Industry First Global Storm Surge Zones

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High-resolution risk selection tool

Industry-first Global Storm Surge Zones

Tropical cyclones put many areas of the world at risk from strong winds, storm
surges and heavy rainfall. Hurricane Katrina in the US or Cyclone Nargis in
Myanmar showed that if such storms hit flat coastal areas, storm surges can
be the main driver of damage. While the loss potential is huge, there has only
been limited availability of risk information and no global overview up to now.
With the launch of the industry’s first Global Storm Surge Zones, Swiss Re is
closing the gap. Our storm surge hazard zones enable our clients to pinpoint
their storm surge risk with a consistent, worldwide, probabilistic and high-
resolution risk look-up in Swiss Re’s CatNet tool. The zones show that almost
230 million people – roughly 3% of the world’s population – are exposed to
storm surge risk.

New York-Newark

New Orleans Alexandria


Tropical cyclones:
the main risk driver

We used our Global Storm Surge Zones

to quantify the number of people at risk in
616 metropolitan areas around the world.
The ranking on this page shows the
number of people potentially affected by
storm surge within the respective
metropolitan area.

Asia is by far the most exposed region.

Eight out of 10 metropolitan areas with
the most people at risk are in Asia, with
areas in China and Japan in the top ranks.
This is attributable to a combination of Population at risk Americas
factors: many areas in Asia are exposed
to strong cyclone activity and numerous in millions
major cities are located on the coast 1. Miami
with relatively flat topography. 2.3m

Apart from a few exceptions such as

2. New York-Newark
Amsterdam-Rotterdam, most metropol- 7-12m
itan areas high up in the ranking are 3. New Orleans
exposed to tropical cyclones. At a global 0.9m
level, tropical cyclones are clearly the 4-6m
main driver of storm surge risk. That 4. Tampa
being said, we should not underestimate 1-3m 0.9m
the threat posed by other atmospheric
5. Virginia Beach
phenomena such as winter storms in >1m 0.6m
TOP 25 Population at risk in millions

1. Pearl River Delta

2. Shanghai
3. Amsterdam-Rotterdam
Osaka-Kobe 4. Osaka-Kobe
Nantong Nagoya
5. Nagoya
Shanghai Tokyo- 3.0m
Wuxi-Changzhou Yokohama 6. Tokyo-Yokohama
Chittagong Cixi 7. Manila
Ningbo 8. Miami
Jiaojing 2.3m
9. Jakarta
Shantou 2.3m
Pearl River Delta
10. Surabaya
Mumbai 2.2m
Ho Chi Minh Manila 11. Ho Chi Minh
12. Jiaojing
13. Chittagong
14. Wuxi-Changzhou
Surabaya 1.7m
15. Shantou
16. Ningbo
17. New York-Newark
18. Alexandria
19. Kolkata
EMEA Asia Pacific 20. Mumbai
1. Amsterdam-Rotterdam 1. Pearl River Delta 21. Wenzhou
5.1m 12.3m 1.1m
2. Alexandria 2. Shanghai 22. Cixi
1.5m 8.6m 0.9m
3. London 3. Osaka-Kobe 23. New Orleans
0.4m 3.1m 0.9m
4. Hamburg 4. Nagoya 24. Tampa
0.4m 3.0m 0.9m
5. Dubai 5. Tokyo-Yokohama 25. Nantong
0.3m 2.7m 0.8m
Background on industry-first
Global Storm Surge Zones
The first global high-resolution zones

50 years
100 years
250 years
500 years
1 000 years

Swiss Re Global Storm Surge Zones in Wenzhou, China

© 2017 Swiss Re. All rights reserved. Swiss Re’s Global Storm Surge Zones provide, for the first time, high-resolution
Graphic design and production
global information about the frequency of flooding due to storm surge from the
Swiss Re Corporate Real Estate &
ocean. The zones are based on a high-resolution digital terrain model (acquired
Services/Media Production, Zürich
on 5 meter resolution for Europe and the US) and do not take into account the effect
of flood protection measures like dams, floodgates or dikes.
The entire content of this factsheet
is subject to copyright with all rights How it works
reserved. The information may be In areas prone to tropical cyclones and tropical storms, the Global Storm Surge Zones
used for private or internal purposes, are based on our in-house probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Track Set, consisting of
provided that any copyright or other more than 800 000 tracks globally. We used these tracks as input for our in-house
proprietary notices are not removed. global storm surge model which we used to calculate the zones.
Electronic reuse of the data published
in this factsheet is prohibited. In areas not affected by tropical cyclones, the Global Storm Surge Zones are based on
Reproduction in whole or in part or a proprietary in-house model. Simulated tides were combined with global sea surface
use for any public purpose is permitted height reanalysis data and calibrated using a network of global buoy measurements.
only with the prior written approval
of Swiss Re. Courtesy copies are
appreciated. Effective risk management
Visit to download People affected by storm surge can suffer significant damages to life and property,
or to order additional copies of as flood depths can reach several meters. During Hurricane Katrina, for example,
Swiss Re publications. measured water levels locally exceeded 8 meters. The zones show that globally
almost 230 million people are at risk from storm surge. This number will further
increase over time, as populations grow and sea levels rise due to climate change.
The zones also raise awareness in areas at risk and can contribute to more effective
Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd
risk management.
Mythenquai 50/60
P.O. Box
An improved understanding of storm surge risk can also support accurate insurance
8022 Zurich
pricing. This can facilitate storm surge insurance take-up and help to close the
protection gap. The fact is, large parts of storm surge losses are currently uninsured,
Telephone +41 43 285 2121 even in mature insurance markets like the US.
Fax +41 43 285 2999
Getting access
The Global Storm Surge Zones are integrated into our client tools, such as CatNet®,
Swiss Re’s worldwide natural hazards information and mapping tool. Access
CatNet® via

Interested to learn more? Visit us at

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