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The 7

Best MLM Thermonuclear

Recruiting Tips…

By Randy Gage and Jaime Lokier

It's no secret that the true power of Network Marketing is found in the
leverage that comes with building a team. A very decent extra income can
be earned through sales, but by building a team and helping them succeed,
you can multiply that income. That is why, looking for your greatest growth,
we want to share with you seven secrets that helped us each sponsor
hundreds of people in our career and build teams of many, many thousands.

And most importantly, do it in an ethical and responsible way that allows

them to succeed too. Recruiting people with false promises would be very
easy, everyone likes the idea of going to sleep in a shack and waking up in a
palace, but that is not sustainable over time. People you recruit promising
immediate fortunes also lose their team as quickly as they saw it arrive. The
seven tips that we will share here have proven to be successful in the long
term and can have a great impact on your business.

Without further ado, these are our seven best thermonuclear tips for
recruiting in Network Marketing:

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1. The Magic of 5 Marbles
The most important key to mass recruiting is not in your skills to present
the business. That is a very common mistake; People believe that to
recruit more, you must present better, but the reality is this:

If you present the business to someone who is not looking for an

opportunity, there is nothing you can say to make them associate
with you; If you're pitching the business to someone who really
needs an opportunity, there's nothing you can tell them to stop
them from joining.

The problem is that we never know who needs it and who doesn't
beforehand. Everyone looks very happy on their Instagram, but
sometimes the least imagined people are desperate for a change in their
life. We have had people on our team that you would never have
imagined were looking for a change. Owners of multinational
companies, famous actors, retirees with apparently resolved lives and, of
course, we have also had humble people, unemployed and/or drowning
in debt. All of them have needed a change in their life, all of them for
different reasons. Why are we telling you all this? Because you never
know who needs your opportunity, the only thing you know is that many
need it and the only way to find them is to tell as many people as possible
about your opportunity. You have to let them tell you if they want to be a
part of it or not. Success is not in the quality of the presentations, but in
the QUANTITY of them.

With this in mind, you will understand that the most important skill in
our business is meeting people. If I don't know many people, I can't do
many presentations. This is precisely where the simple and powerful tip
of the five marbles comes into play: every time you leave your house, you
put five marbles (or commemorative coins or beans) in your left pocket.
When you meet someone in the day, you take out a marble and put it in
the right pocket. You are forbidden to return to your house until you put
all the marbles in your right pocket.

If you are working online from the comfort of your home, the same
concept can be applied: you put five marbles in one place and every time
you manage to start a conversation with a stranger, you remove one of
the marbles. The key is not to end the day until you meet your goal of 5.

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This way of working, focused on the skill that starts the rest of the process
(meeting people) is, perhaps, the most important strategy of all, since it
is impossible to fail when you have an unlimited flow of prospects.

2. The Boy Scout Motto

There's a very famous ad for deodorant, in which a man rides shirtless
toward a cliff. Suddenly his horse brakes, the man flies off and falls off the
cliff. The camera zooms in and we see the man hanging from a branch
with his arms fully extended. Next to him hangs from another branch a
beautiful woman with her nose almost embedded in the knight's armpit.
He smiles confidently, because he knows he can trust her deodorant,
and a deep voice says, "Because you never know when you're going to
find it." This is precisely what happens to us in network marketing. You
never know when you are going to find your next great leader and that is
precisely why you must ALWAYS leave with everything you need to feel
safe: tools to meet people, tools to present the business, tools to follow
up, and product samples. You must be combed, shaved, dressed for
success and, of course, with deodorant.

As in the old Boy Scout motto: Be prepared.

Personally, I always went out with a briefcase on wheels where I carried

many of the magazines that we made for prospecting, a tablet with the
presentation videos loaded, headphones that are worn over the ears
(some people are disgusted by putting headphones on those that go
inside the ear), cell phone and tablet charger, brochures to follow up, a lot
of product to give samples and many registration forms. Surely your
team will use different tools, but make sure you always carry them all
with you.

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3. The One Password Secret
How many combinations are there in a 3-digit lock? The answer is 1,000…
Exactly 1,000 possibilities to open it of which 999 would not work.

