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5 No. | OM-E4288-06 STAG) FURUN® OPERATOR'S MANUAL LORAN C NAVIGATOR worn LC-80 a FURUNO ELECTRIC CO. LTD. NISHINOMIYA, JAPAN 8501300¥(851) aeons ph kth thea BAAS SY — FURUN® re Si ta LC-80 LORAN-C_NAVIGATOR INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your choice of the Furuno LC-80 Loran-C navigator! We are confident that you will enjoy many years of operation with this fine piece of equipment. For over 30 years Furuno Electric Company has enjoyed an enviable reputation for quality and reliability throughout the world. This dedication to excellence is furthered by our extensive global network of agents and dealers. The LC-80 Loran-C receiver is the culmination of a long line of Furuno developments in the field of navigation. In one remarkably tiny cabinet is virtually all the navigation capabilities most voyagers will ever need while they are within the coverage area of the Loran-C navigation system. Because the unit is so tiny there may be a tendancy to forget just how sophisticated this machine really is, and perhaps to disregard the fact that no machine can perform its intended function unless it is installed properly. The desirability of a professional installation and a thorough checkout cannot be overemphasized! A word about the organization of this manual: it is laid out in as "user- friendly" a manner as possible. We realize that a sophisticated instrument such as‘thié, with its many, many functions can be very intimidating to the first-time user. It is our intention to guide the user along in the use of the gear as gently and as comfortably as possible in a series of sections that start at a very basic level and proceed forward in complexity in a logical manner. We would appreciate feedback from you, the end-user, about whether we are achieving our purposes in this manual. Thank you for considering and purchasing Furuno equipment. TABLE OF CONTENTS ELEMENTARY THEORY ..ssseeeeeeeeee HOW LORAN-C WORKS BASIC OPERATION THE FRONT PANEL ...seeee FUNCTION OF MODE SWITCH . INITIAL OPERATION. CLEARING THE MEMORY 22... ..eeeesereeeees INITIALIZING THE RECEIVER FOR YOUR OWN ....4+ GEOGRAPHICAL AREA GRI/Slave Station Selection ..ssessesecseeeeeseeeseees Initializing Latitude/Longitude Setting the Notch Filters... READING YOUR POSITION . Latitude/Longitude Readout . ‘Time Difference Readout ..... READING SPEED AND COURSE .....e..eeeeeeeee | Magnetic Bearings(rather than True Bearings) . SETTING THE AVERAGING TIME .. DIMMER ... | SUMMARY OF BASIC OPERATION .... INTERMEDIATE LEVEL OPERATIONS WAYPOINT ENTRY .. Waypoint Entry by Latitude/Longitude .......ssseeesees Waypoint Entry Dy TD'S .eesseeeee RANGE AND BEARING CALCULATIONS ... Simple Range and Bearing To a Waypoint .. Range and. Bearing From Waypoint to Waypoint. CROSS-TRACK ERROR FUNCTIONS . VELOCITY TO DESTINATION AND TIME TO GO ......4+ STORING PRESENT POSITION ..... noel rin 3-10 LORAN C SLAVE SELECTION TD Gradients ...+++ Angle of Crossing - Baseline Extension Changing The Slave Selection ... Re-acquiring Slave Signal ..+.+- Changing The Chain and Slave Together... ALARM FUNCTIONS 3-14 Off-Course Alarm 3-14 Border Alarm .....+ 3-15 Approach Alarm .... 3-16 + 3-16 Anchor Watch s+. ADVANCED LEVEL OPERATIONS WARNING INDICATORS... BLINK Indicator. + CYC Indicator/ECD/Deviation Functions . SNR Indicator. Power Failure Indicator... POSITION OFFSET CORRECTIONS TD Corrections Latitude/Longitude ‘orrec! MANUAL CYCLE SELECTION «...+++ APPENDIX A SPECIFICATIONS ....+++ APPENDIX B INSTALLATION «e+e. teeeeee APB-1 APPENDIX C TROUBLESHOOTING .... APC-1 APPENDIX D REFERENCES «.-..+e-++e00+ APD-1 APPENDIX E HOW TO COMBINE LC-80 WITH seeeeeees APECL OPTIONAL EQUIPMENTS APF-1 APPENDIX F ANCHOR WATCH (cont'd from page 3-16) *** ELEMENTARY THEORY SECTION (or, What Is Loran and What Can It Do for Me? ‘The word "LORAN" is an acronym meaning LOng RAnge Navigation. The basie principles of Loran were developed during World War II, and the system implemented during that time was known as the Loran A system, ‘The superior Loran C system was developed later during the 1960's and was put into widespread service during the late 1970's. Loran-C is one of several important radionavigation systems in use by mariners throughout the world today. Loran-C may be thought of as a medium-range system since it usually covers out to a maximum of 1200 miles | from the transmitting station. i For very close-in, precision work, portable microwave positioning systems | are often employed by such users as the offshore oil industry, and for short range medium-accuracy work, Decea navigation systems are used in some parts of the world. For transoceanic voyages, ‘and/or Gatellite Navigation yeceivers are used to provide the sort se accuracy that 15 © on the open sea. In other words, it is rarely necessary to know your position down to the nearest meter when on an ocean voyage, provided that you are reasonably certain that you are within the shipping lane and not in any danger of running aground on some nearby atollé, The Loran-C system was designed and established to provide excellent accuracy in the region known as the "Coastal Confluence Zone," or CCZ as it is often called. This region extends from the shoreline seaward to the 100 fathom curve, or 50 nautical miles, whichever is greater. Loran-C system accuracy is often capable of providing a reliable fix within | 30 meters of one's actual position, but more typically, accuracy of about 100-200 meters is possible throughout the coverage area. However, system repeatability, that is, the ability to return to the same spot consistently, is usually on the order of 20-30 meters. Quite often it is even better than thet. Basic Navigation has plied the seas almost since the beginning of his exist Coen ognize as "human". in his early ventures onthe water, man no doubt stayed~within sight of land, unless swept_out further by storms or by fierce tides. staying near the shore was not strictly a function of being scared to death ‘wrathful water gods; it was 1 simply that once on the open oce& id no idea where he was, or more importantly, no idea of how to g¢ ine! Ancient man discove fhat the sun and Stars could give important information on location because for any particular ‘time of the year they were reasonably~constant in their positions in the sky fora given position on land (and thus by extension, on the sea). Provided he could 4 actually“See them, ancient man could navigate by the stars. Sooner toe properties and the subsequent Tivention of the compass was a moi @ history. Now man at he was going, independent of the Il the known land masses, sphere, came relatively late ears after ancient Systematic schenes and the recognition hs aGfually first took to the seas. ‘The essential idea behind a scheme of positioning on the globe is that any particular point on the earth's surface can be uniquely described by the intersection of two lines: Latitude, girdling the earth horizontally (aterally) and Longitude, girdiing the earth vertically. wdé, for many a e Navigation consisted largely of sailing to the com €and then turning left or right to get to the desired Le in_of the accurate marine was, providi luxury-by-comparigon. Examine the section of chart shown next page depicting an area off Yokohama, Japan. One can see the parallels of Latitude running Fast and West horizontally, and the meridians of Longitude running vertically North and South. Overprinted on this chart are so-called