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Procedure No: - FQM-IMS-P05 Copy Number:-

Prepared and Reviewed by Title Signature


Approved By Title Signature

Vice President

0.1 Index

Section Section Description Pages

0.1 Index 2
0.2 Amendement Record Sheet 3
Procedure for Production Department.
0.3 4

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S/N Para No./Section Changes Reasons New Date Remarks

Description Incorporated for change Revision if any.

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0.3 Procedure for Manufacturing/Production Department

This procedure in FAFA Adhesive and labeling industry explains and deals with the following in the
department of manufacturing/ production.

1. Planning

2. Preparing

3. Scheduling & Loading

4. Producing

5. Controlling

6. Accounting (reporting)

7. Maintenance

8. Responsibility Specifications

The Objective:

To achieve defect free production of targeted volumes, conforms to specifications and food safety
requirements by the efficient utilization of plant capacity is the objective.


1. This procedure specifies The Job Orders given by the Customer Service Department as the main
reference for production. Job Orders may include approved samples, art works, drawings, written
instructions and other additional references as applicable/required.

2. For repeat orders the previous jobs/job details can be referred if mentioned on the job order.

3. Quality Control Reports on raw materials can also be referred to check the conformity of raw
material with customer’s product specifications corresponds to it.

4. Necessary precautions must be taken against customer complaints (if any) for not repeating the
mistakes when repeating the same job.

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1. Planning of jobs

1. Refer to the work flow chart attached (P05-02-WFC-02)

2. Planning for production/manufacturing should be done on the basis of the plant production
capacity and job availability.

3. Planning should be done on monthly basis, 15 to 20 days (as it is possible) before the beginning of
“the month to be planned.”

4. Get the availability of total (actual) orders for the month from the customer service department
and to add backlogs (if any) to it as per their permission and instructions.

5. The plant capacity for production/manufacturing must be known. The planning should be done for
a quantity exceeds the plant capacity by 10 to 15 %, depends on job availability.

6. If the plant capacity is not fully filled with the orders received, the matter should be brought to the
customer services.

7. Planning should be done on the basis of job priorities. As far as the production department is
concerned, the priority means delivery dates as given on the Job Order unless there are other
instructions and interventions by CSD.

8. The attached format of planning sheet (P05-04-PS-02) should be used for planning. The copy of
the prepared planning sheet must be given to CSD and also to the stores and purchase for their
materials planning and purchase purposes. The backlog also must be entered in the form provided
(P05-05-BLOG-02) and a copy should be handed over CSD.

2. Preparing

1. Job wise preparations before scheduling and Loading the Jobs should be done.

2. References must be organized and must be referred and the required processes must be understood

3. Prepress outputs should be prepared, checked and verified. (Films- positives, key lines, plates)

4. Availability and quality/ life of dies for cutting, creasing and embossing should be ensured.
Knives should be sharp and of good quality.

5. Availability of all required raw materials and consumables are to be checked and if found
necessary, required verification for conformity and suitability of any all of these items (To refer all
relevant quality control reports) should be carried out.

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6. Availability of covering packing materials required for work in progress and the finished goods
must be ensured.
7. To ensure that the required machinery and equipment for processing / production are in good
condition, suitable for the intended purposes and are maintained as per requirements of food safety
and the hazard and risk analysis.
8. Availability of fully trained (GMP, HACCP and required machine operations and jobs) operators
and employees process the job must be ensured.
9. To ensure that necessary care/precautions are taken on the basis of customer complaints and Q.C
reports of non-conformance and action plan (NCR) for not repeating mistakes while jobs are
10. All necessary requisitions for raw materials and consumables are to be prepared. Requisition
format should be of the stores as it is given by them.

11. As it is necessary the results of preparations for a group of jobs can be clubbed together in a
single checklist (P05-06-CLP-02) for preparations done (attached) and it is a must to complete this
check list before scheduling the jobs for production.

3. Scheduling, loading

1. Jobs for which the preparations are completed can be scheduled for production (with reference to
the check list (P05-06-CLP-02) for preparations done) in the order of priority.
2. It is good to know about unavoidable emergencies (if any) from the CSD before scheduling.
3. Waiting time for jobs should be avoided in every operational area by proper scheduling and path
4. Before start up / change over of a job on a machine, it is the responsibility of the Production
Supervisor to make sure that the entire line is cleared from previous batch production run materials
including the standard references, approved materials and process wastage. This practice shall be
completed by using a Line Clearance form (P05-41-FO-01).

