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Research Article

Psychopathology Received: June 26, 2021

Accepted: September 5, 2021
DOI: 10.1159/000519500 Published online: December 6, 2021

Scale for Space and Time Experience in

Psychosis: Converging Phenomenological © Free Author
and Psychopathological Perspectives Copy - for per-
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Filipe Arantes-Gonçalves a Angelika Wolman b António J. Bastos-Leite c
Georg Northoff b   WRITTEN CONSENT
of Psychiatry, Clínica Psicodinâmica, Lisbon, Portugal; bMind, Brain Imaging and Neuroethics Research BASEL IS A VIOLATION
Unit, Royal Ottawa Healthcare Group, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; cDepartment of Medical Imaging, OF THE COPYRIGHT.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Written permission to
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Keywords ative Syndrome Scale and the Ego-Psychopathology Inven-

Psychosis · Schizophrenia spectrum disorders · Space and tory. Results: Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disor-
time experience in psychosis ders scored significantly higher on general psychopatho­-
logical scales relative to subjects belonging to the other
groups. The STEP scale provided good psychometric proper-
Abstract ties regarding reliability. We also tested convergent and di-
Introduction: Abnormalities in the experience of space and vergent validity of the STEP scale and found that space and
time are fundamental to understanding schizophrenia spec- time subscale scores of STEP significantly correlated with
trum disorders, but the precise relation between such abnor- each other, as well as with the remaining general psycho-
malities and psychopathological symptoms is still unclear. pathological scores. Discussion/Conclusion: We introduced
Therefore, the aim of our study was to introduce a novel the STEP scale as a novel instrument for the assessment of
scale for space and time experience in psychosis (STEP), spe- experience of space and time. Its psychometric properties
cifically devised to assess schizophrenia spectrum disorders. showed high validity and reliability to identify psychopatho-
Methods: The STEP scale is a semiquantitative instrument logical symptoms and enabled to differentiate patients with
developed on the basis of several items from previous scales predominantly psychotic symptoms from those with pre-
and phenomenological reports addressing the experience dominantly affective symptoms. The STEP scale provides a
of space and time. We applied the STEP scale to three groups standardized measure for assessing disturbances in the ex-
of subjects (patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, perience of space and time. Furthermore, it probably repre-
patients with predominant affective symptoms, and healthy sents a leap forward toward the establishment of an addi-
control subjects), to whom we also applied other more gen- tional dimension of symptoms proposed as “spatiotemporal
eral psychopathological scales, such as the Positive and Neg- psychopathology.” © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel Correspondence to: Filipe Arantes-Gonçalves, arantes.goncalves @
Introduction tients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders from those
with predominantly affective symptoms and how this re-
According to Bleuler [1, 2] and Minkowski [3], autism lates to other psychopathological dimensions (including
is a key feature of schizophrenia. Autism is often dis- ego disorder, positive, and negative symptoms).
cussed in psychopathology [4–13], but its precise charac- We first introduce a detailed description of the STEP
terization in the setting of schizophrenia spectrum disor- scale. Then, we report the results of an empirical investi-
ders remains unclear. gation to validate the STEP scale in a small sample of sub-
Eugène Minkowski [3] pointed out the altered experi- jects. Finally, we discuss the main features, advantages,
ence of space and time as a key feature of autism in schizo- and limitations of the proposed scale.
phrenia, in keeping with the concept proposal of “rich
