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Pre-Mid Term Assessment Course Outline -June 2023

Grade 12

Total Marks: 40 marks

Duration: 1 and ½ hours

05-06-2023 06-06-2023 07-06-2023 08-06-2023 09-06-2023 12-06-2023 13-06-2023 14-06-2023

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Business studies/
Physics Chemistry
Grade 12 English Biology/ Math/Psychology Computer Science Islamic Studies
/Accountancy /Economics

ACCOUNTANCY Accounting for Partnership Firms
Chapter-1 Accounting for partnership firms – fundamentals
Chapter-2 Goodwill – Nature and Valuation
Chapter-3 Change in Profit sharing Ratio among the existing partners
Chapter-4 Admission of a partner
• State the meaning of partnership, partnership firm and partnership deed describe the
characteristic features of partnership and the contents of partnership deed.
• Discuss the significance of provision of Partnership Act in the absence of partnership deed.
• Differentiate between fixed and fluctuating capital, outline the process and develop the
understanding and skill of preparation of Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.
• Develop the understanding and skill of preparation profit and loss appropriation account
involving guarantee of profits.
• Develop the understanding and skill of making past adjustments. State the meaning, nature
and factors affecting goodwill.
• Develop the understanding and skill of valuation of goodwill using different methods.
• State the meaning of sacrificing ratio, gaining ratio and the change in profit sharing ratio
among existing partners.
• Develop the understanding of accounting treatment of revaluation assets and reassessment of
liabilities and treatment of reserves and accumulated profits by preparing revaluation account
and balance sheet.
• Explain the effect of change in profit sharing ratio on admission of a new partner.
• Develop the understanding and skill of treatment of goodwill as per AS-26, treatment of
revaluation of assets and re-assessment of liabilities, treatment of reserves and accumulated
profits, adjustment of capital accounts and preparation of balance sheet of the new firm.

BIOLOGY  Chapter-5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

• Explain Mendelian inheritance and explain deviations from Mendelism – incomplete

dominance, co-dominance, multiple alleles and inheritance of blood groups, pleiotropy and
polygenic inheritance.
• Describe the basis of chromosome theory of inheritance
• Differentiate between chromosomes and genes
• Explain the process of Sex determination - in human being, insects, birds and honeybee.
• Explain linkage and crossing over and sex-linked inheritance.
• Evaluate mendelian disorders in humans with examples of thalassemia; haemophilia, color
blindness and PKU chromosomal disorders in humans; Down's syndrome, Turner's and
Klinefelter's syndrome.
Chapter-2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants:
• Explain the Flower structure
• Enumerate the steps in the development of male and female gametophytes in plants
• Define pollination and explain the types with agencies citing specific examples
• Explain outbreeding devices
• List the steps in pollen-pistil interaction during pollination
• Define double fertilization and classify the events in post fertilization changes
• Explain the processes in the development of endosperm and embryo development
• List the stages of seed development and fruit formation
• Define the special modes in seed development with special emphasis to- apomixis,
parthenocarpy and polyembryony
• Evaluate the significance of seed dispersal and fruit formation.

Chapter-3: Human Reproduction:

• List the main organs of the Male and female reproductive systems
• Evaluate the microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary
• Explain gametogenesis - spermatogenesis and oogenesis
• List the steps in the menstrual cycle
• Define fertilization and explain embryo development up to blastocyst formation
• Explain the significance of implantation for successful pregnancy and placenta formation
• Describe parturition and lactation.

Chapter-4: Reproductive Health:

• Explain the need for reproductive health and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
• Define birth control and explain its need and methods
• Evaluate the concept of contraception and the processes involved.
• Define medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) and its demerits
• Explain the process of amniocentesis
• Explain the concept of infertility and explain the need for assisted reproductive technologies
such as IVF, ZIFT, GIFT.

