HRM Assignment 1

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Name: Nicki Bajnath

Subject: Human Resource Management

Assignment 1

Human Resource
Human resources are the department within a company or an organization that
is responsible for all things worker-cognate. That incorporates recruiting
persons, scrutinizing, selecting, employing persons, on-boarding, training,
promoting, paying, and firing employees and separate contractors.
Human resources, then again is utilized to define both the people who work for
an organization and the division in charge for overseeing assets associated to
organization and management functions.

Human Resource Management

Human resource management is the planned challenges to the efficacious
management of people working in an organization or a company so that they
promote the business to achieve a good improvement. It is designed to boost
employee performance in accommodation of an employer's considered
Human Resource Management is a subdivision of management which is
concerned with recruiting, removing, or firing persons, training, and developing
employee of an organization with a view to make the finest expected utilization
of their human resources, by engendering improved operational conditions and
accommodations to the workers. In addition, it involves in developing the skills,
understanding, and ability of employees, so that good cognations are maintained
at sundry levels of management. Recognised otherwise, Human Resource
Management refers to the submission of standards of management to optimally
manage the people working in the company.
What are some of the HR challenges faced in today’s organization?
HR challenges faced in today’s organization, with this diversity comes with a
few human resource challenges, like managing diverse cultures in a local team.
This means that HR professionals need to keep a close eye on escalating
workloads and stress levels. An open-door policy to discuss anxiety, working
hours and unfair expectations is critical. It’s not uncommon to find high staff
turnover in fast-paced companies. Because even though they might manage to
hire the best employees, keeping them around becomes the next obstacle and
one of the greatest human resource challenges. Also, as job roles and
expectations keep changing, and organizational culture keeps adapting, this task
becomes increasingly difficult. Many employees consider leaving their jobs
because of a poor relationship with their direct manager. That’s why it’s critical
to source and develop talented and inspiring leaders. Employees leave their jobs
with the key reason being a lack of development opportunities. This might be a
pointer as to where the problem is.

Identify 3 HRM challenge, and as an HRM explain how you

would address these challenges.

1. Building a Diverse Team

Building a Diverse Team, the challenge of managing a workforce with

diverse backgrounds, conceptions, and experiences. Additionally, as a
Human Resource Manager I would address the challenges with the
responsibility to build a business work environment that’s welcoming for
everyone. Building an inclusive team doesn’t just bring improved
perspectives into the company but additionally builds a chain of a diverse
network. If different voices are heard in the organization, so the company
will be more advanced and more knowledgeable to societies. Conducting
cultural understanding actions to benefit employees recognize developing
and different capabilities. Team building endeavours will nevertheless
facilitate the entire workers to act as one team on numerous fields.
Encouraging individuals to be fair and comprehensive and to motivate
culturally diverse appoints.

Uncertainty About the Future Organizations, not only hiring trained

professionals but have professionals or qualified persons to look at
developments and patterns in the current organizations and to endorse the
forthcoming course of activities. Have being able to expect and act upon
the altering business development is the difference between
accomplishment and disappointment in the organization of such.

Dealing with uncertainty in an organization can be extremely challenging.

Due to the Coronavirus also known as Covid-19 situation has underlined
just how uncertain our futures can be during this time. Although, we can
always do a few things to relieve the uncertainty like all individuals can
do something practical, which will enhance the company’s chance of
success. Also, Developing short- term and long-term strategies. Shifting
purpose towards everything which can be controlled.


Technology is yet another challenge for contemporary organizations.

Now it’s the advancement in technology tend to become more
knowledgeable or modernized. I would also ensure persons attain the
required skills of cultured and knowledgeable techniques. The
introduction of all new technology would disrupt very rare members
unless they become well equipped to work on or with new systems which
may require on the part of human resource management to train workers
and to reinstate those who are displaced or cannot be trained.
To those businesses who pick up and familiarize themselves with new
technology, the job will be stimulating and satisfying. Technology has its
impact on individual societies as technology sets down the conditions for
much of the human collaborations in the organizations.

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