Analysis On The Green Economic Productivity of

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Analysis on the Green Economic

Productivity of

By: Earth wise

Group Leader: Areej Numan

Group Member :Yashfa Zahid

Table of contents

Report Content

Pakistan has traditionally seen sluggish progress. Despite the country's rapid GDP
growth, the social sector has lagged. Pakistan's GDP per capita is anticipated to
trend around 1250.00 USD in 2022 during the long term. In terms of the Human
Development Index ,Pakistan is ranked 145th out of 189 nations (2020). The main
obstacles to the nation's economic growth include poor governance, a lack of a
competitive environment, and institutional flaws . Poverty alleviation is one of the
most significant anticipated outcomes of the development process in Pakistan, the
fifth most populous nation in the world with a population estimated to be around
229 million and growing at a rate of 1.09 percent, where 22.3 percent of the
population lives below the poverty line(2021)

The GNP currently casts a dark shadow over the nation's economic prospects. With
a GNP per capita of $1,280 (2021), an inflation rate of 13.7% (WFP), investments
at 15.33 percent of GDP, and a fiscal deficit of 5% of GDP (2012) 2, the country's
economic future is now gloomy. Real GDP growth is 5.97 percent annually.
Additionally, after 2008, the national debt rose from 55.5 percent of GDP to its
present level of Rs44,366 billion. Lack of natural resources and environmental
degradation can also limit the economic process, in addition to financial resource

According to our surveys the foremost downside the govt. is currently addressing
is inflation. In Sep 2020, headline inflation accrued to Sep 11, and food inflation
continues to be double digits, that is wearing citizens' getting power. in keeping
with knowledge from the Asian country Bureau of Statistics, this has created
matters worse for scores of households United Nations agency have suffered a fall
in their getting power since 2016.

We think that environmental assistance extends beyond just protecting animals and
restoring the vegetation but stretches out to include improving our social and
economic conditions. Economic activity has a significant impact on Pakistan as a
whole, and it is challenging to stop economic growth, in our opinion. Instead, we
want to work toward a system that upholds equilibrium between natural processes
and human activities.

we followed the following proposals provided by the UN(SDG goals pointer 8)

 Sustainable economic growth

 Diversify, innovate and uprate for economic productivity
 End child labor
 Promote youth employment
 Protect labor rights and promote safe working environments
 Promote beneficial and sustainable tourism

1.4Problem Statement
Economic progress in Islamabad has typically come at the expense of the
environment because the majority of production and manufacturing methods rely
on finite but healthy ecosystems. With consequences for the sustainability of
economic growth, the high reliance on natural resources and ensuing
environmental deterioration have created a cycle of "ecological poverty. "And we
wish to stop it

1.4 Responsibility matrix

Areej Numan :researcher, graphic designer ,website facilitator

Yashfa Zahid :researcher ,graphic designer ,website facilitator

1.5 Weekly break down of campaigns

Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
We- Decide our Held a Made Collected Researc Visite Produci
ek topic meeting, an data and h and d ng
one worked on decided instar did research data some report
its on how to accoun ,held a was area and
structure as collect t, meeting to continu to other
well as data ,unde started discuss ed to be assess material
informatio rstood and deigni questionnai collecte the s, held a
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formed a grasp of posts e ,continue well as n meeting
questionna our topic and d activity the
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page gn
(posting activity
polls etc.)
Wee Wrote Time Submit
-k down a manageme ion
two script and nt and
went on a preparatio
meeting to n ,final
prepare touches

For Entrepreneurs


For all

Poll questions

We had one formal interview with director of SA industries , Mr.Nadeem Akhtar.We also asked
questions from our family members and their experiences with problems in the economic sector
which has impact on the environment. We talked to 3 kids seemingly being subjected to child

Instagram link

3.1Sustainable economic growth
Results from surveys are shown below describing ones productivity in saving
natural resources and showing their commitment towards a sustainable economy .





40% overconsumed
within limits



water electricity natural gas

The next table been supporting businesses to increase productivity and their efforts
to promote it in a green describes how local people have and circular manner

20.00% %people agree
10.00% disagree
0.00% neutral
lly its g ct le y
ca ab lin pa sib om
o h cyc im n n
gl g re eir
in sin th re
a f ly en
ur eo ta re
sh p r n t g
f wa e ou
cko e a
onm ab
tra ar ir ow
ng nv kn
i ee

This highlights that many people are aware of their impacts lacking the will to
create harmony between humans and nature whereas some highlight their
dedication to this cause as their consumption practices state otherwise

The knowledge among our population regarding green industries and businesses is
well supported .88.9%of our people are willing to support this cause .

