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J. Ph.vs. Chrm. Solids Vol. 56. No. 2. pp. 261-265.

Copyright #CI 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
0022-3697(94)00174-x Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0022.3697195 19.50 + 0.00




Debye Institute, Utrecht University, Postbox 80,000, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands

(Received 3 June 1994; accepted 16 September 1994)

Abstract-Compounds A,TiOBO, (A = Li, Na; B = Si, Ge) show efficient photoluminescence at room
temperature. The compound LiTiOPO, shows luminescence only below room temperature. The lumines-
cence of BaTiO,, LiTiO, and Na,GeO, are also reported. From the results it is concluded that titanate
octahedra containing a short Tia distance show efficient luminescence at room temperature if these
octahedra are isolated from each other. When the octahedra condense into a framework, the lowest
absorption band shifts to much lower energy, and the Stokes shift and the quenching temperature of the
emission decreases. This is shown for one-, two-, and three-dimensional frameworks of titanate polyhedra.
The effect is ascribed to a broadening of the energy bands.

Keywords: A. optical materials, A. oxides, D. crystal structure, D. luminescence

1. INTRODUCTION The optical measurements were performed by

using a spectrofluorometer Spex Fluorolog, equipped
The luminescence of titanates has been known for a
with two double monochromators and an Oxford
long time [l, 21. In recent years the efficient lumines-
liquid-helium flow cryostat. More details are given in
cence of the species Tia with a short distance
Refs [4,5].
(_ 1.7 A), sometimes called the titanyl group [3,4],
and the luminescence of titanates with broad energy
bands (e.g. TiO*, SrTiO,) [5,6], have been reported 3. RESULTS
as new developments.
3.1. General
Recently some new titanates with such short Tia
distances were reported in the literature, namely The photoluminescence properties of the investi-
A,TiOBO, (A = Li, Na; B = Si, Ge) [7] and gated titanates are summarized in Table 1. Some
LiTiOPO, [8]. They prompted us to extend our literature data are included as well. They all show
previous studies. A special aspect of the present work luminescence spectra consisting of broad bands.
is that we tried to study the influence of oxygen-ion Figures 1 and 2 give some illustrative examples,
sharing of the titanate octahedra with the short Ti+ namely Na,TiOSiO, and BaTiO,. At liquid helium
bond, on the luminescence properties. In fact, this temperature the luminescence quantum efficiencies
sharing has a drastic and harmful influence on the are high. Table 1 shows also the approximate quench-
luminescence of these titanates. ing temperatures of the luminescence. Note especially
that at room temperature the new compounds
AzTiOBO, (A = Li, Na; B = Si, Ge) are efficient
2. EXPERIMENTAL luminescent materials. We will now discuss the results
Compounds were prepared by conventional solid for the individual (groups of) compounds separately.
state techniques. Firing was performed in the air. The
procedures described in Refs [5, 7,8] were used. All 3.2. Compounds A,TiOBO, (A = Li, Na; B = Si,
samples were checked by X-ray powder diffraction Ge)
using CuKcr radiation. Samples LiTiOPO, and Table 1 contains 4 representatives of this family. In
AzTiOBO, (A = Li, Na; B = Si, Ge) showed small NbOPO,, A is vacant and B = P. The compounds
amounts of a second phase, in agreement with the with A = Li, Na are strongly luminescent with a high
reports in the literature. Other samples were single thermal quenching temperature. The crystal structure
phase. All samples investigated in this study are consists of layers of composition TiBO:- bound by
mentioned in Table 1. planes of A+ ions. In the layer there are BO, tetrahe-

262 B. BOUMA and G. BLASSE

Table I. Luminescence characteristics of compounds mentioned in the text. Spectral data

at 4.2 K
Excitation Emission Stokes shift
Compound maximum (rim) maximum (rim) (10) cm-‘) Ref.?
Li,TiOSiO, 250 505 20.5 >300 X

