Ecosystem 1

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Presented by:
Mariam, Alina, Malaika,Aleena, Fatima
As the habitats becomes severely threatened or even
destroyed due to less suitable habitat , we have to find
alternative strategies to save the specie. When the In-situ
couldn't be our solution we try to resolve it through
treating specie in the external situation. In which we
protect variety of breed outside its natural habitat either
providing similar habitat it used to require and creating
a ecological zoo or botanical garden, providing them
with optimum requirement they require.If these
strategies don’t work out and the specie doesn’t survive
we extract gene of those specie and store in our seed
vault so for the future generation through technology
technology can re-establish its generation.
Captive Breeding
Captive breeding programs, also known as breeding
programs, enable zoos to exhibit many species of animals
without capturing new individuals from the wild. It allows
preserving specie which are endangered as ,many human
activities like mining , deforestation have resulted in
disrupting the land and habitat of the plant.

Example ;- Botanical gardens (India lucknow), wildlife

preserves and other conservation facilities
Where does captive breeding occur?

Captive breeding is breeding process happening outside the natural

environment or habitat of animals, which is actually restricted to a certain
For example, the black-footed ferret and California condor are species that
have been successfully bred in captivity because wild populations had very
few individuals remaining and the species was near extinction.
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Maine: Consisting of almost 30,000
acres of federally protected lands in eastern Maine, this wildlife preserve
contains awe-inspiring views of colorful tree foliage every autumn. Its
varied landscape contains a hardwood forest, rolling hills, lakes, and
wetlands. On any visit, keep your eyes peeled for wild moose, deer, river
otters, American woodcock birds, and a large variety of songbirds.
When is captive breeding used?
Captive populations can be used
for educational purposes,
exhibition of rare or interesting
species, research, and for
conservation. In conservation
situations, zoos use captive
breeding as a tool to prevent
extinction of a species that cannot
survive in the wild, often due to the
deterioration of a species' habitat.
Why does captive
breeding occurs?

To prevent a species from becoming extinct

The following goals are:
-maintain a range of age group
-Successful reproduction
-Protect against disease
-Prevent inbreeding and the effects of it
-Re-establish wild population when needed
To eventually see species in the wild
Botanical Gardens

A botanical garden is a garden with a

documented collection of various living plant
species which are to be conserved . It
specifically contains specialists plants .A report
from the non-profit NatureServe detailing
which plants, animals and habitats in the U.S.
are at risk found that almost half of cacti are
graded as vulnerable to extinction or worse due
to many factors such as loss of habitat and
Case study 1
Throughout the current amphibian extinction crisis, increasing public
awareness has been a critical component of conservation efforts.
Amphibians typically do not receive the attention bestowed upon more
charismatic megafauna, such as pandas and tigers, despite their
significant economic, ecological, and aesthetic values. In a worldwide
effort to bring amphibian population declines to the forefront, the
Amphibian Ark declared 2008 as the "Year of the Frog," a time in
which conservationists showcased amphibian diversity in zoos and
aquaria while detailing their current plight. In addition, some
conservation efforts, such as Project Golden Frog, utilize attractive or
otherwise conspicuous amphibians as flagship species with which to
garner public interest and local pride in endangered species and
promote local activism (Figure 7). The ASG's 'Metamorphosis' initiative
utilizes artistry to promote increase public recognition of connections
between the plight of amphibians and that of humanity. Biologists have
also solicited direct public involvement through citizen science
programs wherein non-scientists can participate in crucial amphibian
population monitoring efforts; examples of these efforts include ASG's
Global Amphibian BioBlitz, Nature Canada, and Environment
Canada's FrogWatch, the United States Geological Survey's North
American Amphibian Monitoring Program, and the AZA's FrogWatch
USA. Finally, continued research highlighting the critical ecological
and economic roles amphibians play in ecosystems, such as
transferring energy through food webs and reducing insect
populations (Davic & Welsh 2004), has been important in cultivating
popular interest in the current extinction crisis.
Amphibians are one of the earth's most imperiled vertebrate groups,
with approximately one-third of all species facing extinction (Stuart et
al. 2004). Causes of amphibian population declines and extinctions
echo those listed in the introductory paragraphs but primarily consist
of drainage and development of wetland habitats and surrounding
uplands, contamination of aquatic habitats, predation by or
hybridization with introduced species, climate change, and
over-harvesting (Collins & Storfer 2003). In addition, the recent
declines observed in relatively pristine areas, such as state,
provincial, and national parks worldwide have brought to light the
tremendous impact of pathogens on amphibian populations, most
notably that of the amphibian-killing fungus Batrachochytrium
dendrobatidis (Bd). So what is being done to preserve amphibian
To address the historic sources of amphibian population declines,
such as overexploitation and habitat loss, national and
international legislation exists to monitor the trade in amphibians
and prevent further reductions in available habitat. Although
international trade in amphibians is less common relative to trade
in other vertebrate groups, CITES currently lists 131 species in
Appendices I-III. Furthermore, IUCN currently lists 509, 767, and
657 amphibian species as Critically Endangered, Endangered, or
Vulnerable (Figure 4), respectively. These species' native habitats
are afforded protection at various levels of organization. The AZE
has identified 588 sites worldwide exhibiting at least one
criterion for protection (Table 2), and these sites are home to
hundreds of amphibian species listed by IUCN as between
Vulnerable and Critically Endangered. In addition, IUCN's
Amphibian Specialist Group (ASG) has partnered with
governmental and non-governmental organizations and
individuals to create new protected areas and minimize further
population declines due to habitat fragmentation and loss. In
addition to designation of new protected areas, efforts of the ASG
include habitat restoration, promotion of ecotourism, and
extended amphibian-monitoring programs.
Seed Vault
This the known as the last option of conservation
of species. Even after trying a lot measures of
In-Situ conservation plans, the the
environmentalists suggest the plan of Seed Banks.

If it is not feasible to protect the environment where

the endangered plants are located then, then they
are preserved with their seeds in seed banks.
Where is Seed Vault located?

It is located in an island of
Svalbard at about 78 degree
north. It is built underground in a
permafrost and isolated
environment where there is no
risk of any catastrophe such as an
earthquake or increasing
Why were seed bank invented?

We started to preserve the species so

that in future after any wipe out of
particular specie from earth we could
through help of technology
development establish the entire
population of the different stored in
gene vault and create a new
What happens in seed
Seeds are collected from several plants are likely to
have a higher genetic diversity than seed from
single plant.This allows only seeds that could
germinate to be selected for storage , reducing
water content increasing the time for seed can be
stored and stayed alive. Seed are stayed in the cold
nealy -20 degree celsius , some seeds are then
planted to check they will germinate and grow .
When did the need of seed vault
came up? Due to increase human activity and
carbon footprint of the earth, our world
is immensely affected by its activities
due to which specie which lost habitat
couldn't be just regain after
reforestation of the land or artificial
growth. So as alternative to preserve the
species for the future generation as
there rapid extinction , scientist made
gene storage vaults.
How does the seed vault
Seeds are collected from several plants are likely
to have a higher genetic diversity than seed from
single plant.This allows only seeds that could
germinate to be selected for storage , reducing
water content increasing the time for seed can be
stored and stayed alive. Seed are stayed in the
cold nealy -20 degree celsius , some seeds are then
planted to check they will germinate and grow .
Links and references

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