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After Reading the text, look at the sentences and write in the blank space the
correct form using present perfect.
1. European countries have commemorated. Christianity´s arrival to Ireland in Saint
Patrick´s Day. (Commemorate).
2. In Mexico, many people (they) have brought food to the cemetery to honor the
deceased (bring).
3. Have you ever played with food? (play).
4. People have celebrated Carnival festivities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for hundreds of
years. (celebrate).
5. The Chinese culture has observed their New Year between middle January to middle
February. (observe).
6. The Carnaval of Venice, has taken in Italy place since 1162. (take).
LISTENING – A glass half full or half empty
Two men met and started talking, one of them was very unhappy.
Life is awful! Everything is ugly and doll.
I disagree life is wonderful, the world is a beautiful place! think of France with all its
culture and cuisine, had it you was been to France?
Yes I replied the sad man, I on there last year I there like it.
What about all the amazing things in the world? Have you on the see the Northern Lights
in the midnight sun?
Yes. I have advent to Norway with my wife and we in the see the Northern Lights. And the
midnight sun. I thinking you it. I was in depress.
The natural world is so incredible have you on the see lions in the wild in Africa?
Yes I have.
Came the miserable reply!
I went on a safari last year in the East Africa and I visited the Victoria falls. The view wasn’t
worth the trip.
Oh dear! I think you're very ill. You need to send the best psychiatrist in the world his
name is doctor Payne. He's the only man that can help you.
I’m doctor Payne!.
What about you?
1.Have you ever travelled to the place of your dreams? Where is it?
I haven't done it yet
2.What’s the most exciting holiday you have ever taken?
When i traveled to the beach
3.Have you ever had a horrible holiday time?
No, i haven´t
4.Have you ever travelled by plane/train/ship?
No, i haven´t
5.Have you ever taken extended holidays? How long?
Yes i have, 1 month
6.Have you ever met any interesting people while on holidays?
yes I have, talk to people who come from another place
7.What is the most exotic or strangest thing you have ever eaten on holidays?
yes I have, once I eat octopus
8.Have you ever run out of money when you are on vacations?
no i haven't, i always keep money
9.Have you ever been mugged while on holidays?
No i haven´t, i haven´t mugged
10.Have you ever thought of giving up your holidays due to unavoidable reasons?
No, i haven´t

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