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Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 115 [11] 780–785 (2007)

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Shigeomi TAKAI, Takayuki SHINOHARA, Akinori HOSHIKAWA,ಓStefanus HARJO,ಓKenichi OIKAWA,ಓಓ
Toru ISHIGAKI,ಓTakashi KAMIYAMAಓಓಓand Takao ESAKAí
Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University, 4–101, Koyamacho-Minami, Tottori 680–0945
Neutron Science Research Center, JAERI, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319–1195
Center for Proton Accelerator Facility, JAERI, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319–1195

Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, 1–1, Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–0801

Powder neutron diffraction experiments with Rietveld analyses were carried out on pure and Ta-substituted
Zn2TiO4 at room temperature to investigate the defect structure together with the oxide ion conduction mechan-
ism. The refined structure of pure-Zn2TiO4 agreed well with the previously reported inverse spinel-type structure
with cubic symmetry. For Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 solid solutions of cubic phase, the tantalum substitution as well as
the vacancy formation was made at the octahedral cation site, while the tetrahedral cation site was occupied by
zinc ions without any significant deficiency. Essentially the similar results were attained in the tetragonal phase
obtained by long-term annealing. By evaluating the occupation factors of tentatively introduced oxide ion inter-
stitials at various positions, oxide ion conduction was supposed to be made with the interstitialcy diffusion
mechanism, where displacement of a regular oxide ion toward the cation vacancy enabled the migration of other
oxide ions through the oxide ion vacancy at which the displaced oxide ion had been initially.
Received July 27,2007;Accepted Septmber 20,2007

Key-words : Neutron diffraction, Inverse spinel, Crystal structure, Defect, Oxide ion, Ionic conductivity, Inter-

1. Introduction phase; the tetragonal single phase can be obtained without

Zn2TiO4 with the inverse spinel-type structure is known as a heat-treatment for x0.6.14 This tetragonal phase also
based material of oxide ion conductors Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 2 represents the oxide ion conduction with a slight higher
103 Scm1 at 1000 C for x0.35.1,2 In that case, cation electric conductivity.
vacancies, as expected in the nominal chemical formula, were In the present study, neutron diffraction experiments were
estimated to be formed due to the charge compensation from carried out to determine the precise structure including the
the powder density measurements. Very few systems, e.g. defect structure, and to clarify the conduction mechanisms of
apatite-type structured compounds, have been reported as the the Ta-substituted Zn2TiO4 solid solutions.
cation-vacancy-enhanced oxide ion conductions.3–6 Compar-
ing with most oxide ion conductors in which oxide ion vacan- 2. Experimental
cies play an important roll for the ionic diffusion, the conduc- Zn2TiO4 and Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 x0.10, 0.12, 0.14, 0.15,
tion mechanism was thought to be quite different from the 0.16 and 0.60 samples were prepared by conventional solid
typical vacancy diffusion process, because this type of substi- state reaction method. Stoichiomietric mixtures of ZnO,
tution does not increase the number of oxide ion vacancies, TiO2 anatase type and Ta2O5 were fired at 1000 C, finely
but the cation site vacancies. It is much more interesting that crushed using mortar and paste, palletized under a hydrostatic
oxide ions in the spinel-type structure compose the cubic pressure of 200 MPa, and thereafter sintered again at 1200 C
closest packed configuration in the present system.7 There- for 10 h. To obtain the tetragonal phase in x0.15, the
fore, a simple oxide ion migration is unlikely to occur by inter- sample powder with a cubic phase was annealed at 600 C
stitial diffusion mechanism in a channel structure as the for 1000 h. Crystalline phases were confirmed by X-ray
apatite-type compounds. However, we have obtained very diffraction Shimadzu XRD–6000, monochromatic CuKa
little structural information about this solid solution to evalu- radiation.
ate the conduction; it has been still uncertain even where the Powder neutron diffraction data were collected by the TOF
tantalum ions or cation vacancies are. neutron diffractometer Vega at the pulsed spallation neutron
As to Ta-substituted oxide of Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4, cubic facility KENS.15 The powder samples were charged in a
Fd 3̃m and tetragonal phases P 4122 or P 4322 have been vanadium cylindrical cell of 8 mm in diameter and 30 mm in
reported.8–13 The latter structure is derived from the former height, which was set in the diffractometer. Diffracted neu-
with ordering of the two types of octahedral cations. The cell trons were detected by PSDs installed in a backward bank with
relations between these phases are expressed as atac 2 2u ranging from 145 to 175 . The obtained diffraction data
and ctac, where the subscripts are the abbreviations of were analyzed by means of the Rietveld refinement program
tetragonal and cubic phases. While the tetragonal phase is RIETAN-TN.16 The neutron scattering lengths used for the
obtained even for Zn2TiO4 x0 by annealing the cubic- refinements are 5.6, –3.37, 6.91 and 5.803 fm for zinc, titani-
phased sample at intermediate temperatures c.a. 450 C, um, tantalum and oxygen, respectively.17 X-ray diffraction
tantalum substitution facilitates formation of the tetragonal coupled with RIETAN–200018 was also employed only for
evaluation of tantalum distribution among the two octahedral
Corresponding author; E-mail address: sites in the tetragonal phase. Interatomic distances and bond
T. Esaka angles were calculated by means of ORFFE.19
Shigeomi TAKAI et al. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 115 [11] 2007 781