3.1 Other points to be considered while scheduling

1. Chances of reducing make ready/setting time for jobs (in cleaning, gripper setting, feeder
/delivery setting, sheet path setting etc.) by taking advantage of the common features (colors and
sequence, same board and or same size etc.) of Jobs and also by utilizing the machine memory of
technical settings stored and preserved.
2. Operations involved and the required standard time for completing the jobs. (time standards
must be generated)
3. Critical nature jobs and requirement of non-stop processing.

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4. The rule: No jobs will be scheduled unless all the required materials (raw materials &
consumables) as per quantity and quality requirements are available.

5. The Job Schedule for a week/ day (in the form P05-07-JS-02 attached) should be given to the
process / machine operators together with the Job Orders and all other required references for the
scheduled jobs. The operators should load the jobs as per the sequential order given on schedule for

The Job Process Paths:

1. The Job Process Paths should be documented in the attached format (Job Process Path P05-08-
JPP-02) for every job. The path should start from the details of basic raw materials (Paper and inks)
which are to be entered first.

2. Following this the details of process operations (operations, machines shift and date of running)
are to be entered as the job progresses as per schedule and the pre-determined process sequences)
until converted into the finished product.

3. Documentation of job process paths is essential for the traceability of products from root level at
any point of time for the purpose of investigations /reference as it is required.

4. Producing

Producing involves the following:

4.1 Make-Ready / setting for the Job Loaded

1. Reference : Job order and all other given references and also the raw materials brought for the

2. Work Instructions : The work (make ready/setting ) should be done as per the operating
manuals of machines and equipments.

4.2 Giving Approval for Production

1. Reference : Job order and all other given references.

2. Giving approval for production is a very important function for which the Production
Supervisor and the Shift-in-Charges are responsible. This is widely accepted and followed
because the acquired skill of “getting the settings by looking at the output” is of experienced
production men.

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3. Giving approval for production is not only the approval for conformity of the output to the
product specifications (as per given references) but also the guarantee for most of the technical
settings done on the process machines/ equipments for continuous and defect free production.

4. In case the responsible production officer finds it difficult to give approval for any6 process of
production, in any situation, he should first seek the help of his superior.

5. Approval of the quality control inspector (he also should put his signature on any sheets/ article
which is the output of any production process submitted for approval) also must be ensured before
commencement of any production process of jobs.

6. The approved sheets and product samples should be preserved until the finished goods are
dispatched and accepted by the customer for quality and conformance.

4.3 Operating /Running the machinery /equipments

1. Machines are to be operated for the scheduled standard time to produce the specified quantity
without defects / deviations, only after getting approval for production.

2. Machines should be in good condition to run the jobs.

3. Updated List of Machinery must be obtained from engineering maintenance department for

4. Work Instructions: The work (operating /running the machinery) should be done as per the
operating manuals of machines and equipments.) Operating manuals should be available with
machines/ operator

5. Controlling:

1. Refer Work flow chart : (P05-02-WFC-02) attached

2. Controlling is inevitable to ensure food safety, maximize efficiency in production, to reduce

wastage of materials, optimum utilization of time and to ensure defect free production. The Control
should span over the following.

5.1 Control of Product safety and Security

1. To avoid congestions brand / job mix-ups and cross contamination

 Appropriate space management must be followed by keeping enough gaps between the job
order wise work in progress.

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 Established Tagging System (Tagging of all pallets of raw materials, work in progress and
finished goods) must be followed

 Line clearance must be done before the start of any new job on any machine. No traces /
pieces / wastage of the previous jobs should be there on or near the production machines

2. All work in progress and finished goods must be with proper covering and identity tags always.

3. Sorting and other such activities should be carried out only at designated place covered under food
safety system.

4. Employees should follow the current GMP & HACCP practices to ensure food safety
manufacturing and to avoid product contaminations.

5. All hazard controls implemented should be followed (as per hazard and risk analysis applicable
for the department)

6. Traceability of all Raw materials and consumables which finally becomes a part of the product
should be ensured.

7. Correct and complete details/ records of (job order wise) received, consumed and returned
quantities of materials to the stores with reference to traceability codes should be maintained on a
continual basis as it can ensure total product recovery at any time.

8. Correct and complete details/ records of (job order wise) Finished goods should be recorded and
the records must be retained until the expiry of the retention period on a continual basis as it can
ensure total product recovery at any time.

9. It should be ensured that process machinery, equipments and accessories are cleaned, sanitized
and sterilized after specified volumes of production, after completion of individual jobs as per job
orders and after conducting any corrective maintenance by the maintenance department.

