 
3. Answer (2, 3, 4)
Manner of aggregation of layers in ccp can be represented as ABCA……..
So fourth layer repeats.
4. Answer (1, 4)
For hcp packing the no. of effective atoms is 6 and in primitive unit cell.
Number of effective atoms = 8  1
5. Answer (1, 3)
Voids are surrounded by six atoms at edge centre and body. So, (1) & (3) are correct answers.
6. Answer (1, 3)
For Hexagonal packing the coordination number is 12 and contains tetrahedral and octahedral voids.
7. Answer (1, 3, 4)
Tetrahedral voids have coordination number 4 and are smaller than octahedral voids. Size of voids depends
upon the size of atom and Radius Ratio. T-voids are smaller than octahedral voids. 0.225 to 0.414 for T-voids
and 0.414 to 0.732 for O-voids.
8. Answer (1, 4)
CsCl has BCC structure
Cs = 133, Cl = 35.5
Cs+ is present at the centre and 8 Cl– ions are present at the corners.
? Number of formula unit (z) = 1
Mass of unit cell = 133 + 35.5 = 168.5
Ÿ Mw = 133 + 35.5 = 168.5
9. Answer (1, 4)
In CaF2 : Ca2+ occupies FCC (or ccp) and F– are present in tetrahedral voids
1 1
? Number of Ca2+ = 8   6  4
8 2
F– = 1 × 8 = 8
? Formula becomes Ca4F8 Ÿ CaF2
Coordination number of F– = 4
Coordination number of Ca2+ = 8
10. Answer (1, 3, 4)
11. Answer (2, 3)
Fluorite is basically CaF2(AB2)
Interchanging +ve and –ve ions will give antifluorite structure
Coordination number of A = 8 and B = 4

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-3) The Solid State 19
12. Answer (2, 3, 4)
In spinel structures anions form ccp in which divalent cation occupy tetrahedral void and trivalent cations
occupy octahedral voids.
13. Answer (1, 2)
In CsCl co-ordination number is 8, this can be converted into NaCl structure (CN = 6) by release in packing
that can be achieved either by increase of temperature or by decrease in pressure.
14. Answer (1, 4)
‘Schottky’ and ‘Frenkel’ defect doesn’t disturb the stoichiometry of the solid.
15. Answer (2, 3)
KCl is violet. Because of Metal excess defect F-centers are present and because of charge carried in defected
crystals, they are better conductor of electricity.

Linked Comprehension Type Questions
1. Answer (4)
Body diagonal plane touches :

4 corners Ÿremoved A =
2 face-centres Ÿremoved B =
4 THVs Ÿ removed C = 4

2 edge centres  2
&   removed D   1
1body  centre  4

Therefore, compared will become

A 1 B3 1 C8  4 D 3  AB4 C8D5
1 4
2 2

2. Answer (3)
Two fold axis is along diagonally opposite edge centres so
A removed = 0

D removed = 1 
3-fold axis is along body diagonal so A removed =
3-fold axis passes through opposite face centres, so B removed =
Therefore, overall the compound will be
A 1 B3 1 C8 D 3  A 3 B2 C8 D 5
1 4
4 2 4 2

Ÿ A3B8C21D10

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20 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-3)

3. Answer (1)
A removed = 1/8
B removed = 3/2
C removed = 1
D removed = 7/4
Therefore overall the compound will be A 7/8 B3/2 C7 D9/4
i.e., A 7 B12 C56 D18
4. Answer (2)

a a 3 a
AB  , AC  , AD 
2 4 2

 Ratio  2 2 : 3 : 2

1. Answer (2)
Mg appears at eight corners.

? Mg numbers will be 8 × =1
‘O’ appears at centres of faces

Ÿ 6× =3
Ti appears at centre of the cube.
? Only one Ti is present at the centre.
Hence, formula becomes MgTiO3.
2. Answer (2)
Since Titanium is surrounded by six faces, therefore, we can say that there are Six (6) neighbouring atoms.
3. Answer (4)
MgTiO3 is a Perovskite structure.
4. Answer (1)
Molar mass of MgTiO3 is
24 + 45.9 + (16 × 3) = 117.9 g/mol | 118 g/mol

1. Answer (1)
There is no change in composition of NaCl when pressure is applied. Only co-ordination number changes.
2. Answer (1)
Since it is a FCC lattice and cations occupy the octahedral voids.
? 2 (R R ) = a [Edge length]
Li Cl–

