One - Word Answer

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WU HH i'*# 9 4% & i I I | One - word answer 4, How much ‘in torms of Faraday is required to produce 100g of Ca from molten CaCl, ? ( SF) 2. Name the solid substance produced, during the discharge of lead- storage battery. ieee s 1. What is fuelcel ? Wrtetwochemicals whichcanbeusedasfuel. Ans. The cell which converts combustion energy of fuel into electncity. ‘Methane and hydrogen canbe used as uel 2H,(g)*40H (aq) -» 4H,O(I)+4e 0, + 2H,0 (i) + 40° --40H (aq) 2.) What type of battery is the lead storage battery? Write the anode and the cathode reaction andthe ‘overall reaction occurringwhencurrent isdrawntrom it (reactionduring dischargeot it) ‘Ans. Lead storage battery is the secondary cell. Soit can be recharged by passing direct current throught Discharge reaction - ‘At anode : Pb(s) + SO,*(aq) + PbSO, (s) +26 ‘Atcathode: PbO, (s)+SO,” (aq) +4H'(aq)*+2e" ~+2PDSO, (aq) +2H,0(l) Overall solution b+ PbO,* 4H! + SO," (aq) + 2PDSO,+ 2H,0 3.) _Howmany moles of mercury willbe producedby electrolysing 10M Hg (NO,), solution with a current of 2.00 Aforthree hours ? Molar mass of Hg(NO,):= 200.6 g/mol ‘Ans. Curent =2A Time = 3h = 3(60)60)s w=2it for Hg in compound =200.6/2F ‘w= 200 6x2x(3)(60)(60)/2(96500) Tunbor moles = 245200.6 «0.112 ma 4) Represent the galvaniccellinwhichthe folowing reactions takeplace 2njs) + 2Ag"(aq) ~ Zn"(aq)+ 2Ag(s) iL) Which one of the electrodesis negatively charged ? fi.) Write thereactontakingplaceat eachot te elecrodes. fil) Name the carrer of current within the cel ‘Ans.The cellis represented as 2n(s) | Zn'*(aq) | |Aa"(aa) |Agts) | |) Znelectrodeis negatively charged i) Atanode Zn(s) -+ Zn” + 20° Atcathode , ‘Ag’'(aq) + @ + Ags) how OO 4 of Assignment 4, Calculate the emt of the cell: MgiMg’"(0.001M)iICu’*(0.0001 My/Cu ivan: Eerspon=O.94ViE nasa? -2.375V [Hints:2.651V) 2. (a) Explain Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. Mention two applications of this aw {@}, Define molarconductivity. How does itvary with temperature? (0) Resistance ofa solution (A) is $0 ohm and that of soluon(B) is 100 ohm, both he sokiion being taken in {he same conductivity cel, equal volumes of soliton(A) and (B) are mixed, what wil be the resistance ofthe ‘mixture, using the same cell? Assume that there is no increase in the degree of issocaton of (A) and (B) on ‘maxing. (Hint: 66.66 £2} 3. Theconductivityof0,001MCH,CODHis4.95X10 "Som Calculatets dissociation constant. Given limiting molar conductivityis 390.5Scm’ mot. [Hints:a=0.126} 4. Calculate the potential ofthe folowing celreaction at 298K. Sn(1.50M) +Zn(s)—+Sn™(0.5M)+ 2n'"(2.0M) (Eu=0.89V.) (Hints: 3.17V) 5. How many moles of electrons are required to () Reduce 1 mol of MnO, toMn’* i) Produce 10.09 of ltrommolten A.O,,[Hints: (i) smotof electron (i) 1.11 motAl] 6. Whydoes adrycellbecome dead after along ime, eveniithas notbeen used? Hints; Acidic NH,CI corrodes the Zinc container] 7. What type ofa battery is lead storage battery? Write the anode, cathode reactions & overal reaction occurring in alead storage battery 8. Howcanyouincrease the reduction potential ofanelectrode.? {[Hints: itcanbeincreased by 4. increase in concentration of M™ ions in solution ». by increasing the temperature) 9. Calculate emfot the following cell at 298K Zn/Zn"*(10 “M)||Cu""(10°M)/Cu Given: E® prone — 0.76V Eas... = #0.34V [Hints: emt = 1.1591V] 10.Electrolysis of KBr (aq)givesBr, atanode but KF (aq)does notgiveF.Give reason. 