The next survey highlights the use of natural resources in the industrial and the
business sector





over consumed
40% consumed within limits




water electricity fossil fuels

Determinants of our results

Miss use of resources
1. Water

All of the available groundwater and surface water resources have been
utilised by Islamabad. Less than 935 m3 of water are now available per
person, down from 5,300 m3 annually in 1951 as a result of population

growth. Pakistan will unavoidably join the list of countries with water
shortages, which are those with less than 1,000 m3 of water per person per
year. The Indus Basin receives 187 billion m3 of inflows annually on
average, with a 20% chance that no year will experience more than 148
billion m3 of inflows. People mishandle water, which leads to
overconsumption. Water is used by industries on a massive scale to carry out
procedures like tanning, producing pharmaceuticals, etc. Water is used to
generate electricity as well. It happens frequently that garbage and pollutants
are carried by the water, which may or may not be treated. Local businesses,
government agencies, and residents waste water on things like laundry and
hygine. Pools and several leisure locations also consume water excessively.

Picture credit Pakistan point (2018) (2022)

Rawal lake’s water quality and quantity throughout the years

the water level was dropping by 0.1 foot per day due to the supply of water to
various beneficiaries, and the outflow of 121 cusecs per day was significantly
greater than the daily inflow of water. the total storage capacity of the dam is 1,982
feet above mean sea level. The lake has almost completely dried up, and at various
locations, the bed of the dam and subterranean rocks are now visible. The number
of picnickers and participants in water sports has decreased at the dam.(tribune)

This is a result of a few things. Future aggregate water flows may decrease due to
climate change. Most predictions for the future indicate a diminishing trend and
increased flow unpredictability. The main obstacles to Pakistan's dwindling water
resources and declining water availability per person are urbanisation and
population increase. Four key crops—rice, wheat, sugarcane, and cotton—use
more than 80% of the nation's water resources despite making up only 5% of the
GDP.  Comparatively to other significant agricultural economies throughout the
world, Pakistan's productivity of these crops is poor. In Pakistan, approximately

half of the two million wet tonnes of human waste produced each year end up
polluting the water.we also over use ground water

1. Fossil fuels

Presently, natural gas accounts for the majority of Pakistan's energy

consumption, or around 50% of the total. Pakistan currently consumes all of the
indigenous natural gas it produces. Over the past six years, consumption of coal
has climbed by 22.8 percent, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) by 17.6 percent,
and natural gas at an average annual rate of 10.4 percent each. Pakistan would
require natural gas imports in the upcoming three to five years, provided no
new discoveries are made, due to its rising level of consumption, despite a
recent modest increase in output. Our case studies show that in Islamabad, due
to industrialisation, transportation, population expansion, and an increase in the
usage of fossil fuel-related technologies like generators especially in industries
to carter the electricity shortages, more than 70% of people consume natural gas
over the recommended amounts.


There were 93.6 billion kilowatt-hours of power generated (kWh). Rolling

blackouts must be implemented in Islamabad due to electricity constraints
throughout the busiest seasons of the year and at periods of high demand ("load-
shedding"). Due to technical and financial losses brought on by poor infrastructure
and a high percentage of power theft, 30 percent of the total electric power
produced is lost. Morover dams limit water flow, making it challenging for hep
plants to produce energy.

Other variants

2. Pollution and Waste Management

our case studies have identified pollution caused by hazardous gas emissions and
solid waste as a key environmental issue confronting Islamabad , with significant
health implications.

3. biodiversity

Much of the country’s variety of plant and animal life has disappeared over its long
period of civilization, particularly during the last 100 years. Natural ecological
zones have been so widely affected by human activity that very few truly natural
habitats remain. From a case study we got to know that there are 50 herbs from 27
species that may have medicinal properties but are decreasing due to the following

 Planting exotic species including lantana, castor oil plants, common cocklebur,
paper mulberry etc.
 Frequent human activity
 Need for fire wood

The picture on the left is lantana in a nursery of Islamabad .the picture on the right its paper

4. Forestry
We only have 4.833 percent of forest cover, but we need at least 12 percent,
even if the rate of deforestation has dropped in 2022, which is positive. The
problem isn't just about not planting more and more saplings; it's also about
stopping the removal of trees because, in many parts of Pakistan, our trees
are used not only as fuel but also as vital raw materials for the
manufacturing process..