Loran-C Lines Of Position or TD's (Time Differences) as they are more commonly known. (We'll get into why they are called TD's later; suffice it to say for now that a Loran-C receiver will give you these numbers and that you can use these numbers to find your position.) Note that the TD lines run at a variety of angles with respect to the lines running North/South or East/West. They are in fact actually curved lines, segments of hyperbolas, but this is difficult to see on this small section of chart. These TD lines are labelled with numbers in units of microseconds on the outer edges of the chart. The spacing between adjacent TD's will vary depending on the scale of the chart as well as the section of geography being covered. Don't worry about these details just yet, but note that in this particular example the spacing between adjacent TD's is either 100 or 200 microseconds. Just note that for any one position on the chart (that is, at any one particular Latitude and Longitude) there is at least one pair of Loran-C TD's that cross each other. There may in fact be more than one pair of TD's that cross each other at our one point of interest. Some of them may give you better accuracy than others. Again, we'll delve into that in more detail later. As an example, ‘et's find a point on the chart and compare the position both by Latitude/Longitude and by Loran-C TD's. At a Latitude of 33 1-2 Fig.1-1 Loran-C Chart off Yokohama 1-3 i degrees, 52 minutes North and a Longitude of 139 degrees, 35 minutes Bast you should find the Southeast corner of Mikura Jima Island. This position corresponds to the crossing of the two TD's lines of 36800 microseconds and 60600 microseconds. Note that a third TD crosses this position also, but that the exact line isn't printed on the chart explicitly--it is necessary to interpolate between lines that actually are printed in order to get this TD, and by so doing we would come up with a TD of approximately 17750 microseconds. Now, let's consider in more detail the way Loran-C actually works. HOW LORAN-C WORKS The Loran-C system is a "pulsed" system whose fundamental assumption is that the speed of propagation of a radio wave is constant anywhere in the area of coverage of the system. This assumption is actually subject to some corrections, but we will assume for the sake of this discussion that the speed of a Loran-C signal is actually constant. Since distance, time and speed are all related, and since we have assumed that the speed of the signal is constant, if we can devise some means to measure the time that it takes for a signal to arrive from a distant transmitter, we can easily calculate the distance the signal has travelled to get to us. Thank goodness for modern electronics, for it provides means for making very precise time measurements, down to the order of tenths of mfliionths of seconds. ‘s, Se, ihe S SLAVE INDIVIDUAL TD (Time Difference) Fig.1-2 Simple Loran-C System 1-4 ‘A simple Lorar-C syste is shown in Fig.1-2, consisting of a "master" transmitting station and two "slave" stations. ‘This is the simplest configuration used. In practice, most of the chains in the world consist of three or four slave stations associated with each master. Note that the lines drawn connecting the master and each of the two slaves are known as "baselines." To illustrate the basic idea behind the Loran-C system let us take a simple ease, where the boat with the Loran-C receiver is located on one of the | baselines and is in the middie between the master and the slave. If the | transmitters were both to transmit simultaneously, the time taken for the signals from the master transmitter to arrive will be the same as that for the signals from the slave to arrive. In other words, the difference in arrival time will be zero. If the boat is moved so that the time difference of signal arrival from i master and slave is kept constant at zero, then the plot of these movements will be a straight line halfway between the slave and the master stations. This line will be perpendicular to the baseline. The line of constant time difference is known as a Line of Position, or LOP for short. Other LOP's can be generated for conditions where the time difference isn't exactly zero, and these LOP's will form hyperbolas rather than the straight line in our simple case. (Radio navigation systems such as Loran=C are often referred to as "hyperbolic navigation" systems for this reason.) If the master and its associated slaves were all to transmit simultaneously on the same frequency, the receiver would not be able to distinguish which station it was listening to in the resulting uproar. The stations therefore are arranged to transmit in a specific sequence of pulses, with very | precisely defined time delays between the transmissions. So, for our simple ease above where the LOP is in the middle of the baseline, the time difference is no longer zero, but is some specific value of TD. ‘The receiver's job is to use the start of reception of the master signal as @ reference time to start its internal stopwatch. When the start of the slave signal is detected, the receiver in essence stops its internal stopwatch, notes the time difference, and displays it to the operator as a TD. In order to determine where one is located on any perticular Line of Position, another LOP is needed to intersect the first one. The Loran-C | receiver thus must track more than one slave at the same time. Most modern receivers are capable of tracking all slaves available in the chain simultaneously. The interval of time between the start of the master transmission, the series of slave transmissions and the next master transmission that repeats the whole sequence is called the Group Repetition Interval, or GRI. Each Loran-C chain in the world has a unique GRI assigned to it, and even though all Loran-C transmitters work on the same frequency (100 KHz), they can all be sorted out by GRI. You will remember that the Time Difference's (TD's) are measured in microseconds (iillionths of a second). Further, the designers of the Loran-C system have assigned an identifying letter code to each slave + station in a chain. These are called either X, Y, W, or Z. Now look back at the section of chart in Fig.1-1 that shows part of the : area near the coast of Japan. You can now better appreciate why the TD's 1 are labelled as they are. The GRI in the label comes first, then the identifying code letter, and then the time difference in microseconds. Your Loran-C receiver is considerably more sophisticated than the simple ‘TD-only receivers we have been describing here. It is capable of computing Latitude and Longitude directly from these TD's. ‘This is a complex calculation, and the fundamental assumption made is that the velocity of propagation of the signal is constant. While this is true for propagation over seawater, the velocity is altered slightly when the signals travel over land. Over land, the velocity is affected by such factors as the conductivity of the soil and the features of the terrain. These effects are all lumped together under the title of "Additional Secondary Factors," or ASF. These factors cannot be modeled exactly in the TD to Latitude/Longitude mathematical conversion. es ene TD grids on a Loran-C overlaid chaft can be shifted when the chart is printed and thus compensated to ‘care of actual observed readings from the field. However, One shouldbe careful when using Latitude/Longitude numbers directly from *é “ees , especially