11 Explain the meaning of the terms: (a) tonic mobility (0) Over potetiat 12. Whatis dectrochemical series? Listits two characteristics. 13. Account fr the following observations: {@) In ay cel, the build up of ammonia gas around the carbon cathode should disrupt the electric current, butin practice this does not happen. {(b) Ordinary dry cells are not rechargeable. 14.Explain the following observations: (a) The productof electrolysis of molten NaCl are sodiummetaland chiorinegas. {bo}. The productof electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride soluton are NaOH, Cl, and, Awe MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION (MCQ) 1. The difference between the electrode potentials of two electrodes when no current dewwn through the cel is ealed, (i Celt potential (Gi) Cell emt (Gi) Potential difference Cell voltage: 2, Which of the following. statement is not correct about an insert electrode im cell? (i) It does not participate in the cell reaction. (ii) Il provides surface either for oxidation of for reduction reaction. it) I peovides surface for conduction of electrons {iv) It provides surface for redox reaction. 3, An cleetrochemical cell ean behave like an electrolytic cell when (0 Ecell = 0 (ii) Eeell > ext (Gi) Bext > Ecell (iv) Eeell = Eext 4, The quantity of charge required to obtain one mole of aluminium from ALO is {€) GO AF (i OF (ii) 3F Gv) 2F 5. The cell constant of a conductivity cell () changes with change of electrolyte (ii) changes with change of concentration of electrolyte. (Gi) changes with temperature of electrolyte. (iv) remains constant for a cell. 6, While charging the lead storage battery (i) PSO, anode is reduced to Pb. (i) PSO, cathode is reduced to Pb. (iii) PbSO, cathode is oxidised to Pb, {iv) PbSO, anode is oxidised to PbO; 7, The positive value ofthe standard electrode potential of Cu""/Cu indicates that @ this redox couple is a stronger reducing agent than the H’/H: couple. {li) this redox couple is a stronger oxidising agent than H'/H. {Gii) Cu can displace H; from acid. {iv) Cu cannot displace He from ack 8, Conductivity of an electrotytic solution depends on (i) nature of electrolyte. i concentration of electrolyte, fi @ OO eh Frequently asked question 1. Mark ‘What is meant by limiting molar conductivity? ‘Ans Molar conductivity of an electrolyte at infinite dilution. 2.)Give the relatondhip between molar conductvty and specie conduct? ‘Ans, A =k(10001M) 3). What ismeant bylimiting molarconductivity ? ‘Ans. Themolar conductivity of a olution al infinite diuSonis cated king malar conductty 4) Whatistheunitofmolarconductivty? ‘Ans. ohm’'cm'mot* 5.) What is the effectofdilutionof concentration on spectic conductance? ‘Ans. Specificconductance decrease withdilution becauseitisthe conduction powerotion presertin unit ‘volume of solution and number ofion in nit volume decreases on divton. Spectic conductance increases withconcentration. 