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Equipment List
Aramis Tackle Bag:

Used for Basic Tackle Drills

Get low and make sure your position is correct.

Aramis Tackle Ring:

Used for tracking motion of the Running Backs

Moving Target Tackles


Used for body tackle or block shedding

Made to feel like player-on-player tackle

Gilman Tackle Bag:

Used for body tackle and head/arm/body position

Made to feel like player-on-player tackle

Agile Bag:

Used for step-overs and footwork drills

Moving tackles with Running Back Tracking

Gilman Blocker Bag:

Used for block shedding

Simulate a Lineman enabling hand placements

Training Cones:

Used for marking out zones

Simulate game situations and responsibilities

Drill One: Hitting on the rise
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Tackler builds on explosive strength up and through the tackle

2. Produce power and balance, making tackles much harder to break
3. Drill works on both the fundamentals of tackling and strength

Step One: Step Two:

Begin with front knee up; hands “in the On the whistle, explode your hands and
holsters” (gunslinger) to explode; eyes and hips into Gilman tackle bag; step forward
chest up. with the back leg; eyes and chest up.

Step Three: Step Four:

Drive your feet; extend your hips into the Carry tackle bag for 2-4 yards; set down
tackle; eyes and chest up. and reload drill; perform drill four-six total
Drill Two: Stance and Starts Drill
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on stance and posture allowing for a tougher player

2. Produce power and balance, making Linebacker better prepared to step forward in position
3. Drill works on both the fundamentals of footwork, agility, balance and football IQ

Step One: Step Two:

Begin with athletic position; up on the balls On the whistle, accelerate forward to right
of the feet; knees bent in slight squat; hands 45 degrees; keep pad level low; eyes and
in gunslinger; eyes and chest forward. chest forward. Three step forward.

Step Three: Step Four:

On the whistle, accelerate forward to On the whistle, accelerate forward to left 45

straight; keep pad level low; eyes and chest degrees; keep pad level low; eyes and chest
forward. Three step forward. forward. Complete three-six total reps.
Drill Three: Contain, Track and Tackle 1
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on stance and posture pre-snap

2. Linebacker becomes able to step forward and read the run; understand the containment
3. Builds up the Linebacker agility, speed and awareness; use previous tackle technique

Step One: Step Two:

Begin with athletic position; up on the balls On the whistle, accelerate forward; step
of the feet; knees bent in slight squat; hands over the agile bag and chop the feet; read
in gunslinger; eyes and chest forward. and react to coach’s hand signal (left/right).


Step Three: Step Four:

Track the runner to the side the coach Square the shoulders; take check step and
directed; shuffle to keep runner in sight; plant feet; put body across tackle; keep head
track until in front of tackle; eyes forward. up, chest out, get low (avoid axial loading!)

Drill Four: Weave and Tackle
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on stance and posture pre-snap

2. Linebacker becomes agile, builds cutting and chopping ability to avoid blockers
3. Builds up the Linebacker ability, to tackle at speed and to secure the runner

Step One: Step Two:

Begin with athletic position; up on the balls On the whistle, accelerate forward; run up
of the feet; knees bent in slight squat; hands right of the agile bag; plant the foot; lateral
in gunslinger; eyes and chest forward. cut across agility bag and continue run.

Step Three: Step Four:

Come out of agile bags; pad level low, eyes Run through with whole body in tackle; hit
on tackle bag; accelerate to get into correct on the rise as before; perform six total reps;
tackling position; square off and be ready. three starting right; three starting left.
Drill Five: Moving Track and Tackle
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on ability to track ball carrier through traffic

2. Linebacker becomes able to choose left or right and read the run
3. Builds up the proper tackle technique and necessary containment
Step One: Step Two:

Drill Six: ShedMove

runner; move to keep pace; hips and
and Tackle
in diagonal path; aim where runner
Begin with athletic position; 6-8 yards from
will be-not where they are now; few yards
must remain square. off, plant foot and run down.

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on fighting off the blocks

2. Linebacker becomes able to stay on feet while in pursuit and read the run
3. Builds up the Linebacker intelligence, as well as fighting off multiple blocks, high or low
Step Three: Step Four:

Once in position, make the tackle; lead foot Drive through the bag; aim to be right on
goes in front of the ball carrier; get arms top of the ball carrier; keep head back; chest
thrust up round bag; Connect with torso. and shoulders in; avoid Gator Roll.

Step Four:

Drive through the bag; aim to be right on

top of the ball carrier; keep head back; chest
and shoulders in; avoid Gator Roll.
Step One: Step Two:

Drill Seven: “W” Drill

Face off against blocker bag; 5 yards off
and Tackle
Once block is avoided, player must locate
ball carrier; pursue at correct angle; on
coach; on whistle, pursue ball carrier; coach
will throwneeded:
blocking shield; knock it down. approach keep eyes up; pad level low.

