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Comparative International and Global Justice Perspectives from

Criminology and Criminal Justice 1st Edition

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Test bank:

1. In the text’s definition of policing, the professionals employed by a State for the maintenance of
public order are NOT referred to as:
a. Police
b. Militia
*c. Military
d. Gendarmerie

2. Continental policing is NOT found in:

*a. Turkey
b. France
c. Italy
d. Spain

3. Which of the following is true about continental policing?

a. The structure has its origins in the Roman colonial system.
b. It is centralized.
c. It has wider jurisdiction than the Anglo-American model.
d. A and C
*e. All of the above

4. What are the three traditional branches within a bureaucratic police force?
a. General Duties, Military, and SWAT units
b. General Duties, SWAT units, and non-commissioned officers
*c. General Duties, SWAT units, and specialized units
d. Superintendents, non-commissioned officers, and specialized units

5. Which of the following is NOT a non-bureaucratic alternative to the traditional police force?
*a. Highly localized organizational structure with policing agencies being accountable to local authorities
b. Flat organizational structure that eliminates middle ranks
c. Matrix structure approach where experts meet in teams to meet defined objectives
d. ‘Hospital model’ that allows individual police officers wide discretion
6. Which of the following policing structures places emphasis on holding individual police officers
accountable by a peer review panel?
a. Highly localized organizational structure with policing agencies being accountable to local authorities
b. Flat organizational structure that eliminates middle ranks
c. Matrix structure approach where experts meet in teams to meet defined objectives
* d. ‘Hospital model’ that allows individual police officers wide discretion

7. Which of the following countries does NOT have an integrated police force?
a. The United Kingdom
*b. Brazil
c. Australia
d. Japan

8. Which type of police force has a national police force under the control of the national government?
*a. Centralized
b. Decentralized
c. Integrated
d. None of the above

9. Which type of police force has a highly localized organizational structure with policing agencies being
accountable to local authorities?
a. Centralized
*b. Decentralized
c. Integrated
d. None of the above

10. Which type of police force makes policing a shared responsibility between the center or national
agency and local agencies?
a. Centralized
b. Decentralized
*c. Integrated
d. None of the above

11. What type of police force does India have?

*a. Centralized
b. Decentralized
c. Integrated
d. None of the above

12. Which of the following is NOT true about colonial policing?

a. It usually refers to British colonialism.
b. It is centralized and militaristic.
*c. It was brought about by the end of World War II.
d. The absence of community policing devalued its legitimacy among indigenous populations.

13. Which of the following were integral parts of political policing?

a. The collection of intelligence
b. The protection of public security
c. The investigation of subversion or sabotage that might endanger the safety of the state.
d. A and B
*e. All of the above

14. What is NOT an element of democratic policing?

a. The notion of protecting human rights and furthering justice
*b. The previous existence of colonial policing in the region
c. Its symbiotic relationship with democratic government
d. It eschews torture, terrorism and counterterrorism

15. Which of the following is NOT one of the five main tenets of democratic policing?
a. Rule of law
b. Legitimacy
c. Transparency
*d. Law enforcement
16. Under which former president did the policy of de-Stalinization involve reducing criminal penalties
but with no fundamental reform of policing?
*a. Khrushchev
b. Brezhnev
c. Gorbachev
d. Yeltsin

17. Which former president established rule of law, added new crime control units and allowed for
policing privatization?
a. Khrushchev
b. Brezhnev
*c. Gorbachev
d. Yeltsin

18. In comparison to the U.S. ratio of 227 police officers for every 100,000 persons, Russia’s ratio is at
____ police officers for every 100,000 persons.
a. 87
b. 219
c. 582
*d. 979

19. What is the name of the Chinese form of localized self-government and protection centered on the
family and household?
a. Kuomintang
*b. Baojia
c. Yanda
d. Nanjing

20. In reference to mass line policing, Zhong states that police are _____, masses are _____.
a. Formal; Popular
b. Legal; Informal
*c. Fish; Water
d. Mountains; Earth

21. Which of the following trends is true in regards to Chinese policing since the early 1980s?
a. There has been a significant rise in crime
b. There has been a decline from 71.1% to 57.1% in police effectiveness
c. There has been an increase in homicide cases
*d. A and B
e. All of the above

22. What is the name of the state sponsored nationwide generic campaign against crime in China?
a. Kuomintang
b. Baojia
*c. Yanda
d. Nanjing