Chapter-10: Microbes in Human Welfare:

• Enumerate the benefits of Microbes in food processing

• List the processes of industrial production of curd, antibiotics, organic chemicals and the
impact and commercial value of these products.
• Explain the steps in sewage treatment
• Evaluate the role of microbes in Bio-energy generation
• Name and explain the role of microbes as bio-control agents and bio- fertilizers.
• Explain Antibiotics and state the steps of production and judicious use of antibiotics.
BUSINESS Unit 1: Nature and Significance of Management
STUDIES Management - concept, objectives, and importance - Understand the concept of management. -
Explain the meaning of ‘Effectiveness and Efficiency- Discuss the objectives of management. -
Describe the importance of management.
Unit 2: Principles of Management
Principles of Management - concept and significance -Understand the concept of principles of
Unit 3: Business Environment
Business Environment- concept and importance  Understand the concept of ‘Business
Environment’. Describe the importance of business environment Dimensions of Business
Environment - Economic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal Demonetization - concept and
Unit 4: Planning
Concept, importance and limitation -Understand the concept of planning.-Describe the importance
of planning. -Understand the limitations of planning. Planning process - Describe the steps in the
process of planning. Single use and Standing Plans. Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method,
Rule, Budget and Programme
Unit 5: Organising
Concept and importance -Understand the concept of organizing as a structure and as a process. -
Explain the importance of organising. Organizing Process - Describe the steps in the process of
organizing Structure of organisation- functional and divisional concept. Formal and informal
organization - concept - Describe functional and divisional structures of organisation. Explain the
advantages, disadvantages and suitability of functional and divisional structure- Understand the
concept of formal and informal organisation.
Unit 6: Staffing
Concept and importance of staffing -Understand the concept of staffing- Explain the importance of
staffing Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management concept - Understand the specialized
duties and activities performed by Human Resource Management Staffing process

CHEMISTRY Chapter 1:
Solutions (Textbook Page34-62 )
•Describe the formation of different types of solutions;
•Express concentration of solution in different units;
•State and explain Henry’s law and Roault’s law;
•Distinguish between ideal and non-ideal solutions;
•Explain deviations of real solutions from Roault’s law;
•Describe colligative properties of solutions and correlate these with molar masses of the solutes;
•Explain abnormal colligative properties by some solutes in solution
Chapter 4:
Halo alkanes and Haloarenes: (Textbook Page 281 - 314)

• Analyze name halo alkanes and haloarenes according to the IUPAC system of nomenclature
from their given structures;
• Describe the reactions involved in the preparation of halo alkanes and haloarenes and
understand various reactions that they undergo;
• Correlate the structures of halo alkanes and haloarenes with types of reactions;
• Apply stereochemistry as a tool for understanding the reaction mechanism;
• Appreciate the applications of organo-metallic compounds;
Environmental effects of polyhalogen compounds.
Chapter 3:
Electrochemistry (Textbook Page 64-94)

• Describe an electrochemical cell and differentiate between galvanic and electrolytic cells;
• Apply Nernst equation for calculating the emf of galvanic cell and define standard potentia
of the cell;
• Define resistivity (ρ), conductivity (κ) and molar conductivity (✆m) of ionic solutions;
differentiate between ionic (electrolytic) and electronic conductivity;
Describe the method for measurement of conductivity of electrolytic solutions and calculation of
their molar conductivity; Pasco tool kit

• Justify the variation of conductivity and molar conductivity of solutions with change in
their concentration and define Λ° m (molar conductivity at zero concentration or infinite
• Enunciate Kohlraush law and learn its application

Chapter 2:
Chemical kinetics (Textbook Page 93-120)

• Define the average and instantaneous rate of a reaction;

• Express the rate of a reaction in terms of change in concentration of either of the
reactants or products with time;
• Distinguish between elementary and complex reactions;
• Differentiate between the molecularity and order of a reaction;
• Discuss the dependence of rate of reactions on concentration, temperature and catalyst
• Derive integrated rate equations for the zero and first order reactions;
• Determine the rate constants for zeroth and first order reactions;
SCIENCE Computational Thinking and Programming – 2
● Revision of Python topics covered in Class XI.
● Functions: types of function (built-in functions, functions defined in module, user defined
functions), creating user defined function, arguments and parameters, default parameters, positional
parameters, function returning value(s), flow of execution, scope of a variable (global scope, local
● Exception Handling: Introduction, handling exceptions using try-except-finally blocks
● Introduction to files, types of files (Text file, Binary file, CSV file), relative and absolute paths
● Text file: opening a text file, text file open modes (r, r+, w, w+, a, a+), closing a text file, opening
a file using with clause, writing/appending data to a text file using write() and writelines(), reading
from a text file using read(), readline() and readlines(), seek and tell methods, manipulation of data
in a text file
● Binary file: basic operations on a binary file: open using file open modes (rb, rb+, wb, wb+, ab,
ab+), close a binary file, import pickle module, dump() and load() method, read, write/create, search,
append and update operations in a binary file
● CSV file: import csv module, open / close csv file, write into a csv file using
writer(),writerow(),writerows() and read from a csv file using reader()
● Data Structure: Stack, operations on stack (push & pop), implementation of stack using list.

