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Contemporary Marketing 17th Edition by Boone

Kurtz ISBN 1305075366 9781305075368

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Chapter 05 E Business Managing the Customer Experience


1. The Internet allows retailers and vendors to exchange vital information, improving the overall
functioning of supply and distribution.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

2. The term Internet penetration refers to the percentage of a region's population who use the

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

3. The United States has the highest number of Internet users in the World.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

4. One of the benefits of e-marketing is the ability to reach anyone connected to the Internet
anywhere in the world.
(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

5. Online marketing refers to marketing activities that connect buyers and sellers electronically
through interactive computer systems.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)
6. The term "societal marketing" refers to buyer-seller communications in which the customer
controls the amount and type of information received from a marketer through such channels as the
Internet and virtual reality kiosks.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

7. E-marketing is an integral component of e-business.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

8. Online marketing differs from e-marketing as online marketing encompasses digital technologies
that do not involve computers.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)


The application of electronic tools, such as email, instant messaging, and blogs, to
contemporary marketing has the potential to greatly reduce costs and increase customer
satisfaction by increasing the speed and efficiency of marketing interactions.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

10. E-marketing can significantly reduce the costs of reaching a wide audience for small businesses.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

11. Integrated marketing refers to the ability to provide a product at the exact time needed.
(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

12. In interactive marketing, the customer controls the amount and type of information received
from a marketer.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

13. The main purpose of a corporate website is to increase purchases by visitors.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

14. Products that require demonstration or trials are better sold in person than through company's
marketing websites.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

15. B2B e-marketing refers to the use of the Internet for business transactions between

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

16. Majority of e-marketing activities are business-to-consumer transactions.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)
17. Business-to-business transactions typically involve more steps than consumer purchases.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)


The Internet is an attractive option for business buying and selling as orders placed over the
Internet contain fewer errors compared to handwritten ones.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

19. Web services require compatible hardware and software systems to exchange data over a

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

20. Businesses can efficiently collaborate with vendors, partners, and customers through intranets.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

21. Virtual private networks are less expensive compared to leasing dedicated lines for information
traveling over public communications media.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

22. A private exchange is a secure website at which a company and its suppliers share all types of
data related to e-marketing, from product design through order delivery.

(A) True
(B) False

Answer : (A)

23. A private exchange is also called c-business because of its relatively more collaborative nature.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

24. The state of North Carolina established a website where governmental departments could invite
bids from participating suppliers for supplying goods and services. This is an example of e-

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

25. In the early stages of B2B transactions, marketers believed that online trading was limited to
only a few types of products.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

26. The term e-tailing refers to online retail sales.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

27. The term "societal marketing" refers to online retail sales.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

28. Increased capability of smart phones has boosted online retail sales.
(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

29. Majority of the online sales is through mobile retail.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

30. Competitive pricing is one of the main reasons for consumers preferring to shop online than
from a brick-and-mortar store.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

31. Bots are programs that aid online consumers in comparison shopping.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

32. The use of bots has made shopping easier, as it can search hundreds of websites for information
on products that meet certain criteria set by the customer.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

33. A women's fashion brand allowing its customers to mix and match the clothes and accessories on
their website before placing an order is an example of a business offering personalized service to
their online customers.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)
34. maintains a record of each customer's purchases and makes recommendations
based on purchase behavior whenever the customer logs in for the next purchase. This is an example
of the interactive marketing capability of e-business.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)


Women's apparel, consumer electronics, and video games top the list of top products sold

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

36. Consumers' online shopping experience has been steadily improving in quality and convenience
due to the efforts of the retailers.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

37. Some of the most significant challenges facing e-business today involve the security of online
monetary transactions and the protection of consumer privacy.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

38. Encryption is the process of encoding data for security purposes.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

39. The public key in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology is used to decipher encrypted
(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

40. The private key in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology is used to encrypt information.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

41. Electronic signatures are used to enter into legal contract policies online.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

42. Cookies and spyware are software used for protecting a website by encrypting it.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

43. Companies that display TRUSTe logo on their websites need not disclose to consumers how they
collect personal data and what they do with that information.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

44. A firewall is an electronic barrier between a company's internal network and the Internet that
limits access into and out of the network.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)
45. Firewalls used by companies to prevent unauthorized users from tapping into private corporate
data are impenetrable.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

46. It is more challenging for companies to defend against insiders stealing classified information
than the attacks that come from outside organizations.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

47. Phishing is the voice equivalent of vishing.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

48. Phishing involves the use of authentic-looking email or pop-up messages to get unsuspecting
victims to reveal personal information.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

49. If consumers search for information about a product online and then buy it from a brick-an-
-mortar store, it is known as reverse logistics.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

50. To be successful at e-business, firms must establish and maintain competitive standards for
customer service.

(A) True
(B) False

Answer : (A)

51. Pure-play e-retailers, even with no real experience of selling and satisfying customers, have been
more successful than traditional retailers who entered e-business.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

52. Conflicts between producers, wholesalers, and retailers are called channel conflicts.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

53. E-marketing can lead to copyright disputes when a site hosts content to which someone else
holds the rights.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

54. E-business is the most popular Web function, followed by communication.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

55. The communication function of the Internet can be used by marketers to advance their
organizational objectives.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

56. Spam filters help Internet users to automatically eliminate junk email from their in-boxes.
(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

57. Online forums are a source of information exchange and can take the form of blogs, a classified
ad directory, or a library of information.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)


Online communities facilitate B2B marketing.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)


Using the Internet to build communities helps companies find other organizations that may
be interested in forming an alliance.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)


A wiki is a Web page that anyone can edit.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

61. Blogs have created interest among marketers as they can be effective at quickly forming public
(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

62. Marketers typically shun blogs that focus on new-technology products, because they require
technological authenticity to generate positive marketing outcomes.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

63. Internet advertising includes banner ads, pop-up ads, and links listed with major search engines.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

64. Companies can improve their positioning on the search list of search engines by paying a
particular fee.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

65. The first step to be taken in developing a Web presence for a company is to determine the
domain name for the website.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

66. After making content decisions and designing the site, the next step in the process of developing
a website is connecting to the Internet by placing the required computer files on a server.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)
67. Although developing a commercial website with interactive features can cost as little as $30,
putting it online can cost tens of thousands of dollars a month for a spot on the server of a Web host.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

68. The highly variable cost of a website includes not only development expenses but also the cost of
placing the site on a Web server, maintaining and updating it, and promoting it.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

69. For many companies, revenue is not a major website objective.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (A)

70. Some Web pages display counters that measure the number of visits. These counters can also
measure the amount of time users spend on those sites.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

71. Web advertising has become more attractive in recent times due to a rise in click-through rates.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

72. The conversion rate is a basic measurement of the percentage of visitors to a website who make
purchases at the site.