Many times, when we are presenting our business opportunity, it seems

that we are trying to open a lock by trying as many combinations as
possible, but without knowing which one is correct. We have the
prospect in front of us and we try to talk to him about everything we
think might interest him. We pepper you with facts, statistics, company
history, product ingredients, compensation plan dots, and 2 hours into
the process, we pray that some of the stuff presented makes sense to

Let's be honest, 99% of the people you know could use some of the
benefits you have for them. Someone may need more time to be with
their family, another may be in a hurry to have the benefit that your
product offers, another may be fed up with their boss. There are so many
reasons why someone might need your opportunity! The problem is that
if you try to tell her about all the benefits, you will not emphasize the one
she really needs and it will be like trying to guess the combination of the
lock in the short time you have her attentive to your words. What would
happen instead if you asked her what the combination is? It would be
much easier to open it, right?

We all have something that moves us, but it is important to detect

what it is in order to delve into it. It's like finding that password
that we all have and that would open our hearts to the
opportunity that we have in front of us.

How to do it? Too easy. Before you start the presentation, ask your guest
why they would like to have extra income. Before each presentation I
would approach my guests to do exactly that. He would tell them “Hey,
thanks for coming, the truth is that I am very excited to have a new
business because I don't want to be dependent anymore, but tell me,
why would you want to have a part-time business?” and he made sure I
remembered his answer.

With that information in mind, I gave the entire official presentation,

which lasted from 30 to 45 minutes, and at the end of all the information

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I told my guest: "Do you know what I like best about this business?" and
he ended the sentence with the same thing that he told me at the
beginning that he needed.

If at the beginning of the presentation he told me that he wanted a

business because he couldn't stand his boss anymore, at the end I would
say “Do you know what I like best about this business? I don't have

If at the beginning of the presentation he told me that he wanted a

business because he didn't have enough money, at the end I would say
“Do you know what I like best about this business? That allows me to
earn more money than I earn in my job”

And immediately after talking about his password, he would ask “and
what did you like the most? 90% of the time they answered me that what
they liked the most is the same thing I was talking about. This generates
an incomparable connection, as it allows you to start talking about what
they really need.

4. The Third-Party Advantage

Here’s one of the most important things you will ever teach your team:

If you are in front of a candidate and your lips are moving – you
need to be pointing to a third-party tool.

As the adage tells us, "No one is a prophet in his own land." If you put me
in front of the president of any country, I could convince him to sign up
for a marketing network. I really think he could do it, I'm very persuasive.
But if you put me in front of my sister, I wouldn't be able to convince her.
(In fact, I never was able to.) She (like most of my acquaintances) knows
all my history, my faults and my failures and she has no reason to think
that I have any idea what I'm talking about when she talks to her about
business. That is one of the reasons why it is a very good idea for my sister
(and all my acquaintances) not to introduce the business to me, but to a
third person.

So… Who is that kind third person willing to come to my house to present
the business to all my acquaintances? Well, the most successful leaders

The 7 Best MLM Thermonuclear Recruiting Tips… 06

in your company! Of course, they won't be going in person, but they sure
will have videos and other tools where they present the opportunity
without you having to say a single word. And if your company doesn't
have such a tool, here at Duplication Nation you can find generic videos
that talk about the great power of network marketing in general. Every
time you show a video, catalog or web page, you are allowing other
people to speak to your guests and that dramatically increases the
possibility that they will listen.

On the other hand, there are many people who do listen to what you
have to say, they like the opportunity, but they don't sign up because
they feel that they will not be able to introduce the business to others.
When you show them a video, the message is very powerful:

Anyone who can play this video can do business.

For this reason, make sure you have lots and lots and lots of tools. If your
guest asks you something about the product, don't answer him from
memory: look for a web page that answers it. If he asks you for
testimonials, don't tell him, show him on the internet. If he wants to know
more about the compensation plan, show him another video and if with
all that he still has doubts, use the most powerful tracking tool of all... that
tool is the next tip...

5. Social Proof is Truth

Every Friday, Muslims around the world gather in groups to pray as a
community. Every Saturday, the Jews do the same and every Sunday this
practice is carried out by the Catholics. If you are a practitioner, you will
know that each of these religions places more emphasis on said weekly
practice than on any other of their traditions. Anthropologically, this has
a clear explanation: Human beings need to see that other people are on
the same path as us to know that it is the correct path. It is what is known
as “social proof” and one of the most important elements of leadership.

On many occasions, when you are presenting your business, your

prospects raise different objections and, no matter how many you
answer, they will always find one more. This is because, in reality, none of
the objections is completely true, they are just a way of saying “I am

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afraid to do this and I need a pretext to postpone my decision.” When this
occurs, logically, the solution is not to answer more objections, but to
focus on minimizing fear. And nothing does this better than social proof.
Your candidate thinks, “If all these people have already made this
decision – this is a safe decision for me to make.”