ECONOMICS Money and Banking

ο Money - its meaning and functions- Supply of money
ο Money creation by the commercial banking system.
ο Central bank and its functions (example of the Reserve Bank of India)

Determination of Income and Employment

ο Aggregate demand and its components
ο Propensity to consume and propensity to save (average and marginal)
ο Short–run equilibrium output; investment multiplier and its mechanism
ο Problems of excess demand and deficient demand; measures to correct them
ο Change in government spending, taxes and money supply

Government Budget and the Economy

ο Government budget - meaning, objectives and components. Classification of receipts -
revenue receipts and capital receipts classification
ο Measures of government deficit

Balance of Payments
ο Balance of payments account - meaning and components
ο Balance of payments deficit-meaning
ο Foreign exchange rate - meaning of fixed and flexible rates and managed floating
ο Determination of exchange rate in a free market.

GRAPHICS Isometric Projection of Solids:
(i) Construction of isometric scale showing main divisions of 10mm and smaller divisions of 1mm,
also showing the leading angles. Drawing helping view/s such as triangles, pentagon, hexagon, etc.,
using isometric scale.
(ii) Construction of Isometric projection (drawn to isometric scale) of solids such as cube; regular
prisms and pyramids (triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal); cone; cylinder; sphere;
hemisphere. The axis and the base side of the solid should be either perpendicular to HP / VP or
parallel to HP and VP. (Indicate the direction of viewing).
(iii) Construction of combination of any two above mentioned solids keeping the base side parallel
or perpendicular to HP/VP and placed centrally together (Axis of both the solids should not be given
parallel to HP).

Machine Drawing (as per SP46: 2003)

A. Drawing of machine parts:
(i) Drawing to full size scale with instruments. (Internal choice will be given between any two of the
following). Introduction of threads: Standard profiles of screw threads - Square, Knuckle, B.S.W.,
Metric (external and internal); Bolts – Square head, Hexagonal head; Nuts – Square head, Hexagonal
head; Plain washer; combination of nut and bolt with or without washer for assembling two parts
Machine Drawing (as per SP46: 2003)
(ii) Free-hand sketches (Internal choice will be given between any two of the following).
Conventional representation of external and internal threads;

Construction of different Types of studs – Plain stud, Square-neck stud, Collar stud;
Construction of different Types of rivets – Snap head, Pan head (without tapered neck), Flat head,
600 countersunk flat head. Screws (round-head, cheese- head, 900 flat counter sunk-head,
hexagonal socket head and grub-screw);

ENGLISH Section A – 18 Marks - Reading Skills

I. Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage (10+8 = 18 Marks)
1. One unseen passage to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis and inference. Vocabulary
assessment will also be assessed via inference. The passage may be factual, descriptive or literary.
2. One unseen case-based factual passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data, charts etc. to
assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation.
Note: The combined word limit for both the passages will be 700-750 words. Multiple Choice
Questions / Objective Type Questions and Short Answer type Questions (to be answered in 40-50
words) will be asked.

Section B – 9 Marks -Creative Writing Skills

II. Creative Writing Skills
3.Notice, up to 50 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered.(4 Marks: Format :1 /
Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar : 1 ).
4. Article Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs, to be answered in
120-150 words. One out of the two given questions to be answered . (5 Marks: Format : 1
/Organisation of Ideas: 1/Content : 2 / Accuracy of Spelling and Grammar :1 ).

Section C – 13 Marks- Literature Text Book and Supplementary Reading Text

5. . One Prose extract out of two, from the book Flamingo and Vistas, to assess comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, evaluation and appreciation. (3x1=3 Marks)
6. One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry (Flamingo), to be answered in 120-150 words.
Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract / event as reference points to assess
extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question will elicit analytical and evaluative response
from the student. Any one out of two questions to be done. (1x5=5 Marks)
7. One Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Vistas, to be answered in
120-150 words, to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the text. Questions to
provide analytical and evaluative responses using incidents, events, themes, as reference points. Any
one out of two questions to be done. (1x5=5 Marks)

ISLAMIC Chapter 1 Surah Noor (1-8)

• To recite the verses of Surah noor(1-8) with applying the rules of Tajweed.
• To Interpret the holy verses of surah noor (1-8)
• To Explain the significance of holy verses

Chapter 2 Separation spouses

• To identify the types of separation of spouses

• To analyze the ethics and rulings of Islam with respect to divorce
• To differentiate between the types of divorce
• To examine the legitimacy of mutual divorce (Khul’) and separation by a judicial order
• To value the wisdom of separating spouses

Subject enrichment: Surah noor (1-8) with applying the rules of Tajweed.
1. Relations And Functions
• To describe Cartesian product, relation and function, domain, codomain and range.
MATHEMATICS • To explain different types of relations and functions.

