WFDSA Annual Report 2021

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This year has been one of the most challenging years in recent history. Our
thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have lost loved ones and,
also to the many who have lost their livelihood. We are grateful to be able
to now see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we know that challenges
continue for many throughout the world.

So much has changed as a result of the pandemic, and all businesses need to accelerate their
transformation in order to meet the needs and demands of consumers and society in the future.
Our industry is no exception. This is the right moment to Reimagine, Reinvent, and Redefine
the role and contribution of direct selling for the next decade, to expand our impact, and to help
hundreds of millions of people live better lives.

We can reimagine what it's like in a digital world to build a direct selling business. Today more
than one of every four human beings on our planet are connected through some sort of social me-
dia platform. In every country, the percentage of retail sales that are made through e-commerce is
growing. There are billions of people who have a mobile phone, providing instant access to infor-
mation, right in their hands. The direct selling industry has the opportunity to deploy these digital
technologies in a way that significantly enhances and expands the earnings opportunity for our

representatives, while continuing to create community and connection in both a digital and physi-
cal medium. Reimagining how we create community in a digital world is an important and exciting
challenge. Just as companies whose employees are working remotely must solve this issue, it is
even more fundamental for our industry to do so. And when we do, we will provide even greater
connection and support to millions around the world.

We must also reinvent our notion of who is a direct seller. Entirely new global industries have
been created in the last ten years as a result of the technology behind the cell phone and the need
for hundreds of millions of people to earn a flexible part time income. Called the "Gig Economy" in
the US, marketplaces for buyers and sellers of services have cropped up in virtually every free mar-
ket economy in the world. These industries have created clear and simple propositions of associat-
ing specific actions with clear and simple compensation. By reinventing who is a direct seller and
how they get rewarded, we can expand our industry and include more people in the future.
5 Who We Are
And finally, we need to redefine the conversation about what direct selling is. As companies, we 7 Why Direct Selling
can elevate our reputation and demonstrate our positive social and economic impact to the coun-
tries in which we operate by quantifying the impact of our industry and making clear the extent to
which we provide a diverse, powerful, inclusive economy for all. 8 Governance & Finance
It is an honor and privilege to serve the direct selling industry during this pivotal time in history. I
am very passionate about our industry and very optimistic about the opportunities that are avail- 10 Ethics
able to us globally. Direct Selling has the largest and longest proven track record at providing part
time flexible income for a diverse group of people at scale. For more than 100 years, direct selling
has continuously provided earnings opportunities for tens of millions of people in all economic
12 Advocacy
cycles. I look forward to what we can do together to expand our impact and improve the lives of
many millions more! 18 Global Regulatory Affairs
Warm regards,
20 Association Services Initiatives
Roger Barnett
WHAT’S INSIDE 22 Global Statistics
2 3
WFDSA The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations is a volun-
tary, non-governmental organization that represents the
As we navigate 2021 and begin to look ahead, I want to extend my gratitude to all global direct selling industry in more than 170 countries. More
my colleagues and friends all over the world. These are unprecedented times we than 60 national and regional direct selling associations are
are living in with the current pandemic. It profoundly affected the lives of millions members of WFDSA, united in the effort to maintain the highest
of people around the world disabling entire communities and forever changing our ethical conduct standards among their member companies and
lives. However, through many virtual meetings and conference calls, we’ve re- to build understanding and support for direct selling worldwide.
mainedever connected by reaching into our home offices and living rooms, while working through this time
shared by everyone worldwide.

WFDSA and our member DSAs remained productive and helped to advance the cause of the industry
worldwide despite all the challenges presented to us by the pandemic. Our industry has not only been resil-
ient, but has realized a wave of inspiring new ideas, innovation, adaptability and creativity like never before.
As our Chairman Roger Barnett said, “it is an opportunity to look forward and to ‘Reimagine, Reinvent and
Redefine’ the global direct selling industry.” It is truly an amazing, inclusive, and diverse industry I love so
much that provides supplemental income earning opportunities to millions of people around the world.

