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EIVann SST Possible Solution classi, ash Program memo ature ” Joetective RAM memory Detective \Gem CPU foetective RAM memory Defective iGem CPU Detective battery Jnesa/weite/read test has JRAM Memory Faliure fisted Defective RAM memory Detective RAM memory lberecuve battery Detective RAM memory Replace the iGem CPU JReplace the IGem CPU -ratctice Database Fallre [ORC on Statistics Database Is incorrect IGem CPU ven ace FaturefCRC 09 Event Log Databae Is event Log Database Failure| iGem CPU — IGem CPU [Totals Database Failure i 1Gem CPU IGem CPU rene roe On eee Cae [rotalizers Database Failure le rect 1Gem CPU betective battery JReplace the IGem CPU Defective RAM memory [Replace the iGem CPU [CRC on Identity Prom data is rdentity Prom Data Error |incorrect . Logged on reset/ |Not to be considered power-on [A Function 19.13 Reprogram function programmed with an {19.43 according to the incorrect value pump model at TTA ecogurencione ae roa Cesc valve Woe eae 8 zal sean esta ve atv pon we Replace the Solenoid fective Sera vave [rave Hare icon crv [Peace te 16am cPY Page tof 7 reated with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version 17 }iose test volume Hose test volume out of HOSE leakage Replace ne HOSE. [Perective NOZRE foerence [Petestve Nozzie—~"[reiece ne Nozze —| Lesion ne naruto ° vstem tnartwtmeen_ [Pte leakage eauawumeona RSSEsoe Iramner eR 418 [Hose test volume tolerance (on three paenen Se. [Replace the NOZZLE lensecutve ange) feekape in the yaraune c ovstem (rere) Phe leakage =| Wa Wa [Display cable not property aa fis = [oveac ie Dipiny catie eangured maximum number [eS ree 20 Jispiay Read back Error _ Of display rend back crore We Display coble eau a pas bess oeteciveoieplay boara_[ReDace we OAT . perecve iGem Cru __|Replace the Gem Gru PET Wa WA [Filing Start with Zero Unit ‘pted start of fling with cs 2 2 a OO PE pace frre (0) unt Price uatepree equals to zero Pra) |e I, aan eteptes stato ng wi [DH pee wos ve [oegsawmneunr Pstnimcesdwnarces” frewes om ne nos fmazteroserten| g rom POs, stern rovider Tay Teva a Junction 23.08 vg sort oner nt pce] iteneted sar of ling aendant wed wo start ar_ileg tar ater une rrelocrrevnt re tance civayrater sunt price [NAF the ime ° lumeout (=> 723.04) Joatneston Jcontigred In Function 3.08 before staring the | fsivery ing start ome Lifted without Preset reset entry is required [rer hs waue oF x_n sto nou reset Fry tg eared (=> fpee ating te feupcton 24.0 5 /F24.01 = 1) [detvery (runcion 24.01) [Preset 2 valus before tating the dl Gade pce sxrnan Pem@tee sat of ing and [erent uit prices vw» faigragence sete Jette mtenmtar [romana erase Vette | ® ISAT and MASTER Jand MASTER nozzles ce [Function 20.00 and 20.01 [correc Ee reine forte Pos. 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Now Ears pie ee eT a Ge EE ee [Very the stats of he IsTOP button ring terminated due to STOP IE |stoP button pushed a Function 8.6N andjor 56 button press Jwth incorrect values ™ Reconfigure Functions 6N and/or 9.6N Replace the Display looara [verity and if necessary [Function B.6N ondfor 9.6n] JRecontigure Functions with incorrect valu eS Jp.6n andyor 9.68 lone of the products is not blend Error exceeds fae tending out of tolerance configured max Value (%) (~ [ciean the solenoid valve. 3s > F.18) [rMeter retain relieve Iveive allowing passage Replace the I-Meter Irom one |-Meter chamber [retan/releve valve to another Replace the Solenoid ie Joetective Solenoid valve Replace the iGem CPU [Obetracuon n the Jsuction line Joetectve iGem CPU [One of the products is nat available replace the -Meter ow en one meter at Volume rato between the rom ane [eter chamber jeti/releve valve Ng cpenayotender pump Jassigned meters1s < 0.5% fo pater Precve seman ve [Ean rave Ha lings ta row with vapor IvaP Monitor 10 filings bad recovery flow rate out of iolerance, [72 hours elapsed ater error Defective ‘Gem CPU code 37 IvaP Monitor System (Vaports) ror or not connected TAP Monitor System (vapor has