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to make an appointment призначити (годину, час) зустрічі (прийому у лікаря і тп)

e.g. Once again, he makes an appointment but doesn’t turn up for it.
e.g. She made an appointment at a very strange place on the outskirts.
e.g. Can you phone the hairdresser and make an appointment? make/do better/worse

e.g. He started the race in a perfect way but in the middle of it he slowed down to catch his breath. His
poor stamina resulted in losing the competition. But he promised to keep up the good work TO do better
next year.
e.g. The mother did everything for her son’s sake but because of the generation gap she made the
situation worse.
e.g. High inflation will make unemployment worse. make an excuse вигадати виправдання

e.g. His mother was always making excuses for her son's behaviour.
e.g. The government tries to make an excuse for sending the oppositionist into exile.
e.g. Do not taint your dignity, making all these excuses for your defeat. make friends (with) заводити друзів

e.g. She is a very bubbly and sociable person, who easily make friends with everyone.
e.g. He doesn’t want to make friends with anyone , he is pleased with leading a solitary lifestyle.
e.g. Jenny has always found it easy to make friends at school.

5.make a reservation відкрити бронь (на щось), забронювати\зарезервувати

e.g. They made a reservation for 2 days, so they have to move out on Monday at 12 am.
e.g. We made a reservation yesterday but now, much to our surprise, we find out that the table is taken.
e.g. Customers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance. make matters worse погіршити ситуацію, стан і тп; стало все гірше навіть ніж було
e.g. Don't say anything - you'll only make matters worse.
e.g. He conducted himself as if he wanted TO make matters worse.
e.g. During the interrogation he made matters worse. In the end, the man was sentenced to 15 years in
prison. make a profit отримувати прибуток

e.g. She makes a big profit from selling waste material to textile companies.
e.g. He’s turned away from his principles and he makes a huge profit from selling weapons to both sides.
e.g. To date, she makes a grand every year. But she’ll never forget the shed where she started.
9. to make a mess of (smth) влаштувати безлад (десь) ( - of smth - "зробити цирк" із чогось) to do
something badly or spoil something
e.g. The students abuse teacher’s and make a mess of every her lesson-?.
e.g. There were a lot of people at this ostentatiously rich wedding who made a mess of the ceremony.
e.g. I gave Jim very clear instructions, but he still managed to make a mess of it.

10. to make progress давати позитивні результати, розвиватися, досягти прогресу (у чомусь)
e.g. She is a very gifted child. She’s made a considerable progress in playing THE piano this month.
e.g. He was at loss OF words after seeing the progress his student had made this summer.
e.g. I'm not making much progress with my Spanish.

11. to do wonders (= to make miracles - являти чуда, робити чудеса)

e.g. This player doES wonders on the pitch this night. He pushes the limits of what a human being can
e.g. He is not doing wonders but using dirty artifices.
e.g. Doctors have discovered that keeping a pet can
do wonders for your health.
12. to make (all) ends meet зводити кінці з кінцями
e.g. She is forced to steal clothes from launderettes to make ends meet.

e.g. It’s not easy to make ends meet with a big family,

but somehow we manageD.
13. to make the most of отримати по максимуму від чогось (якоїсь ситуації)
e.g. Beautiful flowers are springing up in the sunshine, butterflies are fluttering around them, everything
is blooming. What a wonderful day, we must make the most of it!
e.g. Every English learner has to make the most of a particular text IN ORDER to memorise every
unknown word or phrase.
e.g. I work long hours so when I get some free time, I want to make the most of
it. ++++

14. to do well/badly (in) мати успіх, демонструвати хороші результати і тп

e.g. Despite long rehearsal, he did badly and let down the whole group.
e.g. She is doing well at college. It opens numerous avenues for her.

15. to make an arrangement дійти згоди; домовитись (про зустріч і тп)

e.g. The people in charge made an arrangement concerning reduction of the staff.
e.g. They made an arrangement about demolishing the building of an old department store.

16. to make a difference привнести зміни; привнести щось нове у щось і тп.
e.g. This substitution made difference which led to the winning of Real Madrid.
e.g. She didn't play any better, but she was more aggressive. I think that really
made the difference today.

17. to make a request for зробити запит на

e.g. We made a request for hiring more people due to lack of workforce on the archeological site.
e.g. They have made an urgent request for international aid.
e.g. The couple made a request for another room because the rumble of trains outside was unbearable

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