I want to thank the CEO Council, the Operating Group, the Association Advisory Council members and all
our DSAs staff and company volunteers for all their contributionsthat make our progress possible. The WFDSA supports direct selling associations and their member companies by:

• developing, maintaining and promoting the highest global standards for responsible and ethical
conduct in direct selling;
• advocating for the industry with governments, media and key influencers such as academic and
62 consumer group leaders;
Tamuna Gabilaia • serving as a trusted global resource for information on direct selling; and
Executive Director, WFDSA • facilitating interaction among direct selling company executives on issues of importance to the

All WFDSA member Direct Selling Associations have implemented the WFDSA World Code of Ethics for
Direct Selling in their national Codes as a minimum requirement. All direct selling companies agree to be
bound by these Codes as a condition of admission and continuous membership in a national association.

The WFDSA was founded in 1978 and is based in the United States capital of Washington, DC. To learn
more about the WFDSA, its Code of Ethics and its initiatives, visit

4 Learn more about the WFDSA Code of Ethics at 5

$179.3 BILLION
Direct selling is the person-to-person sale of a product or service by independent sales representatives
who are sometimes also referred to as direct sellers, consultants, distributors or other titles. Direct sales
often occur in a one-to-one or small group or party plan environment, often in the consumer’s home.
Direct sales also may take place in a branded shop or retail location, online via e-commerce or social
? People say they choose
direct selling because:
It is a low-risk way to own a business – it takes
very little, if any, capital investment.

It can provide extra income. Direct sellers set

their own goals for earning income and deter-
mine how to reach those goals.

It offers flexible work schedules. Direct sellers

choose when and how much they work, whether
full time or part time.

It offers the chance to develop new skills and be

mentored by experienced leaders.

media, or by subscription/automatic delivery. Earnings are in proportion to efforts. The level of

success depends on how hard a person wants to
Independent sellers earn income from direct selling companies on the sale of products. They join a direct work.
selling business opportunity to earn extra money or even build a business with very low entry cost, low
risk and company-provided training and support. Some people join direct selling companies just to buy It provides opportunities to meet and socialize
exclusive products and services they enjoy at a discount. with people.

Worldwide, more than 125 million entrepreneurs earn income by direct selling. They sell some of the
world’s most sought-after brands of nutrition, beauty, home care, jewelry, clothing, home decor and
other products; and energy, telecommunications, legal, financial planning, insurance and other services.
Direct selling accounted for 179.3 billion in retail sales globally in 2020.

People of all ages and backgrounds succeed in direct selling. No specific levels of education, experience,
financial resources or physical condition are required. Sellers receive training and support from
established companies.

6 7

“ I am both humbled and honored to have been a part

of WFDSA during 2020, working with the many
Company CEOs, executives and DSA leaders around
the globe. This year will go down in history as a pivotal
year. While, in some instances, change may have
been accomplished through necessity, the industry
was well positioned to embrace the change and to
meet the needs of consumers through its redesigned

processes. This is just the beginning. We have more
to do. I believe, the best is yet to come.

Josephine Mills
Assistant Treasurer
2020/2021 HIGH POINTS
The WFDSA is governed by the CEO Council. The Council is comprised of chief executive
officers of leading member companies around the world. The WFDSA chairman is a Council
member elected by the Council to serve a three-year term. Activities and Strategic Initiatives

The CEO Council directs WFDSA affairs and establishes priorities. The Council meets annual- Direct selling is a highly personal industry that thrives on robust relationships between companies, inde-
ly to address issues affecting the industry and chart the action plan. The CEO Council ap- pendent sales representatives, consumers and suppliers. The WFDSA, along with its member associations
proves the annual operating budget and program of work prepared by the WFDSA Operat- and their member companies, is heavily invested in improving the quality of the relationships between
ing Group. these groups by fostering trust, confidence and high standards for conduct.

WFDSA strategic initiatives are designed to increase public awareness, understanding and support for
the real and meaningful difference direct selling makes in various economies, political systems and peo-
ple’s lives around the world, every day. WFDSA and the national associations work closely together to
ducate key regulatory, consumer and academic groups and to promote consumer protection initiatives.

