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Art of Leadership 5th Edition Manning

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Part 4 The Empowerment of People Chapters 8 and 9

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The servant leader shows commitment to people through _______, _______, and _______.

A. Access; communication; support

B. Training; development; education
C. Recruitment; selection; reinforcement
D. Wages; benefits; promotion
E. None of these

2. ________ is the essential character of most effective leaders, and the style is _______.

A. Autocratic; directive
B. Expletive; manipulative
C. Democratic; inclusive
D. Free-rein; non-directive
E. None of these

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3. The effective leader today incorporates people-oriented characteristics into his or her
management style. This involves ________ and _______.

A. Two-way communication; employee involvement in decision-making

B. Hiring the best; firing the worst
C. Good pay; good benefits
D. Company parties; after hours socialization
E. None of these

4. A Chinese proverb says, "Be ________ and you can be _______; be ________ and you can be
_______; avoid ________ and you can become a _______."

A. Suspicious; aware; studious; knowledgeable; excess; success

B. Gentle; bold; frugal; liberal; self-promotion; leader
C. Rested; strong; determined; effective; conflict; peace-maker
D. Alone; rich; generous; loved; false beliefs; sage
E. None of these

5. Sources of leadership power include ________ and _______.

A. Knowledge; will
B. Access to resources; subordinate deference
C. Organizational mandate; situational demands
D. History of hard work; trust of followers
E. Leadership position; personal qualities

6. A leader's use of ________ and ________ is effective only for a short period of time.

A. Psychological size; overbearance

B. Experience; skill
C. Patience; understanding
D. Knowledge; ability
E. None of these

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7. Gandhi, the Indian spiritual and political leader, believed that effective leaders _______, not

A. Point the way; show by example

B. Command respect; earn respect
C. Lead the elite; lead the masses
D. Are served by followers; serve followers
E. Guide and inspire; command and control

8. W. Edwards Deming identified ________ for a successful work environment.

A. 3 secrets
B. 7 habits
C. 10 commandments
D. 12 rules
E. 14 points

9. Both responsibility and ________ come with the leadership position.

A. Confusion
B. Dependence
C. Wealth
D. Power

10. ________ was a famous leader who learned tremendous leadership skills from his wife,
including the idea that most people will do what they choose to do, and no amount of coaxing
or force can overcome an idea or principle that is personally believed.

A. George Washington
B. Martin Luther King
C. Gandhi
D. Winston Churchill
E. Vince Lombardi

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11. In his work on servant leadership, ________ proposes that the world can be saved if three truly
great institutions exist: _______, _______, and _______.

A. John Gardner; business; industry; government

B. Robert Greenleaf; private sector; public sector; nonprofit sector
C. Charles Handy; church; state; commerce
D. Warren Bennis; rural; urban; suburban

12. Employee participation has been shown to have a ________ impact on business success.

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral
D. None of these

13. Dealing with people face to face, being open and receptive, and ________ can improve
communication in the workplace by reducing physical and psychological distance.

A. Showing courtesy
B. Being less judgmental
C. Involving people in decisions that affect them
D. All of these

14. A ________ report identifies signs of the need for employee participation including _______,
_______, _______.

A. Rand Corporation; turnover; grievances; strikes

B. Harvard; waste; absenteeism; lack of interest
C. BNA; communication breakdown; lack of teamwork; high cost
D. Brookings Institution; lack of trust; low pride; poor quality
E. MIT; lack of loyalty; inefficiency; poor service

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15. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a cooperative form of ________ that energizes employees
and tears down walls.

A. Empowerment
B. Participative leadership
C. Both of these
D. None of these

16. _____ created the 14 Steps to Quality.

A. W. Edwards Deming
B. Robert Frost
C. Donald Dewar
D. Peter Drucker

17. Deming worked with the ________ and helped to rebuild their economy.

A. English
B. Japanese
C. Germans
D. Soviets

18. With roots in ________ ideals, participative leadership allows the organization to tap the
constructive power of its members.

A. Socialistic
B. Democratic
C. Communistic
D. None of these

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19. ________ is recognized as the father of scientific management.