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on stance and posture pre-snap

2. Linebacker becomes able to step forward and move back; understand the containment
3. Builds up the Linebacker agility, speed and awareness; improve tackle technique
4. Three:
Step 0

Make contact; place lead foot in front of the

tackle; drive the feet through the tackle;
secure arms around and drive.


Step One: Step Two:

Drill Eight: Contain, Track and Tackle 2

Sprint 45 degrees forward; move diagonally
Begin with athletic position; up on the balls
sideward; motion backward keeping eyes
of the feet; knees bent in slight squat; hands
in gunslinger; eyes and chest forward. on the target. Attack forward on each run.
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on stance and posture pre-snap

2. Linebacker becomes able to step forward and read the run; understand the containment
3. Builds up the Linebacker agility, speed and awareness; use previous tackle technique
Step Three:
One: Step
Step Four:
Adjust the shoulder
Begin with placement;
athletic position; keep
up on thechest
balls Come
On theinwhistle,
for tackle at containment
accelerate forward;angle;
up; as you come to the end of the “W”,
of the feet; knees bent in slight squat; hands aim
over the agile bag and chop the the
for outside shoulder; force ball
feet; read
plant feet, square
in gunslinger; eyesshoulders,
and chestlocate tackle.
forward. carrier inside; drive through to the end.
and react to coach’s hand signal (left/right).


Step Three: Step Four:

Track the runner to the side the coach Square the shoulders; take check step and
directed; shuffle to keep runner in sight; plant feet; put body across tackle; keep head
track until in front of tackle; eyes forward. up, chest out, get low (avoid axial loading!)

Drill Nine: Run and Rush Drill
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on pass rush and tackle

2. Linebacker becomes able to sack strip the ball and read the play
3. Focuses the Linebacker on securing the Quarterback and ball first, recovering fumble second

Step Four:

Drive through the tackle; bring down the

tackle bag; immediately recover; look to
secure football if you forced the fumble.
Step One: Step Two:

Drill Ten: Power Through

Begin with athletic position; complete path
Agility section completed; rush the tackle
bag; accelerate through the tackle; maintain
through agile bags; bags will be positioned
for cut, weave or containment. No Jumping! a low pad level.
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on stance and posture pre-snap

2. Linebacker learns to traverse the line and move towards a tackle or sack
3. Linebacker perfects tackling, whilst also focusing upon footwork and position of hit
Step Three:

Do not slow down; within striking distance

use one arm to secure the tackle, other arm
raised to force a fumble; aim for arm!


Step One: Step Two:

Drill Eleven: Footwork Break Away

Traverse round the cones; focus on the
Begin with athletic position; eyes must be
tackle target; maintain square frame ready
on the target; prepare for arm movement of
the coach;needed:
traverse movement. to make tackle.

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on stance and posture pre-snap

2. Linebacker agility increases and balance before run is improved
3. Builds up the Linebacker power so that tackle is stronger

Step One: Step Two:

Step Three: Step Four:
Begin with athletic position; up on the balls Start making short chop steps; motion in
of the upon
Finish feet; knees bentchop
last cone; in slight squat;
the feet; hands
break Plantout
and front foot to prevent
diagonally targetbreak
for 2-4 yards; escape;
in gunslinger;
down eyes
into tackle and chest
stance; eyesforward.
up, chest drive the
down intochest andposition
athletic shoulders into the
forward; move fast towards the tackle. tackle; secure with arms and drive through.

Step Three: Step Four:

Lower head and pad level; sprint through to Continue to perform reps; three total reps;
the cone; prepare to return on back route; one rep is forward and back; footwork,
should be paired up. should be tight on ball of foot; speed up.
Drill Twelve: Meet and Greet Closedown
Equipment needed:

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker builds on stance and posture pre-snap

2. Linebacker agility increases and tracking the run is improved
3. Builds up the Linebacker power so that tackle is stronger

Step Two:

Begin jog as ball carrier for about 2 yards;

begin to sidestep as the tackler; keeps eyes
on the ball carrier; maintain form.

Step Four:

Ball carrier sprints for last section of the

drill; tackler now within 2 yards; contain ball
carrier; meet and greet with thud.
Step One:

Drill Thirteen:
Pair up, ball carrier and tackler 10 yards
apart; 15-yard shuttle; ball carrier goes
between jog
Equipment and sprint; tackler closes in.

Aim of the drill:

1. Linebacker
2. Linebacker
3. Linebacker

Step One: Step Two:

Step Three:

Ball carrier sprint for about 5 yards; tackler

match speed and start closing the gap using
a downhill run; return to jog and sidestep.

Step Three: Step Four:

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