autism” by Bleuler [1]. Actually, patients with schizo-
phrenia experience a so-called “time fragmentation,” as STEP Scale
well as difficulties in “synchronizing” with others at their
present time. Such patients lack intentionality toward the Table 1 summarizes items proposed to assess the expe-
external world and also present with abnormalities in the rience of space (space subscale), and Table 2 summarizes
experience of space (e.g., abnormalities in the experience items proposed to assess the experience of time (time sub-
of interpersonal distance). These aberrant experiences in scale), using the STEP scale. The proposed items for the
space and time might lead to a sort of detachment from STEP space subscale are: item 1 (hyperreflectiveness of
reality. In other words, there is a “loss of vital contact with movements) [23], item 2 (body discoordination) [23], item
reality,” which can be considered as a core feature of au- 3 (disembodiment) [23], item 4 (lack of intentionality to-
tism in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. ward the external world) [21], item 5 (lack of internal in-
Although there are descriptions regarding abnormal tentionality) [21], items 6 and 7 (interpersonal distance too
experience of time [14–16], standardized instruments close and/or too distant) [12, 21, 22], items 8 and 9 (dis-
quantifying the experience of space and time in schizo- tance to physical objects and space too close and/or too
phrenia spectrum disorders are lacking [12, 13]. In fact, distant) [22], item 10 (body fragmentation) [21], item 11
several observations reporting an abnormal experience of (space and world fragmentation) [22], item 12 (space and
time in schizophrenia have been reported, since the orig- self-fragmentation) [unpubl. data], item 13 (sensory bom-
inal description by Minkowski [14], many of which focus- bardment) [18], and item 14 (spatial disorientation) [18].
ing on “time fragmentation.” Temporal fragmentation is The proposed items for the STEP time subscale are:
indeed the most common abnormality related to the ex- item 1 (present and future are dominated by the past)
perience of time in schizophrenia, especially in patients [24], item 2 (future directedness collapses, because past is
with acute psychosis [14, 17]. By contrast, the phenome- overwhelming) [17], item 3 (present time experience)
nological experience of space has been rather neglected [17], item 4 (future time experience) [17], items 5 and 6
[18]. Actually, the abnormal experience of space and time (time speed is slower and/or faster) [22], item 7 (time
in schizophrenia spectrum disorders has not yet been fragmentation) [14], item 8 (future premonitions) [14],
properly addressed. In this sense, the phenomenological item 9 (anisotropy) [21], item 10 (present time is felt as
approach to space and time experience may provide a too much prolonged) [unpubl. data], and item 11 (time
shared feature or “common currency” [19, 20] with anal- synthesis) [14].
ogous temporal and spatial changes at the neuronal level
of the brain.
The Examination of Anomalous Self Experience [21] Material and Methods
and the Examination of Anomalous World Experience
[22] scales include questions on the experience of space Thirty participants (mean age = 36 years; standard deviation
or time, but no unified and systematic scale for the expe- [SD] = 7.4; 12 women) were recruited for the current study. Nine
rience of space and time in schizophrenia spectrum dis- patients (mean age = 33 years; SD = 8.2; 2 women) had schizophre-
orders has yet been proposed. Therefore, the aim of our nia spectrum disorders, and their clinical profile of psychosis did
not encompass a noticeable affective domain. Ten patients (mean
study was to introduce a novel scale for space and time
age = 32 years; SD = 5.4; 6 women) had predominant affective
experience in psychosis (STEP) targeting schizophrenia symptoms, and their clinical profile did not encompass psychotic
spectrum disorders. In addition, we explored how the symptoms at all. We also included 11 healthy control subjects
STEP scale might help distinguishing subgroups of pa- (mean age = 41 years; SD = 4.5; 4 women).