8 9
“ I am very honored to be the Ethics Committee Chairman
amid such challenging times. During 2020, when
the whole world had to face a global pandemic,
our industry rose to the challenge, offering our
What photo goes

independent entrepreneurs an important source of

income and support. By promoting and enforcing
ethical standards that goes beyond compliance, we
will be able to have an even greater positive impact.
I cannot wait to see our initiatives coming to life

during 2021.
João Paulo Ferreira

The Ethics Committee administers, promotes and enforces the Global Code of Ethics and im-
plements programs to improve and strengthen the self-regulatory activities of WFDSA, local
and regional associations and their member companies. The committee facilitates interaction
between associations’ Code administrators and sharing of best practices across nations. It also
promotes awareness of the Code among member companies, media, regulators and consumer

The Ethics Committee goal is to make direct selling be recognized as one of the most socially
responsible industries in the world. The committee aims to do that by continuously raising WFD-
SA and DSAs’ self-regulatory standards and ensuring national Direct Selling Association’s member

2020/2021 HIGH POINTS

companies and independent direct sellers full adherence to them. Additionally, the committee in-
tends to go beyond ethical standards and foster an industry’s corporate behaviour that promotes
human rights, human development, sustainability, social prosperity, income generation, financial
and social inclusion.

The Ethics Committee is working to identify the integrity risks applicable to the direct selling industry glob-
ally. The assessment results will be used to enhance WFDSA’s integrity program, the Global Ethics Tool-
kits and other processes to create long term value to the direct selling companies.

10 11
ADVOCACY Advocacy Communications
2020/2021 HIGH POINTS
“ As an industry, we understand the value we offer and the
good we do worldwide, but we need to do a better job of
telling that story. We share the responsibility for our reputation,
and together, we can reposition our industry to win in the
French Direct Selling Association
emerging empowerment economy with a focus on three
key value drivers: who we are matters, what we do matters
and how we do it matters. As we continue to develop great
products for our customers, create greater clarity around
the business model and hold ourselves to high standards of
integrity and transparency, we have the power to improve
our reputation and build a more accurate, positive narrative
around the products and services we sell, the opportunities

we create and the good we do around the world.

Ryan Napierski, Chairman WFDSA continues supporting the French Direct Selling Association’s (FVD) initiative to introduce direct
selling in the leading French universities. In November 2021, FVD in close cooperation with the Lycée
Brémontier will organize the European Innovation and Trade Colloquium which will bring together ac-
ademics, direct selling industry representatives and business circles to exchange ideas and experiences
related to this year’s theme “The agile company: key to performance”.

To improve the direct selling industry’s reputation by repositioning our industry to win in the
emerging “empowerment economy”. The Advocacy Committee will build on the work of previous
committees through its focus on improving industry reputation by:

• Defining the value we contribute to the global economy

• How the value we provide drives positive perception

The Committee will accomplish this by developing and executing a Global Reputation Plan that:

• Defines aligned strategic imperatives

• Outlines an operating plan
• Identifies key capabilities and resources
• Engages a third-party agency to help develop and execute a reputation campaign
• Ensures alignment with the WFDSA Operating Group and the CEO Council

Advocacy initiatives develop and strengthen relationships with key industry stakeholders
through 3rd party research and communication and various local, regional and global
educational initiatives.

12 13
Advocacy Events
2020/2021 HIGH POINTS
Indian Direct Selling Association Direct Selling Association of Indonesia

The Indian Direct Selling Association in collaboration with Shoolini University jointly launched a
‘Center of Excellence for Direct Selling in Academics' (CEDSA) and introducing one year post grad-
uate diploma on direct selling. Govind Singh Thakur, Minister of Education and Rajinder Garg, Minister
for Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Government of Himachal Pradesh inaugurated the event ac-
knowledging that by introducing direct selling in the academic community, the students will receive a In January 2021, the DSA of Indonesia (APLI) organized public-private partnership event which was key-
research-based education while also learning the nuances of the business. These initiatives will benefit noted by Bambang Soesatyo, Chair of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly. According to
the youth of the state and the rest of the country. WFDSA Executive Director Tamuna Gabilaia shared the DSA of Indonesia statistics, 64% of those involved in direct selling are women between ages 24-30,
industry trends and congratulated DSA on such important initiative. many of them students/with college degree. More than 100,000 people make this business as their main
source of income which shows how direct selling industry continuous to contribute to the Indonesian
economy. WFDSA Chairman Roger Barnett gave an inspiring message about the direct selling industry
and its ability to change lives.