The canopy isn’t dense and the vegetation seems to be mildly scanty with shrubs
other than that the place is not very well maintained without care for cleanliness
regardless of their policy for not bringing in any plastic items

Source :the express tribune

What are the Solutions

 Green purchasing and resource efficiency

In addition to green economic development strategies that increase output
and supply, there are alternative, frequently more effective ways to build
green local economies. Resource efficiency and green purchasing are two
key strategies for addressing the consumption-side of the green economy by
utilizing community purchasing power and demand for energy, water, and
green products.
Local governments can: adjust by more efficiently utilizing resources

• Lower the costs of running local government Reduce the cost of

transactions for established green businesses
• Lessened barriers to entry for new green businesses
• Lower household utility bills, improve community well-being, and recruit a
more qualified workforce
• Lessen the harm that resource consumption causes to the environment.

 Local Production and Utilization

While minimizing the harmful environmental effects of long-distance freight

transportation, local production and consumption provide economic security and
societal wealth. The multiplier effect allows local spending to have a positive
impact on the entire local economy. Following is how the local economic chain

1.By producing goods locally, manufacturers create jobs.

2. Local jobs and money are created by distributing and installing the products.

3.More jobs and economic activity are created by offering goods and services to
individuals involved in the primary green activity.

Communities may receive more affordable and better food when3.By providing
goods and services to those engaged in the main green activity, more jobs and
economic activity are generated.

More specifically, local manufacturing can result in the creation of excellent jobs
and the export of goods. Communities may receive better food of lesser cost when
it is locally sourced. Renewable energy produced nearby can lower the cost of
living for locals, the cost of doing business for companies, and increase supply

 Waste Stream Management

By reducing the costs and unfavorable externalities associated with waste
disposal, local governments are creating jobs and reducing business
expenses. Several municipal administrations have undertaken aggressive
solid waste management projects. for illustration. To accomplish this goal,
new technologies will be required to decrease the waste stream, increase
recycling rates, and turn trash into energy without relying on incineration.
Green Infrastructure
 Green infrastructure

Land use decisions have a significant impact on resource use, environmental
quality, and economic activity. Local governments are consequently given strong
tools for influencing the green economy through planning and zoning regulation.
By encouraging sensible, logical land use choices, local governments may raise the
standard of living for citizens and improve the economic climate. Buildings

The development of the economy as a whole as well as the creation of jobs both
heavily rely on the buildings industry. A large number of jobs will be impacted by
the greening of the industry. Investment in green buildings can take the form of
new construction, retrofitting projects, the use of green materials, and the usage of
green appliances and components, which all present prospects for job growth. This
isn't a majo0r innovative problem in Islamabad.

Example of green infrastructure in Islamabad .It is made up of recycled plastic .(credits:writer)

3.2Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic


 By reducing production costs (efficiency) or improving the quality and quantity,
innovation boosts the economy (productivity) The type of economic activity
heavily influences the economy's personality.

The wholesale, retail, accommodation, and food service sectors account for 52% of
all economic activity. Despite the lack of huge hotels, the little street side hotels
and cafés nevertheless offer jobs.

We saw a positive trend in Pakistan's decreasing reliance on agriculture over time.
The fact that both wholesale and retail trade are contributing more is encouraging.
Given that this industry requires a lot of work, the increased expansion may have
helped to increase employment and income.

level of people attached to the sector. And many of these activities have taken root
in Islamabad

From our case studies we question some industries within our reach these were the
results (Stillmans (PTV) Ltd ,Pak steel re rolling mills ) as well as some internet
reports and websites of several industries (they are credited in the references)

25.00% resources
air pollution con- waste tratment circular systems standardised
trollers machinery

About 39% had installed waste treatment systems which cleaned out the water
using  pH neutralizers, anti-foaming agents, coagulants and flocculants. Their 31%
machinery has been maintained according to international standards(strictly
adhere to the ASTM and BSI international standards) with attributes that
minimizes sound pollution and approves efficiency. Most of them have adapter a
41% of the industrial sites circular management principle where they reuse and
recycle raw material.27% air pollution controllers were also installed in some of
them minimizing their carbon footprint .they also have very innovative ways of
reducing energy costs trying to preserve our electricity and resources, again
lowering their contribution to the carbon footprint .a day light system was to be
followed by the S.A industries started a day light where the employees start their
shift early in the morning (around 7am)to reduce electricity expenditure .moreover
they use the help of photo ovulate panels to make up for their energy supply.
Others included. The evidence shows that developing renewable energy generally
has a positive impact unemployment. Moreover, these employment benefits occur
primarily in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, in the form of direct,
indirect and induced job creation.they also had laboratory testing systems to
anaylzw the efficiency and safety of the product for their consymer.