2 Psychopathology Arantes-Gonçalves/Wolman/
DOI: 10.1159/000519500 Bastos-Leite/Northoff
Scale for Space and Time Experience in
Table 1. STEP space subscale

Items 1. Hyperreflective- 2. Body 3. Disembodiment 4. Lack of 5. Lack of internal 6. Interpersonal 7. Interpersonal 8. Distance to 9. Distance to 10. Body 11. Space and 12. Space and 13. Sensory 14. Spatial
ness of discoordination intentionality intentionality distance too close distance too physical objects physical objects fragmentation world self-fragmentation bombardment disorientation
movements toward the distant and space too and space too fragmentation
external world distant close

Description Patients have to Body actions are Patients describe A pervasive or A subjective Immediate feeling Feelings of being External space and Space and objects It may include the A scene, landscape, Emotions are Patients feel the In a familiar
intensively not synchronized themselves as frequently disturbance of of being invaded, detached from physical objects are felt as too much perception of or the surrounding projected into external space as location, subjects
concentrate on and constituted as deanimated recurrent sense of thought initiative, overrun, flooded, others, such as are perceived as closer. Sometimes, constriction of world loses its parts of the body. too much feel completely
every single a whole, but rather bodies (cyborgs) inexplicable “thought energy” constrained, or feeling a sense of too distant. Space the patient is single body parts cohesive unity; Emotional stimulating and lost and
movement, pieced together or disembodied mental or physical or intellectual threatened by remoteness, might also be unable to or the whole objects seem to experiences may overwhelming. disorientated.
because, as successions of spirits (scanners). fatigue, purpose. others . To be, rejection or even perceived as determine where body;alternatively, be isolated, be felt as artificial. They feel confused Spatial
otherwise, they singular, They often dampening of Difficulties in somehow, in a of being ignored infinite, unreal, the body ends and those parts (or the disconnected from Because of these and disorientated, perspectives
are unable to fragmented experience immediate planning and passive, by others . Patients and threatening the outside world whole body) may their context, and projections , the because they seem become
fulfill their actions movements with themselves as aliveness, structuring a dangerously get too closed in (EAWE1.4.2 and begins. A physical be perceived as less meaningful. outside space may to experience misleading. These
rigid, angular, robots or human diminished energy, specific task, such exposed position their inner world 1.8.5) intermingling, in becoming thinner, These are no be experienced as sensory experiences are
and slow features machines, thus spontaneity, as cooking or at the mercy of (EAWE 3.2) which external shorter, enlarged, longer related to disconnected from “bombardment”. accompanied by
becoming passive lack of “Élan vital” writing (EASE 1.11) others . There objects seem to be pressed down, or one another or the patients In other words, subjective states
spectators of their (EASE 2.18) might be inside or merged diminished. Also, become literally patients experience of disorientation
body emotional within the patient’s body parts may separated. Patients too much stimuli and confusion
paroxysms. Even body. In some be experienced as may try to from everywhere,
familiar people cases, the patient strange, alien, compensate the at the same time
might be might feel invaded lifeless, isolated, aforementioned

experienced as by the outside separated from abnormalities by
unfamiliar, strange, world (EAWE each other, searching or
and threatening in 1.7.1and 1.17). dislocated, or even putting everything
touch (EASE 4.3 as not existent. together,

DOI: 10.1159/000519500
and 4.4); (ARS A2.1 These can be irrespective of the
and A3.1) accompanied by corresponding
feelings of nonsense (EAWE
perplexity and 1.4.2)
(EASE 3.1 and 3.3)

Related Hirjack D, Breyer T, Hirjack D, Breyer T, Hirjack D, Breyer T, Parnas et al. EASE. Parnas et al. EASE. Parnas et al. EASE. Sass et al. EAWE. Sass et al. EAWE. Sass et al. EAWE. Parnas et al. EASE. Sass et al. EAWE. Clinical Stanghellini G et al. Stanghellini G et
reference Thomann PA, Thomann PA, Thomann PA, Psychopathology. Psychopathology. Psychopathology. Psychopathology. Psychopathology. Psychopathology. Psychopathology. Psychopathology. descriptions from Abnormal space al. Abnormal
Fuchs T. Fuchs T. Fuchs T. 2005;38:236–258. 2005:38:236–258. 2005;38:236–258. 50(1):10–54 50(1):10–54. 50(1):10–54. 2005;38:236–258. 50(1):10–54. schizophrenic experience in space experience
Disturbance of Disturbance of Disturbance of https://doi. https://doi. https://doi. https://doi. https://doi. https://doi. https://doi. patients persons with in persons with
intentionality: a intentionality: a intentionality: a org/10.115 org/10.115 org/10.115 org/10.115 org/10.115 org/10.115 org/10.115 schizophrenia: an schizophrenia: an
phenomenological phenomenological phenomenological 9/000088441 9/000088441 9/000088441 9/000454928 9/000454928 9/000088441 9/000454928 empirical empirical
study of body- study of body- study of body- Stanghellini G, qualitative study. qualitative study.
affecting first-rank affecting first-rank affecting first-rank Ballerini M, Lysaker Schizophrenia Schizophrenia
symptoms in symptoms in symptoms in PH. Autism rating Bulletin. Bulletin.
schizophrenia. PloS schizophrenia. PloS schizophrenia. PloS scale. Italian Journal 2020;46(3):530– 2020;46(3):530–
One. 8(9):e73662. One. 8(9):e73662. One. 8(9):e73662. of Psychopathology. 539. https://doi. 539. https://doi.
https://doi. https://doi. https://doi. 20(3):1–13 org/10.109 3/ org/10.109 3/
org/10.1371/ org/10.137 1/ org/10.1371/ schbul/sbz107 schbul/sbz107
journal. journal. journal.
pone.0073662 pone.0073662 pone.0073662

STEP, space and time experience in psychosis; ARS, Autism Rating Scale; EASE, Examination of Anomalous Self Experience; EAWE, Examination of anomalous world experience.