Direct Selling Association of Ukraine

In February 2021 Direct Selling Association of Ukraine
Direct Selling Association of South Africa
organized online public- private partnership conference
titled “Antifragility: How To Benefit From Changes” focusing In the fall of 2020, the DSA of South Africa hosted
on entrepreneurship and direct selling industry in Ukraine. virtual conference focusing on inclusive and
Direct selling is a popular activity in Ukraine engaging diverse direct selling industry and flexible income
approximately 1 million independent direct sellers. According earning opportunities it provides to millions of
to the Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report (AGER) 2020 people around the world.
survey, 81% of Ukrainians would like to start their own
business and work for themselves compared to the global “To all direct sellers, you are answering our Pres-
figure of 57%. Eighty four percent of Ukrainian women ident’s Thuma Mina call. Your contribution might
have a desire to work for themselves compared to 49% of European women. Direct selling is among TOP seem insignificant when looked at in isolation, but
5 most popular business opportunities. Eugeniy Oleynikov, Deputy Chairman of the State Tax Service of collectively your direct selling industry is a giant.
Ukraine spoke to the group and reiterated his willingness to "cooperate with the DSA to further improve You are among the people who are making South
the conditions for entrepreneurial initiatives." Africa great.” Said Deputy Minister of Trade and
Industry Nomalungelo Gina.

14 15
World Congress
Advocacy Events
Tomorrow is Now
2020/2021 HIGH POINTS
Direct Selling Association of the Philippines

The DSA of the Philippines (DSAP) celebrated its 25th Annual Industry Awards virtually by recognizing their
member companies’ independent representatives. Awards were given in categories such as the “Sales
Achiever”, “Entrepreneur of the Year” and “Hall of Fame”. DSAP also recognized member companies
who have been members for ten, fifteen and twenty years. The event was titled “Moving Forward to
2021”. Secretary Ramon Lopez from the Department of Trade & Industry keynoted the event. He comment-
ed, “As we move forward in 2021 and work towards our shared aspiration for sustainable growth, we’re
confident that we can build back better the post pandemic era.” Other speakers included WFDSA
Chairman Roger Barnett and WFDSA Executive Director Tamuna Gabilaia.

Direct Selling Association of Ecuador

The World Congress (WC) titled “Tomorrow is Now”
has been postponed due to the pandemic and will be
held virtually on October 6-7, 2021.
Registrations are now online at 17

The Direct Selling Association of Ecuador held public-private partnership international digital direct
selling conference focusing on entrepreneurial opportunities, digital marketing, personal brand
establishment, entrepreneurship tips and the power of social media. Speaking on the occasion, Daniel
Legarda, Vice Minister of Production, Foreign Trade and Investment acknowledged the direct selling
industry as one of the pillars that helps to sustain the economy of the country.

16 17
“ One of the most impactful things we can do to improve
trust in our industry, and keep the entrepreneurial
spirit alive and well, is to have clear and enforced laws
and regulations in every country across the globe.
From those that define direct selling vs. unethical
operations, to those that provide consumer protections
to our sales force and their customers, strong regulatory
practices are necessary to a favorable reputation and
positive public perception. Supporting the enactment
of such practices; and providing education to the
authorities on how to enforce them; remains our key

focus and I look forward to all this committee will
accomplish in 2021.
Milind Pant
Global Regulatory Affairs Chairman 2020/2021 HIGH POINTS
The Global Regulatory Affairs Committee (GRAC) protects the direct selling opportunity The Committee facilitates global information sharing by developing best practices that are proac-
by providing proactive, strategic and tactical Government/Regulatory Affairs support to tive and shared through education and training, and providing consulting and advocacy assistance,
national DSAs to address and resolve direct selling issues. when appropriate. The Committee encourages member companies to visibly promote good causes,
conducts fundamental regulatory training for member companies and creates position papers on
behalf of the direct selling industry.

The GRAC Committee plans to develop model regulatory themes regarding direct selling, refer-
encing examples from specific markets that support good consumer protection measures. The
GRAC Committee will also continue its ongoing work of maintaining the Legal Compendium.
The Committee will continue to expand its regulatory toolbox with examples of direct sell-
ing-specific consumer protection legislation around the world that is championed by the indus-
try and can be used as examples in discussions with policymakers.