Laboratories and manufacturing sites at Stillmans (PTV) Ltd


There weren’t many industries who exactly knew what circular economy was but
they have seemingly applied it into their operating models they hold
exhibitions .they try to make use of old resources to improve productivity . Though
we got to know that it isn’t really implemented in their policy frameworks .here is
what a projected model should look like which was implemented (circular
economy alliance)

Most companies had held engagement sessions for to support the drivers of change
according to this model illustrated below

The question asked for the end to end supply change gave us a mediocre
response .while omen companies try to follow the principles 8rs (illustrated below)
by increasing innovations for project design innovations as well as revenue
modality image below gives a brief illustration

Protect labor rights promote safe working
environments and policies
Decision-makers must be dedicated, and millions of business owners and
employees must actively participate, if low-carbon development goals are to be
met. Coherent policymaking is required to promote win-win situations in the green
economy and gain from green jobs. Green active and passive labour market rules
are one of the tools we have to make the transition more "fair." When Pakistan
gained independence, it took on a variety of labour laws. In order to address the
changing demands of the economy and labour market, they have been revised
throughout time.

No adult employee, defined as a worker who has reached the age of 18, may be
required or authorised to work in any establishment for more than nine hours per
day and 48 hours per week under the Factories Act of 1934. In a similar vein, no
minor under the age of 18 may be required or authorised to work more than seven
hours per day or 42 hours per week. For factories with ten or more employees, the
Factories Act, which regulates the working conditions of industrial labour, is
applicable. The Act's restrictions may potentially be extended to five workers by
the provincial governments. (ILO)
Here is our results




30 overworked employees
normaly working employees



manafacture industry service industry

The periods and hours of work for all classes of workers throughout each shift in
factories must be announced and displayed in a visible location in the industrial or
commercial establishment's primary language. The law also states that no
employee may be made to work continuously for longer than six hours without at
least an hour's worth of rest or food in between. In manufacturing, commercial, and
service enterprises, Ramadan (the month of fasting) is observed with specially
shortened working hours. (ILO)

Any worker who has completed a period of twelve months of continuous service in
a factory is entitled to holidays for a total of fourteen days during the next twelve
months, according the Factories Act of 1934. Although Article 37 of the
Constitution specifies maternity benefits for working women, there are actually
only two important statutes—one federal and the other provincial—that provide
maternity benefits to women who work in particular occupations. According to the
Factories Act of 1934, in addition to the 14 days of paid yearly leave, every
employee is also entitled to an extra 16 days of sick or medical leave at a rate of

half pay and 10 days of paid casual leave. ILO)




40 proper wages
improper wages



manafaturing indusry services industry




40% workers




male female

The primary contributing factors to work-related musculoskeletal problems are
believed to be poorly designed workstations and workspaces that necessitate
uncomfortable postures, heavy lifting, extended standing, and repetitive motions.
These illnesses can have a negative impact on both the upper and lower limbs.
Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis, tenosynovitis, low back pain, shoulder
discomfort, and neck pain are also included in this category.

To inform the workforce about health and safety concerns at the workplace,
"Material Safety Data Sheet" was prominently placed on the walls of workstations
in a large number of manufacturing industries. Most The personnel are carrying out
their tasks with little to no safety precautions. Extinguishers for fires. are not
common in several industrial industries on a large scale. In order to put out a fire in
the event of one, the administration claims that there are water-filled tanks in the
working area. The majority of industrial buildings have clearly marked or
designated emergency exits. Recently, emergency drills or training were
conducted. There are emergency measures in place. There is a fire alarm warning
system in place. Some Workers are working without personal protective
equipment’s. Training is held twice or sometimes thrice in a year. It’s a three days
training about health and environmental issues at the workplace. Most of the
employees are unaware of OHS issues associated with their workplace
environment. First aid According to administration first aid facilities are present l.
A medical officer is present in unit. He takes care of workers in routine and in case
of some emergency. Adequate stock of first aid material is present over here .
Machines were with guards and safety devices. Moving parts of the automatic
machines must be properly guarded and emergency stop buttons should be present
to shut down the machines in emergency. Lockout/tag out procedures are required
during maintenance of such machines. disrupting noises are present here.

saftey measures



saftey measures




material saftey fire extinguishers personal safety emergency exits
sheet equipment

In the service sector instructions are available for the employees and workers. Most
of them include general equipment and appliances like refrigerators(in
shops)ACs,desk,IT technology as well , stationary, desks and chairs .they have
proper policy sheets and are well maintained

Determinants of our results

The following outcomes were brought about by a greater understanding of the
management of the industrial and service sectors. Pakistan's literacy rate has
increased to 59.13 percent as of 2022. The proper handling of equipment training
sessions is another factor. These requirements must be met in order to comply with
international standards (ISOs),  to avoid tariffs.