when near land since this is wh significant errors can occur. (Note that the charts don't even shot joran-C grids over inland areas because of the extreme distortions fhe lattices over land.) Also, Loran-C is not meant to be used in harbefs or ports since these are usually surrounded by land Hydroj ie/Topographic Center that can be fsets into a Latitude/Longitude coordinate- itude location. (See Appendix rganized by th were gathered by actual D: Refe =) These ASF compensation nui field observations of TD warping. Well, enough theory for now. Let's get down to how you actually operate your new receiver. Some advanced concepts and further cautions on the use (misuse) of the system will be given later. i BASIC OPERATION THE FRONT PANEL The LC-80 is basically a very simple unit to operate, although at first glance it may look a little intimidating to someone who has never used a Loran-C receiver, However once you get to know what the various abbreviations mean, the simplicity and logic behind the layout will become more apparent. Examine the front panel. You will note that at the top there are two LCD readouts (that's short for Liquid Crystal Display) with the Power ON/OFF switch just to the right. In the next row below there are some status indication labels which we'll get into later. In the next row below the status indicator labels there are 12 touchpads: the numbers zero through nine, and a "CL" at the left end and a "CR" at the right end of the row. You've probably already guessed that "CL" means "Clear Left" and "CR" means "Clear Right." This refers to the left-hand and the right-hand readouts. ‘The next row of touchpad keys contains some abbreviations that need to be explained. "ALM RST" is a little cryptic: it means "Alarm Reset." Once @ warning buzzer has gone off you need this key to silence it. The "EVT" touchpad next in line means "Event" and is used when an external device such as a position plotter or printer is connected to the LC-80. The position information at the moment the touchpad is pressed is sent out to the external instrument. It is also used when the present position is to be stored as a waypoint. The [=,S/E ] touchpad is pretty logical: if a number is negative this must be used. "S/E" refers to "South/East." This key is used if a South latitude or East longitude is needed. The key obviously refers to the entry of positive numbers. However, these two keys also perform other functions that are not quite so obvious. ‘The Mode rotary switch on the right-hand side of the panel has all sorts of abbreviation on it. For many of the positions there are two functions that are possible when that position is used. You will note that the primary function is labelled in large green letters, and the secondary function is labelled in smaller white letters. Note that the touchpad is inside a green box and that the [-] touchpad is inside a white box. In order to call up the primary function (green function) of each position of the rotary Mode switch, it is only necessary to turn the switch to the desired position and observe the resulting readout. In order to call up the secondary function (white function) for that position of the mode switch the [E] touchpad is pushed. If you want to return to the primary function again, there are two methods: the easiest is simply to press the touchpad; the alternative is to rotate the mode switch to another position and then return it to the original position. The following table summarizes the meaning of each abbreviation for the rotary Mode switch; individual sections in this manual will deal with each function in detail. Qt Jouvd pwaH [O1IUOD 98-91 T-2" BIA seer Se eS Bee eeae eens, eaesite 2-2 FUNCTIONS OF MODE SWITCH Switch Position Abbreviation ‘Translation Use L/L Latitude/Longitude | Shows L/L of present position ALIL Delta Lat. /Long. Used to enter L/L offset BIC Speed/Course Speed Made Good/Course Made Good] WP TO Waypoint To Used to enter Destination WP RIB Range/Bearing ‘Range/Bearing to destination WP TO/ER To/From Range/Bearing to WP from WP VIb/TTG Velocity to Destin- Speed made towards WP ation/Time To Go | Time to Go to WP XTE/AC Cross-Track-Error/ | Cross~Track-Error off track Delta Course Course offset to counteract wind and current WP FR Waypoint From Used to enter Starting WP TD+L/L Time Difference to | Converts TD's to L/L and then Latitude/Longitude | enter position as WP DIM Dimmer Used to adjust illumination ALM(X'TE: ARV) Alarm (Cross~Track Error, Arrival) Sets Off-Course, Arrival limits, Border and Anchor Watch SLEW Slew Used to change tracking point ECD Envelope to Cycle | Gives amount of signal distortion Difference to gauge correct tracking point GRI Group Repetition Used to select GRI, slaves 1 & 2, Interval Re-acquiring Slave Signal SNR Signal to Noise Gives a relative indication of Ratio signal quality TD Time Difference Displays will show TD's ATD Delta Time Difference] Used to enter TD offsets 2-3 INITIAL OPERATION If you've gotten this far and have resisted the temptation to turn on the power and play with the unit, we salute your patience! Now's the time for some actual button pushing. Before you do start operation, obtain a Navigation Chart for your area, preferably one with Loran-C TD's overlaid on it. Keep this chart nearby as you go through the various procedures so that you can verify that the receiver is giving you reliable and sensible numbers. CLEARING THE NEMORY You must make sure the internal memory is properly initialized in the LC-80, since the unit has what's known as a "keep-alive” battery that preserves whatever data has been stored in the machine even when external power has been removed. Clearing the memory is necessary when the unit is first turned on in a new area or after repairs have been made. 1, Set front panel switches and controls as follows: a. Rotary Mode switch (at the right-hand side): GRI position b. Noteh Filter N1 thumbwheel: max. clockwise (at 140KHz) . Notch Filter N2 thumbwheel: max. clockwise (at 140KHz) d. Tuning Control thumbwheel: at 100 KHz 2, With touchpad Cor depressed, turn on the power switch. Keep touchpad (or [CR] ) depressed until both sides of the display reads all zeroes. ‘This will clear the memory. The LC~-80 will then proceed through its Self-Check sequence automatically, counting up from all zeroes to all nines, and checking all possible symbols and characters. 3. After the test sequence has finished, the display should show the following: 793021 43 GRI SI 82 INITIALIZING THE RECEIVER FOR YOUR OWN GEOGRAPHICAL AREA GRI/Slave Station Selection: 1. First you will need to determine from your chart the approximate Latitude and Longitude of your present location. This information must only be accurate to within approximately 3 degrees for the equipment to function properly. 