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Literature Review

Car theft protection using Internet of Things (IoT)

Overview: Car theft protection using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies involves the integration of
various sensors, communication devices, and data analytics to enhance the security of vehicles and
prevent theft. IoT-enabled car theft protection systems aim to provide real-time monitoring, tracking,
and remote control functionalities to mitigate the risk of theft and improve recovery rates.

Key Points:

1. IoT-Based Vehicle Tracking:

 IoT devices such as GPS trackers and accelerometers can be installed in vehicles to monitor their real-
time location, speed, and movement patterns. This data can be transmitted to a central server, allowing
owners and law enforcement to track the vehicle's location and detect any unauthorized movements.
 We are planning to build a central control unit which will control all the sensors as it was discussed in
A. Aranganathan, G. T, S. P. R, V. Vedanarayanan, S. Sivasundarapandian and R. E, "Centralized control
system employing Node MCU and IoT for finding the vehicle in the event of an accident, theft, or alcohol
overdose," 2023 Eighth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
(ICONSTEM), Chennai, India, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICONSTEM56934.2023.10142916.

2. Remote Immobilization:

• IoT-enabled car theft protection systems can incorporate remote immobilization mechanisms, allowing
owners or authorized personnel to disable the engine or lock the vehicle remotely through a smartphone
app or web interface. This feature can prevent thieves from driving away with the stolen vehicle.
• The remote immobilisation techniques were very aptly discussed in K. Mukherjee, "Anti-theft vehicle
tracking and immobilization system," 2014 International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded
Systems (ICPCES), Allahabad, India, 2014, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICPCES.2014.7062814.
3. Conclusion

• The literature suggests that IoT-based car theft protection systems hold great potential in reducing
car theft rates and improving recovery efforts. However, the successful implementation of these
systems requires addressing technical, cybersecurity, regulatory, and user-related challenges.
Ongoing research and development in this field are essential to refine the technology and ensure its
effectiveness in real-world scenarios.
4. References

• As well as accurate in-text citations, a literature review must contain complete and
correct citations for every source.

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