A. Frederick W. Taylor
B. Donald Peterson
C. W. Edwards Deming
D. Kurt Lewin

20. Procter and Gamble developed the concept of ________ in the 1940's and 1950's.

A. Group work
B. Work simplification
C. Job enrichment
D. Top-down management

21. The leadership philosophy behind quality improvement efforts is both _______, based on
_______, and _______, concerned with _______.

A. Technical; information systems; strategic; business ethics

B. Hard; scientific management; soft; human side of work
C. Masculine; support; feminine; power
D. Current; empirical data; historic; social influence
E. None of these

22. The ________ reports U.S. companies are experiencing ________ results using quality
improvement efforts to improve business performance.

A. "Wall Street Journal"; negative

B. "Business Roundtable"; mixed
C. Harvard Business School; positive
D. Government Accounting Office; positive
E. None of these

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23. The servant leader shows commitment to his or her people through all of the following except

A. Access
B. Communication
C. Support
D. Force

24. Robert Greenleaf describes servant leadership as:

A. Aggressive leadership
B. An excuse for manipulation
C. The relationship between an all-knowing leader and dependent followers
D. A calling to serve
E. None of these

25. Good ways to be a servant leader include:

A. Get out of the executive suite and onto the floor

B. Get out of the headquarters and into the field
C. Get out of the ivory tower and into the real world
D. All of these
E. None of these

26. The sequence of support for the servant leader is:

A. Customers and clients serve company personnel; company personnel serve top
B. Top executives serve managers and supervisors, who serve front-line workers, who serve
customers and clients
C. Everyone serves top executives
D. Front line workers serve everyone
E. None of these

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McGraw-Hill Education.
27. The participative leadership process involves:

A. A luxury of time and attention few leaders can afford

B. Involving people, leading to understanding, leading to commitment
C. The style of a weak and ineffectual leader
D. Giving over power and ultimate responsibility to front-line people
E. None of these

28. In the years since World War II, the American workplace has become more:

A. Isolated
B. Hierarchical
C. Exclusive
D. Participative
E. Paternal

29. Beliefs and values of the participative leader include:

A. Full and free communication

B. Reliance on consensus to manage conflict
C. A basically human bias emphasizing the importance of individuals
D. All of these
E. None of these

30. Power of the leadership position includes all but:

A. Reward power
B. Coercive power
C. Charismatic power
D. Legitimate power
E. Information power

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31. Power of the leadership personality includes all but:

A. Expertise
B. Reference
C. Legitimacy
D. Rationality
E. Charisma

32. The philosophy behind the quality movement is:

A. People respond positively to measurements and controls

B. People closest to the work usually have the experience and knowledge to come up with the
best solutions to work-related problems
C. People want economic security
D. People need sufficient pay and benefits to sustain morale
E. All of these

33. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, identifies three important tasks for leading GE:

A. Choose the right people, allocate the right numbers of dollars, and transmit ideas from one
group to another quickly
B. Be a role model for time management, develop good human relations, and maintain
effective communication
C. Develop future leaders, interact with internal agencies, uphold established traditions
D. All of these
E. None of these

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34. Robert Cole identifies leadership principles that empower people, including all but one of the

A. Trust in people
B. Require loyalty
C. Recognize accomplishments
D. Decentralize decision-making
E. View work as a cooperative effort

35. Unempowered is to empowered as:

A. Leader decides policy; people ignore policy

B. Roles and responsibilities defined by leader; roles and responsibilities conflicting and
C. Check with leaders on all decisions; check with those affected on decisions
D. Work together to determine a standard; not concerned with standards
E. Leader writes performance plan; there is no performance plan

36. The effective leader gives attention to:

A. Super stars
B. Fallen stars
C. Middle stars
D. All of these
E. The team, not individuals

37. Practical tips for developing a high performance workplace include:

A. Be customer-driven
B. Benchmark the best
C. Show concern for others
D. Manage meetings effectively
E. All of these

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38. Robert Greenleaf states that the world needs three role models for institutional behavior:

A. Large, middle, small

B. Ancient, modern, future
C. Private, public, nonprofit
D. Top-down, bottom-up, sideways
E. American, European, Asian

39. Leadership success requires:

A. Meeting the responsibility of office without abusing its power

B. A college degree
C. Years of experience
D. None of these

40. Which of the following is not one of Deming's 14 points for a successful work place?

A. Reduce the number of suppliers

B. Improve job training
C. Set numerical goals and slogans
D. Provide a higher level of supervision

41. All of the following are included in Robert Cole's principles that empower people except:

A. Trust in people
B. Invest in people
C. Recognize accomplishments
D. View individual work as more important than the collective effort

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42. Participative leadership, which has been employed by many supervisors and managers to
build employee morale and achieve high performance, has its roots in:

A. Autocratic government
B. Democratic ideals
C. Socialist movements
D. Communist regimes

43. A continuum of empowerment, least to most, is as follows:

A. Scientific management, industrial democracy, human relations training

B. Kibbutzim, job enrichment, collective bargaining
C. Suggestion box, quality circles, self-directed work teams
D. Quality improvement teams, safety meetings, labor/management codetermination
E. None of these

44. Psychological size:

A. Is the nonphysical power one person has over another

B. Is especially relevant to those in authority
C. Can affect relationships
D. All of these

45. Solving the problem of one-way communication involves:

A. Equalizing psychological size

B. Keeping a formal, distant manner
C. Both of these
D. None of these

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46. Practical steps for achieving two way communication and true dialogue include:

A. Show the person that you want to listen

B. Be patient
C. Go easy with argument and criticism
D. Ask questions
E. All of these

47. The Hawthorne studies:

A. Proved that TQM practice works

B. Were completed in 1975
C. Marked the beginning of the human relations movement
D. Were conducted by Abraham Maslow

48. The rank order of most preferred sources of information as expressed by employees is as

A. Mass media, grapevine, top executives, policy handbook, immediate supervisor

B. Orientation program, bulletin boards, annual business report, top executives, grapevine
C. Mass meetings, immediate supervisor, union, upward communication programs, audio-
visual programs
D. Immediate supervisor, small group meetings, top executives, policy handbook, orientation
E. Top executive, union, immediate supervisor, regular local member publication, policy

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49. The Deming way to improve quality includes:

A. Set high standards

B. Improve job training
C. Provide a higher level of supervision
D. Remove barriers to pride of work
E. All of these

50. _________ is credited with the first application of the organizational pyramid in the United

A. David McCallum
B. George Washington
C. Franklin Roosevelt
D. Peter Drucker
E. Robert E. Lee

51. "Open Book" is a term used to describe:

A. An accounting principle
B. A writing technique
C. An approach to management
D. A rule in marketing

52. According to the philosophy and religion of Taoism, yin and yang are:

A. Complementary forces that provide endless change

B. Leadership principles born in ancient China
C. Male and female value orientations
D. None of these

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53. According to Brian Hindo, a company must master both ends of the spectrum to be
successful, ________ and __________.

A. Short term execution; long term stability

B. Leadership decisions; front-line delivery
C. Male; female involvement
D. Business innovation; daily delivery of results
E. None of these

54. The essence of ________ is common sense management based on:

A. Organizational ambidexterity; planning, preparation, performance, repetition

B. Score card; goals, feedback, control, profit
C. Lean; accurate data, insightful analysis, creative design, reliable measurement
D. None of these

55. About Gandhi, _______ wrote, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this
ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."

A. Albert Einstein
B. Martin Luther King
C. Margaret Thatcher
D. Pearl buck
E. John Kennedy

56. Gordon Lippitt identifies _______ communication problems, including all of the following
except ______.

A. 8; trust
B. 6; complexes
C. 7; size
D. 7; fear
E. 8; technology

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57. In My American Journey, _______ identifies ________ as one of his leadership principles.

