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Te lnbus yoda 2 EMBEDDED S1sTEM jodute= * ens COMPONENTS pedded Ws qeneal Compating Ayslirm, claxt grosfor of embedded Ayslem , fot -appltcodi Ve ond purpose °t ES. ebemenk& of, pmbedded — Aysterp [Bleck Pfagiorn and Em eaplanatt onl» — blg blo prec and = cESC, Hoe | yord and —pegncelon , Beg and atte e mati, memee Crom and RPM endfor apes) Censete, Aclirolets, Opto Coup lee » communtcediion trten| cee (32c, < PT, teDA » | puetooth, w-Lep , Fg bee only ) Embedded Syslere san clecbrovu [ele | cme wehanicad = Ayston desfgmed te penppem 0 puerta punter amd Boa Lombination of hardware and Spt e ( tumour) Evecy embed ed) one Wy stem B Wutque cond © they Becoming an Pneuttable ped of any product | stirs | fA general purpose Computer” | Systen £3 oohat yore thenk of, when | Gomeone Souys the eed "Compal" the | Hering folie of 4 genera puapese Ompuls that = GF ca We scowl - | Equa foe Tee pur pase. — Od ual Compulec dyslem 2 Compulia thapyy ee built ound t "Pus pare feke enti, Amp-A - Series , procersee deikitop » Pca and = Aouplops . St fy A8ke P detgesd fo Suppect mulbiple perdphon -as he = UB poth,, «WIFI, vedo ports ele. We Can YUN Louge nuncber of eo app LEcodfons Shs wok a port af larg slim. A the system Eel . Embedded Systere , as appears wom =k pare, Sb x port of begga. sys , 0 Compas shied 3G one eueetfon CR a tutte Sib of jumttions) thet Controls, mentors ot tnleqets with —Larigen sys Ahh axtomptive, sebet?s, heme apploanter & MELB tors applications, fecex S$ DUD playa The only Frtea|jace wo dbspati Steen ond umole EO desPgned © speoe ~ffeattg fee decod Eng dPgPtal wldeo & 4 J y , VEdeo Signed ws output fet TV ef aR ploy Green. rhew heue vey teguct - ‘ComhaPutk . @.° Atge 1 performance, memety , ‘pee “ and aes -beiehy. alo an &mbedder| ayslerm wequtred © frm Corer So duspond Pr meal = ott tt you dort ant” ou brake sto perl ° of ler press the pedal by a Couple 4 Seeo Ws fe eae” EE ty jpclet Power ‘onsurmap for} Pus ponse Ente lample ‘pAppltcalton ‘ane x application owe pertopr, Laplops — Mevrowav es, — eon ok aan (compartien eh general prapere — Conpulae | and Embedded Syctern | aaa General prepare E f a | mbedelec| systena gett [98 Cmbtetin | SEB Combtabtn| oh hondwone, S oftwooe | h SpecFad putpose 6 @ genual Purpose | hoadware 6 { opurating System tmbedded opens erection venta” Ay SIAC foe execu |) appl tiation . opoating kD has qentnal € may nm si paipere ep ae 9 not hove crea Syslena” “Aysten. Changeable by user | not chon gentle by User " perfecmeuice”” is |v pplication Spe ea fevclon - bt ec " i key / pactet mote | te, qenaaally ave battery ‘| | opiate Net cf cal St % omftfcal ln So we capplecalin | — | ° pecsonal conmpuler » | Aby Condltttonen mepae | dutomob'le | | | quale ) P west oy _ —_ pohele Andoofd and Ifnax “ove eelatiye | “ly new to the Seis the ~ Concept of. on embedded opercolung, Sys Bad accent o| a developrunt as tougut fy fact > the hestoe o{ Embedeled (omy dats bach 6 the 1960's. Aadvameer Pp Ceyrteonduclet - and ‘nanctechnotogyy end IT sevelution gave way’ fe the dew Cloprnent mintalinve ——- embedloledf ‘bys, the peat surogutzed embed eal syslom Be "Bpollo GuFdance Comp euler! developed by MIT Jeb. Atic was destq ned on Uk weeds, 4. Rom ond 256 weeds of RAM. The clock- —frequamey, of Drat mePenechtp Wed = Pp A bag wos 1094 MHZ. the Computing