What to do?
According to paler these are the steps we should take

 Initiate and strengthen mobilization and organizations of workers

(male/female) and communities around issues of labor rights, broadly
defined to include public services such as education, health and shelter, that
are basic to opportunities for decent lives and livelihoods.
 Assist in training and education for effective and sustained mobilization and
organization of workers—both in the formal and informal economies;

 Provide people’s organizations and movements with timely research and

 Engage in effective policy advocacy;
 Facilitate networking in national and regional coalitions and alliances to
create an expanded social and political space for universal economic rights
and regional peace.

Other steps
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

The gradual expansion of green jobs will generate new occupational risks

. This is caused

by a change in work environments, by the introduction of new technologies, new

substances and work processes, by changes in the structure of the workforce and
the labor market and by new forms of employment and work organization. These
will modify the OSH conditions of workers. On the one hand, favorable changes
may be anticipated. For example, a solar PV producer is likely to be exposed to
less health risks than a coal miner. However, new forms of production also bring
new health and safety risks and challenges for workers and employers, which in
turn demand political, administrative, technical and regulatory approaches to

ensure adequate levels of safety and health at work. These new risks must be
considered in addition to the dangers that threaten many of the existing jobs, and
are likely to continue also with greener practices. Construction, for instance, is one
of the most dangerous occupations. Data from a number of industrialized countries
show that construction workers are 3-4 times more likely than other workers to die
from accidents at work. Many more suffer and die from occupational diseases
originating in past exposure to dangerous substances, such as asbestos. In other
sectors, many workers are subject to poor conditions in dangerous environments
that often include pollutants, working underground or in confined spaces and the
traditional hazards of industrial plants, as is the case in the water sector as
explained further below. Further discussion is needed to approach OSH issues at
the global level. The sector analysis suggests that among other measures,
inspection could be significant in the way forward, as long as the role of labour
inspectors changes to one of education and prevention, as opposed to inspection
and prosecution. This is already being adopted in a number of countries, but should
also be considered in others lagging behind. The greening of the economy brings
the opportunity to create synergies in inspection about the broader environmental
aspects on the one hand and the health/safety components on the other.

End modern slavery trafficking and child labor

Developing countries Most often, children in impoverished countries are unable to
enjoy childhood since they must work as children. Without a question, childhood is
an important stage of life. Each youngster should relish the good times of his
youth, his parents' love, and unending protection. Tragically, every child may not
take pleasure in this. Pakistan, a rising nation, must contend with the threat of
juvenile labor Child labor is a complicated and diverse issue because it includes
not only merely a financial concern, but it also includes other aspects. A youngster
who works as a child is deprived of proper expansion and development.

Government of Pakistan is also striving to eliminate Child Labor by taking various
legal measures in Constitution of Pakistan 1973. Article 11 (3) of constitution
states that children below the age of 14 years are prohibited to work in any factory,
mine or other hazardous employment. Similarly, Article 37 (e) states that it is a
responsibility of state to ensure that children are not employed in such conditions
those are not suitable to their age, and sex. There are two other significant

Children are viewed as a country's future. Undoubtedly, providing children with a

healthy and productive atmosphere is the only way to make it feasible. The traces
of child labor in the past can be seen tracked across many ages. Children worked in
some capacities in prehistoric communities. Child labor is possible in even the
most modern societies, according to different circumstances. Additionally,
commercialization could promote child labor.

Determinants of our problem

Many children were working due to financial instability .I saw a little boy
approximately 9 to 10 years old standing in front of coal to help the chefs people
make barbeque .when asked about his reasons for working he replied

“ My family isn’t well off and he wishes to provide for his family”

He was earning about two to three hundred Rs daily

Parents involve their children into labor to reduce risk of any interruption caused
by loss of job by adult household member or to increase financial

another major reason of child labor was lack of interest in education. Schooling
and interest in education is one of important aspects that encourage child labor

“I am better off working as I earn money instead of wasting my time”

In Pakistan, majority of families are single-earners therefore in case of any
disability/illness/death of breadwinner put that family into financial crisis.
Consequently, a child comes to work outside for ensuring their economic survival.

children emplyeed(%)
children emplyeed(%)
manafactureing industry services industry

Working conditions in which children were working were not favorable. Some
children were working in open sky as they are exposed to extreme weather. Such
extreme conditions threaten their health.

