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Instagram Posting Schedule:

Tasks Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Blog Post Yes*

Reel Yes

Random Awareness Fact Yes

Update about events Yes*

*When we have content to post about participating in event or when we release a blog, post about it. When not, post a reel or
awareness fact.
Audience Engagement :

Figure 1 : Most Active Days

Figure 2: Most Active Time

Highlight Ideas :
 Product Showcase
 How-to-guide
 Blogs
 Participation in events
Increasing account reach :
 Use Hashtags- reach the correct audience
 Make the feed colour coded- visually pleasing
 Use trending music to increase the reach
 Put up with stories regularly
 10 types of reels
 Types of blogs

Ideas for reels:

1. The Invisible Threat: How Air Pollution Affects Your Health : Emphasize the versatility of
air purifiers by incorporating them seamlessly into home décor. Provide creative ideas for
integrating air purifiers into different interior design styles.
2.The Asthma-Air Pollution Connection: What You Need to Know
3.Clean Air, Healthy Lungs: The Power of Air Purifiers
4.Outdoor vs. Indoor Air Pollution: Are You Safe at Home?
5.Air Purifiers vs. Air Fresheners: Know the Difference
6. The Science of Clean Air: How Air Purifiers Work : Take your audience behind the scenes
and visually explain the filtration process of air purifiers. Use animations or visuals to illustrate
how the purifiers capture and remove pollutants from the air.
7. Clearing the Air: How Air Purifiers Benefit Your Sleep Quality : Dive into the science of
how air purifiers improve sleep quality by removing allergens and pollutants that may disrupt sleep.
Offer tips for using air purifiers in bedrooms effectively.
8. Busting Myths: Debunking Air Purifier Misconceptions : Address common misconceptions
about air pollution and air purifiers. Use engaging graphics or animations to debunk myths and
provide accurate information.
9. Clearing the Air: How Air Purifiers Combat Asthma Triggers
10. Air Quality Check: DIY Home Air Pollution Test : Show your audience how to perform a
simple DIY air quality test at home using household items. Educate them about the importance of
monitoring indoor air quality and how air purifiers can help.
11. Air Purifiers for Pets: Keeping Your Furry Friends Healthy : Highlight the importance of
clean air for pet health and demonstrate how air purifiers help remove pet dander and odors.
Feature heartwarming clips of pets enjoying purified air.
12. Air Purifiers and Home Décor: Style Meets Functionality : Emphasize the versatility of air
purifiers by incorporating them seamlessly into home décor. Provide creative ideas for integrating
air purifiers into different interior design styles.
13. Product Unveiling : Create a teaser reel that builds excitement around a new air purifier model
you're launching. Unveil its sleek design, key features, and benefits to entice your audience.
14. Expert Tips: Share short expert tips or advice on optimizing air purifier usage to get the best
results and maintain indoor air quality.
15. Air Purifier Versatility: Showcase the different areas of the home or office where your air
purifiers can be used, such as bedrooms, living rooms, or offices.

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