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Unik DE Graphs ML ower ef qroph= AZ, Boric concepts . | compete qeraph.. 7A* Storage vepreendation — - 7 a Graph eperattons 5 ~ TF an undirected graph of averted. consists of OCR number of edges. 77 Storage Structure Pat thao that qruph 6 coued ore gers 74 rravalaals an oxy © Loos GOS * Toto. 40 Greedy stat ey) sta eMenimun Spartree — — 4 A Dijkeha’s shorkeat * Topological oveleriny ~4 ~ Vertes ave r ing but modes ind me, THO ent!’ vertices ane joined : by edges cout => - my Graph is dencted ‘as G= Fy, ce bet , Goaphs! a nel Tree scent eaararnena © Graph is nontinear|* Thee # Anon linear date é6tructure | data structure o Tt is a collection |e rt isa Gueckion of of nodes ‘and edges} nodes ' and edges. — = == * There 15.00 unige |=’ There is Unique Mode tailed voot ‘node called meot prcrh in tree *Beyele canbe » Thee wil ke not bd Peed any cycle 2 Applications eran: eee the bree o Types of graph - @oirecled © Undirected +* At “There °5 path from any fwo verticese Connected ae 3 CM OMe ° Nanay * V3-¥) © Vy-Va-¥y S¥ioWy * Va -v, 0 ¥3-WoVe * Vu-Va * Vy Vy" Va Vy ¥ lerghted graph >, ~ Apath fs denoted using sequener of Vertices § there eriishan edge yom One vertex fo the Nerk, am Pop of Gaaph — Hea -a-h oe ea oo 4 In-degree § out as ’ [Verbices | fo egy -| outdeg } vy Lee + + Storeqe Reprerentation _ Li = The qaaph con be represented using » Nowious ~vepresentations, Thete — “ TEP*ESERKeHion are ased Om.’ the dato struchive Vioked 45) arrays’ dnd © Rdjacency setae © pdjacency vist © Adjacency “Mulbiis} @® toverse spdjacency vist J *© Adjocency mabring 2 Plabrine or 2 dimemonal ave: "S used 4p sepresent the qraph. - if MOIEG] =a ea Wg) B Minsh’s ¥ tlettir jojo Piero} o | t to. st rjolto ls [a A Teel ito fs sLotol leilo | Ee ME ae Vea Ve - BLO ha tact 2} 10 © 60. so. 40. My] ° 60 #o°Fo (6 vy| &- S0-. 70 0) 4 Vs20 30. 0 40 O 1 TF Ao ghe weighted groph weighs or | distance are given cueng every edge | nee jn an adjacency erabrix « esentation | any edge uthich is nt between vertices Ww GY} is noted by ifs WEEK Hence PICICHT = < tight ofedgd Te@ paijaceney_Phubilok = [+@ Adjacent for weighted gph. dn this a graph ‘each edge is reprelat Bren List 2- . ~ In this re pregentabion a Vinked lis % used fo represent a.graph. « = In this goaph representation ofan” © - '§ Undivected graph each edge js represented by two Entries _ by two Nertices ‘bub these ae ae present tn two SF edges, Hence adjacency maleilist Con bbe eects for each of We two nodes tacideat 00 8 [Mv va CG sina podere a 20304, Node Neth link For Vy Néat lake Here th.) Cae CBD and C34” ave, represent vertices ave @ ay Fe p- #0) Tavers € adjacency Visk ~ Inverse adkja.cenery Het is an. adjaceny Tn euthkich oly > E Jou] Le foe] Thal ¥ Groph Opereetion ¢ © Greate - usin é Bietiay ~ clésploy using Breadth ples Fivst SeachCQFS) ov BS Des Depth First search COFS) ~ Storage structure :- © deuore or argues ore oF Mm size] [size] wach wlll Store the graph © Enter how many nodes you want ino greph- ® Eoter the edges of se graph by tos Nertices Cath 188) MiMi lndvcakes en @X the graph ts dineched seh MEL HF oeh is unidivected, set MLFILGT= and mC FILiT=1 os wen. E lathen au yhe edges for the desired Froph is erfered print the avoph icici, f mm h_ Creation Ling f Lista Struc. fer cwreab. adj lish fo LT fe 4. aj mabrie ga ist ee e}efol lols fe ls |= Jo | tie! + * the verti 6m Same Maintain ~ Jo depth from on Path vox cl the yi'sy' | OF nodes “This, ‘ 204 "head Cl Me Stark ) 7 B-d0 js Traversald - ° BES Trvergal eat OF greph- 7 En Brs we stort From Some Vertex £ for ran Heel alt the adjacent Yerifees ome This process Luill be vepeaber|. For | the Vertices fying \ovead th 4et printed _ > boy ‘avoiding Tepiton oF Yertox arrey of visited nodes | PR queue dada’ struchie fy Store ° DES Taaversel of qraph — Fost Gerch traversal we sent foc anel travese the a leepty as ue an Qoruhen then 18 No vertex Further, we braver a Vocke § seateh for unuisr'ted ver is maintained or ste 7 An - Conny ey So that vey Heel verter vertex 3) visa, “ ThOes wil be Cifwe Stark For) O-1-9-3-4 SThe DES sil) be Xue stort From step@) Minimum erog —teree [Ftine | — A 6panning tree s is agubiree of a | Aree FP in which cut the thverte OF ree Fame presenh bub th | sip @. mor] not Contain “ali the edges af Graph parsing tree. | © THe minim. -cea.tnee of a weighted | HS) Gonecked graph @ is called mini. | Spanni. tree #6 its *WEIGHH TS enini | ~ “Ta Poupular alge OF minimum Spornieg tree *O Oy L@ Prims ago @ kruskal’s ake | 4 -— = F Pris algo containing two neated| ames HOPS -Eath OF dhis loop has Comp is Complexity of oca> = in Ran pala te 2-6 — 9. — Sa —Time Complexity of prms cu, 0 | fer graph #8) =! 0 ond Ex fied -msT forthe folowing gph Using Prins algo shao yarvious Heps 7 12 | ae 3+2+ 3424 | Say Se | Fed fen 5 ajo using eae mepresentatin - GET elay>+ [en ¢ i Gree: [er \— Note 2 Prim's eclyo Connef be vec) fev adivected| graph. tj 55% eels culo ua ey vue 7 Cheese an edge — At each StEP chee. ° DEW usith mot Create cveincuit . 7 TE Graph has 1 vertices, stop after Cn-1) edges * Time Comptenity * OCe loge) Bx. Conser} g refer fotjow io gregh 20 + Oljkere Age of ENioimbiry weight J os $e the edge cuhore efor Veruslcey te, Wen Srraph into MET © _Difkeina cle Foran Source Shox host ee ~ This hosed on greedy ~ Time Complerity for Dijshra “There are Tio Feshn weHs : Tiel shortest path . “ah © Cost mabrise - {> Finel_ Shonest clistance @fage Je Veh R opeleayFccc) Sorting - = Topologred) Sort is an onlering of Swi Pre iF there fs a path Fram Mito Vi ron yy appears ater Vi to fhe ordering Topelogicedl Berting fs Senportant err Qe | SHPO oeiete node 3 along wit! Reduce fadeg~ee of nedes adj toRby 1 indeqrec ( aa [ef] 6ep® Delete nede catong uit edges reduce Yndeyree oF nades adj toc by eC Fond egree feo. kp: Finely polete the aa D to cComplebe Ahe AUgors then example VerHees in a dinected aeyctic gpl — Bec 2019 3 meh, ay A ’ sy vode & OD grr) ed Ro 2 S 1 , »€ fodeyrec 2 © I a Ta 3. CS opaneniree Shey pe ols lo 3 6lé FED go1ete node A along with edges, tale Meduce tndegree of nodes adj. fo A bys} @ Ow an a >B z yo) an 56 ‘ Freyed OS > ae Oe a © y My ‘ * ea Greate pe-melrix Ny eae sfo 34s ales) A= 216 Somme S]e @ ome 5 Greale jhe matnin AS, ES oe a ofee as baie Rei fao q 4] ais 1 fo 2 | 9 ae 213 S{—es 20 s[f T Find a teperegical Sorting of ij 3 ° 1 4 43 Po aay 8 oe Lodegree S@ Oe 2g avshall algorithm — Unit WL Search Tees” -. fy 5 yenbol Table , Representation - a “Static Tree Fabre IDynamte tree Table Y SHeIght - Ralence tree LF tpHmal Ainary Searth. Tree EAT} 4 mae nts Balence Tree CAVL) ' ae Rel Brack Tree > 2K dimentional Tree Has >* Splay Wee 1 e+ Symbol Fable ~ Representation, po Oe. The 7 the set of symbel table 18 deFined a4 Name and_Value pains - etypes ef Symbol Table - 3 GeO Dynamat © swtic }navate =o © Symibole Table symbole Table - m2 — the sialic gymbol table stores fhe ae fixed amount o} information theres “dynarie Syne! table =D Stoves te dynumre fafermation . SD 4p Exumpe of siubic Symlost fable =B _ cphimal Binary Georeh tree ad CoBST, Huflman’s Coding con =, Timprementad using stubic sym xceomple of dyneumic sym,Tabet a Ayt twee is Lonprerenter! using arse F/™ov4 tavie - 4 Ty Bee. e adv, of us: @ Ourrin Compi « fost Je gt Aone Wentipers 19 possibte d symbol Table - s . @) he runtime aocatio MentiPrers 1s managed using @ operabions 60 Symbol creel @ Deletion of an any item