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Xan's Pulling Guide
Finding ACV

ACV is Account Ownership Verification. There are multiple things you need to prove your ownership to Epic

Once you have found an account you like off Gamerdvr or killfeeds,
look the name up on Xresolver.
If the account doesn't have an IP you will need to find a new name.

Once you have the IP and Gamertag, search the IP up on

This is the most accurate site, you can use it to get a proxy location and
you can see where the OG owner is from

Write down all the info you have now, Gamertag, IP, Location.

Go over to put in the gamertag, You will see the

stats of the account, this is how you can see how active the account is
and what the display name is.

Write both of those down as well.

Now, go over to the Epic Games launcher. Put in the current Gamertag
or display name. This will show all the linked accounts.

Write all of these down.

Proxies are needed to show Epic that you are in the OG
owners location

You need to be in the same city, state and country as the OG

owner is.

The best proxies are IP2world and Pia Proxy

Once you have set up your proxy and made sure it is working
correctly you can move on.
Submitting a ticket
This is the hardest part, not all employees will give you questions. Keep trying until you get questions.

Head over to and either log in to an alt or don't login at all

Live chat:

When using live chat you will need to have: current gamertag and current display name.

Put in your script and wait until you are matched with an agent.

Give them any information you have when they ask for it

If you don't have any info that they have, come up with an excuse that matches your script.

The goal is to be converted to email. This is when you will most likely get questions.


Press "recover" while submitting a ticket instead of logging in.

Make a new email similar to the name of the account you're attempting to pull.

Put in all the info you currently have, leave everything else blank.

When it asks for an IP, leave the proxy IP.

Put in your contact email and submit.

Manipulating Epic
The best questions you get will be 6. If they asked for the email, these are locator questions. It is possible to bypass these
but it is way easier just skipping it. You did something wrong while submitting a ticket if you get these.

Once you have the 6 questions you will need to put all the info you currently have. To make a receipt you will need to go
to the persons Xbox profile on the Xbox app. Look for an achievement named Gunsmith. This is the date that the person
purhased STW. You will need to use a template in my server and edit it to that date. Don't worry about the invoice id, the
employee cannot see these.

To get a Vbucks receipt, check the first few clips to see when they got their first skin, check the item shop dates to see
when they made the first purchase.
Hello, I recently lost access to my epic games account as it's attached to
my deceased grandmother's email. My house recently burned down a
month or so ago and I lost all my important things including my Xbox.
I no longer have access to my Microsoft account as it was also
unfortunately on her email. I lost my Grandmother during the situation
and no longer have any of her old electronics which consist of her
emails and import documents. She was very old school with her
technology and I don't even remember what the email is because I
created the account in like 2017. I just recently finally got myself a new
Xbox, and I just want to enjoy some games on my epic games account.
it would be much appreciated if you could help me get back into my

I recently sold my Xbox and forgot to remove my account from it. My

Microsoft account was then stolen and I cannot recover it because the
email was my mother's who passed in 2019. She typed her email into
everything including my epic games which I don't have access to
because of the hacker, nor do I know the email that she used. I would
appreciate it if you could help me regain access to my epic games

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