18 19
WFDSA Secretaries Meetings DSA Standards
With most international travel ceasing in 2020,
Level Achievements
WFDSA Secretaries meetings changed from be- Congratulations to members who requalified or
ing in person two-day event to several 1 to 2 hour reached the following DSA Standards in 2019.

virtual meetings. DSAs continued to exchange
information and share best practices. We gained Platinum
an understanding of what each DSA was under-
taking to support their members during pandem- Australia Malaysia

ic lockdowns and shared what challenges they face.
The Secretaries from DSAs across the world used Argentina Mexico

2020 was a year that most wished to forget with global the time to brainstorm industry issues, exchange Brazil New Zealad
best practices and review DSA performance stan-
lockdowns causing most to isolate and abandon scheduled dards and new initiatives. Canada Peru
meetings but for DSA's this was a time when we came Chile Philippines
together more than ever in virtual meetings seeing our Association Performance Program
Colombia Poland
home offices and sharing how our members where handling In addition to the Secretaries meetings virtual Ecuador Russia
the pandemic. In spite of early predictions of doom, the Direct Association Performance Program meetings
were held regionally enabling a focus on core France South Africa
Selling industry boomed during this time and we found issues ranging from logistics to member reten- India Thailand
new and improved ways to operating our businesses, tion when members might not be able to trade.

running our associations and communicating with the very Early on it became evident that our companies Italy Ukraine
had pivoted online and similarly DSAs also trans- Korea United States
essence of our industry our people. formed the way they operated virtual meetings
Garth Wyllie across topics benefited member companies.
Regional meetings were held for Asia Pacific, Gold
Chairman Latin America and Europe zones and continue to
Indonesia Kazakhstan
DSA Ranking Baltics Spain

WFDSA Anniversaries
(Estonia, Latvia,
We continue to see DSAs improve their perfor- Lithuania) Sweden
mance year on year with now 19 DSA’s reaching Germany Chinese Taipei
the Platinum level for their activities in spite of
Asia / Pacific Covid lockdowns. Equally we have seen strong
movement from Silver to Gold status in the lat-

India – 25th anniversary in 2021 est round of rankings demonstrating the desire
Singapore – 45th anniversary in 2021 for excellence by our DSAs around the globe. Silver
Finland Netherlands
Europe / Africa Hong Kong Singapore
France – 55th anniversary in 2021 Hungary UAE
Portugal – 20th anniversary in 2021 Ireland
Russia – 25th anniversary in 2021
Latin America Bronze
Colombia – 25th anniversary in 2021 Costa Rica Norway
Peru – 20th anniversary in 2021 Croatia Portugal
Czech /Slovak Slovenia

20 21


Including China
Excluding China
2017 2018 2019 2020

Excluding China sales, the industry continued growth with a three-year compound
annual growth rate of 3.0% for the 2017-2020 period. (CAGR including China was -0.1%)

Sales figures are expressed in 2020 Constant USD at Estimated Retail, less value-added tax.

United States is the #1

Asia Excluding China* 57.3 - up 3.5% Asia Excluding China* 66.0 - up 2.2%
China* 19.2 - down 20.0% China* 3.6 - down 13.1% Top Selling Market in the World in 2020.
Americas 64.7 - up 10.6% Americas 33.7 - up 9.0%
Europe 36.2 - up 1.6% Europe 14.5 - up 2.6%
Africa & Middle East 1.9 - up 4.0% Africa & Middle East 7.6 - up 18.2% TOP 10 MARKETS IN USD BILLIONS


1. 1.

3. 3.
2. 2. China
China 19,183
While COVID-19 had a significant impact on the global economy, the Direct Selling industry was also 4. 4. Korea
Korea 17,748 17,748
impacted at various stages of the pandemic. The industry was generally well placed to offer either flexible
product access and/or supplemental income opportunity to offset some of this impact. China had a second 5. 5. Japan
Japan 15,411 15,411
consecutive year of decline with the impact of COVID-19 more materially impacting the industry in China, 6. 6. Brazil
Brazil 8,252 8,252
which was still recovering from the unrelated events that impacted 2019 sales. (WFSDA estimate of China
sales is based on the data sources available.) 7. 7. Malaysia
Malaysia 6,978
8. 8. Mexico
Mexico 5,277 5,277

78% of GLOBAL SALES are generated by the top 10 countries. 9. 9. France

France 5,130
10. Taiwan, China
Taipei 4,462
22 23

2017 2018 2019 2020


Global sales were generated by over 125 million independent representatives,

an increase of 4.3% from 2019. The sales force has expanded at a
three-year compound annual growth rate of 1.6% from 2017-2020.


 8.2 million are estimated to be full-time, devoting 30+ hours
weekly to building their direct selling businesses.