been the © Searching oF desired! Teen © Gyatic “ree “Table - ~ shabic SymTebte 154 Sy uthjels there ave fixed Number é No insertion ef any entry - — [No Deleon of any enbry - onty tor build, data Struck. wlinsch 16 used do i the Static §mbol table - Coat of Free = % (0-0F nodes xn8. Fable 10,08 nodes * Dynamic tree Table works on Ao solve Cm Problems “Hat can be sok Dinasiic preg rannins j © Computing nth Fipoaci Comp eicental ~The eynamic of Gphimality § sa ae Balance “Free (1o1B1) = Gize of (war) 35 devedlor Hhe Gubtrees fn €ach node ~ — “These Trees were opracluced, by _Nieveyge it aod Reingold wn 1970 ~The balence factor al ech node = _bwmber of external nodes of et sulebnfe FToral number oF external nodes oF fre Aeiete The 4? aren 1r0e ~ The depth of weight balance tree is Oo he OCtoge J : Si teal eC ® cet a wow Delere” fre 20 Sede Hen a vs a s # Optimal Binary Gearch Tee Covst © I this tree the Ebr vert chi ta 1. Srcaiier Han reot rede > Ragat child cf vook nod thar appt pnd solve rhern, ‘ ea if ot = Ley ne in that cose tte Feft ne $ aS it ts Of shat 6 node = root sare above Const R Crveate binary -Seareh bree CRIT) 6 Feriousing keys - 412,3, 6,5, 7, ) | — Fink cade vs rvoot Dh hen Compre usith iF 1e85 then let = ~) | Sedo — scevrder of above Tree ©. Ques tnereles 15 Find 4 eter Ltives then these Memed ts, © 13724567 Kia) others puPte nigh on @ SX tele to Node clement (A “right Buh this subtree Sengijest eI ok Helght Balance Tee CAYY Pn empty tree ts height heukany TFT ise NOM empPH Braawy te ith Tr and Te OS irs Ted “ia eubhee = hea ‘helanced 16 and ony iF _ BF acti Gaterce | faclorC BED Js ope ) ey , 8,q,10 a ; Hon > FBG OF & is,urtoolame — hn0 y then use C [RR ve od. a ‘6S (@ [. = Rr [ee Bi 1 _ a |e Red - Black Tee joke at vped nodes count no of biaée Cone ae — Red blacks 4vee fs ao brnany sear twee ins tctlaich @ver4 mode 13 Celowed! wal th R either wee O7 black. a =. tabste representing -creel~ black Pee 3) Jd andl peinter are Sheehy colby of eve mip got + teaf-node ere siemply NULL *neeles and ore cultawys BLACK try Clee rout ne cb WL Tree © data ; “constr yy Fosertigg she foniewiog black bree Te Roporties ef Red } be a pinay} seuadt }G) Red- Dacv free rus) © poot node 13 Colouvedk Blade, @® gho node f RED then both 35 children must be black @ inan parror Pree (from reot fo lent) freve should be seve no. of Bleek A vg OQ Every new node is fnserted way REO a Pe Rp Pree Free lout wuith fewoy ees tes) Complex ~ Troe comprerity fer operations ef Reece i Oo Toga) % Ke Dimensional tree 7 Tis a data Siuchure uted fo ‘Computer Seience toy Organig izing Some 0 of Points BESS bane cutthile. diamoraions . TB M00 4aF node in -leech “tree clivoles Ho Spore fm tue ports ,Couled | half spaces = Point to leFt of thé’s space ave representa bby tef} subtree of that made — Points 4 ight of this Bpace arc yerresented by Peiot- Subbree ef that node = {I D Aree hes “several application § Suc ma eerett “Neigheur beech & Galaboie queres a ¥ splay Tree = A Spiay bree is @ Self balancing | Weitere) Seaveh tree with no exgiicit olance rendition. All SPevations in silat tree ave. | tnveived usith commen operection eater] On elemerd 5 Hee pecess of bringing ft fo vot position 1 Pertereing Suiltble ~otation operation = Cawes of splayin: @ 29-209 cewe —ELR Sey) > En 219-209 actation Peedi odc moves one | positio: te vight fonowe, by one Osttien to 1Ft From sts cuntent pes” ‘ Curve nt ge possi fio spay@) @ Ae mache MA 14-204 Smee! Q@ zig astep Every node weves one yesitow ty wight from It'S Curment gos” splay C3) — : Ziq ~ote @ eig-zoy BKp CLL SKP) wan hg ea — The PA Free i's created thom Red-Bee on eo pote arte aefalien, eve oe @ ny ;

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