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Ally McBeal 1x05 One Hundred Tears Away

Pay attention to the meaning of these words before watching the episode

 Ridged potato chips

 Ruffled potato chips

 Outfit: a set of clothes that are worn together. “I need a new outfit for the wedding.”

 To be on the verge of a nervous break- down

1) Answer the following questions

a) Describe the scene at the supermarket. Say as much as you can about it. (up
to 2:20)

b) According to Renne’s words: what was Ally supposed to buy at the

supermarket? A Roll of paper towels

c) What is the other problem the Ally faces at the police station? What does she
say in her defence? (04:30) They will suit her for robbery because of the
contraceptive jelly

d) Why does Renee want Ally to get a lawyer? (05:00) Because they want the
situation to be solved quickly and judges don’t like lawyers who represent

e) What is so strange about the judge? (08:00) That he takes the accused’ teeth
into consideration to pass sentence

f) Why is Elaine so excited? (08:40) Because she sold the facial bra

g) What has happened to Ally’s license? What are the following steps to get back?
(09:00) It has been cancelled. They will have to go to a board of judges

h) What does the board question? List the accusations (11:00) Ally’s mental
fitness. First, it has been the assault in the supermarket. Second, Professor
Dawson was a friend of one of the judges’ and he attended his funeral last
week and heard Ally’s speech which he describes as bizarre to say the least.
Third, there is a man who accuses Ally of a bothering him because of not
apologizing enough after accidentally bumping into her. Fourth, she presented
her dental records in court. She trips people in supermarket, she steals
spermicide jelly, she punches people on the street

i) What are people saying about Ally? (16:30) That she is shaky

j) What happened with Cheanie and the firm? (16:36) He left the firm. He took his
business elsewhere. He said that Ally punched him, that he couldn’t trust them
k) What does Richard think about Ally and Bill? (16:40) That she is still in love
with him and that he has seemed a bit tense since she got to the firm

l) Why does Renee want Ally to quit the firm? (17:30) because she thinks that Ally
is still love with Billy

m) What does the board say Elaine commented about Ally? (19:00) That she was
on the verge of a nervous break- down. She was like a rice crispy. She is
already snacked and crackle and she is caused to the final pop

n) What does Elaine state in order to claim that she not only likes Ally as a person
but also trusts her as a lawyer? (20:00) That she trusted her the patent of her
revolutionary invention to reduce aging: her face bra

o) Why does Elaine say she mentioned that Ally was on the verge of a nervous
break- down? (20:30)Because she likes being the centre of conversation.

p) Why does Ally sentence herself guilty? (25:20) Because she is human.
Therefore, she is temperamental.

q) What are Ally’s final remarks? How does she conclude? (30:40) She says that
she is sorry about her behavior at the supermarket and that she assumes she
has been under stress lately with her new job. However, she asks them to trust
her and the members of her firm to ensure that no matter what her personal
struggles might be the representation of their clients will never be

r) Who was the person who asked the board to investigate Ally? Why? (31:00)
Whipper. Because Ally had told Richard that Whipper had cheated on him

s) What does Bill say about Ally? (33:00) That Ally belongs to the kind of person
who is able to see the greys and that she will be doomed forever because of
that. That she is a woman who isn’t afraid of being emotional, she isn’t scared
of being weak and that she is tougher than anybody in that room. And that if
they suspend her license it is because they don’t know her.

t) Why does the board decide not to suspend her? (36:00) Because they don’t
want to see her or her friends again

u) Does Ally think Billy’s words helped during the hearing? (38:00) No, she doesn’t

2) Correct the dialogue between Renee and Ally (from 13:48 to 15:17)

A: It wasn’t supposed to feel like this. You become a lawyer, you get amazing
cases, you meet interesting men at the symphony. You are supposed to be able to
send your all life to the dry- cleaner’s and it is supposed to come back all pretty
and neat in a hanger. It wasn’t supposed to be like these, Renee.
R: I agree, I agree, but… Can we talk about this?
A: No
R: Ally, last month you danced with Billy. Does it have its name label on it?
A: Yes, that’s right what I am about to do. I am about to have an affair with other
married man. Are you ..? It was just that it was for sale.
R: I don’t mean this in a revolting way, but you are not a sexually spontaneous
person. You don’t even go to bed with a man at least you storyboard it first. This
means something. This has an intended. Who is he?
A: Even if you were fine, I don’t need to tell you.
R: I agree you don’t. No. But if you were gonna say me who is he.
A: Omar Shariff
R: Omar what?
A: Shariff. Omar Shariff. You don’t know who Omar Shariff it’s.
R: No
A: He is the man in “Funny Girl” who shows up at the stage doll. He is the guy who
just runs in from another world. The guy who, the guy who’s, who’s …looking for
my doll.
R: Ah… If they asked you about this at the hearing tomorrow, I don’t give any

This /no label
An insulting

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