3. Results and discussion 16d seemed larger in comparison with that of tetrahedral
3.1 Structures of cubic Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 one 8a, which presumably indicates differences in ther-
Prior to the analysis of the Ta-substituted oxides, the struc- mal vibration or the displacement from the average position
ture of Zn2TiO4 with cubic symmetry was at first confirmed. between zinc and titanium ions. Any better fit was not
Figure 1 shows the measured and Rietveld-refinement patterns attained assuming lower symmetry, which denied even the
of the neutron diffraction data for pure Zn2TiO4. Rietveld short range ordering of octahedral cations.
analysis was carried out based on the inverse sinel-type Structure refinements were then carried out on the Ta-sub-
structure Fd 3̃m, Z8 where tetrahedral cation sites 8a stituted system, Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 with cubic symmetry,
are occupied by only zinc ions and octahedral ones 16d by emphasizing the tantalum-substitution as well as the cation
both zinc and titanium ions, as the conventional expression Zn vacancy formation positions. The measured and refined
ZnTiO4. The finally converged structure parameters with diffraction patterns of the sample x0.15 Zn1.925Ti0.85
fairly good Rwp were listed on the topside in Table 1. The Ta0.15O4 were shown in Fig. 2a. The occupation factors
equivalent temperature factor Beq of octahedral cation site of the tantalum ions initially introduced at the tetrahedral site
decreased down to negative during the Rietveld operation
whereas it remained positive for the octahedral site regardless
of the cation vacancy sites. This suggested that the tantalum
ion would occupy only the octahedral sites. Reliable factors
Rwp were compared among the next three typical vacancy
models considering the cation vacancy formation sites; Zn0.925
0.075Zn1.0Ti0.85Ta0.15O4, Zn0.96250.0375Zn0.9625Ti0.85Ta0.15
0.0375O4 and Zn1.0Zn0.925Ti0.85Ta0.150.075O4, where 
denotes a vacancy. The obtained Rwp values of 5.72, 4.95
and 4.52 for each configuration, respectively indicated that
the cation deficiency preferably occurs at the octahedral sites.
Moreover, when the distribution of zinc ions were refined with
fixing the titanium and tantalum ions to occupy the octahedral
sites, the converged occupation factors of tetrahedral and
octahedral sites were g4Zn1.008 and g8Zn, Ti, Ta
Fig. 1. Measured and refined neutron diffraction patterns of pure-
0.958, respectively, suggesting that cation vacancies were also
Zn2TiO 4. : observed; solid line: calculated.