2, Now refer to Appendix D (References) in the back of this manual to determine the GRI and Slave station selections that are appropriate for your geographic atea. For example in the area just outside Yokohama Harbor, the appropriate GRI would be "9970", and the proper Slave Station selection would be "30" and "55". Note that these slave selec- a4 3. Be tion numbers represent the first two digits of the smallest TD in eroseconds that can exist for that master/slave pair. For our example 0" is @ short-hand representation of 30,000 microseconds. To enter any new data into the LC-80, it is necessary first to "clear" the numbers already present in the appropriate display window, either on the left or the right-hand side. In our example the left-hand display will contain "9970 30" and the right-hand side will contain " 55" after the data is entered correctly. The sequence of keystrokes for our Yokohama example is: cxj[9\{9}(7) o)2)fo] [er| (5) (5) ez] KeysTROKE SEQUENCE 9970 30 55 RESULTING DISPLAY MODE; "GRI" GRI St 82 It doesn't matter where you put the slaves: they could just as well have been reversed, with the 55 in the left-hand window, and the 30 in the right-hand side. It does however matter that the GRI be entered into the left-hand side of the left-hand display first. If you now rotate the Mode switch to the "TD" position after the data has been entered into the LC-80, the display will briefly show a message of "SEARCH - " which indicates that the unit is searching for the master signal. The display will next show "SEARCH" after the master has been acquired and the acquisition process has started for the slave signals. After the master and slaves have been acquired, the displays will show initial TD's, which will begin to change as the receiver goes into the final stages of locking onto the signals. During the acquisition and lockup sequence the LC-80 will show several warning indicators. These literally serve to warn the user that the displays are not to be trusted until the indicators are extinguished. ‘These indications will be covered in detail in the Advanced Level Operations section, but you should be aware of the "CYC" and the "SNR" indicators. If any of these dots are on, the unit is not ready for use. 2-5 Initializing Latitude/Longitude: 4, After the GRI and the Slave Stations have been specified, the LC-80 will begin acquisition of Loran-C signals. While this process is taking place, you should initialize the unit for the approximate Latitude and Longitude of your location. After the receiver has finished locking onto the desired signals the approximate position you entered will be corrected to the actual position. Until the LC-80 has finished locking up, the colons in the latitude and longitude displays will flash to indicate to the operator that the readouts cannot be trusted. Rotate the Mode switch to the "L/L" position. Assuming that the approximate L/L of Yokohama is 85 degrees North and 140 degrees East, the sequence of keystrokes is: cx Jj[3|[5][0] {0} ij[4)[o KEYSTROKE 0)(-|[ENT} SEQUENCE N 35:00.00]{£140:00.00 RESULTING DISPLAY MODE; "L/L" Latitude Longitude NOTE: The [=,S/E]key was used after entering the Longitude because the position is Basterly rather than Westerly, the default condition af the display. : 5. Presuming that you have by now entered the approximate Latitude/Longitude of your own position into your own receiver, you will be glad to know that, provided that you don't move out of the general area you're in now, you won't have to initialize the unit anymore. The LC-80's built-in backup battery will remember this information and will start up automatically again even after the power has been turned off. Again: Don't use position data from the readouts until all warning status indicators have been extinguished. These include the "CYC" (Cycle) indicators for M (Master), $1 (Slave 1), and S2 (Slave 2), and the "SNR" (Signal to Noise Ratio) indicators for Master and both Slaves. : When these warning indicators are on they indicate that the receiver is in the process of acquiring and locking onto the Loran-C signals. These indicators will be described in more detail in the section on Advanced Operations. Setting the Notch Filters 1. During the time we have been busy setting up the LC-80 initially, it may or may not have acquired any Loran-C signals, depending on whether there was any interference that may have prevented acquisition. The "Notch Filters" in the unit are designed to notch out and eliminate such interfering local signals. Lovan-C receivers are susceptible to interference in the region of 60 KHz to 140 KHz coming from sources such as Decca chain transmitters or military low frequency communication transmitters. The notch filters are capable of eliminating narrow-band sources such as these, but not broad band sources that may exist on a boat, such as gasoline engine sparkplug noise or alternator noise. This sort of interference must be eliminated at the source. See the Installation Appendix B for further information on this subject. 2. 3. The meter on the lower left of the front panel is used as a signal strength indicator when one searches for interference to be notched out. The Tune thumbwheel knob functions as a variably tuned receiver to find the frequency of the offending signal, and the two thumbwheel notch filters are then tuned to those frequencies to eliminate the interference. The Tune control has no effect on operation and can be left anywhere in its tuning range after any interference found has been eliminated. Some operators like to tune the Tune control to the middle of the Loran-C band (100 KHz) to have a continuous signel strength indication of the desired signals. ‘The procedure for notching out any interference is outlined below: a. First move both of the notch filter controls to their extreme counterclockwise positions (60 KHz). b. Move the Tune control slowly over its range while observing the meter for a deflection upwards. if a signal is detected outside of the Loran-C band (outside of 90-110KHz), the Tune control is used to obtain the highest deflection on the meter. ec. Notch Filter N1 is then slowly tuned to minimize the level of the interfering signal. Note that when properly tuned, the Tune control frequency and the Notch Filter frequency should coincide. d. The Tuning control is then slowly moved to find any other interfering signals, and Notch Filter N2 is used to eliminate it. e. If an interfering signal is extremely strong, it may be necessary to ‘use both Notch Filters together to minimize it enough for the LC-80 to function properly. This happens only rarely in practice. f. Make absolutely certain that neither Notch Filter is left in the Loren-C band (90-110KHz), because this will almost certainly cause signal acquisition or tracking problems! at READING YOUR POSITION: Latitude/Longitude readout: If you have followed the instructions thus far, and if you have already set the Mode switch to L/L, within three to five minutes after setting the Notch Filters you should be rewarded by all warning indicators being extinguished, and a stable Latitude/Longitude readout. This position indicated should be close to the position indicated on your chart. (Note once again that the L/L readout while in port may be different from the position shown on your chart by as much as a quarter of a mile or so because of signal distortion caused by passage of the signals over land. Don't worry: things will get more accurate once you're out of harbor.) In the Advanced Level Operating Instructions we'll get into mechanisms for adjusting the displayed Latitude/Longitude. Time Difference Readout: If you get bored just looking at the L/L readout with its flashing colons, you may find it entertaining to watch the received TD's change as the receiver goes through the process of acquisition. However, beyond simply providing a moving numbers show, the TD position of the Mode switch is an important one. You will remember that the TD lattice printed on a Loran-C chart is adjusted before printing to compensate for warping of the grid because of ASF (Additional Secondary Factors), and that TD's plotted on such a chart are thus inherently more accurate