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DocuSign Envelope lD: 9E4B677C-D3CD46B9-881A-C10945740538


Wellness Confirmation - Homebuyer(s)

As we ore oll trying to monoge through the COVID-L9 situation, we ask thot you onswer o few quick questions.
lf you connot check any of the following boxes,
please schedule a virtual tour with your KB Home Soles Counselor or Studio Consultont.

Today's Date
7 /L6/2020 Customer Name:
Marcos silva
1) Do you currently have COVID-19, have you been diagnosed with or tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or are
you awaiting test results?
No, ldonotcurrentlyhaveCOV|D-19. lhavenotbeendiagnosedwithortestedpositiveforCOVID-19inthepast14days.
I am not waiting for test results.
Additiana/ comment space: NA

2\ Do you currently have, or have you had any symptoms associated with COVID-19, such as any respiratory illness or cough,
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell in the past 14
NO. I have no symptoms associated with COVID-19, no respiratory illness, nor any of the above COVID-19 symptoms listed
on the CDC website.
Additional comment space: NA

3) lf you had any symptoms associated with COVID-19, such as any respiratory illness or cough, shortness of breath or
difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell in the past 14 days, have you had any
symptoms in the past three days?
NO. I have had no symptoms associated with COVID-19, including fever (without medication) and any of the above COVID-
19 symptoms listed on the CDC website have resolved for at least three days.
Additional comment space: NA

4) Are you, or anyone you have been in contact with, under any current advice to quarantine?
x NO, I am not, nor have I been in contact with anyone that is, under any current advice to quarantine
Additiona/ comment space: NA

5) Do you believe that in the previous 14 days you have been in contact with anyone you know has been diagnosed with or
tested positive for COVID-19, or with anyone displaying symptoms associated with COVID-19?
NO, I have no reason to believe that in the previous 1"4 days I have been in contact with anyone diagnosed with or tested
x positive for COVID-19 or displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
Additional comment space: NA

6) Have you, or have you been in contact with anyone who has, traveled internationally or to any high risk area, or been on
any cruise ship travel in the last 14 days?
NO, I have not, nor have I been in contact with anyone who has, recently travelled internationally, or to any high risk area,
or been on a cruise ship in the last 14 days.
Additional comment space: NA

7\ You have requested in-person touring or meeting for Studio selections instead of the option to tour or meet virtually. Are
you comfortable with in-person touring or meeting instead of meeting virtually?
X YES, I confirm that I am comfortable meeting in-person for touring or Studio selections instead of meeting virtually
Additional comment space: ya

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