unt of ACic Cone? br 4 yo4 Pnstruction” and bet wee al Lo4,6e . Swed S000 ges. The UT Age us known Dsky CoFs play ! keeybooud ) wlth wesermbles a galatatag pe pad » oft qwooy of numerals , wt yl mass Produced pp mbrelded slim 00s guidance Compu fee the MEnateman -T mesctle fr 1961, —- ee ts Trost teetion of Embedded System a 2 based “op following ceP ben Pag jp on qenecal on le om Canplentty and pefemarce [oo DeleomPnPet fe — Rehan Fou jo on Tabqyertng 4, Bed on trenerolion ; | 4. Feast Generel? on (At) 3 Bulle anound @ bt | mfowprocernct and — mecxotonboller. Ample fp | nod Coane cPreukt and fPrmeooot developed. | gyamples ¢ dég that telephone keupods (a Segond qerenotion (9%) 3 Buret onond 16 bt 2p and $ bPL wo. They om more | comp a encl powerful than It tp g - Ue, , | tamplys scrof Systems 3 Third qerunation (37) ¢ Bulli cround 39 bf. “pand 6 bet to Concept tthe fyrlal Atonal processors Ppplication Apece gre theyetzl ckte (PsTcs) evolved. ‘ample ¢ aebetics, Medéa ele 4 Fouseth generodion (yo) ¢ Burlt cnound 64 bet ap ond 39 brr ste Th loncspt of, Auden on cht ps (soe) » Mutt fcete paca Lostsed ittg nly complley and Vet | Peusenkd on © gmont proms = — oO 04 B Based-.on Comphul?ly” and perpeemance ¢ A. Amall- scole - sfmpte fn appAteatton Deed perfoemance “pst time - cated. bull axouny Jow perfpemane and = how coat 8 or | lo bre mop f Ale. example § clechoute toy 2 Nadfum- Scode HME gucttiy tompler fu hordwon and pPemooare augqubyemunt . Butt extound = mau prfsemanee and Low tot 16 ot 32 bet up /uec. ually Conta | | ep roting System cna mple 5 Fusluitat al: mobicne 3 dooge - Seale ; . Wbguety Comp Lex uoaduoasy 5) 4Pamnuoane babs ta 38 ee bb bib | Rice JLp| Me ee PLDs e# mulbPcese peo | euample 5 MesFon aa tod Opplteatfont. Real | time operating Sy stems | The classt ffeat? on ft appl Potato por | “Real tira” Aysteins . Embedded Ayslenrs, fr wh&th Lome Apeetl ec wok has be | | bo done in @ Speck pec me putod | ow CoUled — sual- time Ayslems . the. =|Fosed on Delameneetic Behavfoun ¢ ° task execution — behavtouy ce an — embed | system mag be detamintctic &. nen dutta nb atstte - Bomd on eyeud ou | ro po four Hime embed: Ayslarmn ona) d trlo = Hand and Soft, fons fdex a use that hat 15 cp vee Fie, 30 mllfongeconds shen thy fhumPelat e va poitiatan —thnsald th, B net spud —wPthn bo thiton 4 nds, a fowl m OU. Auch lemma To weer dead - i ome old 1 hea viet tive Sy clerins, pased on Taf wing ¢ embedded ystems wohich an " Readiive” un yale = Ca be bared on eggeeie . yuactive Jy stems con be ewent higgued, ame taiggeud. App Li cations of Embedoled Sys tem embedded Ayslern fend nuMmeous applicators fr Nosfous pealds Auch “08 dl4Etol eleobontcs., selecommumications, comp culing | Tabwonk, Amoxt Conds, Stolleteir Systeme» ne At toey defence 4yslem equip stent , yagoarch Sy slem equipment and loom. The applfeodton ostar and tw Ploducks uf lta embedded — Lomatns oe coumtlers L Embeddeel sysleru ‘in {de tlecommunf cottons 6 _ I. Mole ond Duke conhol syste + | Dead eee ean aes or gobeky ~~ —_ Automobiles x | Embeddeol xyslems fn consumer Eleehonte, & hy ra = MM (on j —~ ai reurl feed’ a on |» (nlatainae accers , Rebeties J cayy FM ina, wotraleas Commantcalten » Ati -locg Oe ayslem, tngene Conta of , belephsn ae phones telephone Awtiches te i Enbedded * systems fo smort Conds, mfcth, ond Stoullétes ¢ Securttg system telephone and