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6/14/23, 5:16 PM CONT_21UCT-296 :: LIFE SKILLS AND MENTORING-4: Lecture 10-Effective Use of Media


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Lecture 10-Effective Use of Media

Lecture 10-Effective Use of Media

Social Media :
Social media are websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to
participate in networking online. For individuals, social media is used to keep in touch with friends,
partners and extended family members. There are various types of social media i.e. networking sites,
review sites, image sharing sites, video hosting sites, community blogs, discussion sites, sharing
economy networks etc.

Advantages of Social Media :

·  Technological literacy - All social media is relying on advanced information and communication that
seamlessly works to build and support across the globe. Everyone has become handy at using mobile
devices that anything is just a click away. Provides with a platform for online sharing of abundant
knowledge among people sitting miles apart from each other.

· Connection - Students can benefit by increasing their thought processing after getting exposed to
variety of opinions from experts worldwide, which I consider to be an immense boost to their skills. They
can form solid global connections and get proper guidance by following the thinkers and great
educators at their profiles. It gives them a broader perspective of everything they learn.

· Networking - Brings people together in the form of different networking applications, where they can
converse freely and speak their views. They can form new relations on virtual applications, meet their
old friends, interact with unknown people just to get an insight of their mind and express feeling of
belongingness to their loved ones.

·  Attracts Attention - Anything which is appealing to the eye and is trending in society always lures a
person to either read, know, explore, venture, use or just plainly follow.. It helps bloggers, to influence
people by their experiences and work. It also motivates others to follow their passions.

·  Business Growth - Social media creates opportunities for monetization as well. The perfect
advertising spot. It could always be a creative method of doing your business to promote or enterprise
yourself all over. It allows employees to discuss and share ideas, ask questions, post latest updates
and news, and share links. It helps to improve business reputation. It helps in marketing one’s business

Disadvantages of Social Media :

· Distraction - Most students suffer from this. Getting distracted is very easy unlike gaining focus.
Whether a new viral video, or a text from a friend, or just random scrolling your mobile screen creates
loss of focus and one can lose track of time. It diverts your mind from doing whatever you were. Slowly 1/2
6/14/23, 5:16 PM CONT_21UCT-296 :: LIFE SKILLS AND MENTORING-4: Lecture 10-Effective Use of Media
with course of time, it becomes an addiction.

· Low productivity - Constant usage makes you dull, lethargic, engrosses you into boredom, loss of
creativity, makes you think off topic, make you hyper, create stress and unnecessary over thinking.

· Health Problems - Prolonged use has negative effects on your health, darkened patches under the
eye, strain in the eyes, inadequate sleep, loss of energy, laziness creeps into your soul, irregular diet, no
physical activity, fingers pain due to constant typing.

· Cyber Bullying - The number of illegal crimes, large extent of cyber bullying, pro hacking, deliberately
leaking your information, and lastly virus attacks has risen since a decade. It opens up the opportunity
for fraud and launch spam, further leading to identity theft. This may lead to cause panic, anxiety and
even depression.

·  Relationship Issues -  It creates barriers of love, belongingness, compassion, empathy. Anyone can
defame you, body shame you, disguise as you, abuse you, threaten you, viciously play with your mind.
It creates a skewed self- image. Again, your feelings are inauthentic.

Last modified: Sunday, 5 February 2023, 8:35 PM

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