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Computer Final Exam 2021-2022/  

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Choose the most suitable answer for the followings:

//A new feature in Windows 10 that gives you access to Virtual Desktop. *

- Task view

- Start button

- Windows search

-Start menu

- Desktop

- ……… document on the World Wide Web. Not all web sites require this. *



• WWW.



/   The Start menu is the gateway to all of the programs on your computer. To *
open the Start menu, click -------

- Setting

- Screen saver

- Start button

- Start screen

- Start tool

- Every document on the web has an address which is called the ….. *

• Links



• Satellite


URL to locate GOOGLE is  the  host name is-------- *


. google


• www.

. com


--To close a workbook without exiting Excel press *






--We use keyboard shortcut to move the active cell down one page. *

-Up arrow


-page down

-Alt+ page down

-down arrow

You can  customize the Quick Access Toolbar by adding frequently used *
commands, such as New or Open, or by adding commands directly from the
ribbon. Right-click a command on the ribbon and then click-------------------.

- - Add to Quick Access Toolbar

Customize the Ribbon

- - Customize Quick Access Toolbar

- -Remove From Quick Access Toolbar.

-hide the Ribbon

. In Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 to create a new presentation You will choose *

• Open

• Save

• Save as

• New


--To select contiguous ranges of cells, select first cell then press--------------- *
-and then select last cell.

-Alt+ Shift

-Shift+ Enter




- //  The  word (computer) has------------byte. *




// ----------------- is assistant that is available on windows 10 can seem like a *

big chore to use. it can do every think from scheduling meetings to setting
alarms , do quick calculations ,convert currency ,launch programs and open
websites , control your home automation ,manage your calendar .

--Task View

--snipping tool

Aero peek

-- Cortana

-File Explorer

Temporarily view the desktop when you move your mouse to the show desktop *
button at the end of the taskbar.

- Aero Peek

-Task view

- Notification Area

- Shortcut

- Quick Launch Toolbar

// When selecting or inserting a picture, an additional Tab is shown. *

- - Design Tab and Layout tab

- Format tab

-Design tab

- Layout Tab

- - Format tab and Design tab

--Excel offers a variety of viewing that change how a worksheet is displayed on *

the screen. We use --------------------------------- to display the worksheet
as will appear when printed.

-Normal view

-Page Layout

-Page Break Preview

-Custom Views

-Design view

- The Windows 10 Start menu does not have an area in which you can pin app *
shortcuts, you pin these to the -------------------instead

- Start screen

-Start button


-Start menu


--The active cell has------------ *

-yellow border

-White border

-red border

-black border

-green border

Click ---------------to rehearse  timing your presentation before actually giving *

it in public to an audience.

Insert tab

Slide show tab

View tab

File tab

Design tab

________The key that consists of the data series and gridlines. *

Plot area

data label



-// It is the main memory in the computer. It is volatile memory that is all data *
will be lost when the power off.

-- DVD

-- RAM

-- Hard Disk

-- ROM


- The --------------------is located on the right side of the taskbar by default, *

and it contains program icons that provide status about things like incoming e
mail, power, and network connectivity.

-Start button

-Quick Lunch Toolbar

-Notification area

-Start menu


- To close PowerPoint, click on the *

• Layout

• Save


• File

• Close

________The key that tells what each color or pattern on a chart represents. *

-Chart area

- Data Labels



-Chart title

1 Terabyte (TB) =1024 -------------. *


- Betabyte (PB)

- Gigabyte (GB)

-Megabytes (MG)


--- What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called? *






-//-----------------------------------is the interface between you and all the *

apps you might want to run, or that run automatically in the background to
allow you to communicate with other computers around the world, and to
protect you from those same computers

-- Task view

-- Operating system

-Start menu

-- Desktop

-- Taskbar

- // To make the ruler visible click  the ----------tab then Click the check box *
next to Ruler in the Show/Hide group.

- Design


- View

- File

- Page layout

Which one of the following is not input device: *

-- Data show

-- Touch screen


- Mouse


--To select nonadjacent cell or range select first cell, press------------Key and *
select another cell.






-The Start menu is the main gateway to your computer's programs, folders,   *
 and settings. To switch between the default and full-screen Start screen. .
Open the Settings window then click-------------

- Partial-screen Start screen


-Start button


- Full-screen Start screen

Provides quick access to open or pinned programs. *

File Explorer

Taskbar Programs

-- Operating system

Start menu

Task View

--The ----------------------display the content of the active cell and can be *

used to enter or edit cell contents.

-Name box

-table style

-Formula bar

-Chart title


- // --------------------- is linked to the CPU it has very fast chips to keep *

frequently used programs and data.

- - Cashe Memory.

- Flash Memory.


- - Read Only Memory.

-Random Access Memory.

 To re-arranging the order of your slides choose ----------------------- view *

Click on the slide you want to move then Drag and drop the selected slide into
its new position. You can also do the same steps using the normal view

Normal View

Notes page

Slide show

Slide Sorter view

Reading View

From Keyboard shortcuts we press --------------to copy a Folder/File. *

- Ctrl+C

- Ctrl+W

- Ctrl+X

- Ctrl+Z

- Ctrl+V

---------------------are boxes with dotted borders that hold content in its *

place on a slide layout. you can move, resize, and rotate placeholders as you






A slide ------------------ is the visual effect that occurs when you move from *
one slide to the next during a presentation.