Na,TiOSiO, $ 250 490 20 > 300 X

Na,TiOGeO, 255 425 16

a-NbOPO, 260 490 18 > 300
150 ;
LiTiOPO, 275 520 17.5 125 X

NaYTiO, 280 460 14.5 250 x.10

NaLaTiO, 285 480 15 275 x,10
BaTiO, 340 490 9 45
KTiOPO, 335 390 4.5 100 11
K,Ti,O, 280 420 13 > 300 12
TiO, 380 470 5.5 20 x,13
Li,TiO, 300 520 14.5 -250 X

Na, GeO, i 250 410 16 > 300 X

?A cross indicates “this work”. IMeasurements at room temperature.

dra connecting TiO, square pyramids. However, it is 3.3. LiTiOPO,

also possible to consider the titanate group as a The crystal structure [8] contains chains of corner-
(5 + 1) distorted octahedron. The octahedra form sharing titanate octahedra. The short and the long
linear chains perpendicular to the planes. Long and Ti-0 distances alternate along the chain. Their differ-
short Ti-0 distances alternate along the chain. ence is 0.5 8, (see Table 2). The Ti-O-Ti angle is far
Table 2 gives several Ti&O distances. It is clear that from 180”, being about 140”. The luminescences of
the larger the A species, the longer the long Tia c(-NbOP04 and LiTiOPO, are more alike (quenching
bond, and the more the titanate group is isolated temperature!) than those of isostructural cc-NbOPO,
from other titanate groups. and A,TiOSi04 (A = Li, Na).
The compounds Li,TiOSiO, and Na,TiOSiO,
show a luminescence which is similar to that shown 3.4. BaTiO,
by Ba,TiOSi,O, [18] and Cs,TiOP,O, [4], which also
In the tetragonal phase of BaTiO, the titanate
contain isolated TiOS square pyramids. The com-
octahedron has one shorter Ti-0 bond. The differ-
pound a-NbOPO, which is in fact isoelectronic
ences are less pronounced than in the titanate
(Nb5+4d0, Ti4+3d0) behaves similarly, but with a
octahedra in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 (see Table 2). The
pronounced lower quenching temperature. The
luminescent properties of BaTiO, are strikingly
Nb-0 distances (see Table 2) show that in ol-NbOPO,
different from those for compounds with short Ti-0
the niobate groups can no longer be considered as
bonds: the absorption edge is at more than
isolated, since the N&O distances along the chain 10,000 cm-’ lower energy, the Stokes shift is very
direction differ by only OSA. For the titanates this small, and the quenching temperature is low (see
is 2 1 A.
Table 1). This shows that we are dealing with a
The compound Na,TiOGeO, has a smaller Stokes completely different situation. In fact, the results for
shift than the other members of this family. In BaTiO, are very similar to those for SrTiO, [5, 19,201,
Section 3.5 we will show that this emission is not a thus we assume that their luminescence is related to
pure titanate emission. the three-dimensional corner sharing of the titanate
octahedra (perovskite structure). Therefore the fact


1 400 600nm
Fig. 1. Emission and excitation spectra of the luminescence 300 600 nm
of Na,TiOSiO, at 4.2 K. @ indicates the radiant power per
constant wavelength interval, qr the relative quantum out- Fig. 2. Emission and excitation spectra of the luminescence
put, both in arbitrary units. The excitation wavelength is of BaTiO, at 4.2 K. The excitation
. . wavelength
..__ is 345 nm, the
250 nm, the emission wavelength monitored 490 nm. emisston wavelength momtored 485 nm.
Luminescence of titanates 263

Table 2. Some crystallographic data of compounds under investigation

Ti-0 distance

Compound Short one Long one others Remarks? Ref.

