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Grade Subject Sr. No

ROLL NO - 9 Science W.s 1
………………………………………………………….. Chemistry
DATE -…………………………………………………………………

1) A liquid is heated until it boils.

Which result shows that the liquid in the test tube is pure water?
A Condensation forms at the top of the test-tube.
B Steam is produced
C The thermometer reads 100oC
D There is nothing left behind in the test tube.
2) An attempt was made to compress a gas and a solid using the apparatus shown.

Which substance would be compressed and what is the reason for this?

Substance Reason
A Gas The gas particles are close together
B Gas The gas particles are far apart
C Solid The solid particles are close together
D Solid The solid particles are far apart

[Turn over]
3) The molecules of liquid which escape first have
A Highest kinetic energy
B Lowest kinetic energy
C Moderate kinetic energy
D Infinite kinetic energy
4. The diagrams show the arrangement of particles in three different physical states of
substance X

Which statement about the physical states of substance X is correct

A Particles in state 1 vibrate about fixed positions.
B State 1 changes to state 2 by diffusion.
C State 2 changes directly to state 3 by condensation.
D The substance in stage 3 has a fixed volume.
5) a) Three syringes contain 25cm3 of either the solid, the liquid or the gas at
room temperature and pressure, as shown in fig. 5.1 The end of each syringe is

(i) The student pushes on the plunger of each syringe to increase the pressure.
The results are shown in Table 5.1
Table 5.1

Contents of syringe Volume at the start/cm3 Volume when pressure is


Solid 25 25
Liquid 25 25
[Turn over]
Gas 25 21

Explain the results for each syringe when the pressure is increased, use ideas
about particles in your answer.

(ii) In a separate experiment, the student gently increases the temperature of the
syringe that contains the gas, without pushing on the plunger.
The volume of the gas changes from 25 cm3 to 30 cm3. Explain why the volume
changes. Use ideas about particles in your answer.


(b) The student heats a solid X and a liquid Y separately in two test tubes and
records the state of each after each 50C rise in temperature.
Table 5.2 shows the results.
Table 5.2

Temperature/0C State of X State of Y

20 Solid liquid
25 Solid liquid
30 Solid liquid
35 Solid liquid
40 Solid liquid
45 Solid liquid

(i) Use Table 5.2 to estimate the melting point of X.

……………………………………………………………………………. 0C

(ii) State one conclusion that can be made about the boiling point of Y.

[Turn over]


1 A student investigates the effect of dissolving salt on the boiling point temperature of water.

(a) Procedure

The student:
step 1 half fills a boiling tube (large test-tube) with distilled water step 2
heats the water until it boils

step 3 records the boiling point temperature in Table 3.1

step 4 adds one spatula of salt to the water in the boiling tube

step 5 heats the salt solution until it boils and records the boiling point temperature in Table

The student repeats steps 4 and 5 until seven spatulas of salt have been added.

Table 3.1

spatulas of salt boiling point

added temperature / °C
0 100.0
1 101.5
2 103.5
3 106.0
4 107.5
5 108.0
6 108.0
7 108.0

(i) Fig. 3.1 shows the thermometer readings for 2 and 5 spatulas of salt added.

°C °C

110 110

100 100

[Turn over]
2 spatulas of salt 5 spatulas of salt

Record in Table 3.1 these values to the nearest 0.5 °C. [2 marks]

[Turn over]

State an improvement to the procedure that will make the results more reliable.

Ans: By repeating the activity [1]

(b) (i) On the grid draw a graph of boiling point temperature (vertical axis) against number of
spatulas of salt added. Do not start the y-axis at 0. [3]

(ii) Draw the line of best-fit. [1]

(iii) State the relationship between amount of salt added and boiling point temperature.

Ans: Boiling point increases as salt increases [2]

(iv) What effect does the presence of impurity have on the frizzing point of a liquid

It lowers the freezing point [1]

(v) Use your graph to estimate the boiling point temperature of water when 3.5 spatulas of
salt are added.

Show on your graph how you arrived at your answer.

boiling point temperature = .................................................... °C [2]

(vi) The boiling point temperature is the same when 6 and 7 spatulas of salt are added.


Suggest why.

Ans: Because the solution is staturated




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