HFW Ports and Digitalisation What Next

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PORTS AND In May 2022, the IMO’s Facilitation

Committee approved changes to the
DIGITALISATION Convention on Facilitation of International
Maritime Traffic (the FAL Convention)1
WHAT NEXT? which will make it mandatory for all
member states to implement “single
windows” for the electronic exchange
of data related to vessel calls.
The amendments are expected to come into force on
1 January 2024, leaving ports with just over 18 months to
implement the changes required for compliance. In this
article we look at what is required for compliance, the

1 The approved revised text can be found in the meeting documents from the
46th FAL Committee meeting, as FAL 46/3, and more background on the IMO’s
work on electronic business can be found here - https://www.imo.org/en/
anticipated risks and challenges that
Government Trade Maritime
ports may face in implementing
agencies partners partners
these changes and the legal issues
arising from the ever-increasing
Customs The receiver and the The terminal or port
digitalisation of port operations.
receiver's storage area authority if privately
What is a “single window”? or warehouse owned

The number of stakeholders with Sanitary/phytosanitary On-carriage hauliers Bunker suppliers,

interest in a single vessel calling authorities chandlers, ships'
at a single port is numerous. The agents
table opposite summarises the key
stakeholders for a simple discharge The port authority if Banks involved Pilots
operation of a bulk agricultural publicly owned in financing the
commodity. transaction
The purpose of a single window
for trade facilitation purposes is Immigration Tug operators
to streamline the exchange of authorities
data required by each of these
Port state control Stevedores and
stakeholders so that the parties
mooring personnel
involved in the trade transaction do
not have to provide the same data, in
Health authorities
duplicate form, to multiple different
parties in multiple different formats.
The idea is to funnel the submission
of information to a single portal
from where it can be accessed or submission of all documents required system. The single window does not
distributed to the relevant parties in the FAL Convention. Therefore, it have to be the mechanism by which
that require it. appears that there is significant work public authorities communicate
The IMO has issued “Guidelines to do for all ports to implement fully decisions and information to the
for Setting up a Maritime Single compliant electronic maritime single ship, but the amendments provide
Window” 2 (the Guidelines) which windows by 1 January 2024. that consideration shall be given to
the single window also having this
define a maritime single window What do the amendments to the
functionality, so that it effectively
as “a one-stop service environment FAL Convention require?
operates as a two-way system.
that covers maritime and port
The current version of the FAL
administrative procedures, such as The FAL Convention and the
Convention encourages, but does
port entry/departure declaration, Guidelines do not prescribe the
not mandate, the use of single
notice of security reports, and other type of system that must be used,
windows. The amendments update
related information between private leaving this to the choice of the
the language to make it mandatory
sectors and public authorities implementing member state.
for public authorities to “establish,
nationwide”. This is in contrast to However, they do require that data
maintain and use single window
a “trade single window” which is submitted to the single window
systems for the electronic exchange
defined as an environment that is submitted in conformity with
of information required on arrival,
covers procedures related to export internationally agreed standards.
stay and departure of ships in ports”
and import of goods and customs The amendments also make clear
and “to combine or coordinate the
clearance. that the required information from
electronic transmission of the data to
the ship must be accepted from any
The exchange of data via electronic ensure that information is submitted
location, as long as the provider has
means has been mandatory or provided only once and reused
been certified and authenticated,
under the FAL Convention since to the maximum extent possible”4.
and that it is not necessary for a
2019. However, research by the The amendments provide that
local agent to be used. Further, the
International Association of Ports the single window must allow for
amendments recommend that
and Harbours3 (IAPH) in January submission of all of the documents at
information regarding certification
2021 found that only one third Standard 2.1 of the FAL Convention5,
and authentication requirements
of respondent ports had fully and must allow for documents to
are made availably publicly and
implemented an electronic data be transmitted separately or in
exchange system, and even these combined form, according to the
systems did not allow for electronic requirements of the data exchange

2 https://wwwcdn.imo.org/localresources/en/OurWork/Facilitation/Facilitation/FAL.5-CIRC.42-REV.1.pdf We understand these Guidelines have also been updated to

reflect the forthcoming changes to the FAL Convention but as at the time of publication the revised Guidelines were not publicly available.
3 https://sustainableworldports.org/wp-content/uploads/IAPH-FAL-Survey-Report-Jan-2021.pdf
4 IMO Press Release dated 23 May 2022 - https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/Pages/FAL-46-amendments.aspx
5 These include the Cargo Declaration, Dangerous Goods Manifest, Crew List and Security related information.
“On the technical side, any move from
paper documents to digital documents
comes with inherent risks: for example,
how to ensure the authenticity and
integrity of the data submitted, how to
ensure the data is transmitted and stored
securely, how to maintain confidentiality
in the data and how to ensure those
submitting data are authorised to do so.”