10. Production department will take over or conduct rework / rectification activities of customer
returned finished products unless such materials are handed over to them together with the approval
report from the quality control department for conformance to food safety requirements and for
absence of contamination.

11. The rectification / rework operation of customer returned goods must be carried out only at a
designated place which is covered by the established food safety system as it is in the process area.

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5.2 Control of Materials

1. Ensure that the materials to be used are as per specifications and are approved by quality control.

2. Ensure that the materials are handled properly and wastage in handling, make ready and running is
under control.

3. Actual consumption of materials should be thoroughly monitored and recorded in Job wise Job
Sheets (P05-27-JS-02) form attached. Also should generate standard consumption chart (P05-28-
SMC-02) for materials, when the same job is repeated (ref: sub section Accounting-records and
reports below)

4. If problems are observed with materials, or because of materials, it must be brought to the notice
of the quality control at the earliest.

5.3 Control of Machinery

1. Ensure that the production machinery is in good running condition, well maintained, with
accuracy and stability of settings and operations possible. Machinery should be operated efficiently
as recommended by the operating manual and all machines are to be kept cleaned always. (Ref. to
sub section 7. maintenance below)

5.4 Control of Manpower

1. Ensure that employees are trained in current GMP and HACCP and that they are following all the
practices and hazard controls.

2. Ensure that the manpower used is sufficient and efficient to do the work.

3. Operators must be trained and experienced in their area of operation.

4. Strategic deployment of skill levels is to be ensured to achieve control of critical jobs, materials
and machinery.

5. Entry into production areas should be via only the entry routs and access points.

5.5 Control of Process

1. All production processes are to be controlled to ensure product safety and conformance to
specifications and to all other quality and food safety requirements.

2. The job details (approved Job Order) and the customer requirements should be referred.

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3. The designs, films, layouts, drawings and the processed plates are to be checked in the pre-press
department, for accuracy and conformity of graphics, texts, barcodes dimensions, styles, colors,
ups and identifications, cut and crease marks, margins, screens and vignettes.

4. Size and Compatibility of any or many of the above with the substrate decided to be used also
should be checked. (Co-ordinate with quality control, whenever necessary).

5. On-line Inspection and Checking of the outputs from all production areas viz. Pre-Press, Printing
& Surface Treatment, Die-Cutting, Window Patching, Cup Erection, Gluing, and Packing should be
done to ensure quality and consistency.

6. Running jobs on every machine in process sections should be inspected in every half an hour.

7. Check lists are to be used for on-line checking /inspection. Results of the manual/ visual/ physical
(as it is required) inspections are to be converted as checklist entries. Checklists used should be
separate for each job.

8. The Attached Checklists P05-13-CLCIP-02, P05-14-CLAFP-02, P05-15-CLMAP-02, P05-16-

CLLW-02, P05-17-CLSL-02, P05-18-CLSC-02, P05-19-CLLP-02, P05-20-CLFFM-02, P05-21-
CLBM-02 and P05-22-CLPS-02 must be used for conducting on line job inspection / process

9. All necessary check points are given on the check list. If instruments are to be used for any tests if
mentioned in checklists, then the production department should co-ordinate with the quality control
department and to rely upon their test results.

10. With the help of the above checklist entries the job wise report on product quality (P05-24-RPQ-
02) should be prepared.

11. Deviations, defects and difficulties observed in machining / processing should immediately be
rectified / solved by modifying and adjusting the settings (refer to appropriate operating manuals)
only if it is safe and secure for the machines as well as the jobs.

12. The causes should correctly be identified before taking any measures for rectifications and in
general these are either related with problems of materials or machine problems or because of
wrong settings and if related with none of these then again it is very important to find out the exact
cause to take the most appropriate measures.

13. The problems, the causes/reasons, the remedies measures taken etc. must be recorded and kept
for reference.

14. Care should be taken for not repeating the same mistakes.

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15. The output of every process department should be palletized and appropriately tagged. Pallet
Tag- format attached (P05-25-TAG-02)

16. Only the running jobs to be kept near the machines to avoid mix up of jobs.

17. The production staff should first acknowledge for defects / deviations in processing brought to
their notice by the quality control personnel and then should rectify them.

18. The finished goods should be packed and labeled as per job order specifications using packaging
materials approved by quality control.

5.5 Control of time

1. All jobs are to be completed within the scheduled standard time. There should be proper reasons
to justify extra time consumption (if any) because it reduces the capacity utilization.