Table 1. Refined Structure Parameters of Pure and Tantalum Substituted Zn2TiO 4 of Cubic Phase
782 Neutron Diffraction Study on the Defect Structure of Ta-Substituted Zn2TiO4 Oxide Ion Conductors

Fig. 2. Rietveld refinement neutron diffraction patterns of a cubic

and b tetragonal phases of Zn2x2Ti1 xTa xO 4 x0.15. The
tetragonal phased sample was obtained by annealing the cubic one.

formed at the octahedral position.

For other compositions of cubic Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 x
0.10, 0.12, 0.14 and 0.16, the procedure above resulted in
essentially the similar defect structures. Namely both tan-
talum-substitution and the cation vacancy formation were
Fig. 3. Compositional dependence of a lattice parameters, b
made at the octahedral site. Based on this defect structure
bond lengths between tetrahedral cation to oxide ion and c those
model, the finally refined structure parameters are summa- from octahedral cation to neighbouring oxide ions in cubic Zn2x2
rized in Table 1. Compositional dependences of the lattice Ti1 xTa xO 4.
parameters and the interatomic distances between the central
cations and the neighboring oxide ions rM-O in oxygen tetrahe-
dron and octahedron are plotted in Fig. 3. The lattice
parameter and rM-O of the oxygen octahedron appeared to Rietveld program RIETAN–2000 was used to estimate the
grow with the tantalum substitution, while rM-O of the oxygen tantalum substitution site. As a result, tantalum ions were
tetrahedron does not vary or slightly decreases. Taking into found to occupy 4a site predominantly. The finally obtained
account the similarity of ionic radius between Ti4 74.5 pm structure parameters are tabulated in Table 3, where tempera-
and Ta5 78 pm in the 6 fold coordination,20 the expansion ture factors were applied as only isotropic ones. Since the total
of oxygen octahedra was supposed to be due to the vacancy occupancy of the octahedral sites are 0.978 and 0.947 for 4a
formation with effective charge –2, or oxide ion displacement and 4b sites, respectively, cation vacancy was created at both
discussed later. of the octahedral sites, and hence the defect structure govern-
3.2 Structure of tetragonal Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 ing the oxide ion conduction was supposed to resemble with
Neutron diffraction pattern of annealed Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 that of cubic phased sample.
x0.15 with tetragonal symmetry is represented in Fig. 2 The structure parameters with poorer fitting for the heavily
b. Rietveld refinements were carried out based on the space substituted composition x0.60 were comparatively listed in
group P4322 Z4, in which the octahedral position sprits Table 3. In this composition, octahedral 4a sites in addition to
into 4a and 4b sites and oxide ion into two general sites 8d, 4b were partly occupied by tantalum ions, while tetrahedral
while the tetrahedral site corresponds to 4c. From the prelimi- sites were occupied by only zinc ions as same as the results of
nary refinements, the tetrahedral site 4c was estimated to be x0.15. On the other hand, ordering of zinc and titanium
exclusively occupied by zinc ions without deficiency. For the between 4a and 4b sites became moderate in comparison with
octahedral cation site, 4a and 4b positions were converged to x0.15. Since the converged occupancy of the tetrahedral
be mainly occupied by zinc and titanium ions, respectively, position is larger than unity, slight amount of oxide ion vacan-
which was consistent with the previous report on the undoped cy might be formed in addition to the cation vacancy at the
tetragonal-Zn2TiO4.13 Such ordering is also consistent with octahedral sites 4a and 4b. Nevertheless, the conduction
the metal to oxygen bond lengths rM-Os in oxygen octahedra, mechanism was estimated to be preserved up to this composi-
taking into account that the ionic radii of Zn2, Ti4 and Ta5 tion, assuming that the number of cation vacancy is much
are 88.0, 74.5 and 78 pm, respectively; the interatomic dis- larger than the oxide ion vacancy.
tances from 4a cation site primarily occupied by Zn to the 3.3 Oxide ion conduction mechanism
oxide ion site rM4a-O are larger than those from 4b site In the above section, the structures of Ta-substituted
mainly occupied by Ti or Ta rM4b–O as listed in Table 2. Zn2TiO4 oxide ion conductors have been determined
Since the variation of tantalum distribution between the two emphasizing the position of the tantalum and the created
octahedral sites 4a and 4b did not apparently improve the cation vacancy. If the behavior of the oxide ion neighboring
reliable factors in the present neutron diffraction, a labo- the cation vacancy is a key of the oxide ion diffusion, it would
ratory-scale X-ray diffraction coupled with angle-dispersion be expedient that cation vacancies are preferably created at
Shigeomi TAKAI et al. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 115 [11] 2007 783