Pankling depemce ond OLROS PACE , Communtcahon Embedded systems Po peetphuals and Compuly qokweekfna 3 f phiplous and morfler, nebecockung System, Image paocenttng , wekworle. Cords aud prtalefs Scannn, qgawkng cooler , solar and Ruftehes > dete? tal. Condes» et top bon et » hla | | def? nF t€on TVS 5 DVD &.,- Cmcorelens j Embedded ayctem #7 Household Apter washing machfne, aefePaclar, Att cond? fon&r, Hoo woxrme, mPorowa ve Apelricles. Embedded ayslmm Th Health Coxe 8 E€G [ stecho- encephalo- yam J | Ema f clecho. myo - geaphy J | EC f elecho- ceudito — raph, aa c _— ated - ct [ compuler Tomogeep hy J MRI [ mogrbic ter rane mohing) | ) a on gach embedolod syslim & duitgned te git the = Prpose —of. any one eta jmb?nation f peltowing task. 1. pal collection » oate CommumEcalion + pate ($eqnal) plocersEng 4 monftorkng 5: control $ ppplicodk’on Speck hc User Enlerface pala Collection / stoeage | Reproreritation ¢ Embedded , Ayslern deségnad hoor exomple | pups — of data cottectfon peefoems | sequeshton of dots — gom the eveanal wetld. data can be ocfther ext, vofce, -Finog e eleckrteal g - pate collection | Yneout olone foe Ststage » analyses, | “anfpuledion and Wanimfssfon. date on be “tal « deggtal . : ot 1 4 pth analog data mb dided h Tams wi t tain te edges toltect tale toatl ap: het yom of analog BPgn whereas M andded systems we th deers on et the a collection k rnechanfam r oak seanal vb ‘ir 5 dey Lal ton veers - thy! on B — dfgetad a can be dbvectty. option’ by PE embedded — sysltin, Captus Bb 2 typiced evample A ateftal — camera an embded finagee cue coptitind ¢ Hy captured Frnage mq dy Stored. Cemmuneatfo Embedded date commumfeaffon Ayslerns on deueloped fn opplicoddons — feorn , >|Pala Compleat ° Aofell@le — communkeatton te simple — home —Peteoeeking —Ayclern . The toanamissfon of date 2 achhued efthey o were line medfum oy by a Ube Jes medfarm. whaler modules - Bluetooth , wt-FL utre-tine modules Use . netwoxk hues, sxoultas » swetches are examples 44 dedPealed dale ranaméssFen — embedtaled Ay sli FA dota CSzqnol) proce? ng ¢ The date collected by unbedded fysim may be used foe varFous kindi| oh Sijnat phocentng . A d2yelal heasEnc afd fs a Yypel — ereimple 4 a0 i arbkdded — System emp Loytn date | processing . Fmp coves eaetng Cop ably 4 | eosin g Empafyed person . { u —snaMg 8 ¥puonthoatng ° All enna product fer, fng anda a4 odital omatn are. mee , we th Mont tet &ng gunrctions Ueeho Card éogeam machine | gatended to do thy monPtseting of the tent sjcartbeat — of pa hid ceanne firpee onl over the heartbeat ; | 2 Othe ec vompler wrth Vea) ferction ary gftad ae bgt ta MULE? meter | ond Vege ayaly gers - a Control ° | dded ge Austen wets conbetig yuncté enolitces — Fmpoge Control oven dome’ i vorfables a 9 te the Prpul Voeiahles 1p Aysler —estty controlled functionalPher ‘Gontafns both Sensors “and — aoltiatary. | sertors one Connecked — te Enput part fot Gop tring the Chongs By gy \Eron mental | vatfable ond the aduatey Connected te Lhe output pect ane Controlled — gevee | 45 te changes Pa Fnput Voxel | wonple 2 Control Purpose | aa » Applicadton Speckle tres g, intalace § Bulfons » switches s keypad 1 Lohts , bells, Aesptoy wis 8 am —applicattou Bealee wer Pulopaces. trobite phone on erounp Le of epplicat sn Apeokh Fe Ly Enterface. in mobPle phene user Inkifae eortded trough keyboard._| ipa Bp wie ey | | i | | TT