Nevertheless, majority of children were working more than ten hours and few of
them have even no breaks in the schedule. “Our breaks depend on work in
workshop, sometimes we have even no time to take lunch. Unfortunately, children
working in auto workshops were more vulnerable. They were using mechanical
instruments and work in hazardous situations. They were not well aware of basic
hygiene and first aid in case of emergency/incident

The findings mentioned above have previously demonstrated that children's

employment environments are not safe or healthy. For such developing children,

risks may be higher. The study discovered that kids who worked as children had a
variety of health issues. Body aches and exhaustion were widespread among those
kids as a result of working beyond their physical limitations and putting in long
hours. Children who work in auto workshops frequently use mechanical tools and
engage in strenuous physical activity that could result in serious damage.

children working on workshops have higher ratio of abuse. They are often
slapped by the owner, sometimes hit by the object, and face foul language during
work. Child abuse is more common in child labor as majority of child workers
were beaten up by their Boss.

What to do
According to ILO checkpoints

Check the age of your employees This must not be less than 15 years of age (or 14
in developing countries). Almost all countries have set a minimum working age of
14, 15 or 16 years of age, in accordance with this international standard. Without
proof of age, you cannot decide if a certain type of work is suitable for an
individual Even so, sometimes companies hire children who are underage. How
Reliable techniques to check age include the following:

• medical examination prior to employment;

• multiple written documents and affidavits;

• culturally sensitive interviews with employees and applicants who appear to be

too young;

• end of compulsory schooling certificate for those above minimum age;

• school enrolment certificate for those in light work

Buyers may expect you to have strict policies about child labor (perhaps stricter
than national law and international standards). International buyers and brands
want to meet accepted international labor standards and also avoid bad publicity
and potential damage to brand image and share value. Foreign companies, or local
plants and plantations owned by multinational companies, may use other suppliers
if you fail to meet their requirements. How

• Ask buyers or an industry representative body to state their requirements.

• Look for international industry codes or initiatives that relate to child labor.

• Comply with industry codes, local law or international standards − whichever

provides the higher protection for children.

• In order that employment for children above the minimum age will be of benefit
to them, promote transition to youth employment, ensuring adolescents are
employed in decent conditions (e.g. decent pay, job contract, working hours, etc.)

. Identify hazardous work Why Identifying hazardous work in your company is an

important step in preventing child labour. If young people (of a legal working age)
work in safe, non-hazardous conditions, then this is called youth employment.
Each country creates a list of hazardous activities by consulting with workers’ and
employers’ organizations (social partners


1. Obtain the list of hazardous work. If you are unclear how the law applies to
your company, you can consult national employers’ organizations and labour

2. If a list of hazardous activities is not available, you can consult the International
Labour Organization (ILO) website, medical personnel or safety and health
experts. Guidance can be found in ILO’s Recommendation 190 supplementing the
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182).

3. Consult with your workforce. Your employees and their elected representatives
are best placed to assist you in understanding what hazardous work is in your

4. Consider pursuing a workplace safety and health risk assessment to determine

hazards at the workplace.

5. Stop hiring children below the minimum age Why It is unacceptable for
businesses to employ children in conditions of child labour. Companies of all sizes
need to ensure that they do not use child labour anywhere in their operations.
Youth employment, i.e. children who are above the minimum age for work, but
under the age of 18, must have decent working conditions. This will ensure you are
not adding to the problem. How Immediately stop hiring children below the
relevant minimum age. This does not mean you cannot recruit workers above the
minimum age into decent youth employment. But there should be a permanent ban
on underage recruitment. This should be understood by all employees responsible
for hiring

6.Remove children from hazardous work Why In general, hazardous work can
have an immediate and long-term impact on the safety and health of workers,
including children. This may include injury (e.g. wound from a blade), ill health
(e.g. respiratory disease by breathing toxic chemicals or dust), disability (e.g.
crushed limb from a machine) and even death (e.g. from pesticide poisoning).
Children and adolescents are especially vulnerable to hazards because they are still
developing physically and mentally. They are less aware of risk than adults and
therefore are more likely to be hurt.. Control the risks identified through a
workplace risk assessment. Young employees (i.e. those of legal working age)
could perform the same tasks in the same workplace if those risks are reduced or
removed. Remove children from tasks and environments that are considered
dangerous for them but not for adults (e.g. heavy loads, night work, heavy

• If possible, transfer them to different tasks and/or to a different location where

the work is more suitable for their development.

• Identify children at potential risk and prevent them from having to start
hazardous work (i.e. improve the income of adult workers so children can stay at
school rather than help their family to earn a living wage). 3. In all situations, make
sure children below the minimum working age have access to appropriate

education. When possible, children of legal working age should combine their
work with formal Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

7.Apply a safety and health management system An Occupational Safety and

Health Management System (OSHMS) helps employers prevent accidents, injuries
and diseases in the workplace in a continuous manner.

