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J. Oral Diag. 2021;06:e20210014.


Oral manifestations of covid-19: review of the

Pryscilla Batista Leite 1*
Andressa da Silva Coelho 1
Maria Ivanda Rio 1
Nathalia Almeida Freire 2
Maria Eliza Barbosa Ramos 2
Monica Simoes Israel 2

COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and proved to be a challenge since there was
little knowledge about this disease. Several viral infections can affect the oral cavity and
because of this is fundamental the study of this disease and whether oral manifestations
could appear in an oral cavity. This work aims to review the literature on what is in the
scientific articles of the oral manifestations of COVID-19 since the recognition of the
existence of the pandemic.
Keywords: Coronavirus, Oral Health, Coronavirus Infections, Oral Manifestations

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,
UERJ, Faculdade de Odontologia - Rio de
Janeiro - RJ - Brasil.
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,
UERJ, Estomatologia - Rio de Janeiro - RJ -

Correspondence to:
Pryscilla Batista Leite.

Article received on March 23, 2021.

Article accepted on June 17, 2021.

DOI: 10.5935/2525-5711.20210014

Journal of Oral Diagnosis 2021

INTRODUCTION oral manifestations during the disease may be secondary
to compromised systemic health or treatment with syste-
The COVID-19 infection consists of a viral res- mic steroids and topics to which patients are submitted
piratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is trans- during the course of infection.
mitted through aerosols, droplets and, contaminated Examples of this are seen in immunological condi-
objects1. This virus enters the target cells through ACE- tions such as pemphigus, lichen planus, and pemphigoide.
2 receptors, spreading to other regions of the body2,3. In addition, changes in the oral microbiota may also
The most common symptoms found in patients occur that may cause hypersalivation or xerostomia, as
with COVID-19 are fever, cough, and headache. In the well as fungal, bacterial infections (such as Necrotizing
most severe cases, the virus may be responsible for Ulcerative Gingivitis) and ulcerations. These findings
respiratory distress syndrome or even lead to death4. were observed in patients with COVID-196,8,10,11.
There are several reports in the literature about the It is known that viral infections may present
possible oral manifestations of the disease, such as soft manifestations in the oral cavity, such as Dengue, Ebola
tissue ulcerations, vesiculobullous diseases, changes in virus, Hand-foot-mouth disease, Herpes Simplex Virus
the salivary and neurological glands3,4. infection, HIV infection, Infections caused by Epstein-
As dentists were considered high-risk health -Barr virus, and Measles. They can arise from maculo-
professionals due to exposure to dental procedures, it papular infections to painful ulcers and blisters. Because
is essential to know the possible lesions of COVID-19 of this, the study on the possible oral involvement of
both for the prevention and early detection of oral ma- SARS-CoV-2 infection is extremely important12,13.
nifestations. A case of vesiculobullous lesion on the lip with
This study aims to present the oral manifestations erythematous halo has been reported in the literature in
of COVID-19 seen in the literature to help in the early a patient with COVID-19, in whom he was treated with
diagnosis and control of the transmission. Dexamethasone and had remission of the lesion from
the eighth day. A biopsy was performed and a moderate
REVIEW OF LITERATURE lymphocytic infiltrate and microvascular thrombosis
Galván Casas et al.5 described the cutaneous ma- were seen on histopathological examination. The result
nifestations of COVID-19 in a series of 375 cases and for Herpes-simplex virus (HSV-1), HSV-2, HSV-3, and
documented for the first time the oral manifestations cytomegalovirus was negative13.
that occurred during the course of the disease in an atlas Perilabial lesions, characteristics of recurrent herpetic
with 150 cases. Three cases were found with intraoral stomatitis with a course similar to that of patients without
findings ranging from ulcers in the palate mucosa to a diagnosis of COVID-19 in a patient with mild symptoms,
erythema located on the palate and gingival margin1,5. have been described in the literature by Kitakawa et al14.
The oral manifestations found in the oral cavity The evolution of Herpes Zoster has been reported
of patients with COVID-19 are ulcers, blisters, erythe- in the literature15,44. In one of the cases, the patient pre-
matous plaques, macules, desquamative gingivitis, and sented facial involvement on the left side and intraoral
herpetic stomatitis3,6,7,8. lesions of an oligosymptomatic infection of COVID-1915.
Oral aphthous ulcerations have been reported both Lesions similar to those occurring in Herpes Simplex
in immunosuppressed elderly patients and in young peo- and multiform erythema affecting both keratinized and
ple. The healing process of these ulcers occurred when non-keratinized tissue were found in three patients ac-
patients were treated for the disease3,6. cording to Sinadinos et al.16 Among the three, two had
One report presented an ulcer that healed com- suspected COVID-19 and one had a positive result, with
pletely in 10 days, however, on the third day of symp- lesions similar to multiform erythema3,16.
tomatology, there was the development of a flat lesion In patients diagnosed with multiform erythema
in the thumb of the foot, which raises the hypothesis of during hospitalization, skin lesions were found that
manifestation of viral disease9. started as erythematous papules and progressed to
There are chronic diseases that are associated erythematous violaceous patches with a dark center
with poor prognosis in patients with SARS-CoV-2, so and a pseudovesicle. These patients were submitted to
herpetic lesions on the palate may be associated with oral cavity examination, which revealed macules and
emotional stress6,10. There are questions as to whether petechiae in the palate17.