ON RAMP TO SUCCESS n 47.0 million are part-time, devoting up to 30 hours

weekly to building their businesses.

n 6
 0.2 million others include those who have recently
joined; many who join because they love the product and want
to purchase at a discount; and others who join but just never
become active.
A continuing trend is the increase of "Preferred Customer" programs, with al-

9% 21% 25% 23% 22% most 40% of markets reporting nearly 30 million participants in such programs
in 2020, which is in addition to the 125.4 million independent representatives.
Aged 18-24 Aged 25-34 Aged 35-44 Aged 45-54 Aged 55+
These programs often attract those who would previously have signed as in-
dependent representatives and been included in the "Others" count above.

As the next generation of direct sellers, Gen Z now 74% WOMEN / 26% MEN
accounts for nearly 10% of the industry and direct
selling remains equally attractive among all ages. The Direct Selling Industry continues to be an attractive opportunity for women, providing
flexible options for supplemental income.

24 25


46.9 36.2%

4.7% 6.8
4.7 5.2 5.2 4.5 4.7
2.3 3.8%
2.6% 2.9% 2.9% 1.3% 2.5% 2.6%

Clothing & Cosmetics Home Care Household Wellness Books, Toys, Foodstuff & Home Utilities Financial Other
Accessories & Personal Goods & Stationery, Beverages Improvement Services Advanced Emerging
Care Durables Etc.

Cosmetics/Personal Care (26.2%) and Wellness Products (36.2%) together account for more Direct Selling is in more than 170 countries, covering both emerging
than 62% of category sales. Household Goods & Durables increased from 11.7% in 2019 to and advanced economies.
14.4% in 2020, while Clothing & Accessories decreased from 6.2% to 4.7%. Advanced markets represent a 63.5% share of global direct selling.
The emerging markets, including China comprise 36.5% of the global direct selling
share in 2020
Emerging markets continue to present growth opportunities
Excluding China, emerging markets grew by 6.4% over 2019, with a three-year
compound annual growth rate of 4.6% (2017-2020), continuing to outpace the
overall industry growth.

26 27
WHAT THE WORLD IS SAYING: The pandemic has brought our world closer. All countries found themselves in the
same conditions and faced the same challenges. It was very important for us to feel
No crisis or recession that the world has been facing so far has paralyzed the the support of the World Federation, which has become a platform for communication,
world's economies to the same extent as the now coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its exchange of experience and study of best practices in overcoming the pandemic. We
preventive measures. The current situation places completely new and increased began to communicate more intensively, despite the fact that offline events were
demands on the management of companies, DSAs and Direct Sellers themselves. postponed. Also, the World Federation engages associations in discussions of the
With the support of WFDSA, we have been able to identify the most pressing
issues, set priorities and find effective solutions for our industry. The extraordinary post-image world, new opportunities for company growth and the restoration of the
importance of sharing of our experiences and best practices has also been confirmed. industry to a new digital level. The demand for such a discussion is very high.

–Lenka Mrazova, General Secetary, DSA of Czech & Slovakia – Nadiya Bedrychuk, Executive Director, DSA of Ukraine

The contribution of the WFDSA in

the most complex moments that
WFDSA gradually discussed all challeng- we lived due to the pandemic
es and issues that DS industry and DS has been fundamental. We were
companies met during the pandemic, able to transcend borders in each
organized information exchange between meeting we had with all the DSAs
national DSAs to promote a positive of the world. Knowing that we
experience and achievements. It helped are an articulated industry, helped
national DSAs to overcome barriers created and help us to face the difficult
by Covid -19 and gave feelings of belonging situation with greater positivity.
to a worldwide industry and community Thanks to the WFDSA today we
of professionals. maintain that unity.

– Tamara Shokareva, Mary Kay –María Fernanda León. Executive

Director, DSA of Ecuador / WFDSA
Association Advisory Council,
Latin America Region

The unfortunate emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has proven the The pandemic situation revealed our strengths and weaknesses and forced
outstanding relevance of the WFDSA to local DSAs. It has and continues to us to rethink and develop our relationships with our members. It is in this
provide our association with countless aids, tools, and recommendations for
us to give the best support to our member companies and look beyond for context of a period of turbulence and economic uncertainty that the many
new opportunities for the direct selling industry. We deeply appreciate the meetings organized by the WFDSA for the DSAs have been of a
hard work and dedication the WFDSA put into accompanying us with the considerable contribution.
best guidance during these complex and difficult times.
–Jacques Cosnefroy, Executive Director, DSA of France
– Alfonso Silva, Executive Director, DSA of Chile

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