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B U S I N E S S P U L S E©

When it comes to innovation of products/services, 30% focus on

where do CEOs place their emphasis? innovation in their operations and
Are CEOs in NEWi focused more 29% are focused on business model
on the innovation of products/ innovations. When correlated with the
services, business operations or five year financial growth patterns of
on their overall business model? the businesses, IBM found that those
businesses that placed greater emphasis
The latest Nicolet Bank Business
on business model innovations
Pulse© sought to answer these
outperformed those that placed
questions and uncover what CEOs
greater emphasis on the innovation
CEOs: see as the benefits - and barriers -
of innovation.
of products/services and operations.
Naturally, financial growth
Benefits/ CEOs and Business Owners in NEWi
place somewhat greater emphasis on
performance is one of the key benefits
of innovation, but it is clearly not the
the innovation of their organization’s
Barriers to products and services (46%) and
only direct benefit. CEOs were asked
about a series of possible benefits of
somewhat less emphasis (32%) on
innovation and how they impact
Innovation innovation in operations and
innovation in their overall business
their organization. The two most
significant benefits cited are higher
model (22%). Interestingly, there
customer satisfaction and increased
are no significant differences by
revenue: 76% of CEOs say that
sector of the economy, nor the
higher customer satisfaction is a
size of the business.
major benefit of innovation for
Results in NEWi are quite similar to their organization, 23% say it is
the recent study of CEOs globally a moderate benefit, 1% say it is a
by IBM Global Business Services. minor benefit and none indicate
IBM found that about 41% of CEOs that it has no benefit.
globally focus most on innovation

Executive Summary Part Two:

Data Taken April/May 2007

“I’m not getting information; I'm not managing.”

John Torinus, President & CEO — Serigraph, Inc
Increased revenue is identified and to produce results faster. Having limited time and funding
nearly as highly as customer Ultimately, these pressures fall are much more of a challenge for
service as a benefit with 73% squarely on the shoulders of the organizations with 100 or fewer
saying it is a major benefit, 22% CEO. Yet CEOs are often faced employees than for larger
say moderate, 4% say minor with a series of barriers that organizations: 71% of CEOs with
and 1% say it has no benefit. impede innovation. 100 or fewer employees say that
having limited time to devote to
Behind customer service and When asked to identify some
innovation is a major or moderate
increased revenue as major benefits of the significant barriers to
barrier for them compared with
are: reducing costs (55% major innovation NEWi CEOs indicate
46% of CEOs with more than
benefit), access to new markets that having limited time (27%
100 employees. Similar results are
(40%), increases strategic flexibility major; 37% moderate) and limited
found for limited funding as a
(39%), increases their focus (35%), funding (21% major; 35% moderate)
barrier: 64% of CEOs with 100
faster time to market (31%), are two of the more significant
or fewer employees say having
enhances employee morale (27%) barriers to innovation. Other
limited funding for investment
and reduces risk (20%). Many barriers that may come into play
in innovative ideas is a major or
of these benefits are directly for some organizations include:
moderate barrier compared with
intertwined with one another. economic uncertainty (14% major;
35% of CEOs with more than 100
As a business provides higher 47% moderate), government
employees. Smaller organizations
customer service they will also, regulations (14% major; 31%
may simply have fewer resources
in most cases, retain or increase moderate), having products or
to devote to innovation.
revenue; reducing costs may also services that don’t lend themselves
increase revenue; increases in to innovation (9% major; 24% Innovation will continue to be an
employee morale may lead to moderate), the nature of their imperative for businesses to remain
higher customer satisfaction, etc. organizational culture (5% major; competitive in the global economy.
26% moderate) and the perception The key to success, to an ever-
In a global economy there
that things are going so well for the increasing degree, will be dependent
are increasing pressures for
organization that there is no need to upon CEOs being able to create an
organizations to be innovative,
innovate (3% major; 20% moderate). organizational culture that thrives
nimble enough to move rapidly
on the creativity and collaboration
of employees.


“Forces Shaping the Business Environment”

“Reinventing Innovation at Consumer

Goods Companies”

“Expanding the Innovation Horizon”

How the Study is conducted

The Nicolet Bank Business Pulse© is a Quarterly Study of CEOs in NE Wisconsin (Brown,
Calumet, Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marinette, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Winnebago
Counties). It is designed and implemented by IntellectualMarketing, LLC.
Participants include: 28% in manufacturing; 25% in services; 19% retail trade; 5% wholesale
trade; 6% finance, real estate, insurance; 5% in transportation, communications, utilities; 6% in
construction; 7% in other industries. 16% have fewer than 6 employees; 33% have 6-25; 19%
have 26-50; 6% 51-100; 18% 101-250; 2% 251-500; 3% 501-1,000; 2% have 1,001 or more.
Questions to Dr. David G. Wegge (920) 217-7738;

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