(A) True

(B) False
Answer : (A)

73. A company can use its advertising cost, site traffic, and conversion rate data to find out the cost
to win each customer.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

74. If a website is rated high based on its engagement, it implies that a large number of visitors
purchase products from that website.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

75. Webtrends Analytics can be used to analyze marketing data from mobile, social, and Web

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)


76. The term "Internet penetration" refers to the:

(A) the amount of time spent on the Internet by the people in a region.

(B) depth of information available on a subject on the Internet.

(C) percentage of Internet usage per individual for a given period.

(D) percentage of a region's population who use the Internet.

Answer : (D)

77. Big Martin Corporation uses its website to target customers and promote its products. Big
Martin is engaged in:

(A) integrated marketing.

(B) Web services.

(C) e-marketing.

(D) online trading.

Answer : (C)

78. The strategic process of creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods and services to a
target market over the Internet or through digital tools is called:

(A) electronic marketing.

(B) online trading.

(C) digital servicing.

(D) Web economics.

Answer : (A)

79. describes the wide range of transactions taking place via Internet applications such as
email and virtual shopping carts.

(A) Webonomics

(B) E-business

(C) Web servicing

(D) Digital transcription

Answer : (B)

80. Which of the following terms refers to an advantage brought about by the advent of the Internet
as a shopping medium by eliminating the geographic protections and limitations of local business
and by giving smaller firms a wider audience?

(A) Personalization

(B) Digital tooling

(C) Interactivity

(D) Global reach

Answer : (D)

81. References to the Internet's global reach have to do with its:

(A) ability to communicate with consumers located anywhere in the world.

(B) capacity to overcome cultural barriers between nations.

(C) power to insulate national economies from events occurring outside their borders.

(D) ability to use a single language, English, to communicate with world markets.

Answer : (A)

82. How is online marketing different from e-marketing?

(A) Online marketing encompasses financial transactions in addition to promotion of sales, as

opposed to e-marketing.

(B) Online marketing is applicable to both goods and services, while e-marketing is for goods alone.

(C) Online marketing is limited to interactive computer systems, while e-marketing encompasses
technologies not involving computers.

(D) Online marketing is suited for geographically smaller regions, while e-marketing provides the
benefits of a truly global reach.

Answer : (C)

83. When customers control the amount and type of information received from a marketer through
such channels as the Internet and virtual reality kiosks, they are engaged in:

(A) personalization.

(B) interactive marketing.

(C) integrated marketing.

(D) right-time marketing.

Answer : (B)


Lehmann Systems provides a space on its website for users to provide feedback on products
and also to suggest new ideas and ideas for improvement. Customers can also subscribe to a
newsletter sent by Lehmann Systems, which informs the customers about latest offers and
sales. Lehmann systems is engaging in:

(A) social welfare marketing.

(B) interactive marketing.

(C) integrated marketing.

(D) search marketing.

Answer : (B)

85. An e-business vendor who creates products, such as clothing or computers, to the exact
specifications of individual customers is practicing:

(A) personalization.

(B) interactive marketing.

(C) integrated marketing.

(D) right-time marketing.

Answer : (A)

86. Travel Time is an online travel site that assists customers in booking their holidays. They make
advance bookings for the customers, they also notify them about a reduction in air fares immediately
so to that it can offer the lowest fare to the customers. It also helps the customers to check the
status of their booking online. This type of marketing strategy employed by Travel Time is an
example of:

(A) right-time marketing.

(B) integrated marketing.

(C) search marketing.

(D) real time marketing.

Answer : (A)

87. By enabling the coordination of all promotional activities to produce a unified, customer-focused
promotional message, e-marketing helps reach consumers through:

(A) personalization.

(B) interactive marketing.

(C) mass marketing.

(D) integrated marketing.

Answer : (D)

88. Best Health Labs is a company that provides medical diagnostics services. The company is
focused on providing rapid diagnostic and healthcare services based on the philosophy of high
quality, low price and superior flexibility. The marketing team coordinates all its promotional
activities to convey a unified message to the customers regarding its philosophy of making medical
diagnostics more affordable for people around the world. The strategy of the marketing team at Best
Health Labs is called .

(A) right-time marketing

(B) integrated marketing

(C) interactive marketing

(D) personalized marketing

Answer : (B)

89. The corporate website of a company is established with an intention to:

(A) sell its goods and services directly to the consumers.

(B) increase the purchase of its products by consumers by engaging them in interactions.

(C) increase the visibility of the company and promote their offerings.

(D) provide a transaction gateway for goods and services.

Answer : (C)

90. The most important goal of a marketing website is to:

(A) give prospective employees the opportunity to apply for jobs online.

(B) provide financial information to investors.

(C) increase purchases by visitors.

(D) build relationships with customers.

Answer : (C)

91. The marketing website of a company differs from its corporate website as the marketing website
is established:

(A) to increase the visibility of the company and promote its offerings.

(B) to provide financial information to investors.

(C) to increase the purchase of products by visitors by engaging them in interactions that will lead to
purchase of the product.

(D) to provide a communication channel for consumers and other interested parties via email, blogs,
and online forums.

Answer : (C)
92. Which of the following is true of B2B E-marketing?

(A) It cannot be used to provide detailed product descriptions.

(B) It can help slash order-processing expenses.