A. George Washington; uphold discipline

B. George Patten; always prepare
C. Collin Powell; check small things
D. Ulysses S. Grant; pursue with force

58. W. Edward Deming's PDCA cycle stands for:

A. Plan, do, check, act

B. Prepare, decide, correct, activate
C. People, delimitations, causes, actions
D. Persistent dedication creates achievement
E. None of these

59. ISO 14000 identifies:

A. Standards for market place performance

B. Standards for government compliance
C. Standards for environmental performance
D. Standards for diversity performance
E. All of these

60. The book How the Mighty Fall shows how _______, _______, _______ can threaten the success
of any great company (Toyota, Starbucks, etc.).

A. Out of touch management; outward thinking; poor money management

B. Global growth; lack of access to sea ports; work force diversity
C. Insular thinking; low-skilled employees; ossification of systems
D. Hubris born of success; undisciplined pursuit of more; denial of peril
E. Culture of change; lack of core values; merit employment

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61. The boss who assigns jobs, the coach who decides plays, the captain who gives orders, and
the teacher who assigns homework are examples of _______ power.

A. Reward
B. Coercive
C. Legitimate
D. Information
E. None of these

62. The Hawthorne Effect describes:

A. The sense of control men feel over women

B. The tendency for an organization to become rigid over time
C. The tendency for morale to deteriorate without management attention
D. A predictable change in attitude when one is promoted
E. An artificial change in behavior due merely to the fact that a person or group is being

True / False Questions

63. A big step in helping Seattle's Pike Place Fish Market become "world famous" was when
owner John Yokoyama began sharing responsibility and power with workers.

True False

64. The best way to raise the psychological size of others is to show genuine interest in them.

True False

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McGraw-Hill Education.
65. A democratic method of management can be accurately described as laissez-faire or
permissive management.

True False

66. Max DePree states that being a leader means having the opportunity to make a difference in
the lives of those who permit leaders to lead.

True False

67. Encouraging broad employee participation is an effective method for overcoming resistance to

True False

68. The three things every employee needs to know and leaders should be accountable to be sure
they do know are:

1) What is the grand plan - where is the organization going?

2) What is expected of them personally, and why?
3) How are they doing - what are they doing well and what can they do to improve?

True False

69. Closely related to servant leadership is the concept of authentic leadership described by
author Bill George and exemplified by Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South

True False

70. The leadership philosophy of the U.S. military is caring and servant leadership based on the
principle, "mission first, soldiers always."

True False

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McGraw-Hill Education.
71. Cisco CEO John Chambers uses a proactive approach to communication through 40 to 50
voicemails a day.

True False

72. At six sigma performance, a product is defect free 6.66% of the time.

True False

73. ISO 9001 is a quality standard developed by Fred Smith of Federal Express.

True False

74. The Malcolm Baldrige award is based on high standards of performance in seven areas:

1) leadership;
2) strategic planning;
3) customer and market focus;
4) measurement, analysis and knowledge management;
5) work force focus;
6) process management; and
7) sustainability.

True False

75. The most often cited and discussed typology of leadership power was developed by Chester

True False

76. The "checklist" has proven to be an excellent tool to reduce mistakes when tasks are complex
requiring specialized knowledge and skills.

True False

Matching Questions

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77. Match the items below with their descriptions:

1. psychological size importance and power ____
gains the benefits of
hard and soft sides of
2. W. Edward Deming management ____
three signs of caring
3. listening leadership ____
preferred sources of
4. access, communication, support information ____
5. immediate supervisor, small group
meetings, top executives, policy
handbook, orientation programs, central figure in the
member newsletter Quality movement ____
three principles of
an empowered
6. democratic workplace ____
character of
7. quality movement leadership ____
means of showing
8. servant leadership interest and respect ____
9. trust in people, recognize
accomplishments, view work as a effective approach
cooperative effort to leadership ____
10. caring leadership, the empowerment two secrets to
of people organizational success ____

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Part 4 The Empowerment of People Chapters 8 and 9 Answer Key

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The servant leader shows commitment to people through _______, _______, and _______.

A. Access; communication; support

B. Training; development; education
C. Recruitment; selection; reinforcement
D. Wages; benefits; promotion
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

2. ________ is the essential character of most effective leaders, and the style is _______.