That is why it is so important that every week you meet with the people
of your team to have an instance where everyone can take their
undecided prospects. If you work in person, you can get together with
the people of your city; if you do it online, you can have a zoom with all
the people who speak your same language. In any case, everyone will be
able to follow up their prospects and they will all be able to help each
other improve their results. It's like having a follow-up “mass” once a

For this meeting to work, it is important that – like the mass – it be every
week on the same day, at the same time and in the same place. This way
the event will be predictable, and all team members will know without
having to ask, when and where to take their prospects.

This weekly presentation can be an in-depth presentation of everything

that was already presented in the basic business presentation or it can
be an in-depth training on how to maximize the compensation plan and
how to get the most out of the products. In either case, the guests will
have new information and – much more important – they will be able to
see that there is a great community of wonderful people on this path
that they are considering.

If you are part of our private newsletter MLM Confidential, look for the
training titled: "The Best Tool for Follow Up" in the closed Facebook
group. You’ll discover in detail, step by step, how we do these weekly
meetings. If you are not yet part of our private newsletter MLM
Confidential and would like to receive continuing education from us
every month, you can register here:

6. Open People; Don’t Close Them.

One of the worst things you can do in our business is try and master
closing and manipulative Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
techniques. We believe that Leveraged Sales is governed by the ultimate

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universal law, which is…

The harder you close someone, the less they will duplicate.

People you have to manipulate or arm twist to join will buy a kit, but
they’re the first ones to drop out. So stop closing people and start
opening them.

Meaning simply present your case in the most honest but compelling
way. Educate your candidate on all of the benefits they will receive from
your product line and business opportunity, then let them make what
they feel is the best decision for them.

If that means being a customer, great.

If that means joining the business, great.
If that means not joining in any capacity, great.

Thank them for their time and consideration and move on. If something
in their life changes in the future, you may come back and revisit the offer
with them. And if you treated them with class and respect the first time,
they’ll be all right with you coming back the second time.

7. The Closer You Adhere to “The Formula” – The

Stronger Your Duplication Will Be.
So what’s the formula? It is a three-part process that actually creates

Empower a large group of people to perform a few simple actions

on an ongoing basis.

Let’s analyze the three parts. The first portion is having a large enough
group. If it’s only you and one or two other people, you don’t have
enough traction to get duplication going. You need to keep recruiting
until you have sufficient critical mass to start the process.

The second part is performing a few simple actions. You have to dial this
down to its most basic elements. Every increase in complexity creates a
corresponding decrease in duplication. So you want simple actions.

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(Like using third-party tools.)

Then, of course, these actions must continue on an ongoing basis. You

can’t do a blast of energy for three weeks and then go missing in action
for a month. Stay consistent and build a culture of consistency in your
team. To create a successful business, people must consistently devote
10 or 15 hours a week to building the business, every week.

These are the seven most powerful tips from our careers when it comes
to recruiting. The only thing left to say is that all of this works better when
you have the right attitude. Attitude trumps aptitude every time. We
could write an entire book about what that right attitude is (in fact, both
Randy and Jaime have written more than one book on it), but if we had
to recommend three things to improve your recruiting, they would be:


Passion because people don't really sign up because of what you tell
them, but because of the sparkle in your eyes when you tell them.
Passion is contagious and makes your prospects feel like they can be part
of something big.

Intensity because hard work is the key to success, in network marketing

and all.

Urgency because the speed at which you build your business will
dramatically impact the result. They say that success likes speed and in
this business that is true. When you sponsor one a month, all the energy
is drained. Your first sponsor takes a whole month to realize that he is not
the only one on your team and quite possibly leaves before the second
one (who will now think he is the first) enters.

When you work at full speed and sponsor many people in the same
month, it generates a contagious energy and makes all your prospects
feel like they are in the right place. If you sponsor, train and duplicate fast,
everyone will want to be a part of your team.

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Passion, intensity and urgency... so urgent that we are going to finish this
document so that you can run and call as many people as possible. Don't
waste another second.

We wish you all the success

Your friends from Duplication Nation
Randy and Jamie

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For more information about working with
Randy and Jaime, go to:

Copyright 2023, Duplication Nation, LLC

All Rights Reserved

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