(C) It is a minor part of the e-business activity and typically involves less steps compared to
consumer purchases.

(D) It is not a very attractive option for buying and selling as more errors occur when orders are
placed over the Internet.

Answer : (B)

93. e-marketing is the use of Internet for business transactions between organizations.

(A) Societal

(B) Differentiated

(C) Business-to-business

(D) Consumer centered

Answer : (C)

94. B2B e-marketing has been shown to:

(A) create price increases in the distribution component of the marketing mix.

(B) make it possible for marketers to find new markets and customers.

(C) lag behind B2C transactions in terms of volume and revenue generation.

(D) increase purchasing costs by nearly 25 percent.

Answer : (B)

95. Electronic data interchanges, once limited by operating system incompatibility, have found new
life due to:

(A) Web services using open-source XML.

(B) open-source operating systems.

(C) use of secure virtual private networks.

(D) uniform OS programming practices.

Answer : (A)
96. Secure networks used for e-marketing and accessible through a firm's website by external
customers, suppliers, or other authorized users for purposes of collaboration are called:

(A) cybernets.

(B) extranets.

(C) intranets.

(D) ethernets.

Answer : (B)

97. TechnoMarket, a retailer of consumer electronics, has its branches worldwide in around 25
countries. The company is looking for a website that will allow it to communicate with its employees
worldwide. The website should also enable the employees to access details regarding the new
products, their functionality, and their availability in the store. Which of the following will best suit
this purpose?

(A) Private exchange

(B) Extranet

(C) Electronic storefront

(D) Intranet

Answer : (D)

98. Adecco systems has a website service which allows the company to interact with its suppliers
and share all types of data related to e-marketing. This innovative website can be regarded as:

(A) a marketing website.

(B) a private exchange.

(C) a corporate website.

(D) an electronic storefront.

Answer : (B)

99. A private exchange is a secure website used by companies to:

(A) improve the efficiency of their bidding and purchasing processes.

(B) share all types of data related to e-marketing with its suppliers.

(C) give financial information to its investors.

(D) share information with the employees in different locations.

Answer : (B)

100. TecMag is a technology firm that builds computer systems and other related components.
TecMag sources its raw materials from various manufacturing firms and is looking for a website that
can help in effectively placing orders with the manufacturers online, and also in tracking the order.
Which of the following websites can help TecMag accomplish this task efficiently?

(A) Social website

(B) Intranet

(C) Private exchange

(D) Corporate website

Answer : (C)

101. is a Web-based system that enables all types of organizations to improve the efficiency of
their bidding and purchasing processes.

(A) Private exchange

(B) Electronic data interchange

(C) Extranet

(D) E-procurement

Answer : (D)

102. Which of the following statements about B2C e-marketing is true?

(A) B2C e-business involves online sale of services as much as physical goods.

(B) B2C transactions account for most of the e-marketing activity.

(C) B2C e-marketing facilitates transactions between organizations.

(D) Service providers prefer the B2B model to B2C as there is not enough scope for service
transactions in B2C e-business.

Answer : (A)

103. Which of the following terms refers to a company website that sells products to customers?

(A) Information kiosk

(B) Corporate website

(C) Online community

(D) Electronic storefront

Answer : (D)

104. Noe's Gifts is a gift and accessories retail chain. The company has a website that allows
customers not only to buy products online, but also provides information regarding the various offers
available, gifting ideas and other information related to the products. The website also provides an
opportunity to the consumers to provide feedback on the products and services the company offers.
This type of website used by a company to sell its products to consumers is called a(n):

(A) extranet.

(B) private exchange.

(C) electronic storefront.

(D) electronic exchange.

Answer : (C)

105. Simply-Fyde Shopping's website has an online catalog with the details of the products on offer.
When customers pick their choices from the list, the items are automatically populated into a(n):

(A) online trading database.

(B) electronic shopping cart.

(C) point-of-sale system.

(D) Web browser.

Answer : (B)

106. Which of the following is most likely to be a reason why consumers prefer shopping online?

(A) Only online purchases offer reduced rates to customers on branded credit cards.

(B) E-marketers offer better warranties on products compared to brick and mortar retailers.

(C) Products that are purchased online are delivered free of cost whereas brick and mortar stores
charge customers for delivering goods to their door steps.

(D) Online stores allow customers to compare prices and features at their leisure.

Answer : (D)

107. A(n) is a software program that allows online shoppers to compare the price of a
particular product offered by several online retailers.

(A) electronic shopping cart

(B) extranet

(C) electronic storefront

(D) bot

Answer : (D)

108. is an online shopping store that sells a wide variety of products. The company saves
the shipping information of customers when they place orders to save time during future
purchases. The company sends an email to the customer after the purchase of the product and
provides a tracking number that allows them to track their order. All these strategies have helped
the company to increase the sale of their products online. Which of the following features of online
shopping is attracting consumers to the website in the above scenario?

(A) Access and convenience

(B) Competitive pricing

(C) Security

(D) Personalized service

Answer : (A)

109. When you are welcomed back by your name to a website you've shopped at before and offered
products suited specifically to your tastes and budget (based on your past purchase), you are being
targeted by:

(A) personalized marketing.

(B) geotargeting.

(C) interstitial advertising.

(D) engagement ads.

Answer : (A)


Fred purchased six paperbacks from three months back. This week, when he
logged on to, the home page had his name and recommended 6 new books on
his favorite topics. This is an example of:

(A) information leak.

(B) breach of privacy.

(C) geotargeting.
(D) personalized marketing.

Answer : (D)


Most shoppers use the Internet mainly to:

(A) check the availability of the products in the nearby store.

(B) research products online before buying them at a store.

(C) obtain information regarding the retailer selling the product.

(D) check the company's internal information before purchasing.

Answer : (B)

112. Which of the following was one of the early online offerings?

(A) Food products

(B) Luxury clothing

(C) Airline tickets

(D) Financial services

Answer : (C)

113. Which of the following is one of the top products sold online?

(A) Event tickets

(B) Food items

(C) Video games

(D) Books

Answer : (C)

114. The process of encoding data for security purposes is called .

(A) authorization

(B) authentication

(C) encryption

(D) randomization
Answer : (C)

115. It is now possible to enter into legal contracts online, due to the development of:

(A) the electronic shopping cart.