23. Which of the following is NOT a police or administrative punishment imposed on criminals in China?
a. Administrative Detention
b. Shelter and Investigation
*c. Rehabilitation Facilities
d. Re-education through Labor

24. Which term best describes police cooperation and common action between officials and
bureaucracies who derive their authority and owe allegiance first and foremost to the State in which
they conduct policing?
a. Transnational policing
b. Democratic policing
c. Colonial policing
*d. International cooperation on policing

25. Which term best describes any sort of system or process that involves agents of state control
cooperating across national borders?
*a. Transnational policing
b. Democratic policing
c. Colonial policing
d. International cooperation on policing

26. Which of the following is NOT a given example of international cooperation on policing?
a. Bilateral projects of police assistance
b. The transfer of new technologies
c. Sharing information about wanted criminals
*d. All of these examples are given

27. Which of the following is NOT a political feature of transnational policing?

a. States cooperating with each other to respond to threats
*b. Police finding trust working with colleagues in other states
c. States being likely to cooperate even if crime is not normal
d. Police cooperation constituting leverage domestically to secure additional resources
28. Which country has had the largest role in socially constructing crime?
a. The United Kingdom
b. Japan
c. Germany
*d. The United States

29. Which convention was signed in 1995 in response to terrorist attacks in Germany, Ireland and Spain?
*a. The Europol Convention
b. The UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials
c. The Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials
d. The European Code of Police Ethics

30. Which of the following is NOT true in regards to ‘high’ policing?

*a. It is not concerned with the collection of political intelligence, but criminal prosecution
b. It is more likely to act extra-legally
c. It is likely to be less straightforward
d. Sharing information with low agencies is not favored by high agencies

31. In which country was passport surveillance utilized to control every move citizens made?
a. China
b. Brazil
c. Turkey
*d. Russia

32. Which examples of international crime are now included in the Europol Convention mandate?
a. Illegal migration
b. Cross border vehicle theft
c. Human trafficking
d. Nuclear smuggling
e. A and C
*f. All of the above

33. Which of the following members of 19th century European society did NOT contribute to the
historical evolution of international and transnational policing?
a. Émigrés
b. Anarchists
*c. Released convicts
d. Political dissidents

34. Which country most strongly relates to this quote: “Parading evil – or, rather bringing evil to justice
for all to see – will lead to a decrease in crime”?
a. Russia
*b. China
c. Brazil
d. Mexico
35. Numbers of officers convicted of crimes including abuse of police powers and taking bribes increased
in Russia from 504 in 1991 to ______ in 2000.
a. 600
b. 1200
c. 2000
*d. 3700

36. Colonial policing revolves around protecting the assets of the European community from the
seemingly hostile indigenous people of color being used for labor.
*a. True
b. False

37. India is still regulated by the colonial framework established by the Police Act of 1861.
*a. True
b. False

38. The military police force is comprised of public servants, national or local.
a. True
*b. False

39. France’s policing model is decentralized.

a. True
*b. False

40. The federalism of the United States and growth of local governments within states is an ideal
example of functioning decentralization.
*a. True
b. False

41. Continental policing is described by some scholars to be “militaristic”.

*a. True
b. False

42. The remnants of colonial policing maintain an institutional culture that sees the law as the protector
of the rights of those in power and local elites.
*a. True
b. False

43. Traditional forms of community policing has superseded police professionalism in many countries.
a. True
*b. False

44. Chinese police fit between centralized and integrated models of policing.
*a. True
b. False

45. Some scholars view the military suppression of the Tiananmen Square student protests as having
compelled “national soul-searching conferences” of police chiefs.
*a. True
b. False

Type: E
46. The authors state that global surveillance has the capacity to divide, classify, enable choices and
ultimately exercise a form of control or act as a constraint. Give an example of modern-day global
surveillance, and explain how this has transitioned traditional police focus towards risk and security.
*a. Answers may vary

Type: E
47. Choose two countries discussed in the chapter, state whether they have centralized or decentralized
policing styles, and briefly describe the structure of their policing bureaucracy.
*a. Answers may vary

Type: E
48. What are the five main tenets of democratic policing? Name two conventions that set the norms and
standards for democratic politics in the international community, and explain their importance in
advancing democratic ideologies.
*a. Answers may vary

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