Li,TiOSiO, 1.70 2.70 1.97 isolated 7

Na,TiOSiO, 1.70 3.41 1.99 isolated 7
Na,TiOGeO, 1.72 3.44 2.0 isolated 7
a -NbOPO, 1.78 2.32 1.97 I-D 7
LiTiOPO, 1.70 2.23 2.02 I-D 8
BaTiO,(tetr.) 1.86 2.17 2.00 3-D 14
KTiOPO, $ 1.7211.74 2.16/2.10 1.98/2.00 I-D 15
K,Ti,Os 1.57 - - 2-D 16
NaLnTiO, - - - 2-D 17
tSee also text. n-D means n-dimensional framework of titanate polyhedra.
JKKOPO, has two crystallographically different titanate octahedra.

that BaTiO, has an even stronger distorted modifi- 3.1. Results from the literature
cation at the temperatures where the luminescence Table 1 contains also a number of results taken
occurs [14] does not seem to be of importance. from the literature, viz:
-NaYTiO, and NaLaTiO, [17] in which the
3.5. Na,GeO,
titanate octahedra show one short Ti-0 distance and
An impurity observed in the preparation of
two-dimensional corner sharing. The titanyl bond is
Na,TiOGeO, was Na,GeO, . For this reason we
perpendicular to the titanate planes. In our study we
prepared the latter in pure form and found it to show could confirm the luminescence results reported
a very intense luminescence at 300 K (see Table 1).
before [lo].
Figure 3 shows the emission spectra of Na,GeO, and --KTiOPO, [ 11, 151,with a linear zig-zag chain of
Na,TiOGeO,. The two emissions are different. The titanate octahedra which show corner sharing (50%
luminescence of Na,GeO, is ascribed to charge- cis, 50% tmns). Figure 1 in the recent Ref. [24]
transfer transitions in the germanate group [21,22]. gives a nice picture of these chains. The low-energy
This implies that in Na,TiOGeO, the titanate and position of the absorption edge and the small Stokes
the germanate groups have absorption levels at about shift of the emission are remarkable.
equal energy, which complicates the situation con- -TiOz (rutile) 1131, with a three-dimensional
siderably. The emission spectrum of Na,TiOGeO, titanate network of a complicated nature. We could
shows most probably germanate as well as titanate repeat the earlier reported results with a free-exciton
emission (compare Figs 1 and 3). line and self-trapped exciton emission.
3.6. Li,TiO,
For the same reason as in the case of Na,GeO,, we 4. DISCUSSION
investigated L&TiO, . This compound has an ordered
The optical transition involved in the titanate
rocksalt structure in which titanate octahedra share
luminescence is due to a “charge-transfer” transition,
edges forming a two-dimensional network 1231.The
although it is nowadays realized that the term charge-
absorption edge of Li,TiOS is at much lower energy
transfer is incorrect, since the transition involves a
(_ 6000 cm-‘) than for the isolated titanate groups
reorganization of electronic charge on titanium as
(see Table 1).
well as an oxygen without a considerable amount of
real charge transfer [2].
Investigations by Van der Waals and coworkers on

isoelectronic species have shown that the excited state
is highly complicated [25]. For this reason we do not
1 2 discuss the nature of the transitions any further.
t Hazenkamp et al. [26] have shown by calculation
that the short bond in polyhedra of da ions is directly
involved in the luminescence, confirming the con-
clusion from experimental results [3].
LOO 600nm
In order to discuss the influence of the relative
Fig. 3. A comparison of the emission spectra of Na,GeO,
(1) and Na,TiOGeO, (2) at 4.2 K. Excitation wavelength is orientation of titanate groups, we follow an approach
250 nm. described elsewhere [5,6]. In the case of an isolated
264 B. BOUMA and G. BLASE