(B) the electronic signature.

(C) cloud computing.

(D) data scrambling technology.

Answer : (B)

116. Which of the following measures, when adopted, will help an online retailer to build customers'

(A) Using third party cookies issued by Web servers

(B) Use of behavioral targeting to research customer preferences

(C) Installing spyware on Web browsers

(D) Prominently displaying a privacy policy

Answer : (D)

117. are software used by online companies to automatically collect data from Internet
browsers in order to track their customers' shopping and viewing habits.

(A) JARs

(B) Cookies

(C) Embedded systems

(D) Pop-ups

Answer : (B)

118., a women's clothing brand that sells its products online intends to automatically
collect data from Internet browsers to track the customer's preferences. These data will help the
company to improve its website to provide better search results and also to target its ads well.
Which of the following types of software can be used by the company to collect customer

(A) Firewall

(B) Spyware
(C) Shopbot


Answer : (B)

119. is a technology that secures a website by encrypting information and providing






Answer : (C)

120. Which of the following measures is taken by Internet companies to indicate their promise to
disclose how they collect personal data and what they do with the customer information?

(A) Installing software tools such as spyware when users log onto their websites

(B) Issuing third party cookies to anonymously track user activity

(C) Using behavioral targeting practices to improve customer privacy

(D) Displaying the TRUSTe logo on their websites

Answer : (D)


To prevent intrusions, companies install combinations of hardware and software called

to keep unauthorized Web users from tapping into private corporate data.

(A) firewalls

(B) shopbots

(C) cookies

(D) podcasts

Answer : (A)

122. Aaron Corporation is an insurance firm that provides a range of consumer directed health
insurance products. The company has detailed personal information of its patients including their
date of birth, email address, health related and occupation details, and address. Which of the
following types of software can the company use to protect the consumer information from hackers?

(A) Spyware

(B) Shopbot

(C) Webtrends Analytics

(D) Firewall

Answer : (D)

123. The term is used to describe a high-tech scam that uses authentic-looking email or pop-up
messages to get unsuspecting victims to reveal personal information.

(A) e-tailing

(B) phishing

(C) data harvesting

(D) shoulder surfing

Answer : (B)

124. The term is used to describe dot-com retailers without traditional stores or catalogs.

(A) multichannel

(B) brick-and-mortar

(C) high-street

(D) pure-play

Answer : (D)


The customers of a national bank recently received emails from a fake email address asking
them to make a phone call to a number mentioned in the email and provide information
regarding their account numbers, recent transactions, and online passwords. The email
informed them that it was a check being conducted by the bank to update their personal
information. This is an example of:

(A) phishing.

(B) search marketing.

(C) vishing.
(D) data mining.

Answer : (A)

126. Some manufacturing companies prefer to sell only high-priced specialty products online

(A) the companies want their customers to use online banking rather than cash for the transaction.

(B) the customers are not able to purchase specialty items from store locations.

(C) the warehousing costs for specialty products can erode any profits to be made from their sales.

(D) the companies do not wish to enter into a direct competition with its wholesale and retail

Answer : (D)

127. Channel conflicts can be defined as conflicts:

(A) over revenue sharing between manufacturers and their workers.

(B) among manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers.

(C) among customers and marketers regarding data privacy and information security.

(D) between marketers and the government over legal issues.

Answer : (B)

128. Which of the following is the most popular web function?

(A) E-business

(B) Entertainment

(C) Communication

(D) Research

Answer : (C)

129. Seth reads an online tour journal from his favorite musician. With the help of this journal, fans
can post comments or occasionally ask questions to the musician. This online journal is an example
of a(n):

(A) blog.

(B) social network.

(C) electronic bulletin board.

(D) newsgroup.

Answer : (A)


Online communities like Internet forums and social networking sites take advantage of the
function of the Internet.

(A) entertainment

(B) communication

(C) information

(D) comparison

Answer : (B)


are Web pages that are publicly accessible journals for individuals or organizations.

(A) Electronic bulletin boards

(B) Podcasts

(C) Blogs

(D) Social networks

Answer : (C)

132. are audio or video files that can be downloaded to other digital devices.

(A) Cookies

(B) Podcasts

(C) JARs

(D) Newsgroups

Answer : (B)

133. Josh is interested in mountain biking and regularly visits a specialized online service that
provides information on various topics related to mountain biking. Josh is most likely to be visiting
(A) corporate website.

(B) podcast.

(C) electronic bulletin board.

(D) electronic storefront.

Answer : (C)

134. A(n) is an online journal for an individual or organization.

(A) blog

(B) social network

(C) bulletin board

(D) wiki

Answer : (A)

135. A is a Web page anyone can edit, so that a reader can, in addition to asking questions or
posting comments, actually make changes to the Web page.

(A) blog

(B) wiki

(C) tweet

(D) news feed

Answer : (B)

136. Which of the following is the most common form of Internet advertising?

(A) Preroll video ad

(B) Pop-up ad

(C) Search marketing

(D) Banner ad

Answer : (D)

137. Sandra is surfing the Web. After entering a popular site for attorneys, a separate window
suddenly appears on the screen promoting a new line of legal software. This is an example of a
(A) banner

(B) pop-up

(C) search marketing

(D) preroll

Answer : (B)

138. are strip messages placed in high-visibility areas of frequently visited websites.

(A) Pop-up ads

(B) Banner ads

(C) Interstitial ads

(D) Engagement ads

Answer : (B)

139. A(n) is a separate window that appears on a user's screen with an advertising message.

(A) banner ad

(B) widget

(C) pop-up ad

(D) image ad

Answer : (C)

140. involves paying search engines, such as Google, a fee to make sure the company's listing
appears toward the top of the search results.