6) What type of metals can be used in cathodic protection of iron against rusting? ‘Ans. A metal which is more electropositve than iron ie. having lower reduction potential. Example- Zn, Mg etc 7. Why mercury cell gives constant voltage throughout its ile? ‘Ans. As the overall reaction does not involve any ion in Solution whose conc. can change during its life A statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the correct choice from the options given below: {(a)Both assertion and reason are true and reason isthe correct explanation of assertion. (®)Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion. {) Assertion is true but reason is false. (6)Both assertion and reason are fase. 1. Assertion : Current stops flowing when Exes = 0. Reason : Equilibrium of the cell reaction is attained. ( Ans - a) 2. Assertion : A standard hydrogen electrode is also called reversible electrode. Reason : It can act on both as anode as well as cathode in an electrochemical cell. (Ans - a) 3, Assertion : Kohlrausch law helps to find the molar conductivity of weak electrolyte at infinite dilution. Reason : Molar conductivity of a weak electrolyte at infinite dilution cannot be determined experimentally. ( Ans - a) 4. Assertion : When a copper wire is dipped in silver nitrate solution, there is no change in the colour of the solution. Reason : Copper cannot displace silver from its salt solution. ( Ans - d) 5, Assertion : Fluorine is the best oxidising agent. Reason : Fluorine has highest reduction potential. ( Ans - a) ‘iy ‘ons are the cartier of current within the cot 5.) State Faraday’s laws. Howmuch is requiredtor 7 Ds Cu 20a Gyn CharOeI8 required for hereductonot | mote of y” tocu? Charge required for the ot a m296seog) eresuctonot mol cu" = 193000¢ ‘Smarks Narra he value ofequibumconsantand8 fr the towing reacton INis)*2A9"(aq)-+Ni*(aq)+2Ag(8)(E"= 1.051) Ans. ne AG’=-nFE AG'=-2( 96500) ¢ (1.05) v ‘4.G'= -202650 Jmot' = ~ 202.65 kJ mol! -NFE"=-2 303RT logk, look. =nE*/0.0591 +=2(1.05/0.0591) = 36.5329 Ke = antilog 35.532 K.=3.411x 10" 2). Calculate the standard electrode potential of Ni*//Nielectrodeitemfot te Ni?*INi(0.01) // Cu *0.1)/ Cu (8) electrochemical cell is 0.059V. Given E'= 0.34 ‘Ans. Ec =0.059V EQ =0.34V {Cu ]=0.1M Exat=E' wr 0.0591/nlog{Ni(aq)}/[Cu(aq)] 0.059=E*cell-0.059/2I0g (0.01/0. 1) 0.089 = E'ad - 0.0295 log-t 0 0.059 = E's -0.0295 (10g 1 ~ log 10) = E car 0.0295(-1) 0.059=E'ua #00295 0.0295 = 0.34 -E’ nose E'snade = 0.34 - 0.0295 = 0.3105V et Ve ‘S.marks questions: 0.1) |) Det te molar condchiy of» schon and expan how molar conducty changewit changein concentatonctsoision loraweakard rong ecto a Theresistance of a conductivity cell contaireng 0. 001MKG soksion at 296K = 15000 ) Gmatisheceliconstant, the conductvty of0 O1MKCischaton at 298 Kia 0.146x (10°) Som"? Ans) i) Molarconductity- tis defined as the conductance of fe sohiton wich contain ane mole of dectoyte such tat entre soluton isn between two elecrodes kept one centimeter apart sharingunitareao! cross section (Given conductivity K = 0.146 (10°) § em" Cell constant G = k(R) = 0.146 x 10°x 1500= 0.219 cm’ 2.2. (i) Wiitethe formulation forgalvanic cellin which thereaction ‘Cu(s) + 2Ag" (09) ~+ Cu(aq) + 2Agis) takes place .identy the cathode and the anode reaction in. jl) Wate Nernst equation. Calculate the em of the folowing ceit SSn(s)/Sn"(0.04M)//H"(0.02M)/Hs(g),P\s) (givenE'Sn“"/Sn= -0.14V) ‘Ans.) Cu(s)~-Cu(a9)+2e (atanode) 2Ag'(aq) +20°--2Ag(8) curcu™ Ag" ho Cuxs)+2Ag(2q) Cu(aq) +249 (8) Cuisactingasanode whereas Ais acting ascathode A) Sn{s)—+Sn?*(Aq) +20" 2H ag) #2e +H, lah Sofa} 2H (aq) Sn" faq) + Hyg) \ Eq n€.4-00591\2iog S014") SUEW'M,-€S0"/ Sn)-0.0591/210g0.04/1002)' =40.14V-d0s91V=008000

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