The diagnosis of all patients was made in consensus by two psy-

time is concentrated in

phrenia. Schizophrenia
because it seems that
Time synthesis is lost,

(1):45–55. https://doi.
org/10.1093/schbu l/
the present moment

lived time: abnormal

persons with schizo-

chiatrists at two outpatient clinics, taking into account the Diag-

Psychopathology of
Stanghellini G, et al.

time experience in
11. Time synthesis

Bulletin. 2016;42
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition,
criteria [25]. Eight patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders

were taking antipsychotic medication. Nine patients with predom-
inant affective symptoms were taking antidepressants. One of
10. Present time is felt as

often felt by patients as

Northoff [unpubl. data]

these patients was also under a mood stabilizer. All patients were
are perceived by other

similar and simultane-

people as distinct, are
Events in time, which
too much prolonged

stable and at a chronic stage of their illness.

Kent, Nelson, and

(“longer now”)

Inclusion criteria for patients were: fulfillment of Diagnostic

and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition, criteria,

illness duration <10 years, as well as sufficient motivation, intro-

spective skills, and appropriate language to enroll in the interview,
the feeling that they are
for patients, which have

andcannot synchronize
with their environment

tion of anomalous self

Parnas et al. Examina-
Mental time traveling

and future) is difficult

(across past, present,

based on the clinical impression of both psychiatrists.

stuck in the present

experience (EASE).

Psychopathology. Exclusion criteria were: neurological diseases, history of alco-
9. Anisotropy

https://doi. hol or substance abuse, intellectual disability, as well as changes in

psychopharmacological medication or hospitalization in the 3
months prior to inclusion in this study. No patients under the age
happen, and other times
a series of premonitions:

threatening is perceived
Future is experienced as

of 18, or above the age of 50 years, were included.

8. Future premonitions

phrenia. Schizophrenia
sometimes something

(1):45–55. https://doi.
indifferent or even as

org/10.1093/schbu l/
lived time: abnormal

persons with schizo-

Psychopathology of
Stanghellini G, et al.

time experience in

A written informed consent was obtained from all participants,

as being about to

nonexistent at all

Bulletin. 2016;42
future is felt as

after a complete explanation of the study design. The study was

approved by the local ethics committee.

without any associated
manifest as time being
Time is experienced as

phrenia. Schizophrenia
7. Time fragmentation

fragmented, and with

(1):45–55. https://doi.

The interview was conducted by the first author of the current

dysconnectivity in its

org/10.1093/schbu l/
lived time: abnormal

persons with schizo-

Psychopathology of
photographs, along

Stanghellini G, et al.
synthesis. This may

time experience in
astonishment and
perplexity or even
felt as a series of

Bulletin. 2016;42

study, in a semi-structured way, as an exploratory conversation,

with feelings of


aiming at resembling the “therapeutic alliance” between patients


and the psychiatrist. In other words, when the psychiatrist made a

question, it never took the answer for granted without asking the

question in different ways, allowing each participant to reformu-

that perceived by

faster in general,

Sass et al. EAWE.

(e.g., faster than
6. Time speed is

experienced as

different levels

perplexity and
Time speed is

other people,

late his or her own answers to different questions, examples, or

(EAWE 2.1.1)
faster across

along with

even metaphors, but always keeping in mind the participant’s own


The interview always began with a general statement by the
perplexity and meaning-
others; slower in general

key feature is the loss of

5. Time speed is slower

than that perceived by

(EAWE 2.2.1). Here, the

(along with feelings of

psychiatrist telling the participant that he or she should talk about

Time speed is slower

completely stopped
lessness), or even

dynamics of time

Sass et al. EAWE.

the emotional, subjective, and practical descriptions of the experi-


ence of space and time. The psychiatrist used to inform that ques-
tions were difficult to answer, not because of difficulties related to
the participants themselves. Instead, such difficulties were ex-
4. Future time experien-

time experience during

because of worries and

Cognition. 2019;17:1–9.

plained to be related to the abstract style of the questions. It was

Schizophrenia Research
as being very difficult,
Future is experienced

Vogel et al. Disturbed

nonexistent, possibly
cance, or even felt as

and after psychosis.

lacking any signifi-


also pointed out that some answers were not easy to verbally com-

STEP, space and time experience in psychosis; EAWE, Examination of anomalous world experience.

municate. The participants were informed that neither psychia-


trists nor patients were acquainted with spontaneously talking


about subjective experiences of space and time. In our view, these

explanations were important, because they were meant to reduce
and after psychosis.