A. Autocratic; directive
B. Expletive; manipulative
C. Democratic; inclusive
D. Free-rein; non-directive
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
3. The effective leader today incorporates people-oriented characteristics into his or her
management style. This involves ________ and _______.

A. Two-way communication; employee involvement in decision-making

B. Hiring the best; firing the worst
C. Good pay; good benefits
D. Company parties; after hours socialization
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

4. A Chinese proverb says, "Be ________ and you can be _______; be ________ and you can be
_______; avoid ________ and you can become a _______."

A. Suspicious; aware; studious; knowledgeable; excess; success

B. Gentle; bold; frugal; liberal; self-promotion; leader
C. Rested; strong; determined; effective; conflict; peace-maker
D. Alone; rich; generous; loved; false beliefs; sage
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

5. Sources of leadership power include ________ and _______.

A. Knowledge; will
B. Access to resources; subordinate deference
C. Organizational mandate; situational demands
D. History of hard work; trust of followers
E. Leadership position; personal qualities

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
6. A leader's use of ________ and ________ is effective only for a short period of time.

A. Psychological size; overbearance

B. Experience; skill
C. Patience; understanding
D. Knowledge; ability
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

7. Gandhi, the Indian spiritual and political leader, believed that effective leaders _______, not

A. Point the way; show by example

B. Command respect; earn respect
C. Lead the elite; lead the masses
D. Are served by followers; serve followers
E. Guide and inspire; command and control

Level: 2 Medium

8. W. Edwards Deming identified ________ for a successful work environment.

A. 3 secrets
B. 7 habits
C. 10 commandments
D. 12 rules
E. 14 points

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
9. Both responsibility and ________ come with the leadership position.

A. Confusion
B. Dependence
C. Wealth
D. Power

Level: 2 Medium

10. ________ was a famous leader who learned tremendous leadership skills from his wife,
including the idea that most people will do what they choose to do, and no amount of
coaxing or force can overcome an idea or principle that is personally believed.

A. George Washington
B. Martin Luther King
C. Gandhi
D. Winston Churchill
E. Vince Lombardi

Level: 2 Medium

11. In his work on servant leadership, ________ proposes that the world can be saved if three
truly great institutions exist: _______, _______, and _______.

A. John Gardner; business; industry; government

B. Robert Greenleaf; private sector; public sector; nonprofit sector
C. Charles Handy; church; state; commerce
D. Warren Bennis; rural; urban; suburban

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
12. Employee participation has been shown to have a ________ impact on business success.

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

13. Dealing with people face to face, being open and receptive, and ________ can improve
communication in the workplace by reducing physical and psychological distance.

A. Showing courtesy
B. Being less judgmental
C. Involving people in decisions that affect them
D. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

14. A ________ report identifies signs of the need for employee participation including _______,
_______, _______.

A. Rand Corporation; turnover; grievances; strikes

B. Harvard; waste; absenteeism; lack of interest
C. BNA; communication breakdown; lack of teamwork; high cost
D. Brookings Institution; lack of trust; low pride; poor quality
E. MIT; lack of loyalty; inefficiency; poor service

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
15. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a cooperative form of ________ that energizes
employees and tears down walls.

A. Empowerment
B. Participative leadership
C. Both of these
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

16. _____ created the 14 Steps to Quality.

A. W. Edwards Deming
B. Robert Frost
C. Donald Dewar
D. Peter Drucker

Level: 2 Medium

17. Deming worked with the ________ and helped to rebuild their economy.

A. English
B. Japanese
C. Germans
D. Soviets

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
18. With roots in ________ ideals, participative leadership allows the organization to tap the
constructive power of its members.

A. Socialistic
B. Democratic
C. Communistic
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

19. ________ is recognized as the father of scientific management.

A. Frederick W. Taylor
B. Donald Peterson
C. W. Edwards Deming
D. Kurt Lewin

Level: 2 Medium

20. Procter and Gamble developed the concept of ________ in the 1940's and 1950's.

A. Group work
B. Work simplification
C. Job enrichment
D. Top-down management

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
21. The leadership philosophy behind quality improvement efforts is both _______, based on
_______, and _______, concerned with _______.