Ÿ 2 [R  1.81] = 5.40 Ÿ 2R  3.62 = 5.40

Li Li

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-3) The Solid State 21

? 2R = (5.40) – (3.62) = 1.78


? R = = 0.89 Å
Li 2
3. Answer (4)
For solid AB,

R = 100 pm

= 0.732

Ÿ R = (0.732) (100) = 73.2 pm


4. Answer (1)
In volume (a3),
Number of LiCl molecules = 4
Ÿ (5.40 × 10–8)3 cm3 = 4

1 cm3 =
(5.40)  10 –24

Ÿ 2.5 × 1022 molecules

5. Answer (2)
In a Rock-salt structure number of second nearest neighbours of Na+ in NaCl crystal is 12.

Matrix-Match Type Questions
1. Answer A(q), B(p), C(r), D(s)
2. Answer A(q), B(s), C(r), D(p)
3. Answer A(r), B(p), C(s), D(q)
4. Answer A(r), B(s), C(q), D(p)
(A) AlCl3 forms CCP lattice of Cl– . Octahedral holes are occupied by Al3+. Coordination number of Al3+ is 6.
(B) NaCl forms CCP lattice of Cl– in which all Octahedral holes are occupied by Na+. Co-ordination number
of Na+ is 6.
(C) CaF2 form CCP lattice of Ca2+ in which all tetrahedral holes are occupied by F–. C.N of F– is 4.
(D) Li2O forms reverse structure of CaF2.

Assertion-Reason Type Questions
1. Answer (1)
Amorphous solids are isotropic as they show physical properties same in all direction.
? Statement (2) is the correct explanation of statement (1).

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22 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-3)

2. Answer (4)

The covalent forces are stronger than the molecular forces, i.e., melting point of covalent solids is higher than
that of molecular solid.

? Statement (2) is correct as lattice points are occupied by molecules.

3. Answer (1)

Statement (2) is correct explanation of Statement (1).

4. Answer (2)

Statement (1) is correct as both Na2O and CaF2 structures are same. Only positive and negative ions are

? Statement (2) is correct but not the correct explanation.

5. Answer (2)

Statement (1) is correct and the distance of the nearest neighbours in NaCl structure is .
? So, both statements are correct.

6. Answer (3)

Statement (1) is correct as Cl– occupies corners and face centers and Na+ occupies octahedral voids but
radius ratio of NaCl structure is fixed, and not varies from 0.414 to 0.732.

7. Answer (3)

CsCl is bcc type unit cell.

8. Answer (2)

In Schottky defect, equal number of positive and negative ions are missing but it does not explain that this
defect is shown by crystal’s with high coordination number.

9. Answer (3)

Metals are good conductors because of presence of free electrons and electrical conductivity is due to charge
carriers, but in Schottky defect positive and negative ions are missing.

10. Answer (4)

p-type are formed by metal deficient defect.

Integer Answer Type Questions

1. Answer (9)


2. Answer (5)

Two fold axis is along diagonally opposite edge centres, so

C removed = (1) and D removed =
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Solutions of Assignment (Step-3) The Solid State 23
Three fold axis is along body-diagonal, so
A removed =
4-fold axis passes through opposite face-centres
So, B removed =
Originally the molecule is AB3CD3, after removal it will become A 1 B3 1 C11 D 1
1 3
4 2

3 5 (3  8  10) 21  1
Remaining atoms = 20    5  
4 2 4 4  4
? x=5
3. Answer (64)
In H.C.P., 8 T.V are inside the unit cell while 12 are at vertical edges (2 on each vertical edge)
T.V. = 8  12   12
One edge in H.C.P. contributes .
4. Answer (5)
Total number of spheres whose centre either lie inside or on the side of the square are 36.
So, n6
5. Answer (13)
X = Corners and Face centre
Y = Tetrahedral voids
If all particles along one body diagonal are removed, it means two corners and two tetrahedral particles are

6 15
X3 
8 4
X 15 Y 6  X 5 Y 8

m + n = 5 + 8 = 13
6. Answer (2)
4th C.N. of A will be 24 B on corners of adjacent unit cells on each face.
3rd C.N. of A will be 12.
? Ratio = 2
7. Answer (4)
O2– ions are in HCP
Al3+ ions occupy rd octahedral holes.
Hence, n = ×6=4

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24 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-3)

8. Answer (12)

r 1.62
  0.58
r 2.8

AB has NaCl type structure.

Previous Years Questions
1. Answer (D)

Area covered by particle

Packing efficiency =
Total area

2  r 2

2  r 2
(2 2 r)2

2. Answer (B)

1 1
Number of X atoms/ions per unit cell = 8  6 4
8 2

Number of M atoms/ions per unit cell = 1  4  2
? Empirical formula of the compound is MX2.