Research Cognition.
experience during

life with others, or
Present is experi-

sharing a normal

the potential anxiety of participants during the interview, and

with significant

Disturbed time
3. Present time

difficulties of

enced with


Vogel et al.

helped to prevent high expectations from participants regarding


the accuracy of their answers. In summary, there was an agreement

between the psychiatrist and each participant that there were no
2019;17:1–9. https://
meaninglessness, or

and after psychosis.

right or wrong answers. Nevertheless, the interview included spe-

excess of traumatic

Research Cognition.
because the past is

even the feeling of

2. Future directed-

experience during

There is a dyscon-
past and present/
nection between

Disturbed time
ness collapses,

cific questions about the subjective experience of time, as suggest-

future, due to

memories or


Vogel et al.
the past as

ed by Stanghellini et al. [14], in order to allow participants to get

Table 2. STEP time subscale

more familiar with such an assessment.

Afterwards, the time subscale of STEP was applied. The inter-
Depression: a meta-anal-

Disorders. 2015;175:359–
1. Present and future are

dominated by the past,

ysis. Journal of Affective

dominated by the past

viewer psychiatrist started by reading and presenting the items in

Description Present and future are

feeling guilt requiring

Thones S, Oberfeld D.
Time perception in
mainly because of


a broad way, letting the participant spontaneously talk about what

372. https://doi.


he or she thought about them. Sometimes, participants made their

own questions, which the psychiatrist tried to answer in an under-
standable way. Then, the psychiatrist also provided some examples
of situations with which the participant could (or could not) iden-

tify with. The score for each tested item was attributed by the psy-

4 Psychopathology Arantes-Gonçalves/Wolman/
DOI: 10.1159/000519500 Bastos-Leite/Northoff
PANSS total EgoPsy total
2.0 *** ***
** 0.9 ns



Fig. 1. Bar plots for PANSS total and Ego­
Psy total. Error bars represent standard er- 0
ror. EgoPsy, Ego-Psychopathology Inven-
tory; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syn- Scz. Affec. Contr. Scz. Affec. Contr.
drome Scale.

chiatrist, after taking together the abovementioned information. rank correlation coefficient (rs) to test associations among the
Finally, the space subscale of STEP was applied in a similar way. STEP scale scores and the remainder psychopathological scores.
This subscale did not require a prior open questionnaire though, In order to validate the STEP scale, we used Cronbach’s alpha
because the subjective experience of space was considered to be values as a measure of internal consistency, as well as convergent
much easier to understand by the participants. and divergent validity measures. For the latter, Bonferroni-cor-
As previously mentioned in the introduction, the STEP scale rected bivariate Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were cal-
consisted of the items presented in Tables 1 and 2. Each item was culated, using the psych 2.1.3 package of R (https://www.r-project.
scored from 1 (absent) to 5 (severely present). On some items of org/) [28].
the STEP scale, “severely present” actually means that the corre-
sponding abnormality was present almost every day (i.e., the rating
is about frequency). On other items of the STEP scale, the above-
mentioned expression refers to the most severe degree of psycho- Results

Additional Psychopathological Scales Differences between Patients with Schizophrenia

We also applied the following psychopathological scales to all Spectrum Disorders, Patients with Predominantly
participants: Affective Symptoms, and Healthy Control Subjects
1. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) [26], a 30- As expected, patients belonging to the schizophrenia
item clinical scale that evaluates positive, negative, and general
symptoms in schizophrenia. Each item was rated on a 7-point spectrum disorders group were found to score signifi-
symptom severity scale, ranging from 1 (absent) to 7 (extreme- cantly higher than subjects belonging to the remainder
ly severe). two groups in general psychopathological scales targeting
2. Ego-Psychopathology Inventory [27], a 53-item clinical scale schizophrenia, such as the PANSS (H = 26.711, p < 0.001)
that evaluates identity, demarcation, consistency/coherence, and the Ego-Psychopathology Inventory (H = 16.584, p <
activity, vitality, overcompensation, body, thought process,
and psychomotor behaviors. Each item was rated on a 3-point 0.001) Figure 1. The abovementioned preliminary results
severity scale, ranging from 0 (absent) to 2 (present one or more suggest that despite not being in the acute stage, patients
times). belonging to the schizophrenia spectrum disorders group
still displayed many typical features of psychosis.
Statistical Analyses
Statistical analyses were carried out using IBM SPSS software
version 27 ( STEP Total Scores
ware). The significance level for all statistical comparisons was set Almost all patients with schizophrenia spectrum dis-
at a p value <0.05. Scores were treated as continuous variables, to orders scored higher in the STEP scale than subjects be-
better illustrate the distribution of data, which was not normal. longing to the remainder two groups. Crucially, this con-
Therefore, we used nonparametric tests. firms the occurrence of major changes in the experience
The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare all psychopatho-
logical scores among the three groups (patients with schizophrenia of space and time in patients with schizophrenia spec-
spectrum disorders, patients with predominantly affective symp- trum disorders.
toms, and healthy control subjects). We also used the Spearman’s