 Set an occupational safety and health policy (a written form stating the
company’s objectives and commitment to protect the safety and health of all
workers) with full participation of workers.
 Allocate responsibilities, accountability and authority for safety and health
activities in the workplace. 3. Plan the provision of skills and organization of
the system including resource allocation. 4. Plan risk assessment.

Promote beneficial and sustainable tourism

Tourism is extremely labor intensive and a significant source of employment in
many .The sector is characterized by the relevance of its supply/demand chain. In
terms of green job creation, the potential of the sector relies on the direct jobs that
can be created. For example, jobs created in the conservation, rehabilitation and
enhancement of natural assets (national parks, lakes, mountains) or key historic
places (); in the rehabilitation and maintenance of infrastructure (roads,
communications, accessibility) and the enhancement of tourism services in
selected destinations are likely to create jobs in food and agriculture, construction,
furniture, textiles, etc. Despite this high potential, the sector faces many problems
– especially those relating to working conditions, the representation of workers and
communication between workers and management . The sector is often
characterized by low pay, difficult working conditions and many clandestine jobs.
In many countries tourism contributes to the exploitation of child labor and
women. Local communities often derive little benefit from the industry and it can
have significant negative environmental impacts to progress towards more
sustainable tourism several obstacles will have to be overcome.

For this research the top tourist spots and analyzed each of their situation we used
peoples feedback of the following places off the internet, our experiences (images
credit Goggle earth)

Margalla hills trail 3

Vegetation looks scanty and paths are trodden due to frequent human
activity .canopy is not dense .There is no care for cleanliness regardless of the
many signs and their policy for not allowing snacks involving plastic

Charsi kay tikkay (restaurant),Saidpur village

No regard for disposing off waste has been taken regardless of the fact that people
eat food here. This could lead to a transmission of great amount of diseases

Rawal lake

People have carelessly disposed trash .there seems to be no dustbin nearby either.
The water level has decreased.

Pakistan monument.

This looks well managed .pavements are clean with a considerable amount of
green belts.

Damen e Koh

This looks well managed .though at times there are people who carelessly throw
trash. but the situation deems to get better. vegetation is dense.

Determinants of the problem

Local Resources Tourism can create great pressure on local resources like energy,
food, and other raw materials that may already be in short supply. Greater
extraction and transport of these resources exacerbates physical impacts associated
with their exploitation. Because of the seasonal character of the industry, many
destinations have ten times more inhabitants in the high season than in the low
season. High demand is placed upon these resources to meet the high expectations
tourists often have (proper heating, hot water, etc.). Land Degradation Important

land resources include minerals, fossil fuels, fertile soil, forests, wetland and
wildlife. Increased construction of tourism and recreational facilities has increased
pressure on these resources and on scenic landscapes. Direct impact on natural
resources, both renewable and non-renewable, in the provision of tourist facilities
can be caused by the use of land for accommodation and other infrastructure
provision, and the use of building materials. Forests often suffer negative impacts
of tourism in the form of deforestation caused by fuel wood collection and land
clearing. For example, one trekking tourist in Nepal and area already suffering the
effects of deforestation can use four to five kilograms of wood a day

Due to the growing number of tourists and their greater mobility, transportation by
air, road, and train is continuously rising. According to one study, a single
transatlantic round-trip aircraft produces roughly half the CO emissions from all
other sources combined that an average individual uses year (such as lighting,
heating, driving, etc). (ICAO).

Waste disposal is a critical issue in locations with a lot of tourist activity and
attractive natural assets, and improper disposal can seriously harm the
environment, rivers, and other natural resources. Roadside scenery and picturesque
locations. more than 70,000 tonnes of trash annually. Littering and solid waste can
harm the environment's physical beauty.

The flora and soil are trodden down by tourists who repeatedly use the same trail.
Eventually producing harm that may result in the extinction of biodiversity and
other effects. When tourists often veer off of well-traveled paths, the damage can
become even more severe. Marine animals perish as a result of the beach and

Climate change and global tourism are strongly related. About 50% of traffic
movements are attributed to tourism, which entails people travelling from their
homes to different locations; rapidly increasing air traffic is responsible for 2.5%
of CO output. As a result, tourism significantly contributes to the atmosphere's
rising 2 greenhouse gas concentrations.The greenhouse impact is mostly attributed
to air travel itself. The fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas emissions comes
from passenger aircraft. If no action is taken to cut emissions, the number of
foreign travellers, which increased from 594 million in 1996 to 1.6 billion by 2020,
will further exacerbate the issue.