//you can add blank page to your document from-----. *

- View- Tab

- Insert Tab

-Page layout tab

- Design- Tab

- Home Tab

---------------------------- is a useful technique for keeping an area of a *

worksheet visible while you scroll to another area of the worksheet.

-Freezing Panes

-Scroll bar

notification area

-Print Area

-Page Layout

It is possible to view your presentation in a number of different ways. we use -- *

---------------- to Shows the slides in miniature and in full, plus any notes
under Neath. it is use to Edit contents of slides; try out animation effect

Reading View

Normal View

View tab

Slide Sorter

Slide Show

To perform any action on slide, you must first select it. to select multiple *
nonconsecutive slides , in the Thumbnail pane, hold down the ------------------
-----key. and then click each slide that you want to select.






--The backbone of the World Wide Web is made of -----------------files, which *

are specially-formatted documents that can Contain links, as well as images
and other media.






If we have (E1=A1+B1+C1^2/D1) find the value of E2,E3,E4 *

E2=35 ,E3=35 ,E4=39

E2=25 ,E3=15 ,E4=33

E2=32 ,E3=51 ,E4=26

E2=32 , E3=39, E4=26

--The name of the worksheet appear in-------------. *

scroll bar

. name box

. sheet bar

. formula bar


--Which of these is a valid formula in Excel? *


=B2- 2c




A theme is coordinated set of color, font ,and effects that gives a consistent *
look to a presentation. change theme from -----------------------tab






-//  It is a small hand held device, when using windows you use it to dropdown *
menus, point and select item.

-- Touch pad

-- Mouse


-- Joystick


- The …………is the largest computer network in the world, connecting millions *
of computers.

• Internet

• Email




=Count(A1:D2) *



………   domain name that identifies category of the page. *

• Email




• .com

-//       We press --------------------to move a file or folder  from one location to *







- If the Taskbar is ---------------you can not click the bar and drag it to the *
desired location, then release the mouse button.




- Unlocked


------- appears at the bottom of the program windows and displays *

information about the document.

- Cursor

- Status bar

- Task bar

- Navigation pane

- Scroll bar

-To change how programs and buttons appear on the taskbar, Right click on *
any empty space of taskbar, then select settings, Under Taskbar appearance,
select one of the options from the Taskbar buttons list, we choose-------------
---------to make all programs appear.

-Use small icons

-Always combine, hide labels

-Hide the icon

-Never combine

-Combine them only when the taskbar is full

-   greatly improve the Presentations   by adding….. *

• Slide show

• Re-arranging

• Animation

• Transitions

Click on the (slid sorter) button

-// It is special type of printer, used by architect and engineers. The machine *
uses actual pens to draw directory on the paper.

-- Printers


- Speakers

- Plotters

- projects

// ---------------------option allows you to copy the formatting from one part *

of a document to another part of the document.

- Format Painter

- Format

- paint


- Cut

----------------Appears below the ribbon and displays the current slide. use *
this pane to add content such as text ,videos, and sound to the slide

Slide pane


Note pane

Comment pane

Status bar

Convert image or text into electronic information  . *

- Scanner

- Mouse

- Touch pad


- Keyboard

The Start screen content  is displayed in the form of-------------------------- . *

Each of it actually a shortcut to something else—usually an app, but it an also
link to other things, such as folders in File Explorer.






appears in the lower-right corner of most groups on the ribbon.   refers to----- *

Contextual tab


Dialog box launcher

Collapse the ribbon button


- ………. is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. *




• Email

• Network

- The terms "internet" and ……. are often used interchangeably—but they're *
actually not the same thing.

• World Wide Web





- //In word 2013------------appears on the left side of the program window and *
enable you to move along document search for specific text and recognize

Scroll bars

- - Title bar

- Navigation pane

- - Ribbon


- ……………. is a company that provides customers with Internet access. *

• modem




• Hotspots

--We use ---------------------------to easily spot trends and patterns in your *

data using bars, colors, and icons to visually highlight important values.

-Merge and center

-Conditional Formatting

-The Alignment group, click the Orientation button


-Wrapping Data

//---------A blanking vertical line that indicates where text or objects will be *

-Status bar




- Scroll bar

- ……. consists of messages which are sent and received using the Internet. *


• twisted-pair cable

• Email

• Internet


----------------------- can help make a PowerPoint presentation more *

dynamic, and help make information more memorable. The most common
types of its effects include entrances and exits. You can also add sound to
increase the effects.





Slide options

Filtering or temporarily hiding data in a spreadsheet very easy. This allows you *
to focus on specific spreadsheet entries To Filter Data: Select a cell within the
range that you want to filter then click on

On the home tab, in the Sort& Filter group, click filter button

On the file tab, in the Sort& Filter group, click filter button

On the view tab, in the Sort& Filter group, click filter button

On the data tab, in the Sort& Filter group, click filter button

/  In paint programs we use ------------to draw a free-form line with the *
selected line width.

- Magnifier

- Rotate

- Crop

-- Snipping Tool

- Pencil

// When displaying an image or slideshow as your desktop background, you can *

specify the position of the image. We can choose-------- when  image is
centered on the screen. The image fills the screen horizontally and vertically,
but does not maintain its original aspect ratio. No part of the image overruns
the screen.



- stretch



You can use ------ to  combine two or more table cells located in the same row *
or  column into a single cell.

-Add cell

- Combine cell

- Merge cell

- Split cell

- Divided cell

- …… is one of the wireless communication technologies *




• Email

• Wifi

The domain----------------------- classifies an educational website *






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