Scale for Space and Time Experience in Psychopathology 5

Psychosis DOI: 10.1159/000519500
Table 3. Convergent and divergent validity of STEP

STEP space STEP time STEP space STEP space STEP time STEP space
and time SCZ SCZ and time SCZ

Cronbach’s α 0.903 0.873 0.940 0.756 0.826 0.867

Convergent validity
PAUSS 0.78*** 0.66*** 0.75*** 0.27† 0.11† 0.13†
PANSS-negative 0.71*** 0.57** 0.67*** −0.01† −0.01† −0.14†
Divergent validity
PANSS positive 0.42† 0.39† 0.39† 0.05† −0.16† −0.1†
Ego-psychopathology activity 0.72*** 0.78*** 0.8*** 0.67† 0.42† 0.7†
Ego-psychopathology thought process 0.65*** 0.75*** 0.74*** 0.66† 0.7† 0.59†

Bonferroni-corrected bivariate Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients. The three left columns show the valid values for the total
sample. The three right columns show results from patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (n = 9) only. STEP, space and time
experience in psychosis; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. † p > 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.

Internal Consistency and Validity of the STEP Scale 1 relative to patients with schizophrenia spectrum disor-
Table  3 presents internal consistency values for the ders.
STEP scale and the corresponding subscales. In addition,
convergent validity was confirmed for all scales. This Correlations among Space and Time Subscale and
means that our proposed scale correlates, as predicted, General Psychopathology Scores
with stable (cf., permanent) abnormalities typical of We found a strong and significant correlation between
schizophrenia spectrum disorders, such as negative STEP space total and time total subscale scores (rs = 0.79;
symptoms. Space, time, and total STEP scores only p < 0.001) in all subjects. We also found a strong and sig-
showed divergent validity with respect to the PANSS pos- nificant correlation between the STEP space subscale and
itive scores. This means that our proposed scale does not the PANSS total scores (rs = 0.775; p < 0.001), as well as
correlate with symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum dis- between the STEP space subscale and the Ego-Psychopa-
orders that may vary along the clinical course of illness. thology Inventory total scores (rs = 0.699; p < 0.001).
Moreover, we found a strong and significant correlation
Space and Time STEP Subscales Discriminant Items between the STEP time subscale, the PANSS total (rs =
Regarding the space subscale of STEP, patients belong- 0.845; p < 0.001), and the Ego-Psychopathology Inven-
ing to the schizophrenia spectrum disorders group scored tory (rs = 0.699; p < 0.001) scores. These preliminary find-
significantly higher than subjects belonging to the re- ings suggest that changes in space and time experience are
mainder two groups both in total and single items of the associated with an increased severity of psychotic symp-
STEP space subscale. Regarding the latter, it should be toms. Partial correlations controlling for the predomi-
pointed out that items 2, 4, 7, 12, 13 , and 14 seemed to nant type of pathology are presented in Figure 3.
provide the best discriminant values between the schizo-
phrenia spectrum disorders group and the remainder two
(Fig. 2a). Discussion/Conclusion
Regarding the time subscale of STEP, patients belong-
ing to the schizophrenia spectrum disorders group also In this study, we introduced a novel scale to assess
scored significantly higher than subjects belonging to the STEP. Our results showed a high validity and reliability
remainder two groups, both in total and single items of for STEP. We also demonstrated that STEP can help dif-
the STEP time subscale. In particular, items 3, 5, 7, 8, and ferentiating patients with schizophrenia spectrum disor-
9 seemed to provide the best discriminant values between ders from patients with predominant affective symptoms.
the schizophrenia spectrum disorders group and the re- Finally, we have found an association of STEP scores with
mainder two (Fig.  2b). Crucially, patients belonging to the presence and severity of psychopathological symp-
the predominantly affective group scored higher on item toms. Taken together, our preliminary findings suggest

6 Psychopathology Arantes-Gonçalves/Wolman/
DOI: 10.1159/000519500 Bastos-Leite/Northoff
Space total Space 1 Space 2 Space 3
*** † * *


Space 4 Space 5 Space 6 Space 7

*** *** *** ***


Space 8 Space 9 Space 10 Space 11

** † * †

Scz. Affec. Contr.