Why should we benefit toouridm

direct contributions of money

Tourism can directly aid in the preservation of fragile habitats and regions. It is
possible to designate funds from park admission fees and other comparable sources
particularly for the management and protection of environmentally sensitive
regions. Tourists or tour companies may be charged additional fees for running the
park or conservation efforts.

monetary contributions to the government

Some governments raise funds through broader, more deceptive ways that are
unrelated to particular parks or conservation regions. Governments can raise the
money they need to manage natural resources by levying user fees, income taxes,
taxes on the purchase or rental of recreational equipment, and licence fees for
activities like hunting and fishing. These resources can be utilised for general
conservation initiatives, such park ranger

The benefits to natural regions can be increased with good environmental

management of tourism infrastructure, particularly hotels. However, this calls for
careful planning for regulated development, based on a study of the local
environment's resources. Making decisions between competing purposes or
determining the

techniques to synchronise them. Early preparation can prevent detrimental and

expensive tourism development.

Mistakes can be avoided, protecting the environment's valuable assets from
deterioration over time.

Tourism can significantly contribute to environmental protection, conservation and restoration of

biological diversity and sustainable use of natural resources. Because of their attractiveness, pristine sites
and natural areas are identified as valuable and the need to keep the attraction alive can lead to creation of
national parks and wildlife parks.

What we need to do

First, the demeanour and conduct of individuals who are in charge of giving
tourists directions and amenities.

The second is maintaining cleanliness and hygienic conditions in hotels,

restaurants, and other tourist-oriented establishments. Unfortunately, with a few
notable exceptions, there is a lack of cleanliness and hygienic conditions for
visitors, which gives both domestic and foreign visitors a very negative image.

Sustainable tourism is composed of three pillars: social justice, economic

development, and

environmental integrity. It should generate income and decent employment for


without affecting the environment and culture of the tourists’ destination. It should
also ensure

the viability and competitiveness of destinations and enterprises in order to enable
them to

prosper and deliver long-term benefits. The sector will have to address many
challenges if

these objectives are to be met.

Source: ILO 2010, Developments and challenges in the hospitality and tourism

There are examples of good practice that aim at addressing the three pillars of

tourism. The Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa (FTTSA) encourages and
publicizes fair and

responsible business practice by South African tourism establishments. They do

this by

offering a certification program (and supporting activities) that endorses tourism

establishments that meet stringent criteria. Their mission and vision consist of
promoting fair

wages and working conditions, fair operations, purchasing and distribution of

benefits; ethical

business practice and respect for human rights, culture and the environment.

Source: Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa,

Promote youth employment education and training

youth engagement
youth engagement
school work both inactive

This is soley based on the amount of people we had a chance to observe and talk to (about 10) within the
age range of 15-29

Determinants of the results

we noticed that most of the uneplyed youth was due to thye lack of jobs itself
despite thye fact that they were well educated but didn’t have much work
experience .the youth also don’t find their wages to compare with their talent
potential and working hours of the respective jobs so in their mind it wasn’t worth
it .though the percentage is quite low according to ou researches (in Pakistan yoth
unemployment is at 33.1% which is acceptable)but we need to be productive and
try to emply skilled workers.if thw worker isn’t trained we need to give tehm
proper training .at the same time many government efforts have been taken place
to provide jobs asweel as a lot of oppurtunities by the private sector though
working hours and wages may not be the most desirable.Islamabad has a lot of
education facilities and parents aswell as their children have found a need to
support themselves and the country as a whole so alotr of people have been
enrolling to schools.some people who study and work doi it to either help it aid for
their studies or do o6t to support their familiea

3.2campaign impact
We mostly depended on online resource. we engaged with our followers
on instagram asked their opinions feedback and practices. We
individually researched problems in Islamabad and related them to our
purpose of forming a green economical system. We looked up several
peoples reviews on their experiences with child labor ,tourist spots and
products and practices in several industries .we also talked to our family
and friends to ask for their experiences that would help us with our
research. We did get a chance to talk o the director of SA industries as
well as some kids definitely being subjected to child labor .Whenever
we got the chance to physically analyze we did so (Ataturk avenue)

How may people we engaged in toatal

We had approximately 73 people we cgot in touch with.approximately
10-13 people responded to our poll questions on instagram (out of 34
folowers)an approximate of 45 people answered (3 entrpreuners ).we
talked to about 10 family members,3 children and one industrialist
observed changes

we found ou that not many were introduced to the mission of our fcamapig .our ca-
m-paign helped people to know a much exotic conept to them,gree and circular
economy and decent work .they got to know that environment is not only limited to
restoring vegetation or saving the animals but is included in all social and
economical aspects of life

what problems did we face

oue team had some communic




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