Table 2. Bond Lenghs pm between Cation and Oxide Ion in Oxygen Polyhedra of Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO 4

Table 3. Refined Structure Parameters of Tetragonal Zn2 x2Ti1xTaxO 4

octahedral sites rather than tetrahedral ones, because the

oxygen octahedra share the edges with each other while the
tetrahedra were isolated. Hitherto, the relationship between
cation deficiency and oxide ion conduction were still in
vague. Considering the oxide ion diffusion in the closely
packed sublattice without apparent vacancy, one might guess
the interstitialcy diffusion mechanism as observed in AgBr
system.21,22 Namely, oxide ion is supposed to be pushed by
other mobile oxide ions into a relatively stable interstitial posi-
tion created by tantalum substitution. The created oxide ion
interstitial would in turn push other oxide ions or migrate
toward the newly formed oxide ion vacancy. This assumption
explains well the obvious activation energy decrease and the
ionic conduction increase with the tantalum substitution. In Fig. 4. a Crystal structure of cubic Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO 4 x0.15.
Black, gray and white spheres denoted the tetragonal and octahedral
the present section, oxide ion displacement for the interstitial-
cations and oxide ions, respectively. b Coordination view centered
cy diffusion is discussed in terms of the structure refinements. around the oxide ion with the fractional coordinates 0.87, 0.13,
A regular oxide ion coordinates with one tetrahedral and 0.13. Atomic displacements for all ions were represented by the ellip-
three octahedral cations in the spinel-type structure. Thermal soids with SCAL2 factor to be 1.54.
ellipsoid of an oxide ion derived from the anisotropic tempera-
ture factors in cubic Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 x0.15 seemed to
extend perpendicular to the tetrahedral cation site, or rather
toward the octahedral positions as illustrated in Fig. 4b. introduced at various position and their calculated occupation
This corroborates the above assumption that the oxide ion factors obtained by Rietveld refinement were compared. In
would shift toward the cation vacancies at the octahedral site this process, the introduced oxide ion interstitial is to have a
for other oxide ions to migrate. In order to ensure the oxide fixed isotropic temperature factor Biso of 1.0104 pm2 1.0
ion displacement, oxide ion interstitials were tentatively Å2 under the constraint that the total number of oxide ions in
784 Neutron Diffraction Study on the Defect Structure of Ta-Substituted Zn2TiO4 Oxide Ion Conductors