than the Latitude/Longitude calculated from TD's. In other words, TD's are observed phenomena, and Latitude/Longitude numbers are derived mathematically from this observed data. After a receiver has acquired and locked onto Loran-C signals, it is a good idea to check the resulting TD readouts and compare them to your known position on your chart. This will help assure that no strange things have occurred during the acquisition process. (One of these things is the dreaded "10 microsecond error" often encountered in the very early days of Loran-C receiver technology.) READING SPEED AND COURS! Rotate the Mode switch to the "S/C" position. Within a few seconds the left-hand display will show your Speed Made Good and the right-hand display will show the Course Made Good. (Note: this function as well as several others to follow will only work after the receiver has locked onto the signals.) ‘The Speed Made Good is defined as the speed over ground and is calibrated in knots. The Course Made Good is referenced to True North and would be the same as that seen if the course were plotted on your Mercator- projection chart. 2-8 — FURUN —_—_ Magnetie Bearings (rather than True Bearings): If you want the LC-80 to display magnetic bearings rather than True bearings, this can be accomplished by entering the Magnetic Variation for your location into the unit. i 1. press the [£] touchpad, and the right-hand display will show the Magnetic Varietion that has been entered into the receiver. At this point it should be zero. 2. For example, if the Magnetic Variation for your area is 12 degrees East, then the keystroke sequence would be: oR ]i| 2) Est KEYSTROKE SEQUENCE E 12 RESULTING DISPLAY (right-hand side) 4 MODE; "AVG.MAG V" 3. If the Magnetic Variation for your area is 12 degrees West, the keystroke sequence would be: (cr |[-]G)2\ENt] KEYSTROKE SEQUENCE Ww 12 RESULTING DISPLAY (right-hand side) MODE; "AVG.MAG V" Note that the [] key is used to change the default value of East to Wost for this function only. The default value for other functions in the LC-80 | is West. SETTING THE AVERAGING TIME: If you are presently sitting at the dock while you are learning the operation of your new Loran-C receiver, you may note that the speed reading varies quite a bit in a random fashion. This is a function of several factors, most noteworthy being the strength of the incoming Loran-C signals and the minute random variations of the propagation path between you and the transmitting station. i | ‘The calculation of speed is sensitive to these random variations, especially i at low speeds. You may smooth out excessive speed fluctuations by | specifying an "averaging" time constant that in essence lengthens the time interval over which the calculation is done. The tradeoff for a less-jittery | speed feadout is thet sudden changes in speed (actual acceleration or i deceleration of the boat) take longer to show up on the Speed readout. In i general, an Averaging time constant of 3 to 7 is a practical value for most I people, but you may want to experiment some with the value that most suits you. i It should be noted that the Averaging function will affect the speed that the Latitude/Longitude readout changes as well as the Speed readout, but that the TD readout will not be affected. | 1, Make sure you are in the "S/C" position of the Mode switch. Press the MODE; “WP-fO"-or—"We-FR* 5. If we were operating in Southern Latitudes and Easterly Longitudes we would have to override the North and West defaults that the LO~Fo has been set up to normally use. For example, if the position of our Waypoint Seven were 37 degrees, 40.00 minutes South Latitude, and 122 degrees, 24.00 minutes East Longitude, we would punch in the following Sequence. (G8 TAD MA EIDE EM)E]Et)] keyvstroxes '87:37:40.00| | E122:24.00 RESULTING DISPLAY op 6. Note, that the Minutes for both Latitude and Longitude are entered as deciital values, rather than as minutes and seconds. 7. Now go ahead and enter into a waypoint number of your choice your own target waypoint of interest. Waypoint Entry By T: The second method of specifying a waypoint position is by TD's. This process involves converting the TD's to appropriate Latitude/Longitude coordinates and then using those coordinates for the waypoint. This sounds like an involved process, but the LC-80 makes it quite straightforward, provided that the operator uses some degree of caution. Back in the section on How Loran-C Works we stated that Loran-C TD's form hyperbolic shaped lines and showed a simplified drawing (Fig-1-2). We have reproduced that figure on page 3-4 to refresh your memory. You will note that these umbrella-shaped lines are symmetrical about the baseline between the master and slave transmitting station. You might think of the baseline as a mirror, where the section of TD line of position on one side has a mirror-image on the other side of the line. While it is true that for a particular Latitude/Longitude position there is at least one set of two TD's that cross at that point, it is also true that for any one set of two TD numbers there are two Latitude/Longitude positions. You'll probably have to think about that one for a while and look closely at the drawing. ro inoiviouae "0 (Tine Oifterence) Fig.3-1 Simple Loran-C System What it all boils down to is that in order to convert a set of two TD's to a set of Latitude/Longitude coordinates, you have got to be on the correct side of the baseline (and its associated "baseline extension," where the baseline between the master and slave station is extended on through past the slave.) Without all the jargon, the approximate Latitude/Longitude of the TD pair must be specified in order to get a good TD to L/L conversion. opps bey UE Reatier ‘of the waypoint for which you have TD of your present position, you can go ahead and make the conversion’ without much fear of coming up with a L/L reading that is wrong.” But it is still a good idea to plot the resulting L/L coordinates quickly on a chart of the area to see if they make sense to you. Generally speaking, if the loca! numbers is in the general Let us use the following numbers as an example. The GRI in use is 9940, and the Slave stations in use are the "11" and the "27" lines. The TD's to be converted are: 12885.0 and 27932.4 microseconds. The approximate Latitude/Longitude at these TD's is 44 degrees, 30 minutes North Latitude, and 124 degrees, zero minutes West Longitude. (Note that the exact slave stations in use aren't important in the conversion between TD's and Latitude and Longitude, but it is necessary for the GRI to be the: same as the one used when the TD's were originally taken. If the GRI for the TD pair you want to convert to a L/L position is different from the one you are now using, it is possible to change the GRI in use to that of the other chain, but this is rather convenient since you will have to reinitialize the receiver again when you want to return to normal operation. You will have to wait for it to acquire and lock up again.) The sequence of operations is | tate the Mode switch to the "GRI" position and key in a GRI of 9940. \ Use a slave designation of "11" in the left-hand display, alt) agvough the ' ‘TD Uesignation isn't important. / \ | cx) /9][9}{4][0]1 | [ent J | 2. Rotate the Mode switch to the TD—L/L position. / | \ / i 3. Enter the toting ED numbers: \ UAB (F127 P1 GF) 2A xevsrroxes RESULTING DISPLAY MODE; "TD> L/L" 12885.0 279324 | | i i | 4 Press the [=] keypad to get into the séeondary funetion. 