A. Technical; information systems; strategic; business ethics

B. Hard; scientific management; soft; human side of work
C. Masculine; support; feminine; power
D. Current; empirical data; historic; social influence
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

22. The ________ reports U.S. companies are experiencing ________ results using quality
improvement efforts to improve business performance.

A. "Wall Street Journal"; negative

B. "Business Roundtable"; mixed
C. Harvard Business School; positive
D. Government Accounting Office; positive
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

23. The servant leader shows commitment to his or her people through all of the following
except _______.

A. Access
B. Communication
C. Support
D. Force

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
24. Robert Greenleaf describes servant leadership as:

A. Aggressive leadership
B. An excuse for manipulation
C. The relationship between an all-knowing leader and dependent followers
D. A calling to serve
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

25. Good ways to be a servant leader include:

A. Get out of the executive suite and onto the floor

B. Get out of the headquarters and into the field
C. Get out of the ivory tower and into the real world
D. All of these
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

26. The sequence of support for the servant leader is:

A. Customers and clients serve company personnel; company personnel serve top
B. Top executives serve managers and supervisors, who serve front-line workers, who
serve customers and clients
C. Everyone serves top executives
D. Front line workers serve everyone
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
27. The participative leadership process involves:

A. A luxury of time and attention few leaders can afford

B. Involving people, leading to understanding, leading to commitment
C. The style of a weak and ineffectual leader
D. Giving over power and ultimate responsibility to front-line people
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

28. In the years since World War II, the American workplace has become more:

A. Isolated
B. Hierarchical
C. Exclusive
D. Participative
E. Paternal

Level: 2 Medium

29. Beliefs and values of the participative leader include:

A. Full and free communication

B. Reliance on consensus to manage conflict
C. A basically human bias emphasizing the importance of individuals
D. All of these
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
30. Power of the leadership position includes all but:

A. Reward power
B. Coercive power
C. Charismatic power
D. Legitimate power
E. Information power

Level: 2 Medium

31. Power of the leadership personality includes all but:

A. Expertise
B. Reference
C. Legitimacy
D. Rationality
E. Charisma

Level: 2 Medium

32. The philosophy behind the quality movement is:

A. People respond positively to measurements and controls

B. People closest to the work usually have the experience and knowledge to come up with
the best solutions to work-related problems
C. People want economic security
D. People need sufficient pay and benefits to sustain morale
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

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33. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, identifies three important tasks for leading

A. Choose the right people, allocate the right numbers of dollars, and transmit ideas from
one group to another quickly
B. Be a role model for time management, develop good human relations, and maintain
effective communication
C. Develop future leaders, interact with internal agencies, uphold established traditions
D. All of these
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

34. Robert Cole identifies leadership principles that empower people, including all but one of
the following:

A. Trust in people
B. Require loyalty
C. Recognize accomplishments
D. Decentralize decision-making
E. View work as a cooperative effort

Level: 2 Medium

35. Unempowered is to empowered as:

A. Leader decides policy; people ignore policy

B. Roles and responsibilities defined by leader; roles and responsibilities conflicting and
C. Check with leaders on all decisions; check with those affected on decisions
D. Work together to determine a standard; not concerned with standards
E. Leader writes performance plan; there is no performance plan

Level: 2 Medium

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36. The effective leader gives attention to:

A. Super stars
B. Fallen stars
C. Middle stars
D. All of these
E. The team, not individuals

Level: 2 Medium

37. Practical tips for developing a high performance workplace include:

A. Be customer-driven
B. Benchmark the best
C. Show concern for others
D. Manage meetings effectively
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

38. Robert Greenleaf states that the world needs three role models for institutional behavior:

A. Large, middle, small

B. Ancient, modern, future
C. Private, public, nonprofit
D. Top-down, bottom-up, sideways
E. American, European, Asian

Level: 2 Medium

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39. Leadership success requires:

A. Meeting the responsibility of office without abusing its power

B. A college degree
C. Years of experience
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

40. Which of the following is not one of Deming's 14 points for a successful work place?

A. Reduce the number of suppliers

B. Improve job training
C. Set numerical goals and slogans
D. Provide a higher level of supervision

Level: 2 Medium

41. All of the following are included in Robert Cole's principles that empower people except:

A. Trust in people
B. Invest in people
C. Recognize accomplishments
D. View individual work as more important than the collective effort

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
42. Participative leadership, which has been employed by many supervisors and managers to
build employee morale and achieve high performance, has its roots in:

A. Autocratic government
B. Democratic ideals
C. Socialist movements
D. Communist regimes

Level: 2 Medium

43. A continuum of empowerment, least to most, is as follows:

A. Scientific management, industrial democracy, human relations training

B. Kibbutzim, job enrichment, collective bargaining
C. Suggestion box, quality circles, self-directed work teams
D. Quality improvement teams, safety meetings, labor/management codetermination
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

44. Psychological size:

A. Is the nonphysical power one person has over another

B. Is especially relevant to those in authority
C. Can affect relationships
D. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

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45. Solving the problem of one-way communication involves:

A. Equalizing psychological size

B. Keeping a formal, distant manner
C. Both of these
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

46. Practical steps for achieving two way communication and true dialogue include:

A. Show the person that you want to listen

B. Be patient
C. Go easy with argument and criticism
D. Ask questions
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

47. The Hawthorne studies:

A. Proved that TQM practice works

B. Were completed in 1975
C. Marked the beginning of the human relations movement
D. Were conducted by Abraham Maslow

Level: 2 Medium

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48. The rank order of most preferred sources of information as expressed by employees is as

A. Mass media, grapevine, top executives, policy handbook, immediate supervisor

B. Orientation program, bulletin boards, annual business report, top executives, grapevine
C. Mass meetings, immediate supervisor, union, upward communication programs, audio-
visual programs
D. Immediate supervisor, small group meetings, top executives, policy handbook,
orientation programs
E. Top executive, union, immediate supervisor, regular local member publication, policy

Level: 2 Medium

49. The Deming way to improve quality includes:

A. Set high standards

B. Improve job training
C. Provide a higher level of supervision
D. Remove barriers to pride of work
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

50. _________ is credited with the first application of the organizational pyramid in the United

A. David McCallum
B. George Washington
C. Franklin Roosevelt
D. Peter Drucker
E. Robert E. Lee

Level: 2 Medium

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51. "Open Book" is a term used to describe:

A. An accounting principle
B. A writing technique
C. An approach to management
D. A rule in marketing

Level: 2 Medium

52. According to the philosophy and religion of Taoism, yin and yang are:

A. Complementary forces that provide endless change

B. Leadership principles born in ancient China
C. Male and female value orientations
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

53. According to Brian Hindo, a company must master both ends of the spectrum to be
successful, ________ and __________.

A. Short term execution; long term stability

B. Leadership decisions; front-line delivery
C. Male; female involvement
D. Business innovation; daily delivery of results
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

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54. The essence of ________ is common sense management based on:

A. Organizational ambidexterity; planning, preparation, performance, repetition

B. Score card; goals, feedback, control, profit
C. Lean; accurate data, insightful analysis, creative design, reliable measurement
D. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

55. About Gandhi, _______ wrote, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as
this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."

A. Albert Einstein
B. Martin Luther King
C. Margaret Thatcher
D. Pearl buck
E. John Kennedy

Level: 2 Medium

56. Gordon Lippitt identifies _______ communication problems, including all of the following
except ______.

A. 8; trust
B. 6; complexes
C. 7; size
D. 7; fear
E. 8; technology

Level: 2 Medium

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57. In My American Journey, _______ identifies ________ as one of his leadership principles.