J wetnable dewtces $ ' nnovedive — bondéng of ihe ¢ te | we th ot eed fechnoleg Per the waiple | i embedded technelegees | Ay stem ushech hy enceeporoled fn te acceec fos . ¥ wearable Fechnelogy envistont the bonding of embedded techrslog ar ta Lo | out day do day Aepa an es Jeli a nw démerfon te fushfon ond tepeskyle ¥ Gt Koop wx alway Connectid & alerkd | weth — thfngs —wh¥ch_— we Oke mest tnlesbod. in enecal eracable deubeo — Facluder ap omladded Conbolle. whch act a8 mater | brain 4 the nit . € Pp werelex Communttabon Suche a fet y atosle dats | yoree commun cation wip other eltetronEc ——gyslem = kw Smaut phone | laptops ele . ¥ consfdectna. example of Sat water} vohech act, as " neemal watch and at Cami tem has burch of Sensors embedded fh to te to Keep track of warfous pene achilles, : ¥ Td woasable & @ wvtst pased mrenifal with Sensers that tell ws P{ exe Acie been wool ting enough AleepPng and eating wg reayg 1 Stesyiing eut feo “, fn ond ft track a whole A atny a3 yeu Com | woe a, to keep i 4 as Shap petrvelg traclen \VPtad MD Nfle2 Fh Rabeyslerp - fy Peeelo ~rmotee , AltPrmelas~ D¥splay FE98 tPlnes® — ackivere tracker’ Armaet watch | an embedded procernetl Intencete a CLke ARM ) vil att 8 mal conholle unely iwhfch prlerfaces vtth the on-bsaid subsuclame Rho quot modeler soho Keep toacls of the youtous “{finess. ack?vites amd reed tho | vital aes wireless — Commuanf catPon Jen ile oth fet eAtoblishin, Gmmunicaion ad 8th an Pabeahactng’. doutco Ike tnesbnon | Tablet. the ladoreaten _funettonasiter hb fplomened theugh MEMS 3-D accelero | rm Seno eq Lisa » fom st micro, | devout) + in ALE Praelis | Bono moloy Senfet con be Wed fp todeiig tte rambo 4 tlooms — Ufimbed. tte = heart nab oo t _— oO Frpleme mouk foe Pn femetionaley dy : iy the d Lonbfination ' cur ieee oe Ay presure — dentet et — E [eco 4 | a a Analog gent mal oe erg. Analog dou? ces AD 333 AFE chip hee SPqual Condé #eutng : ry wading® & fe Steee, : on Nidume. oh ray tentam , | geutce, the devéce foo Kilo {us maqargler fart memetq an Utha ~toce pours Blue foo th Forvcotver — & wed fe" extn ptleshury a potowless fommunfcalion — Enteeface with — Sts dev? ce ond ck Com folk fo othe periph ~ols eR standagd Bluctooth | profiles teks (5PP, mar, ptt) | £ Lemenls of & mbedlded System an ebbedded Ayslero CgpFeally Conetste of | peoceser, memety, Enpud [out pt pote ) Seokal 4 | Communtcedion perl 03 Shovon hu pee S mfLop ie pependéig fo the the — procersce a Single cusp Tanta wleeh ac o maske beatin of te Syslero «| he conbwllee may be a —rfueprocesre’ , mfeeooorbroll ee, FPG fr + DSP & oh ASIC. the Gommon — ter treks face Frput — dleut ce tnclude —brigboeads. pushbutton Suuftcher de, Common Wer Finterjacre lp douteer Pruleele ben's, bugges ele + embedded Aor polos fr an outomatttcealy a he Pth he amex me (dance — wlth ae rian “a, pot _ a fofstmedton a peconet S€qnod ie fon. The ae nde and Petsrms “Some M gned ope2ection, weth the pet wore embedded fn the holp en cl gh cnc Sancls te wat aren co the sutput pert gach Embedded Syste ! Embedded | ccadt yslem oe de applications Speck Pe mr os ond a UAL ne a ae Cote. The cone of, vbiddet stem falls Pnf ange}, tha fetter elgntes $ . aa purpose Vand demain spect a) micnopeccemors B) mica e-centooll er cr digas sEqned protesting \ LMiptecion Specee tntgpated cbt (1530) " Pepemmedie loge dove, ( pLp!s) + Commeredt off the