5. Enter the approximate L/L: culé [4] (3) [2] 2) (0) (ex) G) 2) 0] [ENT] KEYSTROKES 7 MODE, "ED => L/L" it J \ | It 6. The display will then change, with colons blinking to indicate that the | unit is still calculating. After a short time the numbers will stabilize, \ and the colons will stop flashing. The display will then show: \ { N 44:30.00 | [wi24;00,00 |“ RESULTING DISPLAY | | i \ N 44:35.00| Wi24:02.61 FINAL DISPLAY | \, | : 7. Now you specify a waypoint number into which thése coordinates / may be stpfed. For example, you might wish to use Waypoint 9. After the conyérsion has been done, simply press numerical touchpad "9." To rify/that this has occurred properly, rotate the Mode switch to the P FR" position. The waypoint displayed should be number\nine, and the position stored there should be the one that just came up in the \ conversion. Note that only waypoints zero through nine can automatically have the, TD conversions entered into them. —— | RANGE AND BEARING CALCULATION: specihedk 40 Now that you have entered a waypoint into the LC-80 you can proceed to t call up the Range and Bearing to that waypoint from your present position. \t-date—in—the—"WP—T@"~position—of the Mode swiich,—then your _waypoint——as.—the—desired- "destinations"—f-however you entered” your waypoint-data—in—the-"WP-PR"~ U-have-to-go-to-the-"WP-T0"-position-arrd” pyraising other the[ Por f=) touokpadeati-up-tho waypoint nue. seven — FURUN® —= | i i i | | ae | As a general rule, it is désirable to enter yn data into a waypoint | using the "WP TO" position of 1 ‘Switch since very often the next thing you will want to waypoint is to ask the unit for the Range an fig to that waypoint froii~your present position. : Simple Range and Bearing To a Waypoint: If you have already entered section.on "Reading Speed and Course" under "Magnetic Bearings"), the Bearing to your waypoint will be a Magnetic rather than a True bearing. 40 Note that the LC-8@ must have locked up on Loran-C signals at your location for this function to work. Select the GRI and the slave stations for your own location, and wait for the LC~80 to acquire. Range and Bearing From Waypoint to Waypoint: i Im the process of planning a voyage, a series of waypoints is usually selected in advance, and a Range/Bearing calculation is made to get the heading to use for the first leg of the voyage. As you approach the first waypoint, you then will want to calculate in advance the next heading to | take in order to get to the second waypoint. To do this you will need to use the Range/Bearing function from Waypoint to Waypoint. The procedure is straightforward. For example, let's assume you are heading toward Waypoint One and want to know the course to take after you round that waypoint in order to head towards Waypoint Two. the waypoint number of the next waypoint in sequence by using 0" position of the Mode switch. In our example we would lor [=] touchpads until Waypoint Two appeared as our @stination Waypaint). ic 1, Select the "WPS push either “Waypoint To" 2, Select the waypoint nui point you are just approaching by using the "WP FR" position @ Mode switch. ‘In our example we would push cither the touchpads to bring up Waypoint One as our "Waypoint From and the press the nction) of "R/B om (waypoint). 3. Rotate the-AGde switch to the "R/B _positin [EJtouchpéd to call up the secondary function (white TO/FR," translated as "Range/Bearing To (waypoint) NL 3-6 the left-hand display will show the Range in_na{itical miles betwebn_the two waypoints, and the right-hand display will show the @ Bearing unless a Magnetic Variation“has been entered.) from waypoint™e_waypoint. This last bit of~information is what you need to tell your™helinsman or autopilot (of yourself if the steering is done manually!). < Range from Waypoint One to Waypoint 5. Assume for the moment that jearing is 123.9 degrees True. ‘Two is 5.5 nautical miles 05.5] fhe MODE; "R/B TO/FR" TO FROM TRUE wi WPL 123.9) |. This function can be accomplished without having the LC-80 locked up on incoming signals. CROSS-TRACK ERROR FUNCTIONS: On a voyage between a starting waypoint and a destination waypoint, the desired course between the two positions is known as a "track." It could just as well be termed the “intended track" because although it is the intention of the skipper to follow this course faithfully, in reality, he never can do eo perfectly, The forces of wind, waves, current and even steering errors or boat loading imbalances and propeller speed mismatches on multi-screw boats can combine to move the vessel off the desired track. Of course a sailboat has an even tougher time sticking to an intended track, since it must constantly tack to move in spite of the wind direction. We'll get to another function later which is designed to help the sailboater achieve maximum efficiency in spite of the vagaries of the wind. ‘The amount which the boat is moved off the intended track is termed the "Cross-Track Error," often abbreviated "XTE." The angle of offset from the intended track due to current, wind and other factors is often referred to a "Course Offset." ‘The LC-89-is capable of calculating the offset necessary to get back on course to your intended destination. Note: if whatever was causing you to be off-course in the first place remains in effect, there will be a continuous series of commands to change heading to get back on course. we "10" COFFSET 70 REACH ORIGINAL TRACK (4G) 30° ee INITIAL HEADING CROSS - TRACK ERROR Fig.3-2 we “FROM™ Look at the drawing Fig.3-2. The perpendicular line from the intended track to the actual position of the boat (at some time after the voyage has begun) is the Cross-Track Error. The angle made by the actual track (if it were continued on without any compensation) is the Course Offset. In the example, it is necessary to steer to the left, with an new heading equal to the original heading minus 30 degrees, to compensate for the effect of > wind and current.) D ow : 4 vA jon i | Now in order.té use the Cross-Track-Error function it is necessary to specify a starting waypoint C'Waypeint-From”) and a destination waypoint Litaypoint TOT; just as these two quantities were needed in the R/B from waypoint to waypoint function. As an example, let us assume once again we are trying to get from Waypoint One to Waypoint Two. The procedure to follow i tate the Mode switch to "WP TO" position. 2, By poshing the or the =} touchpads, locate Waypoint WO. If no data ha: een stored in this waypoint, enter the coordinates for the desired destination. 2. Rotate the Mode switch to the "WP FR" position. 4. By pushing the [+] or [) touchpads, J9€ate Waypoint One. If no data has been stored in this waypoint, fiter the coordinates for the | desired destination. 5. Rotate the Mode switch to the "XTE"“position. The displays will show: | 2: 789 1: = 0397 ESULTING DISPLAY TO XTE /STRER LEFT DE; "XE" we2 30 DEGREES The colon to the of the amount of Cross-Track Egor will flash to indicate that the . desired track. /The minus sign in the right-hand display ¥lso indicates that it is negeSsary to steer to the left. VELOCITY TO DESTINATION AND TIME TO GO Velocity To Destination (VTD) is differentiated from Speed Made Good in | that VID is @ "vector" quantity while speed is a "scalar" quantity. A vector quantity denotes not only the magnitude of speed movement, but also the direction, whereas a scalar quantity denotes magnitude only. In this particular case then VTD defines the amount of speed in the direction of 7 the desired destination. 