Challenges and risks required by government agencies, the relevant systems. This requires
and which provide rules for electronic harmonisation or standardisation
The IAPH survey asked participants
signatures. In addition, the body between these systems and the data
to identify the biggest challenges
which operates the single window, provided to ensure interoperability.
to the implementation of maritime
whether governmental or private, will Again, this may require legislative
single windows in their countries.
likely need statutory authority to do or regulatory intervention setting
Surprisingly, budget and available
so. out what the relevant minimum
technology were not top of the list.
standards are.
Instead, the most commonly cited On the technical side, any move
obstacles were multi-stakeholder from paper documents to digital Another risk common to all
collaboration, followed by the legal documents comes with inherent digitalisation projects is the increased
framework. This indicates perhaps risks: for example, how to ensure the exposure to cyber risk, including
a certain resistance to change from authenticity and integrity of the data systems being compromised or
government agencies who may see submitted, how to ensure the data is even taken completely off-line. Ports
the use of a single window as a threat transmitted and stored securely, how looking to implement fully electronic
to their power, along with a lack to maintain confidentiality in the data processes should simultaneously
of trust from and between private and how to ensure those submitting undertake a thorough review of the
entities who may feel that sharing data are authorised to do so. Many of cyber security systems and policies
data could damage their competitive these are technical challenges which and update these as required to take
edge. These findings suggest that will require the use of expert IT input, account of the increased risk. This
statutory reform could play an likely from external advisors as many review should include an assessment
important role in enhancing support ports are unlikely to already have as to whether existing business
for the implementation of single sufficiently skilled staff to manage continuity plans remain fit for
windows by making clear which the transformation. Ports may also purpose in the face of an increased
government agencies are involved in wish to use existing platforms from cyber threat, and whether there is
the single window and exactly what private developers which raises issues sufficient capacity in the current IT
their role and data sharing obligations regarding intellectual property rights, systems to allow for a quick recovery
are, coupled with policies that make data protection, and product liability from a cyber-attack.
it clear to private stakeholders how in the event any software fails. All of
Operational changes
commercially sensitive data will be these issues need to be analysed and
shared and protected. understood prior to engaging in a On the operational side, port
digitalisation project. authorities will have to audit their
Legislative changes will also be
existing contracts with terminal
required to support the move to a A further challenge is ensuring
operators, concessionaires, and other
digitalised environment. For example, that the system used for the single
counterparties to ensure that these
laws which make it clear that paper window is compatible with other
remain up to date and fully cover
and electronic documents have government agencies’ systems, both
the new, digital way of working. For
functional equivalence, that allow domestically and abroad, and that
example, a port may wish to impose
for the electronic exchange of data information can be shared between
a requirement on users of the single
window that they have a minimum bodies such as the World Trade
level of cyber security defences, in Organisation and World Customs
order to safeguard the single window Organisation towards paperless
system from vulnerabilities present trading. The move to a digital,
in third party systems. They may maritime single window will require
also wish to consider whether their significant operational, technical,
current contracts provide sufficient and legislative reform. It will also
safeguards in the event of a cyber- require buy in from the current
attack, or whether this needs to be stakeholders, including disparate
included as a force majeure event. government entities, and for these
parties to overcome siloed thinking
It is likely a whole new set of terms
and lack of trust issues. As one author
and conditions will need to be drafted
notes, “digital transformation implies
which governs access to and use of
a cultural change that requires
the single window, how users will
organizations to challenge the status
be authenticated, and any liabilities,
quo7..” Getting stakeholders to disrupt
indemnities and exclusions of
the status quo is likely to be the most
liabilities arising from the same. There
difficult obstacle to achieving quick
will likely also need to be agreements
and widespread implementation of
between key stakeholders as to how
maritime single windows.
information uploaded to the single
window is to be shared and accessed. If you are embarking on a
That may require legislative and digitalisation project and
policy support to ensure government require advice in relation to the
agencies that are used to working in issues identified in this article,
a siloed way are incentivised, if not please contact the author or
obliged, to cooperate, to share data, your usual HFW contact.
and to agree on common working
standards for the single window.
In addition to an audit of the port’s For more information,
contractual arrangements and please contact the author
policies, it is important that a port of this briefing:
looking to digitalise also audits its
insurance position to determine
whether their current level of cover is
sufficient to protect against the new
risks of operating digitally.
The changes to the FAL Convention JOANNE WATERS
are in line with the current trend Senior Associate, London
towards ever increasing levels of T +44 (0)20 7264 8266
digitisation and digitalisation across M +44 (0)7514 562023
the maritime trade supply chain6, and E joanne.waters@hfw.com
a broader drive from multinational

6 See our recent articles on developments regarding e-bills of lading and the forthcoming adoption in English
law of statutory amendments supporting the use of electronic trading documents.
7 “Port Economics, Management and Policy”, Chapter 2.4, Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dr. Theo Notteboom &
Dr. Athanasios Pallis, at Chapter 2.4 – Digital Transformation | Port Economics, Management and Policy

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