Journal of Oral Diagnosis 2021

Histological examination of these lesions revealed these symptoms before other typical symptoms of CO-
mild to moderate spongiosis in the epidermis, dermis VID, as well as after hospitalization29,30.
with dilated vessels and the high number of neutrophils, However, about xerostomia, it has not yet been
extravasation of red blood cells, and perivascular and proven whether it can be caused by the use of medicines
interstitial lymphocytic infiltration17. or an active virus infection30.
Studies have shown that the entrance door of The impact of the dysbiotic oral microbiota, as
SARS-CoV-2 is through ACE-2, which is present in the an entrance door to SARS-CoV-2, is still questioned as
mucous membranes of the oral cavity. There is a high to the correlation between oral dysbiosis and disease
expression of ACE-2 in epithelial cells, especially in the severity in infected patients18.
tongue, gums, and salivary glands19. The viral load of One more point related to oral manifestations
this region is related to the severity of COVID-1913,21. associated with COVID-19 that deserves attention is
This increased expression in salivary glands the probability of the development of the periodontal
is sustained by the high amount of salivary samples disease. Chronic systemic inflammation associated with
positive for SARS-CoV-2. This can cause glandular periodontitis may present a higher risk of developing
disorders, such as acute parotitis, and maybe the first COVID-19 more severely31.
sign of COVID-19 infection that can affect salivary Besides periodontitis was also related to increased
consistency in terms of increased serous secretion and adverse outcomes in patients, such as increased morta-
enzymatic content19. lity, need for ICU hospitalization and assisted ventila-
Another possible early manifestation of CO- tion34. Marouf et al. also reported that patients with
VID-19 associated with salivary glands, according to periodontitis had an increase in leukocytes and higher
the studies, would be non-suppurative acute sialadenitis, serum C-reative protein levels when compared to people
which according to Chern et al.21 may affect the parotid without this chronic disease, which could show that the
gland and submandibular gland in patients with positive relationship between periodontitis and COVID-19 is
results for COVID-1921. linked to systemic inflammation32.
Some studies have also reported that Squamous In addition to the manifestations described, studies
Cell Carcinoma could be an oral manifestation of CO- have demonstrated findings such as transient lingual
VID-19, since overexpression of ACE-2 and its receptors papillitis, glossitis with lateral indentations, aphthous
are related to several aspects of oral carcinogenesis, stomatitis, glossitis with despapilation and mucositis, as
according to the literature20,23,24,25. Also, smoking well as burning sensation and dysgeusia33.
is investigated as a consistent risk factor for Squamous According to the American Academy of
Cell Carcinoma, increasing ACE-2 expression. Otorhinolaryngolog y-Head and Neck Surger y
The prolonged duration of viral load of SARS- (AAO-HNS) when a patient has anosmia, hyposmia,
-CoV-2 may be associated with poor hygiene of the oral and dysgeusia in the absence of rhinorrhea or rhini-
cavity, which may have an impact on the hospitalization tis, should be paid care to the possibility of SARS-
of patients27. -CoV-2 infection.34,35,36
A study conducted at the Yage School of Medicine According to a study by Biadsee et al. who verified
with 44 patients concluded that salivary samples were a series of cases of 140 patients who participated in an
more sensitive and had greater consistency throughout online questionnaire about the most common symptoms
the disease27. of viral diseases such as olfactory and taste disorders,
Regarding salivary alterations, hypersalivation xerostomia, and orofacial pain. Such symptoms were
and hyposalivation were described in the literature in more common in women34,36.
patients hospitalized by COVID-19 in the severe stage, As for neurological manifestations, a case of vesti-
who required intubation, tracheostomy, and external bular neuritis was reported, which is a viral or post-viral
ventilation, being subject to hyposalivation10. inflammatory lesion that affects the VIII cranial nerve37.
Hypersalivation was reported as secondary to an- Dentistry has shown a fundamental role in the
gular cheilitis after patients tested positive and presented evolution of this viral infection in patients with cardio-
pain in both labial commissures28. vascular diseases and COVID-19, an example of this
Concerning the loss of taste, xerostomia, burning is in controlling the development of bacteremia in the
sensation in the oral cavity, studies show the onset of oral cavity38.