other direction for oxide ion displacement seems not to greatly

reduce the repulsive force.
On the other hand, Fig. 5b shows the occupation factors
of oxide ion interstitials in pure Zn2TiO4 x0 obtained by
means of the similar procedure. In this composition, the calcu-
lated occupation factors of the assumed interstitials remained
negative entirely. Although it might be difficult to compare
exactly the absolute values of such small occupation factors of
the interstitials between the different samples, relative tenden-
cies of the positional dependence of the interstitial occupancy
can be still discussed. At higher rOi-OrM-O region, the intersti-
tial occupancy in the oxygen octahedron become larger in
comparison with that on tetrahedron for x0.15, whereas
that in octahedron does not exceed the tetrahedron for x0.
Therefore, enhancement of the occupation factor was essen-
tial in the oxygen octahedron observed for x0.15, which
ensured the assumption that cation vacancy is necessarily for
the oxide ion shift to make the interstitialcy diffusion.
In the tetragonal phase, the similar discussion seemed much
difficult due to the poorer refined data based on very small
occupancy of the introduced oxide ion interstitials. However,
since the cation vacancies were formed at the both octahedral
position of 4a and 4b, oxide ion displacements were also
expected to take place toward these octahedral sites. Further
precise structural study should be required to clarify the ionic
conduction properties of the tetragonal phase, e.g. the origin
of the sprit of dielectric relaxation phenomena or enhance-
ment of electric conductivity.14
The present study has estimated the tendency of the oxide
Fig. 5. a  Occupation factors of the oxide ion interstitials located ion shift for the oxide ion diffusion in terms of the occupation
on the line from an oxide ion to the tetrahedral site triangles and to factors of the tentatively introduced oxide ion interstitials.
the octahedral one circles for cubic Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 x0.15. Although no significant discussion has been made for tetrago-
Taking into account of the number of equivalent site, the plotted g nal phase, regular oxide ion at least in the cubic phase is likely
O i to the tetrahedral site was tripled for the comparison. b gO is to shift toward the oxygen octahedral center rather than tetra-
for pure Zn2TiO 4. The plotted symbols were compatible with those in
hedral one, suggesting that cation vacancy causes the inter-
a. c Schematic illustration of oxygen tetrahedron and octahedron
stitalcy diffusion of oxide ions. Further precise conduction
to indicate the introduced interstitial position.
mechanism might be provided from the ab initio calculation to
find the relatively stable position on which oxide ion would
migrate. In addition, nuclear density map synthesis via MEM
a unit cell is preserved. In addition, isotropic temperature analyses or conventional Fourier methods based on the high
factors were employed for all ions during this procedure, since temperature neutron diffraction data would directly predict
the slight variations of anisotropy for the regular ions would the oxide ion conduction path. On the other hand, a different
critically contribute to the very small occupancy of intersti- approach to design the compound with controlled defect
tials. Figure 5a shows the converged occupation factors of structure might be valid to clarify the relationship between the
the oxide ion interstitials located on the line ranging from the cation vacancy and oxide ion conduction. The present study
regular oxide ion position to the tetrahedral  or octa- would be the first step of such a series of investigations.
hedral centers  for cubic Zn2x2Ti1xTaxO4 x0.15.
On x-axis labeled as rOi-OrM-O, zero and unity correspond to 4. Conclusion
the regular oxide ion and the central cation positions in oxygen The crystal structures of cubic and tetragonal Zn2x2Ti1x
polyhedra, respectively, which can be seen in the schematic TaxO4 were investigated by means of TOF neutron diffraction.
illustration of Fig. 5c. Since the oxide ion interstitials con- The cation vacancy formation accompanied by the tantalum-
cerned are of Wyckoff notation 32e and 96g in the oxygen substitution occurs at the octahedral site of the inverse spinel-
tetrahedron  and octahedron , respectively, the plot- type structure for all the solid solutions. The calculated
ted occupancy in the oxygen octahedron  was tripled occupancies of the tentatively introduced oxide ion interstitials
taking into account the number of equivalent site in a unit cell showed the positive values around the octahedral center posi-
in Fig. 5a. In that case, the interstitial occupancy in octahe- tion, while they remained negative in the oxygen tetrahedron
dron  become positive in the region rOi-OrM-O0.5, while for cubic phase of Ta-substituted compounds. This indicated
that in the tetrahedron  barely reached up to zero around that the regular oxide ion would shift toward the center of the
the cation site. This suggests that oxide ion would shift toward oxygen octahedron, which would cause other oxide ions to
the octahedral center rather than the tetrahedral one and oxide migrate.
ion diffusion should make use of the cation vacancy created
by the tantalum substitution. One might suspect that oxide ion Acknowledgements This work has been carried out in part
migration toward the cation vacancy surrounded by negatively under the Visiting Researcher's Program of the KEK, and partial-
charged oxide ions would be difficult due to the repulsive ly supported by a grant-in-aid from the Ministry of Education,
force, but in the closely packed configuration of oxide ions, Science, Sports and Culture. Rietveld program for TOF neutron
Shigeomi TAKAI et al. Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 115 [11] 2007 785

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