3-8 | I ‘The reason for all this seeming complication is that not only can wind and current move a vessel off its intended track, but so can intentional movements, such as when a sailboat tacks into the wind. In the case of a sailboat it is very beneficial for the skipper to know how much headway he is making toward the desired destination as he tries various tacking angles to optimize his progress towards a mark. oesineo = WB 10" COURSE vro, Le ACTUAL rae course pom Fig.3-3 PRESENT POSTTTON The Time To Go (TTG) is the amount of time necessary to get to the desired destination if the present VTD is maintained. TTG is obviously an estimate, since in the case of a sailboat a series of tacking maneuvers is usually necessary in order to get to a location, end in the case of a powerboat the effects of wind and current are usually not constant over a voyage. Unlike the Cross-‘Track-Error function, the VID/TTG functions don't require both a starting and destination waypoint location; only a destination (WPTO) waypoint is needed. However, in the case of a powerboat especially, the XTE/AC and the VTD/TTG functions are usually used together. The operator uses the XTE function for instantaneous information to monitor the short-term deviation from his intended track, and the VTD and TTG for a long-term evaluation of the progress towards his destination. ‘Thus it is a good idea to define both a "WPTO" and a "WPFR" for VID/TTG functions as well as for the XTE/AC functions. The VTD is displayed in units of nautical miles per hour (knots), and the TG is displayed in hours and minutes, up to a maximum of 99 hours, 59 minutes. As an example, let us use the same waypoints used in the previous example for the XTE/AC function; that is, from Waypoint One to Waypoint Two. 1, Rotate the Mode switch to the "WP TO" position. 2. By pushing the or the [-] touchpads, locate Waypoint Two. If no data has been stored in this waypoint, enter the coordinates for the desired destination. 3. Rotate the Mode switch to the "WP FR" position. 4, By pushing the or the [=] touchpads, locate Waypoint One. If no data has been stored in this waypoint, enter the coordinates for the desired starting location. 5. Rotate the Mode switch to the "VTD" position. The display might show for this example (if one were travelling a 10.5 knots and if the TTG were 6 hours and 32 minutes): 2: 10.5 06:32 wP2 KNOTS HRS MIN. STORING PRESENT POSITION: It is often desirable to be able to store your present position quickly so that you may set up a plan to go to a new. Jocation. As was stated previously many operators use Waypoint’ @HAUFnine as a "scratchpad" memory location to store information they may hear over the radio about a i spot where the fish are biting. Many operators use Waypoint Zero as a seratchpad memory location to store their present position. Let us say that you are presently travelling from Waypoint Five to Waypoint Six. All of a sudden your fishing buddy announces that the,fish are biting at his location. What you could do is store in Waypoint "y Shine the new destination as a Waypoint To, and store your present location in Waypoint Zero as a Waypoint From. Then you would use the Range/Bearing function to compute a new heading to take, and then switch to the XTE function to monitor your progress on the intended track to join your friend. ‘The touchpad sequence would be as follows: cmap e to Waypoint Zero. and your present position will Zero. a 7. Rotate the Mode switchto the "R/B" Pagition and read the new heading necessary to get to-your friend's location’ ra 8. Rotate the Mode switch to the "XTE" position tg monitor your progress on the inténded track between Waypoint Zero and\Waypoint Thirty nine to join’ your fishing buddy. 3-10 LORAN-C SLAVE SELECTION: ae So far you have been using your 1LC-88"on one Loran-C chain, and have ‘@mopstaHY) been using the pair of slave stations recommended in the | References Appendix D. In many areas however there may be more than one pair of slave stations available. are. The recommendations in the Reference Appendix D and derived 2y i considerations of station geometry and signal strength for each geographic area. We are going to have to look again briefly at some basic Loran-C theory to give you some insight into how these recommendations were arrived at. TD Gradients: Take a look again at Fig¢{-}) on Page G) where a section of chart was | given showing an area off~Yokohama, Japan. We determined that for the | island of Mikura Jima there were three LOP's (TD's) that all crossed at its Southwestern corner, the 9970-X-36800, 9970-Y-60600 and 9970-W-17750 microsecond lines. The spacing beween adjacent TD's for the 9970-X TD's is 200 microseconds. The spacing between adjacent TD's for the 9970-Y TD's is also 200 microseconds, The spacing between adjacent TD's for the 9970-W TD's however is only 100 microseconds. What this means is that for any given change in position, the X and Y TD's change more than does the W TD. This phenomenon is known as "gradient," and denotes the amount of change of position for a given change of Time Difference. Conversely, for ary change in TD's for the X and Y TD's there would be a greater change in position than for the W TD's. Obviously, the smaller the position shift for a given change in TD's, the better the accuracy we can expect in determining our exact position. | | \ | | 1 | | There is however a fly in the ointment. While the W slave station would be a better choice (on the basis of gradient alone) in the area we are considering near Yokohama, the station is located farther away then the Y slave, which would otherwise be chosen to cross with the X TD's. The W signal thus might be weaker and thus less reliable than the ¥ signal, even with its less desirable gradient characteristics. | | | | i 1 Angle of Crossing: Im an ideal Loran-C world all TD's would cross at an angle of 90 degrees. Unfortunstely, we don't live in such a world, so we must consider the angle of crossing that actual TD's create. The closer the angle of crossing i is to a right angle the better the accuracy of positioning will be. Close examination of Fig.1-1 shows that the X and the Y TD's cross at a better angle than do the X and the W TD's or the W and Y TD pair, and thus are a better choice to use. 7 Note that the differences in angles of crossing of the X-Y, X-W, and Y-W pairs is really not dramatic. Sufficiently accurate navigational accuracy for 3-11 [ most purposes actually could be obtained by use of any of these pairs of TD's. It is merely better to use the more optimum X-Y pair. It is a general rule of thumb that you should be very wary of using TD pairs that cross at an angle less than 30 degrees. If you use the recommendations in the References Appendix D you should be safe. Baseline Extension: Refer back to ig 9 in Page fs) ‘The "baseline extension" is the line that extends past the master_dnd slave station. Note that the shape of LOP's (Lines of Position, or TD's) is quite rounded and hyperbolic. The gradient in the region of the basline extension is quite pronounced, and furthermore there is a definite possibility that the receiver (or the operator) can get confused about which side of the baseline extension it is on. For these reasons it is extremely poor practice to use a TD when near a baseline extension. If on a transit one must cross the baseline extension, plan well in advance to change your slave selection before