Shelf componenks ( tots) Almost — Boe[a of the embedded Aryl We peocener! conholles bared the procestot | Ney be mEuoprocesct ot mfeuo ‘onbsoller er Leal «Syne proceso eo on the domain and applica: . ey add System fhdustial to eb and — monttoetng applicators make ue | qworlable mFerepeocesset and —mfozoconhollen. whwad dlemavins, ehh weal ; : Buch as Apeech — cedl?ng, pee cit ai role uk of atyit Sana pooner, MEcLopnoccersors $ f — mfowpaccesse? has all the functional . Component 0, CPO" on Stale Elon hep : destoned utrg — mfcroelecbontcs Feohnolegg. the main —puspere of mi cropectenor 1 oad : data, désplay the results for feather Fnyesticpadton. The pogams — used the mEaopsocerser ae Sered fh the «mass g dwwfce cnd focatsd fate Rem ay he we gies He Command. ~ mEteepeo ~ceeriy Bo dependent un and Aoguires Omb? nal noedwote LPke momot, time. unit and tabavapt “Conholler. * us Developers of mforep 00%. 2 Thiet - Stel 4006- Nlowe mbes §ntel - trl youn Entel -1ntd 4008 - Apel 1999 Inked - Toke g080 - pipet! 994 cy-pep)’ § Motovol a - Motécola 6806 Intel - Entel foes — 196 (9H “4g Ledog - 180 - fly (446 a = Korrenoconlsollens § / oS | FA mlcxeconhtle LEED b woes | supestot | nee | andl ¢ bt Another -u wed | tien yeh fr ld chip that eontarty ra ram, Apeckal and ve progam Ateage, time and Snterrups- | ve 1 ‘wnits ond dedtceted aly poeta . 3 instrament T™S 1000 8s ConsPderod ca weelds pout mf erotonheiler. - dome guapin4 fomptationol needs demand ig lsa kp (agtollera T4032 Exthumentr ts 1000 dy “ad System applfcodion suquire | only ¢ oft controllers usheneas 4orme | fnxditimenty TME 100 woed.ds ful mécrocontooll er - Intel gous ky ned oA | ft come oak wth fuul dean | mulled —_qpphfcatfon pre — Controller, | anafe-ctivu oth Nie the eee tha “hip arb gupxe ppd 4 ™ Chip aay sae the peodluect duseep ment time . a SE oh + qhle Saleqca scaaten genera) Pus pore arrays , en chfp Romi FLASH mremee a CPL, Aupertor ‘Pefeemance anol ds flout Mfvrocontrller some embedd amqutring peajeemance ——eenal computetfonal demand 16/22 APE Gontrollene.- Texas pbouat mfvvoconboller. wventuell m£ucocontroller domain - 9051. Ermpectant — gamtly ‘of mfaoconte in fnduetreal ©. contol and miroché p Lichnotogtes Acteml érsbuctfon bus, thene Separale purer ellous one thstuction 5 ewoouls ushEle Nhe ret Enshuctin 2 betuned tu dale ee omd am pptehng cee Semuttanouly This allows muth jos” | @recufion Ran Van Neen an acchitealigs | bat taddetfonal = racdarree fogic is t \- ¢ companion of jes oprocesset bap seltcon chfp sopresenting cry which 3 capable of peeeming —efy-th matic 6 Logecal opasoions ac|- 4p peedeffhed Ack ob Pnstuct? ons Det & a dependent unk -/Ceombinatfon 4 other eis & required) P Gonecad Pur pore q destang operat? on PTargettd fee tagn ond marble > Lim? ued pouse. faving op tions mcoprocenot and rn frotonbal) ufewoconholl er | 3Pn Ic that Contains - CpUr RAMLROM 1 4mex, ” | Prierupt contre} writ and dedfcalad Tlo pos L, tk B Aelb contatned wnt (combPratton of ather | chp, % not required ) Ls ppphecotion ovlented ot domain Speck fc Ly Targeted poe embedlcle mortkele b det of power Aaving pealitces becuxe deck oa ecigueel Alon are heuman L Two dthferont processes | controllee are miccopsocerree | miuocontyolles toxed archfteclinn — hare Acporrote dole lw & tured as Haevoed anchitectuse on Ffasvaad

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