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What do I need to remember to do in Paper 2?

Ensure that you:
1. Decided whether you are FOR or AGAINST the issue- make this
VERY CLEAR in your introduction and be PERSUASIVE in showing
that YOUR opinion is the best one straight away

2. Have identified approximately 8 ideas from the passage which you are
going to consider carefully- these should include POSITIVE and

When writing your response:

3. Begin each paragraph by rewriting the POINT from the passage

making it clear WHO said it- use your BEST VOCABULARY and try to
create a metaphor which you can EXTEND throughout your response
4. Provide different viewpoints (the OPPOSITE of what YOU will argue)
to show that you are weighing up what you think about the issue. Be
formal and respectful of alternative view and use connectives to introduce
‘One way of viewing this is…’/ ‘Arguably,…’/ ‘On the one hand…’/ ‘One
perspective is…’/ ‘In contrast to my own opinion, one might argue that…’
5. Then, provide YOUR opinion and EXPLAIN why you think this- this
is your EVALUATION of the point- you are saying what you think about
it and giving reasons for why you think this.
 Your response should have the INTRODUCTION on its own in a
paragraph and then a paragraph for EACH POINT.
 Your conclusion should state what your FINAL opinion is and leave your
audience with a lasting strong opinion of you and why you are RIGHT.
Descriptive Writing:
Ensure that you:
1. Spend 10-15 minutes PLANNING: Use the drawing or list method to
decide what 10x images you are going to include and what DETAILS you
are going to say about them

2. Write in the PAST TENSE

3. Begin with setting the MOOD with a description of the weather

4. Use PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES to guide the reader through your


5. Vary sentence openers and sentence lengths throughout

6. Try to use a colon and semi-colon

7. Use ambitious vocabulary from the toolkits- you could learn SEVERAL
images off by heart and include them in ANY title that you’re given

8. Choose somewhere that you can imagine CLEARLY and use similes,
metaphors, personification and VERY PRECISE word choices to
make each image VIVID (I need to be able to see it from your description
so do not CONTRADICT yourself)

Avoid these common mistakes again:

 Not including enough images (things/ people in your location with 3-4
sentences of detail about them)- these MUST BE 2-3 SIDES of the
booklet or a full page typed
 Repeating the same ambitious words more than once
 Comma splicing
 Not using commas in a list of adjectives
 Not beginning and ending with the weather to show how it has changed
 Clumsy typos which you really should be able to spot- forgetting a capital
letter will HUGELY IMPACT you mark

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