(A) Search engine optimization

(B) Page ranking

(C) Interactive marketing

(D) Contextual advertising

Answer : (A)

141. Keith is a marketer for Olympus cameras. He arranged for an agreement with a search engine
whereby Olympus would pay the search engine for listing its products among the top three results
whenever a computer user ran a search for digital cameras. This is an example of:
(A) integrated marketing.

(B) active marketing.

(C) search marketing.

(D) interactive marketing.

Answer : (C)

142. Marketing messages that appear before an online video are called .

(A) widgets

(B) interstitials

(C) podcasts

(D) preroll video ads

Answer : (D)


SunDay Holidays paid a fee to Google to display a link of their website when a user enters a
keyword related to holidays or vacations. The link gets displayed on the right side of the
search results page. This link is an example of:

(A) a sponsored link.

(B) an organic search.

(C) a home page.

(D) a natural search page.

Answer : (A)

144. The first step in creating an effective website is to:

(A) create an eye-catching home page.

(B) establish the layout of the website.

(C) determine the tools to be used and their graphical content.

(D) understand the purpose of the site.

Answer : (D)
145. A retail chain that sells consumer electronics is developing a website in-house to sell its
products online. The company has finalized name, appearance, and purpose of the website. The next
step in the website development process is to:

(A) measure the effectiveness of the website.

(B) decide on the primary objective of the site.

(C) connect the site to the Internet by placing the required computer files on the server.

(D) determine and develop the content of the site.

Answer : (D)

146. Web-to-store shoppers are a group of consumers who:

(A) purchase an item online after having inquired about it by visiting a store.

(B) purchase the primary item on the Web and go to the store to buy accessories.

(C) use the Internet as a tool when shopping at brick-and-mortar retailers.

(D) promote online purchasing of products.

Answer : (C)

147. For those companies that do not intend to generate revenue from their website, online success
is measured in terms of:

(A) the numbers of visitors who make repeat purchases.

(B) increased brand awareness and brand loyalty.

(C) the amount of time a customer spends on a website before making a purchase.

(D) the number of people who search information by visiting a store and then make online purchase.

Answer : (B)

148. The click-through rate is a measure of the:

(A) number of clicks performed by an average user when searching for information through a search

(B) number of ads served up to a user on a search engine per query.

(C) percentage of people presented with a banner ad who click on it.

(D) number of Web pages viewed by a user after clicking through an ad.

Answer : (C)
149. A basic measurement of website's effectiveness is the conversion rate, which is the:

(A) number of people who, having previously visited the site, return to it for additional visits.

(B) proportion of visitors who mark the website as a favorite.

(C) percentage of people presented with a banner ad who click on it.

(D) percentage of website visitors who make purchases.

Answer : (D)

150. The Metrics Group is a firm that helps companies improve the performance of their websites.
The firm rates the effectiveness of the website based on the percentage of website visitors making
purchases through the site. Which of the following measures is being used by the firm while
assessing the effectiveness of the websites?

(A) Click-through rate

(B) Brand awareness

(C) Conversion rate

(D) Customer engagement

Answer : (C)


151. China and United States have the most number of Internet users. What is the use of Internet to
people in these countries?

Answer :

In the United States, Internet usage is mostly about communication, information, and purchases.
Nearly all American users say they use email and use a search engine for information; almost 85
percent get news or look for maps or driving directions. About four- fifths search for health or
medical news or check the weather. About three quarters look for information about items they're
interested in buying or go online just to pass the time or to have fun.
In China, where Internet users tend to be young, instant messaging and using search engines are
the most popular activities, followed by downloading music, blogging, viewing videos, online gaming,
and other modes of social networking. After a relatively slow start, online purchase transactions in
China have jumped significantly, helped by the spread of local online payment systems.

152. What is meant by e-business? Name the five broad categories of e-business.
Answer :

Electronic business or e-business refers to conducting business via the Internet and has turned
virtual reality into reality. Today, e-business describes the wide range of business activities taking
place via Internet applications such as email and virtual shopping carts. E-business can be divided
into the following five broad categories: (1) e-tailing or virtual storefronts on websites; (2) business-
to-business transactions; (3) electronic data interchanges (EDI), the business-to-business exchange
of data; (4) email, instant messaging, blogs, podcasts, and other Web-enabled communication tools
and their use as media for reaching prospective and existing customers; and (5) the gathering and
use of demographic, product, and other information through Web contacts.

153. What is e-marketing? Differentiate between e-marketing and online marketing.

Answer :

E-marketing is a strategic process of creating, distributing, promoting, and pricing goods and
services to a target market over the Internet or through digital tools.
E-marketing can encompass digital technologies ranging from DVDs to interactive store kiosks that
do not involve computers, whereas online marketing refers to marketing activities that connect
buyers and sellers electronically through interactive computer systems.

154. Discuss the five benefits e-marketing offers to contemporary marketers.

Answer :

Through the Internet and related technology, e-marketing provides the marketer with:
Global reach, which is the ability to reach anyone connected to the
Internet anywhere in the world.
Personalization, which involves creating products to meet the exact
requirements of individual customers.
Interactive marketing, buyer-seller communications through such
channels as the Internet and the interactive kiosks.
Right-time marketing, which is the ability of a marketer to provide a
product at the exact time needed.
Integrated marketing, which coordinates all promotional activities and
e) communications to create a unified, customer-oriented, promotional

155. Distinguish between a corporate website and a marketing website.

Answer :

Corporate websites are sites designed to increase a firm's visibility, promote its offerings, and
provide information to interested parties. Rather than selling goods and services directly, these sites
attempt to build customer goodwill and assist channel members in their marketing efforts. In
addition to using the Web to communicate product information and build relationships with
customers, many companies also use their corporate websites for a variety of other purposes,
including disseminating financial information to investors; giving prospective employees the
opportunity to apply online for jobs; and providing a communication channel for customers and other
interested parties via email, blogs, and online forums.
Marketing websites often include information about company history, products, locations,
employment opportunities, and financial information, and their goal is to increase purchases by
visitors. Many marketing websites try to engage consumers in interactions that will move them
closer to a demonstration, trial visit, purchase, or other marketing outcome.

156. What is business-to-business (B2B) e-marketing? What are its features? What are the tools that
are associated with the functions of B2B e-marketing?