Space 12 Space 13 Space 14

* *** *

a Scz. Affec. Contr. Scz. Affec. Contr. Scz. Affec. Contr.

Fig. 2. Violin plots for each of the space (a) and time (b) items, as well as for the total STEP score. STEP, space
and time experience in psychosis.
(Figure continued on next page.)

Scale for Space and Time Experience in Psychopathology 7

Psychosis DOI: 10.1159/000519500
Time total Time 1 Time 2 Time 3
*** * ** ***

Time 4 Time 5 Time 6 Time 7

6 † *** † ***

Time 8 Time 9 Time 10 Time 11

*** **
6 *** ***

b Scz. Affec. Contr. Scz. Affec. Contr. Scz. Affec. Contr. Scz. Affec. Contr.

that STEP might be a useful measure for the assessment • Item 9 may also correspond to what Ellenberger [29]
of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. describes as patients with schizophrenia feeling as be-
Regarding the experience of time in schizophrenia, it ing “fixed” in their present moment.
is noteworthy to point out that the items differentiating Similar observations were also found by Stanghellini et
patients belonging to the schizophrenia spectrum disor- al. [18] in a semiquantitative study, particularly time frag-
ders group from the other two groups were items 3, 5, 7, mentation and future premonitions. Regarding the latter,
8, and 9 of the STEP time subscale. Interestingly, these Fuchs [15, 16] pointed out that protention is particularly
items correspond to the Minkowski’s original description altered in schizophrenia. Protention defines the probabil-
of schizophrenic autism. Explicit time desynchronization ity of an event occurring in sequence to the present one.
and autistic withdrawal may be a reaction to time distur- As such, protention relates to Fuchs’s proposal [16] of a
bances. In particular, these items also resemble, in part, “cone of probability,” in which the determination of the
the proposals of Fuchs and Van Duppen [15] of implicit next event becomes increasingly difficult when the for-
and explicit time disturbances in schizophrenia: mer one vanishes as time goes by. In keeping with this
• Item 3 may resemble an explicit desynchronization proposal, the “cone of probability” is abnormally weak-
from the social atmosphere; ened and disrupted. By virtue of a loss in the “cone of
• Item 5 may correspond to explicit retardation of time, probability,” patients with schizophrenia may remain un-
specifically with feelings of perplexity and meaningless; able to perform protention and, therefore, become unable
• Item 7 may resemble implicit and explicit time distur- to predict at an implicit time level. This is entirely consis-
bances, such as fragmentation of the “intentional arc”; tent with schizophrenia deficits related to volatility of
• Item 8 may resemble implicit time disturbance or weak- temporal prediction (at a millisecond range), as observed
ening of the protentional/retentional structure; and by Giersch’s group [30–34]. Hence, what is described as

8 Psychopathology Arantes-Gonçalves/Wolman/
DOI: 10.1159/000519500 Bastos-Leite/Northoff
3.5 3.5
R = 0.21, p = 0.55 R = –0.27, p = 0.45
R = 0.37, p = 0.26 R = 0.58, p = 0.1
3.0 R = 0.78, p = 0.014 3.0

2.5 2.5

Space total

Space total
2.0 2.0

1.5 a Affec. 1.5

a Contr.
1.0 a Scz. 1.0
1 2 3 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1
Time total PANSS total

R = 0.11, p = 0.76
R = 0.21, p = 0.56
R = 0.95, p = 6.6e–05
Space total




0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
a EgoPsy total

R = 0.52, p = 0.12 R = 0.17, p = 0.64

R = 0.58, p = 0.1 R = 0.39, p = 0.26
R = 0.61, p = 0.081
3 3
Time total

Time total

2 2

Fig. 3. Correlation between different scales 1 1

and space total (a) and time total (b). Ego­ 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
Psy, Ego-Psychopathology Inventory; b PANSS total EgoPsy total
PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome

“temporal prediction of implicit time,” using the psychol- al space” [18]. Interestingly, these authors pointed out
ogy language, may be related to the loss of protention and that patients with schizophrenia need a wider interper-
its “cone of probability” at the phenomenological level. sonal space while in social interaction [18]. Moreover,
Regarding the experience of space in schizophrenia, item 13 may correspond to “itemization and perceptive
our results show that the best single items to characterize salience,” whereas item 14 may resemble “alteration of
patients with predominant psychotic symptoms were quality of the environment,” as proposed by the same au-
items 2, 4, 7, 12, 13, and 14 of the STEP space subscale. thors [18]. Moreover, items 2, 4, and 12 of the STEP space
These results are also in line with a recent study by Stang- subscale seem to be related to body disturbance, per-
hellini et al. [18]. In particular, item 7 may resemble the ceived as an “inner space” predisposing to space distur-
experience of “centrality/invasiveness of the peri-person- bances [18].

Scale for Space and Time Experience in Psychopathology 9

Psychosis DOI: 10.1159/000519500
Furthermore, the abovementioned results might be sess a so-called “spatiotemporal psychopathology” [40–
understood through the lens of multisensory integration 42], which might become an additional dimension of
research. This concept considers the processing of a sen- symptoms or a “common currency” (cf., shared feature)
sory input using various complementary modalities, the [19, 20] among neural and mental features of psychosis,
combination of which enabling to solve potential con- as investigated in phenomenology, psychology, and neu-
flicts in representing the body and the world at a concep- roscience (see online supplementary material 1 and 2,
tual level [35]. In this sense, patients with schizophrenia available at
seem to display a decreased sense of body ownership and
an impaired capacity of self-other distinction, attribut-
able to deficits in multisensory integration [35]. In other Acknowledgment
words, body discoordination, lack of intentionality to-
ward the external world, interpersonal distance too dis- We would like to thank neurophilosopher Philipp Klar for
tant, and self-space fragmentation might be conceptual- some suggestions regarding our manuscript.
ized as a reduced multisensory integration secondary to a
weakened body representation. Moreover, sensory bom-
bardment and spatial disorientation might be caused by Statement of Ethics
imprecise or unreliable internal predictions, which might This study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Ethics
predispose patients with schizophrenia to depend more Committee of the “Hospital de São João/Faculdade de Medicina
intensively on aberrant salience of prediction errors re- da Universidade do Porto” (approval number 169-21). All partici-
lated to perception [36, 37]. pants gave their written informed consent after an oral and written
explanation of the study.
As previously mentioned, the STEP scale was ground-
ed on the Examination of Anomalous Self Experience
scale [21], the Examination of Anomalous World Experi-
Conflict of Interest Statement
ence scale [22], and the Autism Rating Scale [12, 13]. Nev-
ertheless, several items of the STEP scale were slightly The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
modified. For instance, items 1, 2, and 3 of the STEP space
subscale were mainly grounded in qualitative research on
body disturbance phenomena in schizophrenia [23], and Funding Sources
item 12 was clearly inspired by our own observations and
clinical experience. This study had no funding sources.
Our study showed how important it is to revisit the
concept of schizophrenic autism [38], not only according
to the classical notions but also according to recent pro- Author Contributions
posals by means of which abnormalities in space and time
Filipe Arantes-Gonçalves performed all the interviews and
experience actually explain the detachment from reality wrote parts of the manuscript; Angelika Wolman wrote parts of
of patients with schizophrenia [39]. the Methods and Results section and carried out statistical analy-
The main limitation of our study was the small sample ses; António José de Bastos-Leite supervised and critically thor-
size. For this reason, it might be regarded as a pilot study oughly revised the final versions of the manuscript; Georg Nor-
conveying preliminary findings. The fact that all inter- thoff supervised the study design and suggested relevant literature.
All authors approved the final version of the manuscript.
views were carried out by the first author of the current
study might also be regarded as a limitation.
Our results seem to suggest that items 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9
Data Availability Statement
of the STEP time subscale as well as items 2, 4, 7, 12, 13,
and 14 of the STEP space subscale might be of particular All data generated or analyzed during this study are included
interest in clinical practice. This can pave the way for a in this article and its online supplementary material files. Further
proposal of a short version of STEP. Further (pilot) stud- enquiries can be directed to the correspondent author.
ies are warranted to address this hypothesis.
In conclusion, we postulate that the STEP scale may
become a standardized and quantifiable instrument to as-
sess disturbances of space and time experience, or to as-

10 Psychopathology Arantes-Gonçalves/Wolman/
DOI: 10.1159/000519500 Bastos-Leite/Northoff
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