Journal of Oral Diagnosis 2021

Certainly, intraoral examination in patients with can cause acute parotitis, which may be the first sign of
the positive result for COVID-19 or who are suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection, also associated with intraparotid
of this disease can assist the study on oral manifestations. lindadenitis19,39.
This knowledge allows us to differentiate whether the Angiotensin II is capable of promoting the inva-
lesions are characteristic of the disease, resulting from sion and cell migration of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
associated therapies or responses to stress resulting from in an autocrine manner, triggering tumor interactions
the presence of the virus6,7. mediated by its receptors24,25,26. The association of ACE-
2 and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma goes beyond the
DISCUSSION high expression found in the mouth. It is important to
evaluate this association since this most common ma-
There are several nonspecific manifestations of lignancy of the oral cavity is the result of activation
COVID-19 in the oral cavity reported in the literature, and deregulation of biological processes generated by
although the etiology of some of these associations has a complex interaction between environmental factors,
not yet been scientifically proven. epigenetic alterations, and genetic variations2,20,22,23,24.
Among the findings, there is the possibility of the Although this seems to act as a protective mecha-
dysbiotic oral microbiota being an entrance door to the nism against tumor progression, the harmful effects of
SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, it is also questioned whether tobacco, together with the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into
there is a correlation between oral dysbiosis and the epithelial cells, could be increased and contribute to
severity of COVID-19 in infected patients. The impact cancer progression22,23,25. This pandemic should teach
of the disease or medication is also questioned about the us several lessons and the possible relationship between
possibility of generating deleterious effects on saliva Squamous Cell Carcinoma and SARS-CoV-2, which need
about flow and composition13,18. to be further investigated9,22.
The pharmacotherapies to which patients are sub- Most oral manifestations reported in the litera-
mitted to the treatment of COVID-19 may also be able ture demonstrated pain, desquamative gingivitis, ulcers,
to cause changes in the balance of the oral microbiota, erythema, and blisters related to SARS-CoV-21,6 infec-
and other effects like a manifestation of gingivitis, ulcers, tion. Ulcerated lesions are generally more frequent in
hypersalivation, xerostomia, fungal infections, or oral patients diagnosed with COVID-19 positive diagnosis.
sensations of neurological basis may occur6,7,10. The most common localization sites were the back of
It is also suggested that the state of immunosu- the tongue, hard palate, and oral mucosa, with reports of
ppression caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus may allow painful symptomatology. However, oral manifestations
the appearance of lesions in the oral cavity, since cases may have several clinical presentations3,6,40.
of patients in this condition and with the positive re- Younger patients with COVID-19 in lighter stages
sult for COVID-19 who presented dysgeusia, anosmia, had aphthous ulcerations. On the other hand, immunosu-
aphthous lesions, burning sensation, decreased tongue ppressed elderly with more severe stages of SARS-CoV-2
papillation, pseudomembranous candidiasis or angular infection manifested ulceration with necrotic surface3.
cheilitis were reported29,32. Oral lesions may also be vesiculobullous or macu-
Furthermore, there are questions whether oral lar, from blisters to erythematous and petechiae lesions.
manifestations during the disease may be secondary to Lesions like Multiform erythema have also been repor-
compromised systemic health or to systemic and topi- ted, which is the most common and associated with skin
cal steroid treatments to which patients are submitted lesions18. Besides that, mucocutaneous manifestations
during the course of the disease7,10. were reported in a study published by the British Journal
Considering that Angiotensin II is part of the of Dermatology with 666 patients with COVID-19 and
mechanism of action of SARS-CoV-2 infection, it has a slight female predominance, which can be explained by
been reported that several organs have a high expression, sexual dimorphism in the olfactory bulb33.
including the oral cavity. This can occur in the epithelial Cases of Herpes Zoster, Herpes Simplex, and mul-
cells of the mucosa, affecting mainly the tongue and tiform erythema have been reported in patients affected
gums. These findings may contribute to a better unders- by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. According to the literature,
tanding of oral virus infection25. the lesions presented in initial infections in patients with
In addition to tongue and gum involvement, ex- positive PCR. Histopathological examination showed
pression in salivary glands has also been reported and

