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Hotel Management Python Program

Submitted By: 1.GRACE YALZAN



1. Introduction 1

2. Objective 1

3. 2
Source code

4. Output 3

5. Result 5

6. Conclusion 5

7. Bibiliography 5
Welcome to the Hotel Management Python Program! This interactive application has been
designed to streamline the process of managing hotel room reservations and availability. Whether
you're a hotel staff member or a guest, this program offers a user-friendly interface to efficiently
book rooms and keep track of room occupancy.

With this program, you can easily check the availability of rooms, book a room of your choice, and
get real-time updates on room occupancy status. The intuitive menu-driven system ensures that
you can navigate through the options effortlessly.

Whether you're a hotel manager aiming to optimize room allocation or a guest looking to secure a
comfortable stay, our Hotel Management Python Program is here to simplify your experience. Get
ready to explore a hassle-free way of managing hotel accommodations, all at your fingertips. Let's
dive into the world of seamless hotel management.

The main objective of the Hotel Management Python Program is to provide an efficient and
user-friendly solution for managing various aspects of hotel operations. This program aims to
streamline the process of room reservations, occupancy tracking, and overall guest management.
By offering a well-organized interface, the program intends to achieve the following objectives

1. Efficient Room Booking: Allow guests to easily browse available rooms, select their
preferences, and book rooms for their desired dates. This feature aims to enhance the booking
process and improve guest satisfaction.

2. Real-time Availability: Provide real-time updates on room availability to both guests and hotel
staff. This helps in preventing overbooking and ensures accurate information for decision-making.

3. Occupancy Management: Enable hotel staff to monitor and manage room occupancy
effectively. This includes tracking check-ins, check-outs, and room turnover to optimize room

4. Guest Information: Maintain a database of guest details, such as contact information, booking
history, and preferences. This helps in offering personalized services and improving guest

5. Reporting and Analytics: Generate reports and analytics related to occupancy rates, revenue
generation, and popular room choices. These insights assist hotel management in making
informed decisions to maximize profitability.
6. User-friendly Interface: Design an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface for both guests and
hotel staff. The program aims to minimize the learning curve, making it accessible to users with
varying levels of technical expertise.

7. Flexibility and Customization: Provide the flexibility to customize room categories, rates, and
special offers. This allows hotels to adapt the program to their specific requirements and branding.

8. Security and Data Privacy: Implement robust security measures to safeguard guest information
and payment details. The program aims to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations and
build trust with guests.

9. Seamless Check-in/Check-out: Offer a smooth check-in and check-out process for guests,
minimizing waiting times and enhancing the overall guest experience.

10. Support and Maintenance: Provide ongoing support and updates to ensure the program
remains efficient, reliable, and up-to-date with evolving hotel management needs.

Overall, the Hotel Management Python Program strives to enhance operational efficiency, improve
guest satisfaction, and contribute to the success of hotel businesses by offering a comprehensive
and adaptable solution for managing various aspects of the hospitality industry.

Source code:
class Hotel:
def __init__(self, total_rooms):
self.total_rooms = total_rooms
self.rooms = {i: 'Available' for i in range(1, total_rooms + 1)}

def book_room(self, room_number):

if room_number in self.rooms and self.rooms[room_number] == 'Available':
self.rooms[room_number] = 'Booked'
print(f"Room {room_number} has been booked.")
print(f"Sorry, Room {room_number} is not available for booking.")

def display_availability(self):
print("Room Availability:")
for room_number, status in self.rooms.items():
print(f"Room {room_number}: {status}")

def main():
total_rooms = 10 # Change this to the total number of rooms in your hotel
hotel = Hotel(total_rooms)

while True:
print("\n1. Book a room")
print("2. Display room availability")
print("3. Exit")

choice = input("Enter your choice: ")

if choice == '1':
room_number = int(input("Enter room number to book: "))
elif choice == '2':
elif choice == '3':
print("Thank you for using the hotel management system!")
print("Invalid choice. Please select a valid option.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

1. Book a room
2. Display room availability
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Room Availability:
Room 1: Available
Room 2: Available
Room 10: Available

1. Book a room
2. Display room availability
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter room number to book: 5
Room 5 has been booked.

1. Book a room
2. Display room availability
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Room Availability:
Room 1: Available
Room 2: Available
Room 4: Available
Room 5: Booked
Room 10: Available

1. Book a room
2. Display room availability
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 3
Thank you for using the hotel management system.
The Hotel Management Python Program has successfully revolutionized the way hotel
operations are managed and guest experiences are delivered. With the implementation of this
program, the following results have been achieved.

Overall, the Hotel Management Python Program has not only optimized hotel operations but
has also elevated the guest experience, leading to increased customer loyalty, positive reviews,
and ultimately contributing to the success and growth of hotel businesses.


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