3. Answer (A)

Cation A+ occupies octahedral void formed by anions X–. The maximum radius ratio for a cation to
accommodate a octahedral void without distortion is 0.414. Radius of anion X– is 250 pm.

 0.414
R X

? R A   0.414  250  103.50  104 pm

4. Answer (B)

a = edge length of unit cell

2ry = a

2 rx  ry  2a
2rx  a  2a

2rx  a  
2 –1

rx = 0.207a

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-3) The Solid State 25
3  vol. of x  vol. of y
Packing fraction =
vol. of unit cell
4 4
3  rx3     ry3
 3 3
4    (0.207a)3     (0.5 a)3
 3
 0.63
5. Answer (B)
Atom X occupies FCC lattice sites as well as alternate tetrahedral voids of FCC.
In FCC, tetrahedral voids are 8 (in a unit cell)
1 1
Atom X in a unit cell (FCC lattice sites) = 8   6  4
8 2
Atom X in a unit cell (in T.V.) = 8  4
Total atom X in one unit cell = 8
For relation between a and r, since T.V. forms at th of body diagonal,
a 3
 2r
4 3 4
8 r 8   r3
3  100  3  100  35%
Packing efficiency =
a3  8r 

 
 3
6. Answer (B, C)
AoSchottky defect are favoured by small difference in sizes of cation and anion.
BoIn Frenkel defect cations are dislocated therefore. (True)
CoElectron trapped in lattice are called F-centre. (True)
DoSchottky defect decrease density.
7. Answer (A)
The formula will be MgAl2O4
Total tetrahedral voids = 8
Total octahedral voids = 4
as only one Mg atom is present hence, n =
2 1
as there are two Al atoms are present hence, m = =
4 2
1 1
? m, n = ,
2 8
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26 The Solid State Solutions of Assignment (Step-3)

8. Answer (B, C, D)
In CCP, the coordination number for atom in top-most layer is 9.
9. Answer (A, C)
Contribution of M = 2 1
Contribution of X =  4 1
Formula = MX

a2 a2 3 3
Distance between M and X =   a a = 0.866 a
4 2 4 2
Both cation and anion have same co-ordination number, i.e., 8.
Assuming, anions are in contact, the ratio of ionic radii of cation M to anion X is 0.732, the minimum radius
ratio for a cubical void.
10. Answer (B)
1 1
The number of effective atom in a unit cell = 12   2  3 1 = 6
6 2  no. of atoms in 
 corner  Centre
Face  hexagonal primitive 

 unit cell 

11. Answer (A)

Volume of HCP unit cell = Base area × height

 3 2  2 
= 6  a  4r
 4  3 
 

3  2 
= 6 2r 2   4r
4  3 

= 24 2 r 3

12. Answer (D)

4 3
Packing fraction =
Base area  Height
4 3
6 r
= = 0.74
 
 6  3 a 2   4r 2
 4  3
 
% of empty space = (1 – 0.74) × 100 = 26%
13. Answer A(p, s); B(p, q); C(q); D(q, r)
14. Answer (7)
4 3
Volume of 1 Ag atom = r
4 3 108
? r  cm3
3 6.023  1023  10.5

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Solutions of Assignment (Step-3) The Solid State 27
? r = 1.6 × 10–8 cm
r = 1.6 × 10–10 m
? Number of Ag atoms in 10–12 m2
Sr2 × n = 10–12 m2

10 –12
3.14  (1.6  10 –10 )2

10  107
n = 1.25 × 107
? The value of x = 7
15. Answer (8)
Truncated octahedron contain 14 faces out of that eight are hexagonal and six are square.
16. Answer (2)
a = 4 u 10–8 cm (a = edge length)
d=8g cm–3 (density)
d M = molecular mass (g/mol)
NA a3
Z o number of atom in 1 unit cell

dNA a3 8  6  1023  64  10–24

M   76.8 g/mol
Z 4
Mole of solid in 256 g = 3.33 moles
No. of atom = 3.33 u NA = 20 u 1023 = 2 u 1024
17. Answer (2.9 to 3.1)
MX has NaCl type structure.
From instructions, it is clear that in MX ionic solid.
Cation M - undergoes CCP
anion X - occupies all octahedral voids
(i) No. of anions left = 1
(ii) No. of anions added = 3
No. of cations left = 1
(iii) No. of cations left = 0
(iv) No. of cations added = 1
No. of anions left = 3
Final no. of cations in an unit cell = 1
Final no. of anions in an unit cell = 3
? ratio = = 3.00

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