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Globalization as a Global Bridge,

and the Struggles of Building It

Al-maizhar Bakil

In the contemporary world, globalization has bridged international borders, creating a more
open and effective world. Although globalization started during the era of Colonialism, where the
exploitation of different civilizations, races, and lands on Earth was common, it has brought both
benefits and disadvantages to the world.

One of the most significant benefits of globalization is the ease of access to foreign cuisine,
entertainment, music, and visual arts. People can now order their favorite sushi while listening to their
favorite KPOP group, thanks to the free exchange of people, goods, ideas, and information. Moreover,
knowledge and technological advances can flourish rapidly due to the global connection of many
countries, and scientific advances, machinery, and products made in one country can be used in another
in a matter of days.

Globalization also benefits businesses by providing access to new clients and generating various
revenue streams. It has enabled businesses to expand internationally with adaptable and creative
strategies. International Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) have made it simpler than ever to
promptly and legally hire employees abroad, allowing many businesses to expand without having to set
up a foreign organization.

However, globalization has also been criticized for making the rich richer while making the poor
poorer. The Gini percentage in the Philippines increased slightly from 83.4 percent in 2016 to 83.9
percent, indicating that inequality grows as a result of weak government regulation on the economic
sectors. In industrialized nations, social welfare programs or “safety nets” are under intense pressure
due to deficits, job losses, and other adverse effects of globalization on the economy. Additionally,
globalization has resulted in labor exploitation, inhumane working conditions, and a rise in human
trafficking, as safety norms are disregarded to make affordable goods.

While globalization has undoubtedly catalyzed changes and the flow of the world, it has also put
aside people, nature, and every living thing under the excruciating shade of the skewed graph of wealth.
We must not forget the tears of forced workers, the fatigue in every victim of poverty, and the hungry
stomachs of children living in the slums. To live in this world is to fight for injustices and inequality, to
battle the exploitative ideologies that conglomerates and the rich have imprinted on us. We must work
towards a better future and a better world.

In conclusion, globalization has had both positive and negative impacts on the world. While it
has brought people closer together and enabled businesses to expand internationally, it has also
increased wealth inequality, resulted in labor exploitation, and put aside the well-being of people and
nature. It is our responsibility to work towards a world where globalization benefits everyone, a
sustainable world that fills the wallets of not just the rich but of all people that deserves it.

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