2. Wherever time can be saved, it must be saved (ref: section 3 scheduling and loading) but never at
costs unjustifiable.

3. Standard time requirement for every job must be prepared for scheduling the jobs. Process wise
details of time utilization for every job should correctly be recorded in production report (P05-26-
PR-02, format is attached) and the total time consumption should also be entered in Job wise Job
Sheets (P05-27-JS-02) format is attached)

6. Accounting (records & reports)

1. Production department is accountable for the utilization of plant capacity, time, materials and
manpower and so it is very essential to maintain proper accounts of all these.

2. Production Reports must be prepared on a daily basis with details of department wise production
quantity and time utilization. Production report format (P05-31-DPR-02) is attached.

3. Job wise Job Sheets (P05-27-JS-02) are to be prepared (format attached) to have the correct
account of materials, wastage and recovery and from this, when the same job is repeated, reliable
standards for material consumption is to be generated (P05-28-SMC-02) attached.

4. The department also should keep necessary records (for technical references) of ink mixing done
for proofing and printing, the color sequence followed for each jobs. Backup memory of process
machines regarding job settings (technical) should be preserved for future reference and use.

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5. The finished goods (Job Order Wise) approved by the quality control department should be
handed over to the dispatch department and it is a must to get the signature of the dispatch officer /
supervisor, as a proof of receipt of the goods, in the finished goods register maintained by the
production department (P05-29-FGR-02) or an appropriate computerized system should exist and be
followed towards this effect.

6. If the input–output ratio is observed as unjustifiable when the same job repeated or processed in
different lots, the case must be investigated; studied and necessary precautions / measures must be
taken to improve the process control.

7. From the records/ reports/ data maintained by the production department, any required further
information and reports on efficiency, consumption, wastage etc. may be prepared for the use and
purposes of the management. (Management information)

7. Maintenance

1. Maintenance must be carried out to keep the process equipments and machinery in good condition
conforming to the established food safety requirements.

7.1 Preventive maintenance:

1. Cleaning of accumulated dust, anti-setoff powders, adhesives, varnish, inks, coatings and dirt
from machines and all production areas must be done by the production department every week
which must be above and over the regular / daily cleaning and sanitizing.

2. All other preventive maintenance works including Oiling & Greasing (Lubrication) of machinery
and equipments are to be done periodically by the maintenance department as per their procedure
and with reference to machine manufacturer’s manual for maintenance.

3. The production department should make ‘weekly schedules’ for preventive maintenance in
consultation with the maintenance department It is a must to keep the Preventive Maintenance
Report (copy) received from the maintenance department.

7.2 Corrective:

4. The requirement of corrective maintenance should be reduced by proper and regular preventive

5. Solving / rectifying all types of mechanical, electrical, electronics and pneumatic problems,
repairing and replacement against damage breakage etc. comes under corrective maintenance.

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6. Whenever there is a requirement for maintenance, the request form for maintenance is to be
filled up properly by the production supervisor or shift-in-charge which is to be given to the
maintenance department and to get their acknowledgement with signature and time. The production
department should get the request forms from the maintenance department and should keep at least
20 to 25 forms always.

7. After getting the maintenance done, the maintenance report prepared by the maintenance
department, must be checked and approved for accuracy of entries regarding the work, maintenance
staff attended, time, spares and parts (part numbers should be mentioned) and hardware used. The
production supervisor/ shift in-charge should evaluate the post maintenance performance of the
machine and to appraise the performance as better/ actual/reduced/ or as negative and if satisfied,
then only should give their approval for the work done and for materials used. The report copy must
be kept as a permanent record.

8. Only permitted employees (of the company) should attend the maintenance requests given by the
production/process department. A list of permitted employees approved by the personnel department
should be available with the maintenance department for reference and verifications.

9. External maintenance operators, called/hired by the maintenance department, should obtain work
permits (to ensure the required food safety requirements) from the personnel department to attend to
the maintenance requests.

8. Responsibility Specifications

1. Responsibility for all production related functions should clearly be specified and documented by
the head of the department in the attached format (P05-03-DR-02) which should be notified to all
concerned employees. The document should be preserved.

9. Cleaning, Sanitizing, Housekeeping.

1. All activities should have compliance to the requirements of all food safety (Yum & BRC / IOP)
and HACCP requirements and should be as per the established procedures.


1. Original of this procedure is incorporated to the ‘Quality Manual’ FQM-IMS as procedure “P05”
2. No separate work instructions (required) to follow this procedure.

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