been reset replace the 1Gem CPU ar PEELE al ele g 3 al" lh [Function 43.00 parameter errors from motor Ie mcorreck 5 2 a i var syster Motor feedback Hane cavent Sow (2.9.00 fe Wap valve current low |vaive connected g Waive current is high(e.o- ie [Snort circuit on valve output) io contactor detected fear Getected vie external signal input p hardware error te Pages F created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version julie tion — Possible causes » - Possible Solution Dirty In the magnetic disk Defective Pulser Defective I-Meter check valve JPump mode! not correct Joiry in the magnetic disk Reconfigure pomp model Verity and clean the magnetic disks (presence of metalic Replace the Pulser Replace the Meter Replace the check valve ransaction (=> F17.00) | Reconfigure pump model Verify and clean the Jmagnetic disks (presence of metallic ch [Defective Pulser____JReplace the Pulser Replace the F-Meter ulser-1SB cable defectivelverity / Realace the ‘hot properly connected [Pulser-1SB cable Errors from WIP not used in Error on idle WIP rransaction ( +> F17.01) | jerify / Replace the CPU [cpu - 1S cable defective - 1S cable ‘ot properly connected Tasp cable defective [Verity / Replace the ISB lisB cable Replace the ISB Replace the Pulser Jneplace the iGem CPU Defective Pulser Defective iGem CPU ela Hee 8 a & | pressure applied over the [Verify / Correct Service hose (attendant stepping [Station Internal lover the hose) procedures neck pulses from WIP nat [Detective Peter check [Y=rty ‘and replace the Ises from idle WIP fused In Transaction ( -> ne aie ris.03) omens ca wack Pe anaes Replace the magnetic Detective magnetic disk Hoist leack pul oo Replace the i Meter NA 37) afigure el ump model not correct [resn igure pune Forward flow on WIP Not used aK Fe rransaction (Indication of |Magnetic disk slack Se ee eas leakage) ( -> F19.14) Replace the Solenoid Defective Solenoid valve vaive | i —— Error/Event oo [Derecuve Puiser —___[Reploce the Pulser ee puiser-1SB cable defectvelverity / Replace tne wnat properly connected [Pulser-ISB cable CSS wi? us WIP used in transaction ant 'espond on re-transmission. [LPG wiPs needs to be calibrated. To callorate 3) lenter maintenance mode and et parameter F16.05=3. 2) [Remove calibration magnet Jirom meter to be callbrated 3) Service Staton operational error ttendant did not start ——— petra acai por FORT rey Freese JUnit check valve or Foot [Check valve or Foot val valve Wve aleve [mak pope om ve Verify / replace the erected scents ave [seni vate cable fresiace te srenord cero valve fuse open rave fuse Inthe 1Gem a pacane Sommid ove Eee boteaive namie apices Nowe Replace the IGem CPU ing was started but no fuel nas been dispensed for Jcontigurable time ( -> F17.03) io Flow Timeout Description K Defective compact Pump [verity /replace the Junie Check valve or Foot. |Check valve or Foot valve [verity / replace the Jsolenoid valve cable RRepiace the so1eno1d [Solenoid valve Fuse open. }vaive fuse in the iGem Jbetective Solenoid valve [Berective Nozzle Joetective Gem CPU JReplace the 1Gem CPU [Senice Station Joveratona eror Jettendant did not [-—__eenunue the delivery 4 verity the level of product not available fey ae tt Jconnected solenoid valve Flow was tost for configured cable [solenoid vaive cable raximurmtime ¢ => #1703) replace tre soled otenotd valve fuse open |vaive fuse in the IGem psec Sood wave [pers De seTeE fbeecive nome —[Renlace the Rowse | replace the IGem CPU Product not available verity / replace the lenold valve cable Iconngured number of Iconsecutive number of lest}maximum consecutive Flow — |cab Lost events has been reached Replace the solenard (o> #17.05 ) [solenoid valve fuse open }vaive fuse in the Gem Ico [Replace the solenola valve lbetective iGem CPU [Replace the 1Gem CPU Tahicle tank Te RANT dant finished the éeliver Mt presi rah Detective [not propery —Nverity 7 replace connected solenoid valve [Men / reniace tne Detective Solenoid valve unfinished filing . 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