Answer :

Business-to-business (B2B) e-marketing is the use of the Internet for business transactions between
In addition to generating sales revenue, B2B e-marketing also provides detailed product descriptions
whenever needed. Payments and other information are exchanged on the Web, and B2B e-marketing
can slash order-processing expenses. Business-to-business transactions, which typically involve more
steps than consumer purchases, can be much more efficient on the Internet. Orders placed over the
Internet usually contain fewer errors than handwritten ones, and when mistakes occur, the
technology can quickly locate them. This makes the Internet an attractive option for business buying
and selling.
B2B e-marketing activity has become more varied in recent years. In addition to using the Web to
conduct individual sales transactions and provide product information, companies use such tools as
EDI, Web services, extranets, private exchanges, electronic exchanges, and e-procurement.

157. Briefly describe the role of technological tools in the functioning of B2B transactions.

Answer :

One of the oldest applications of technology to business transactions is electronic data interchange
(EDI), computer-to-computer exchanges of price quotations, purchase orders, invoices, and other
sales information between buyers and sellers. EDI requires compatible hardware and software
systems to exchange data over a network. Use of EDI cuts paper flow, speeds the order cycle, and
reduces errors. In addition, by receiving daily inventory status reports from vendors, companies can
set production schedules to match demand.
The Internet also offers an efficient way for businesses to collaborate with vendors, partners, and
customers through extranets, secure networks used for e-marketing and accessible through the
firm's website by external customers, suppliers, or other authorized users. Extranets go beyond
ordering and fulfillment processes by giving selected outsiders access to internal information. Like
other forms of e-marketing, extranets provide additional benefits such as enhanced relationships
with business partners. Intranets are secure internal networks that help companies share
information among employees, no matter how many or how widespread they are.
The next generation of extranets is the private exchange, a secure website at which a company and
its suppliers share all types of data related to e-marketing, from product design through order
delivery. A private exchange is more collaborative than a typical extranet, so this type of
arrangement is sometimes called c-business. The participants can use it to collaborate on product
ideas, production scheduling, distribution, order tracking, and any other functions a business wants
to include.

158. What is e-procurement? What are its benefits?

Answer :

E-procurement is the use of Internet by organizations to solicit bids and purchase goods and services
from suppliers. E-procurement are Web-based systems that enable all types of organizations to
improve the efficiency of their bidding and purchasing processes. E-procurement also benefits the
public sector. These Web-based systems allow state and local agencies and government offices, as
well as the state's colleges and universities, to invite bids, receive quotes, and place orders.

159. What are electronic storefronts? How do they function?

Answer :

Electronic storefronts are company websites that sell products to consumers. Online retailers set up
these websites and provide an online catalog where visitors click on items they want to buy. These
items are placed in a file called an electronic shopping cart or shopping bag. When the shopper
indicates that he or she wants to complete the transaction, the items in the electronic shopping cart
are listed on the screen, along with total amount due, so the customer can review the whole order
and make changes before paying.

160. What benefits do B2C e-marketing efforts have to offer to consumers?

Answer :

Many consumers prefer shopping online to the time needed to drive to a store and select purchases.
Three main reasons are most often cited in consumer surveys for consumers' preference for online
shopping: competitive pricing, access and convenience, and personalized service.
Competitive pricing: Many of the best deals on products, such as airfares and hotels, can be found
on the Internet. The Web is an ideal method for savvy shoppers to compare prices from dozens, or
even hundreds of sellers. Online shoppers can compare features and prices at their leisure. Bots aid
consumers in comparison shopping. Bots are search programs that check hundreds of sites, gather
and assemble information, and bring it back to the sender.
Access and convenience: A second important factor in prompting online purchases is shopper
convenience. Cybershoppers can order goods and services from around the world at any hour of the
day or night. Most e-marketers allow customers to register their credit card and shipping
information for quick use in making future purchases.
Personalized service: While online shopping transactions often operate with little or no human
interaction, successful B2C e-marketing companies know how important personalization is to the
quality of the shopping experience. Customer satisfaction is greatly influenced by the marketer's
ability to offer service tailored to many customers. But each person expects a certain level of
customer service. Consequently, most leading online retailers offer customized features on their

161. How has the online shopping behavior of customers changed over the last few years?

Answer :

A broader range of Internet users now purchase products online compared with a few years ago.
Women make up more than 60 percent of people who shop online, and the typical Internet user is
likely to be between 18 and 64 years of age. More than half of all users make at least one purchase
online each month, and more than six in ten research products online before buying them in a store.
Half of all shoppers spend three quarters of total shopping time doing product research. Many
online shoppers are loyal and buy mostly from a single site; Amazon and eBay are the most popular.
Women's apparel, consumer electronics, and video games top the list of top products sold online.
Sales of health and beauty products have increased, with tools showing a decline. Thanks to
retailers' efforts, consumers' online shopping experiences have been steadily improving in quality
and convenience.

162. What are the various safety measures employed by e-marketers to develop safe online payment

Answer :

Companies have developed secure payment systems in response to consumer concerns about the
safety of sending credit card numbers over the Internet. Most companies contain sophisticated
encryption systems to protect sensitive information. Encryption is the process of encoding data for
security purposes. When such a system is active, users see a special icon that indicates they are at a
protected website.
To further increase consumer security, most companies use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology
to encrypt information and provide authentication. SSL consists of a public key and a private key.
The public key is used to encrypt information and the private key is used to decipher it. When a
browser points to a domain with an SSL certificate, the technology authenticates the server and the
visitor and establishes an encryption method and a unique session key. Both parties can then begin a
secure session that guarantees message privacy and integrity.