Journal of Oral Diagnosis 2021

moderate lymphocytic infiltrate and microvascular of extracellular neutrophils, which predisposes patients
thrombosis41. with periodontitis and COVID-19 to more serious adver-
Typical symptoms of COVID-19 may be inde- se effects and may cause constant tissue damage, in addi-
pendent of oral manifestations of the disease. Freni F tion to the activation of autoimmune mechanisms31,32.
et al.30 suggest the appearance of symptoms in the oral The elevation in blood levels of Markers D-
cavity resulting from the impediment of salivary flow -dimer and C-reactive protein (CRP) has been reported
in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. in cases of patients with COVID-19 and moderate to
According to what was seen in the studies, due severe periodontitis. This panorama has been related to
to patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in severe stage the worsening of the clinical picture of viral infection,
needing intubation, tracheostomy, and external ventila- however, it still needs further studies32.
tion, hyposalivation was pointed out as a result of this Biosafety care is fundamental due to the ability
process. As hyposalivation can reduce the patient’s oral of the virus to remain suspended in the air for long
health, it can have an impact on their hospitalization10,26. periods and may contaminate mucous membranes and
Anosmia is considered a marker for COVID-19 airways27. In this scenario, it is essential that the dentist
according to renowned international medical entities recognizes the possible oral lesions of the covid-19 and
such as the British Association for Otorhinolaryngolo- adopts biosafety measures in order to identify early and
gy35. It is believed that there are two possible ways for contain viral transmission.
the entry of the virus into the Central Nervous System
(CNS): through circulation or the cribriform lamina of CONCLUSION
the ethmoid bone34,42.
A manifestation of COVID-19 in which dentists It is essential to perform an intraoral examination
are sought is dysgeusia when the patients notice this type in patients with a positive result for COVID-19 or who
of alteration. Regarding oral manifestations, local oral are under suspicion of the disease, as this may be useful
infections and diseases of the upper respiratory tract in the early detection of oral manifestations.
can cause olfactory disorders, which in turn can trigger The knowledge of what has already been des-
changes in taste34,35,36. cribed in the literature facilitates the dentist in clinical
This was more frequently identified in patients decision making and influences the best prognosis for the
who had such manifestations before dry cough, fever, patient. Also, they direct health professionals to adopt
and fatigue and all patients with taste disorder also had the appropriate biosafety measures, since they have a
olfactory alterations4. high risk of contamination.
Also, some studies have reported neurological Certainly, the detection of oral manifestations by
symptoms in patients positive for SARS-CoV-2, such as the dentist can help in the early diagnosis of COVID-19,
dizziness, headache, decreased consciousness, convul- which reinforces the importance of the dentist in the
sions, symptoms related to cranial nerve pairs such as pandemic.
dysgeusia, anosmia, and vision problems37. It is notorious how is important to analyze wheth-
According to the literature, there are still no er the oral manifestations of COVID-19 are related to
answers regarding neurological manifestations related to SARS-CoV-2 infection or if they are systemic conse-
dentistry, as well as the correlation between oral health quences resulting from the impaired immune system,
and bacteremia in the worsening of cardiac patients7,37. co-infection, or adverse reactions to medical treatment.
Another point associated with the possible oral In this sense, further studies are needed in the
manifestations of COVID-19 that deserve attention is scope of etiology and factors predisposing to the appear-
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Journal of Oral Diagnosis 2021

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