group, the configurational coordinate diagram is short Tia distance perpendicular to the titanate
valid yielding a large Stokes shift due to a consider- plane, the Ti“+ ions reside above and under the
able relaxation in the excited state. However, if the central oxygen layer [ 171.In Sr2Ti04 they reside in the
titanate groups are coupled in such a way that wave oxygen layer and immediately the absorption edge
function overlap can occur, energy band broadening shifts to longer wavelength (330 nm), the Stokes shift
takes place, resulting in a lower-energy absorption reduces to 11,000 cm-‘, and the quenching tempera-
edge, a smaller Stokes shift, and lower quenching ture to about 100 K [28]. This seems to indicate that
temperatures. In TiO, free-exciton emission could it is mainly the off-plane position of titanium in
even be observed. K,Ti,O, and NaLnTiO, which counteracts the
In the present investigation Li2TiOSi04 and energy-band broadening.
Na,TiOSiO, are clearly the systems with the most Two-dimensional Li,Ti03 shows only edge sharing
isolated titanate polyhedra. This is not only based of titanate octahedra. The amount of delocalization
on structural data (the extremely long sixth Ti-0 lies in between that in the case of Sr,TiO, and that
distance), but also on the luminescence results in the case of K, Ti, 0, and NaLnTiO, .
(high absorption energy, large Stokes shift, high Three-dimensional titanate coupling occurs in the
quenching temperature). As observed before, the perovskites SrTiO, and BaTiO, and in the rutile
Stokes shift of the linear TiX emission is larger than TiO*. This favours energy band formation resulting
that of the regular titanate octahedron [2]. Up till in a low-energy absorption edge, small Stokes shift
now there is no explanation for this fact. In and low quenching temperature (see Table I), as
cr-NbOPO1 this isolated character is lost and the discussed already elsewhere [5, 61. In this connection
luminescence properties change: the absorption shifts we note that the isolated titanate octahedron in
somewhat to lower energy, the Stokes shift is re- BaZrO, :Ti has its first absorption band at 290 nm, its
duced, and the quenching temperature has decreased. emission band at 430 nm, so that the Stokes shift is
The chains in LiTiOPO, are similar to those in about 12,000 cm-’ [29], pointing to considerably less
a-NbOPO, in spite of the difference in crystal struc- delocalization.
ture. As is to be expected, the luminescence properties The data in Table 1 suggest further a relation
are similar. between the position of the lowest absorption band
The way in which the titanate octahedra in and the value of the Stokes shift. Large Stokes shifts
KTiOPO, share edges to form a linear chain is occur only for high-energy absorption. This agrees
obviously very favourable for wavefunction overlap. with the model used.
The absorption shifts to considerably lower The influence of oxygen-ion sharing on the
energy, the Stokes shift becomes very small luminescence of titanates as presented here, is
and the quenching temperature is low. The relation shown for niobates by one sole compound, cesium
between these effects and the presence of strong niobium phosphate. This compound can be obtained
second-harmonic-generation has been pointed out in two different modifications with different lumines-
[ll, 271. cent properties [30]. One can be written as CsNb-
Now we turn to two-dimensionally connected OP,O,; it contains a Nb-0 group with short distance
titanate groups. Consider first the recently (1.72 A), and shows a luminescence similar to that of
reported K,Ti,O, [12]. The authors consider this A,TiOSiO, (A = Li, Na). The other can be written as
compound to be built up from trigonal bipyramidal CsNb(PO,),; it contains regular niobate octahedra,
units. However, in view of the structure determi- its absorption edge is at more than lO,OOOcm-
nation [16], this is incorrect. The structure contains lower energy, and it does not luminesce, not even at
titanate layers consisting of square pyramidal TiO, 4.2 K.
groups. The short TiGO distance is to the apex and is
perpendicular to the layer. The layers are built up by
edge sharing and corner sharing. Obviously this
occurs in a way which is not too favourable for Compounds with isolated titanate octahedra with
wavefunction overlap, since the absorption edge a short Ti-0 distance show efficient luminescence
remains at relatively high energy and the quenching with a large Stokes shift and short-wavelength ultra-
temperature seems to be high judging from violet excitation. When the titanate octahedra
Ref. [12]. become more and more connected, the quenching
In NaLnTiO, the situation is comparable, although temperature of the luminescence decreases consider-
here titanate octahedra condense into layers by edge ably, whereas the lowest absorption band shifts
sharing only. The luminescence characteristics of drastically to lower energy. These effects are ascribed
NaLnTiO, and K,Ti,O, are very similar. Due to the to broadening of the energy bands.
Luminescence of titanates 265

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