163. Why is privacy a major concern for consumers? What are the measures taken by online
marketers to assuage such fears?
Answer :

Marketing research indicates privacy as one of the top concerns of many Internet users. Thanks to
cookies and spyware, software used to automatically collect data from Internet browsers, online
companies can track their customers' shopping and viewing habits., for instance, has
long employed sophisticated data collection systems to track customer preferences, and Google and
other search engines gather users' search terms as a way to better target the ads that provide their
revenue. The way companies use this technology has the potential both to make visits to the website
more convenient and to invade computer users' privacy.
Most consumers want assurances that any information they provide won't be sold to others without
their permission. In response to these concerns, online merchants take steps to protect consumer
information. For example, many Internet companies have signed on with Internet privacy
organizations such as TRUSTe. By displaying the TRUSTe logo on their websites, they indicate their
promise to disclose how they collect personal data and what they do with the information.
Prominently displaying a privacy policy is an effective way to build customers' trust.

164. List out the various Internet fraud issues that consumers and businesses face in e-marketing.

Answer :

Fraud is another impediment to the growth of e-business and e-marketing. One growing type of
Internet fraud is called phishing. It is a high-tech scam that uses email or pop-up messages that
claim to be from familiar businesses or organizations such as banks, Internet service providers, or
even government agencies. The message usually asks the reader to "update" or "validate" account
information, often stating that some dire consequence will occur if the reader doesn't respond. The
purpose of phishing is to get unsuspecting victims to disclose personal information such as credit
card numbers, bank account numbers, Social Security numbers, or computer passwords. Phishing is
also commonly used to distribute viruses and malicious spyware programs to computer users. In
vishing, the voice equivalent of phishing, an email or VoIP phone call requests the user to make a
phone call to a voice response system that asks for the caller's credit card number. The latest spin
on phishing is smishing, a scam delivered via text message.
Payment fraud is another growing problem for many e-marketers. Orders are placed online and paid
for using a credit card, and the retailer ships the merchandise. Then the cardholder asks the credit
card issuer for a chargeback to the e-tailer, claiming he or she never made the purchase or never
received the merchandise. Some claims are legitimate, but many involve fraud. Because an online
purchase doesn't require a customer's signature or credit card imprint, the merchant-not the card
issuer-bears the liability in most fraud cases.

165. How can e-marketers increase the sale of their products through their websites?

Answer :

E-marketers must meet buyers' expectations to attract and keep customers. Customers want to find
products easily and have questions answered quickly. Product reviews, shopping information, pop-up
discount offers, and instant messaging for customer questions can help online retailers to close
sales. Companies can also include three-dimensional product photos and video demonstrations on
their sites as better site design helps to increase the number of shoppers who actually buy what they
put in their shopping carts. Companies can also improve on the merchandise delivery and returns by
allowing customers to track orders from placement to delivery on their websites. They can also
implement the process of reverse logistics. Some companies provide detailed instructions on how to
return the merchandise, including preprinted shipping labels and even pay the shipping costs for

166. What are channel conflicts? Give an example describing how channel conflicts should be dealt

Answer :

Conflicts between producers, wholesalers, and retailers are called channel conflicts. Companies
spend time and money nurturing relationships with their partners. But when a manufacturer uses
the Internet to sell directly to customers, it can compete with its usual partners. Retailers often have
their own websites, so they don't want their suppliers competing with them for sales. As e-business
broadens its reach, producers must decide whether these relationships are more important than the
potential of selling directly on the Web.
Mattel, well known for producing toys such as Barbie, Cabbage Patch dolls, and Matchbox cars, sells
most of its products in toy stores and toy departments of other retailers such as Target and Walmart.
The company wants an Internet presence, but it would cut the retailers out of this important source
of revenue if it sold toys online to consumers. Mattel cannot afford to lose the goodwill and
purchasing power of major retailers such as Toys "R" Us, so the company sells only specialty
products online, including pricey American Girl dolls.

167. Describe how companies use the communication function of the Web in their marketing

Answer :

Contemporary marketers use the communication function of the Internet to advance their
organizational objectives. Companies have long used email to communicate with customers,
suppliers, and other partners. Firms also use email to inform customers about events such as new
products and special promotions.
In addition to email, many firms also use Internet forums, newsgroups, electronic bulletin boards,
and social networks that appeal to people with common interests. Members congregate online and
exchange views and information on topics of interest. Firms often use forums to ask questions and
exchange information with customers. Marketers can also step up to advertising on social
networking sites like Facebook, which offers a variety of ad-buying options.
Firms can also use mediums like blogs and podcasts in their e-business strategies. Of particular
interest to marketers are blogs that focus on new-technology products, because they can prove
effective at quickly forming public opinion.

168. Write a brief note on search marketing.

Answer :

Search marketing is considered one of the most effective forms of Web-based advertising.
Companies pay search engines fees to have their websites or ads pop up after a user enters certain
words into the search engine, or to make sure their firm's listing appears toward the top of the
search results. Google and other search engines now include "Sponsored Links" on the right side of
the search results page. A user who clicks on one of the sites listed under Sponsored Links is taken
to that site, and the company pays the search engine a small fee. Google and Microsoft among
others have made major investments in improving their search marketing services and capabilities.

169. What are the three primary steps involved in building a website?

Answer :

The first and the most important step in a website development process is
to decide on the company's objective for the website. Objectives also
determine the scope of the project. Other key decisions include whether to
a) create and maintain a site in-house or to contract with outside designers.
Naming the website is another important early step in the planning
process. A domain name should reflect the company and its products and
be easy to remember.
Implementing the goals of the site is the next stage, and content is one of
the most important factors in determining whether the visitors return to
the site. Many e-business websites try to distinguish themselves by
b) offering additional features. Standards for good content vary for every
site, but available resources should be relevant to viewers; easy to access
and understand; updated regularly; and written or displayed in a
compelling, entertaining way.
After making content decisions and designing the site, the next step is
connecting to the Internet by placing the required computer files on a
c) server. Companies can have their own dedicated Web servers or contract
to place their websites on servers at Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or
other host companies.

170. How does the measure of effectiveness of a website differ with type of the website?

Answer :

Measuring the effectiveness of the website often depends on the purpose of the website. Profitability
is relatively easy to measure in companies that generate revenues directly from online product
orders, advertising, or subscription sales. But for many companies, revenue is not a major website
objective. Most company websites are classified as corporate websites, not shopping sites, meaning
that firms use their sites to showcase their products and to offer information about their
organizations. For such companies, online success is measured by increased brand awareness and
brand loyalty, which presumably translates into greater profitability through offline transactions.