arriving in the bad area. Charts with Loran-C TD overlays mark the baseline extension areas, both by not even printing TD's in the area and by labelling the areas prominently. Changing The Slave Selecti If for some reason you wish to change your selection of slave stations the procedure is quite simple. Let's say you were presently using the 9970 GRI, with the a slave pair of "30" and "35," and that you wished to change to "30" and "11." ) vesulting display 1, Rotate th®\Yode switch to the "GRI" position. would be: QD 9970 30 ES INITIAL DISPLAY 2. Punch in the following: [eR] [1] [4] [EN TOUCHPAD SEQUENCE 9970 <30"] iL RESULTING DISPLAY 3-12 3. if ves hed been reversed in the initial display’ thre-slayes | ne inti 9970 55 30] INITIAL DISPLAY et) (7) G) ext] —— TOUCHPAD SEQUENCE sg70 11 ING DISPLAY ne. (pads in the "WAYPOINT 2. After the anchor position into Ws yed satisfactorily, store the present the "EVT" touchpad. ~ Continued on page APF-1, Appendix F 3-16 ADVANCED LEVEL OPERATIONS In this section we will go over some functions that normally shouldn't have to be used. If you get into trouble however you may find them useful. WARNING INDICATORS In several previous sections several statements were made that you must be cautious if warning indicators were on. In this section the meaning of each type of warning indicator will be discussed. Fig.4-1 BLINK Indicator If there is a problem at one of the transmitting stations, it will begin to transmit a warning indication called Blink." The LC-#) responds by producing a blink indication that tells the operator which station is having problems. The blink indicator dot on the left-hand display will come on if slave 1 is faulty; the right-hand display blink indicator dot will come on if slave 2 is faulty; and both blink indicators will be on if the master station is faulty. In some areas of Loran-C coverage it may be possible to switch to a different slave station if the one in use begins to blink, but if the master station is faulty all you can do is wait for the problem to be fixed at the station. CYC Indicator /ECD/ Deviation functions: CYC Indicator: If the "CYC" ("Cycle") indicator dot is on for the master or either of the two slaves, the LO-80 is trying to warn the operator that it may well have locked onto the wrong cycle of the Loran-C signal. ‘The shape of a Loran-C pulse is very important in determining the exact point at which the receiver locks onto and tracks a signal. The wave shape starts out at zero and gradually increases in strength until it peaks, from which time it begins to decrease in amplitude. All modern Loran-C receivers track on the third cycle of the pulse. The signal amplitude at this point is not terribly high, so in weak signal areas the receiver might become confused and lock onto the fourth rather than the third oycle, since the fourth cycle is stronger. When this happens to the master signal, both of the TD's displayed are 10 microseconds lower than they should be, and hence the terminology "10 microsecond error" became rather commonplace during the early days of Loran-C usage. 4 When there is a 10 microsecond error on one of the slave signals, the TD reading for that slave is 10 microseconds higher than it should be. The LC-80 employs sophisticated mathematical algorithms that materially i reduce the possibility of this sort of "10 microsecond error" caused by weak signals, but if the shape of the Loran-C pulse {s distorted by passage over land, or by reflection from other vessels, or even from masts or conductors on your own vessel, cycle locking problems could occur. ECD function: The definition of "ECD" is "Envelope to Cycle Distortion". This refers to the distortion of an actual pulse received off the air as compared to the theoretical shape. The LC-80 ean display a relative indication of the magnitude of the problem by using the "ECD" function position of the Mode switeh. (This is the secondary, white, function of the primary "SLEW" function, The SLEW function will be described later in this section.) Deviation function: ‘The amount that the internal reference oscillator in the LC-80 has drifted from its preset value is called the Deviation, The LC-80 compares the frequency of its own internal oscillator with that transinitted by the | Loran-C stations, all of which have extremely precise master oscillators. | The nominal value for DEV is 000, set at the factory. If the oscillator drifts too far signal acquisition time may increase and tracking accuracy may be affected. If this should occur the unit must be serviced. ‘The first table below lists the numerical values for ECD when the "ECD" function is called up, and the second table lists the numerical values for "DEV" that also appear in the "ECD" function position of the Mode switch. | eco DESCRIPTION ore DEV READING DESCRIPTION eAoins iwpicator | [~127~ 4127 | Normal acquisitton/tracking “17 Tracking on earlier | oy attainable | gcte Loss than =128 | It may not acquire signals, [16 ~ -8 | Signal distored, ‘or mora than | or even If once acquired, night be tracking 4128 ight tose tracking easily. ‘on earlier cyclen =1~ 8 | Tracking on correct | cl OFF 9~ 16 | Signal distored, might be tracking on later cycle. : 47 Tracking on later i on | eycio | = Signal 700 weak 40 j ensure £00. oF 1, Rotate the Mode switeh to the "SLEW" position, and press the [-]| touchpad to access the secondary "ECD" function. 4-2 i i i i i | 2. The ECD value for the master signal will be displayed on the left-hand side of the left-hand display; the ECD value for the slave one signal will be displayed on the right-hand side of the left-hand display. The ECD value for the slave two signal will be displayed on the right-hand side ! of the right-hand display. | 3. The number on the left-hand side of the right-hand display is the "DEV" (Deviation) of the internal reference oscillator in the LC-80. | 4, For example, if the ECD for the master, slave one, and slave two are respectively: 17, 13, and 15, and the Deviation is 012, the displays i would show: it 13 }[oiz 15 RESULTING DISPLAY MODE; "ECD" M = SL_ DEV 82 ECD ECD ECD SNR Indicator: If the SNR indicator dot for any of the stations goes on, the signal may have become too weak to use. In fact, the receiver may have lost track completely or the station may have gone off the air. SNR means "Signal to Noise Ratio," and is a relative measure of the quality of the signal in the presence of noise, either generated locally on the boat or generated in the ionosphere. The SNR funetion is also used by a servicing technician to evaluate problems either with the set itself or problems with noise generated on the boat. To call up the SNR function, use the following touchpad sequence: 1. Rotate the Mode switch to the "GRI" position, and press the [=] touchpad to get to the secondary (white) "SNR" function. 2, If for example, the SNR for the master, slave one, and slave two signals i were respectively: 87, 90, and 76, the display would show: 8790 76 RESULTING DISPLAY, MODE; "SNR" 3. Note that SNR will only display after the receiver has cycled through | the acquisition process and the CYC indicators have gone off. The table right lists the numerical [gq DORIPTION om values for SNR, and shows what the | jig ino reaToR various values mean. i oa Minimum value gow a | T° Neak to track {signal_tost? ow tow | feak but my track ‘once sequired ] 20-99 | Mitomacqui sit ion/ ‘tacking OK oF 9 Maximum Value 4-3

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