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Future of Humanity with Intelligent Robots

Through the history, humankind have invented tools and have made new tools by utilizing

them. Last two century technology have improved as fast as never it has been. Invention of

computers made dramatic changes in people’s life. One of them is AI which is the one of the

latest technological invention. Euchnar clarify that “AI, can do intellectual processes

characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn

from past experience.” (2019, pp.10,12). Despite it has been contended that artificial

intelligent will be end of humankind, it is so valuable for future of humanity since job

opportunities and healthcare industry.

The first argument is job opportunities. To begin with, people who work in jobs necessitating

power, fear being unemployed due to widespread of robots. Moreover, robots do their task

cheaper than humans. For example, a factory which is work with just robots cost cheaper than

a factory working with people. They further argue that AI widen the gap between developed

and developing countries. To illustrate, as reported by Weber & Stanton developed

economies, developed countries are in a position to go much further with artificial

intelligence, but developing countries are left behind because they cannot catch this

technology (2019). Secondly, whereas fear of unemployment, improvement in AI creates new

business areas. Additionally, new inventions create new business opportunities. For example,

the bar graph presenting occupation creation and loss worldwide in 2022 because of AI taken

from Shanhon shows that AI will create more job than it eliminates (2019). It also provides

that the world become more unity. For instance, as cited by Chowdhry, according to Bezos in

view of AI and its capacity to mechanize certain errands, not exclusively will we have a lot

more well off progress, yet the standard of work will go up dramatically (2018). It is clear that

AI have benefit on humankind in way of job opportunity.

Second argument is healthcare industry. Firstly, argued that AI will take away the profession

of doctors. Besides, AI will have all necessities whatever doctors have, so health workers

worry about their future. To exemplify, PWC Network stated that artificial intelligence's

greatest potential advantages is to help individuals stay sound so they needn't bother with a

doctor, or not frequently (2017). It is also believed that robots can seizable from outside. For

example, robots can be hacked. This creates a significant security weakness. Secondly,

however the fact that thanks to AI operations are more effective and reliable. Furthermore, AI

makes more accurate diagnoses. To illustrate, as stated in The dangers of AI in the healthcare

industry in contrast to a human doctor, an AI framework can analyze patients without

believing in its expectation, particularly when working with inadequate data (2019). It also

provides less mistakes during the operations. For instance, the human doctor is prone to error

with distraction, but since AI will only focus on the patient, it is less likely to make mistakes.

It is clear that AI have a variety of efficiency on healthcare industry.

To conclude, AI is so significant for eventual fate of humankind since occupation opportunity

and healthcare industry. As technology improve AI will be significant part of people’s life.

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