171. Match each definition to the corresponding term.



Your company is planning to launch a new online gaming website. Users will be able to
choose from a selection of over 100 games to play. You will earn revenue through the
membership fees you charge to users, and from advertising fees charged to companies that
want to place their ads in some of your games. You want to increase your chances of success
by launching the website in the country that has the most Internet users in the world. In
which one of the following countries should you launch your website?

(A) United States

(B) China

(C) Japan

(D) India

(E) Sweden

Answer : (B)


Your company is a direct competitor of Netflix, the online, movie-streaming service that
allows viewers to select a movie for viewing online whenever they want it. You noticed that
not all of Netflix's movies are available for online viewing immediately. For many of their
movies, the user has to request a DVD be mailed to them. Your company intends to exploit
this situation by making more movies available for immediate online viewing by users.
Which of the following e-marketing capabilities most closely describes what your company is
doing to exploit this opportunity?

(A) Global reach

(B) Personalization

(C) Right-time marketing

(D) Interactive marketing

(E) Integrated marketing

Answer : (C)


You recently joined a major retailing company as head of its Internet marketing strategies
group. Immediately, you started assessing the breadth and effectiveness of all elements of
the company's Internet presence to see which areas need immediate improvement. Your
initial conclusion is the company does a very good job of providing information via its
various websites, but it is extremely deficient in using its Internet presence to drive sales to
its customers. Which of the following actions should you take to remedy this situation?

(A) Enhance, overhaul and otherwise improve the company's marketing website.

(B) Enhance, overhaul and otherwise improve the company's corporate website.

(C) Enhance, overhaul and otherwise improve the company's weekly blog.

(D) Enhance, overhaul and otherwise improve the company's online learning management system.

(E) Enhance, overhaul and otherwise improve the company's email system.

Answer : (A)


You are head of supply chain management at a major manufacturing company. Over the last
few months, there have been some high-profile breakdowns in marketing and data
coordination between your company and different members of your supply chain. You are
meeting with the company's CEO to develop a strategy for preventing these breakdowns
going forward. The CEO has tasked you with developing an online means through which
your company can collaborate with its supply chain members more efficiently and

Which of following B2B tools would be most appropriate to address this issue?


(B) A virtual private network

(C) An extranet

(D) An intranet

(E) A private exchange

Answer : (E)

You and a couple of your college roommates have decided to launch an online business that
will sell college sweatshirts from colleges and universities around the world. Customers
would be able to logon to your site and see a full catalog of college sweatshirts emblazoned
with the name, logo and mascot of over 2,000 colleges and universities from all over the
Which of the following statements best describes the type of Internet presence your
company would have in order to sell these sweatshirts?

(A) An intranet

(B) An electronic storefront

(C) A blog

(D) A corporate website

(E) A private exchange

Answer : (B)


You just recently joined a pilot program offered by the Small Business Administration and
designed to assist individuals from certain demographic groups to establish e-commerce
businesses. You are excited to be a part of the program, and you are working hard to
develop your business idea. The program stipulates that your business idea must be a
business that sells products online. You have done extensive research into online buying
trends and you have selected the target market that you think represents the largest
number of online shoppers.

Which of the following statements best describes the target market that you have selected?

(A) Women under the age of 25

(B) Men between the ages 18 and 35

(C) Women between the ages 18 and 35

(D) Men between the ages 18 and 64

(E) Women between the ages 18 and 64

Answer : (E)


provide(s) a way to obtain a form of electronic identification and verifying

the buyer's identity with this software

(A) Electronic signatures

(B) Secure socket layers

(C) Encryption

(D) Extranets

(E) Intranets

Answer : (A)


Which of the following is the most widely used Internet function?

(A) E-business

(B) Entertainment

(C) Communication

(D) Information

(E) Travel planning

Answer : (C)

180. When assessing the effectiveness of a website, .

(A) marketers recognize that click-through rates are increasing

(B) engagement measures how many pages a user views

(C) conversion rate measures how much time users spend on sites

(D) revenue is not the major objective

(E) companies are not looking to increase brand loyalty

Answer : (D)


The Internet is mainly used for communication, information, purchases, social networking
and .

(A) online education

(B) blogging
(C) Streaming movies

(D) real estate transactions

(E) online gaming

Answer : (E)


Which of the following refers to connecting buyers and sellers electronically through
interactive computer systems?

(A) Electronic marketing


(C) Online marketing

(D) Virtual private networks

(E) Social media

Answer : (C)


Companies use which of the following primarily to increase their visibility and provide

(A) Company websites

(B) E-commerce

(C) Intranets

(D) E-marketing

(E) Marketing websites

Answer : (A)


The limitations of which of the following were overcome with the introduction of Web

(A) Marketing websites

(B) Intranets
(C) Extranets


(E) Virtual private networks

Answer : (D)


Online shopping has been influenced by the increased availability of .

(A) smart phones

(B) blogging sites

(C) digital signatures

(D) consumer education

(E) company websites

Answer : (A)


make up the majority of online shoppers.

(A) Businesses

(B) Teenagers

(C) Men

(D) Retired Baby Boomers

(E) Women

Answer : (E)

187. Online retailers normally provide directions on how to return merchandise when they deliver a
customer's order. This is called .

(A) supply chain management

(B) fulfillment

(C) reverse logistics

(D) logistics

(E) distribution

Answer : (C)


are tiny interactive applications that Internet users can copy and add to their
own pages to play music, video, or slide shows

(A) Pop-up ads

(B) Web services

(C) Podcasts

(D) Widgets

(E) Banner ads

Answer : (D)


With respect to building an effective web presence, .

(A) Internet merchants need to attract customers who conduct business on the spot

(B) success should mean the same thing to all businesses

(C) the scope of the project determines the objectives of the website

(D) a domain name should be catchy even if it is hard to remember

(E) the speed of the site will be the primary factor in whether people return to the site

Answer : (A)

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