A. George Washington; uphold discipline

B. George Patten; always prepare
C. Collin Powell; check small things
D. Ulysses S. Grant; pursue with force

Level: 2 Medium

58. W. Edward Deming's PDCA cycle stands for:

A. Plan, do, check, act

B. Prepare, decide, correct, activate
C. People, delimitations, causes, actions
D. Persistent dedication creates achievement
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

59. ISO 14000 identifies:

A. Standards for market place performance

B. Standards for government compliance
C. Standards for environmental performance
D. Standards for diversity performance
E. All of these

Level: 2 Medium

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McGraw-Hill Education.
60. The book How the Mighty Fall shows how _______, _______, _______ can threaten the
success of any great company (Toyota, Starbucks, etc.).

A. Out of touch management; outward thinking; poor money management

B. Global growth; lack of access to sea ports; work force diversity
C. Insular thinking; low-skilled employees; ossification of systems
D. Hubris born of success; undisciplined pursuit of more; denial of peril
E. Culture of change; lack of core values; merit employment

Level: 2 Medium

61. The boss who assigns jobs, the coach who decides plays, the captain who gives orders,
and the teacher who assigns homework are examples of _______ power.

A. Reward
B. Coercive
C. Legitimate
D. Information
E. None of these

Level: 2 Medium

62. The Hawthorne Effect describes:

A. The sense of control men feel over women

B. The tendency for an organization to become rigid over time
C. The tendency for morale to deteriorate without management attention
D. A predictable change in attitude when one is promoted
E. An artificial change in behavior due merely to the fact that a person or group is being

Level: 2 Medium

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True / False Questions

63. A big step in helping Seattle's Pike Place Fish Market become "world famous" was when
owner John Yokoyama began sharing responsibility and power with workers.


Level: 1 Easy

64. The best way to raise the psychological size of others is to show genuine interest in them.


Level: 1 Easy

65. A democratic method of management can be accurately described as laissez-faire or

permissive management.


Level: 1 Easy

66. Max DePree states that being a leader means having the opportunity to make a difference
in the lives of those who permit leaders to lead.


Level: 1 Easy

67. Encouraging broad employee participation is an effective method for overcoming resistance
to change.


Level: 1 Easy

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McGraw-Hill Education.
68. The three things every employee needs to know and leaders should be accountable to be
sure they do know are:

1) What is the grand plan - where is the organization going?

2) What is expected of them personally, and why?
3) How are they doing - what are they doing well and what can they do to improve?


Level: 1 Easy

69. Closely related to servant leadership is the concept of authentic leadership described by
author Bill George and exemplified by Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South


Level: 1 Easy

70. The leadership philosophy of the U.S. military is caring and servant leadership based on the
principle, "mission first, soldiers always."


Level: 1 Easy

71. Cisco CEO John Chambers uses a proactive approach to communication through 40 to 50
voicemails a day.


Level: 1 Easy

72. At six sigma performance, a product is defect free 6.66% of the time.


Level: 1 Easy

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McGraw-Hill Education.
73. ISO 9001 is a quality standard developed by Fred Smith of Federal Express.


Level: 1 Easy

74. The Malcolm Baldrige award is based on high standards of performance in seven areas:

1) leadership;
2) strategic planning;
3) customer and market focus;
4) measurement, analysis and knowledge management;
5) work force focus;
6) process management; and
7) sustainability.


Level: 1 Easy

75. The most often cited and discussed typology of leadership power was developed by
Chester Bernard.


Level: 1 Easy

76. The "checklist" has proven to be an excellent tool to reduce mistakes when tasks are
complex requiring specialized knowledge and skills.


Level: 1 Easy

Matching Questions

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McGraw-Hill Education.
77. Match the items below with their descriptions:

1. psychological size importance and power 1
gains the benefits of
hard and soft sides of
2. W. Edward Deming management 7
three signs of caring
3. listening leadership 4
preferred sources of
4. access, communication, support information 5
5. immediate supervisor, small group
meetings, top executives, policy
handbook, orientation programs, central figure in the
member newsletter Quality movement 2
three principles of
an empowered
6. democratic workplace 9
character of
7. quality movement leadership 6
means of showing
8. servant leadership interest and respect 3
9. trust in people, recognize
accomplishments, view work as a effective approach
cooperative effort to leadership 8
10. caring leadership, the two secrets to
empowerment of people organizational success 10

Level: 3 Difficult

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McGraw-Hill Education.

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