2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions

• To understand the concept of inverse trigonometric functions.
• To apply principal value branch in solving problems.

3. Matrices
• To understand the need of matrices, its order, types and properties of Matrices.
• To learn about transpose of a matrix.
• To add, subtract and multiply 2 matrices of same order.
• To express matrix as sum of symmetric and skew symmetric matrices.

4. Determinants
• To define determinant as a value of matrix.
• To find area of triangle using determinant.
• To learn to write the expansion of determinant using minors, cofactors and adjoint of a
• To solve system of equations by application of determinant and matrices.
• To find inverse of a matrix using determinants.

5. Continuity and Differentiability

• To identify points of discontinuity of functions.
• To identify points of non-differentiability of functions.
• To evaluate derivatives of trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions.
• To find derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions.
• To find derivatives of functions in parametric form and second order derivatives.

6. Applications of derivatives
• To evaluate rate of change of quantities applying differentiation.
• To understand the concepts of increasing and decreasing functions and their applications.

12. Linear Programming

• To introduce related terminology such as constraints, objective function, optimization.

• To explain graphical method of solution for problems in two variables, feasible and
infeasible regions (bounded/unbounded), optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial

PHYSICAL Basketball, Football, Cricket, Badminton, Health & Fitness, Table Tennis
EDUCATION 1. History of the Game
2. Skills & Techniques
3. Rules & Regulation of the Game
PHYSICS Electric Charges & Fields
• To use Coulombs Law to find electrostatic force between 2 charges and multiple charges.
• To explain superposition principle and continuous charge distribution.
• To define electric dipole and find the field due to electric dipole in axial plane & equatorial
• To determine the direction of torque due to dipole in uniform electric field.
• To apply Gauss theorem to find electric field through any closed surface - infinitely long
straight wire, infinite plane sheet and uniformly charged thin spherical shell (field inside and
Electrostatic potential & Capacitance
• To derive expressions for electrostatic potential due to a point charge, an electric dipole and
system of charges
• To explain equipotential surfaces and draw equipotential surfaces for different arrangement
of charges
• To explain electrostatic potential energy of a system of two-point charges and of electric
dipole in an electrostatic field and to infer the results regarding electrostatics of
• To compare dielectrics and electric polarization.
• To derive expressions for capacitance, combination of capacitors [series and parallel],
Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium between the
• To calculate energy stored in a capacitor.
Current Electricity
• To derive expressions for electric current, drift velocity, mobility and their relationship with
electric current.
• To state and derive Ohm’s law and explore its limitations.
• To differentiate resistance and resistivity and explain temperature dependence of resistance.
• To commute internal resistance of a cell, potential difference and emf of a cell
• To calculate total emf in combination of cells - series and parallel.
• To State Kirchhoff's rules and apply Kirchhoff’s rules to calculate current in branched
• To describe the construction and the principle of Wheatstone bridge- meter bridge, its
applications and draw respective circuit diagrams.
Moving Charges & magnetism
• To understand features of electric field on interaction with magnetic field.
• To study magnetic force on a current carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field and
force between two parallel current-carrying conductors-definition of ampere,
• To determine the motion of charges in a combined electric and magnetic fields-Lorentz
• To study the relation between current and magnetic field by Biot Savart’s Law in a current
carrying circular loop.
• To apply Ampere’s circuital Law to infinitely long straight wire and straight solenoid (only
qualitative treatment).
• To determine Torque on a current carrying loop and the loop as magnetic dipole to calculate
the dipole moment
• To study the working of Moving coil galvanometer and its applications.
Magnetism & Matter
• To understand Magnetic field lines in a bar magnet and how a Bar magnet behaves as a
uniform solenoid.
• To derive expressions for magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic dipole (bar magnet)
along its axis and perpendicular to its axis.
• To calculate torque on a magnetic dipole (bar magnet) in a uniform magnetic field and list
the characteristic features of magnetic field lines.
• To study magnetic properties of diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials.

• Variations in psychological attributes
• Self and personality
• Meeting life challenges

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