Review On Credible Internet Sites Related To Security Issues - Edited

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Cloud Computing Security- Definition and Overview

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Why Sumo Logic Internet Site?

Information and data security is essential in the internet of things era and can have

adverse effects if not properly guarded. My go-to website for answering this fundamental issue

about information security is Sumo Logic Inc. This machine data analytics firm with a cloud-

based approach focuses on use cases in operations, security, and business analytics. The fact that

its virtualized, inter architecture allows customers to make data-driven judgments and reduces

the time required to look into security and operational issues explains why I chose to use this


Overview of cloud computing security

Cloud computing denotes the supply of computer system assets, such as software, data

storage, virtual machines, and processing power over the internet. Cloud service suppliers who

own and maintain the IT infrastructure, including networking software and hardware, and

computers required to offer on-demand computing resources to their clients sell and manage

cloud computing services (Sumo Logic, n.d.). In addition, the idea of an "hosted application" is

essential to cloud computing since it enables the deployment of applications on a cloud service

provider's servers, which users can access online.


Types of Cloud Computing Environments

The establishment of new cloud computing architectures, each representing unlike

approach to implementing hosted cloud service applications, results from the rising acceptance

of cloud computing in enterprise information technology environments. First, hybrid cloud

systems are perfect for businesses that need to host some apps and data in private clouds to

protect data security but also want to take advantage of the cost savings associated with public

cloud adoption for less critical applications (Sumo Logic, n.d.). Second, a cloud service provider

like Amazon Web Services owns and manages public cloud computing security, and only one

business owns and uses its infrastructure. Its operations are kept on a closed network inaccessible

to outsiders.

Cloud computing's importance to businesses

A corporation can profit from cloud computing in several ways, including lower initial

information technology costs, faster implementation, greater deployment flexibility, and reduced

information labor costs because there are no ongoing expenses after the first purchase of cloud

computing services (Sumo Logic, n.d.). Lastly, cloud computing service providers provide

reliable computing infrastructures with built-in redundancies that may ensure almost 100% up-

time for your business applications, ensuring availability and dependability.


Reference List

Sumo Logic. (n.d.). Cloud computing security - Definition & Overview.


Why DataGuard Internet Site?

In response to this topic, which is crucial to the modern era of security because it

encompasses more than just technology, I chose DataGuard. This amazing website provides a

variety of IT security solutions. According to the company's website, they assist customers and

users in processing and monetizing data in a way that is open and fully compliant with the most

recent solutions. They also claim to have a team of industry experts on staff (DataGuard, n.d.).

Besides, I picked this website due to how carefully and comprehensively they looked at this

important IT issue.

The Importance of Information Security

The necessity to protect the vast amount of private information—such as trade secrets,

personal information, and official secrets—that businesses collect has led to hiring information

security specialists. Without information security, consumers and enterprises risk legal

repercussions, operational difficulties, and financial loss (DataGuard, n.d.). Therefore,

enterprises are forced to turn to information security, which has become crucial in this age of the

Internet of Things, to protect such sensitive data.

First off, there are numerous risks to information security today, including viruses,

worms, data extortion, intellectual property theft, equipment theft, and identity theft. For

instance, ransomware has evolved into a genuine danger where hackers block access to data or

threaten to make it public until they receive a predetermined sum of money. Second, a high level

of information security must be maintained to combat state-sponsored hackers (a new type of

cyberattack) (DataGuard, n.d.). Third, government financial hackers are increasingly interfering

with the affairs of other nations. For instance, in 2020, thousands of US firms were compromised

for more than 8 or 9 months by hackers working for Russia.

Thirdly, the expense of a data breach forces the need for information security because

there are many security breaches, all of which can be expensive. As a result, the need to adhere

to security standards is required to avoid penalties and permanent or temporary restrictions on

data processing and collection. Fourth, information security measures are the only way to limit

the use of software and sensors for internet connections in the IoT era susceptible to cyberattacks

(DataGuard, n.d.). Finally, information security is becoming increasingly important and relevant

as cyberattacks become more sophisticated since hackers are now aware of such technological


Reference List

DataGuard, (n.d.). Why information security is important?

What Is Data Encryption: Types, Algorithms, Techniques, and Methods

Why Simplilearn Internet Site?

I choose the Simplilearn website to respond to this critical information security topic. I chose

this website because it gives people and businesses the tools they need to succeed in the quickly

developing digital economy. It provides online training emphasizing outcomes for various recent

and emerging digital technologies, including Machine Learning, Big Data, AI, cyber security,

and Cloud Computing. Additionally, it is a recognized supplier of certification training.

Data Encryption: Types, algorithms, techniques, and methods

Every organization needs encryption today because it allows them to safeguard sensitive

information by converting it to ciphertext, which cannot be deciphered without an encryption

key. Furthermore, if another individual or organization accesses encrypted data without

authorization, it seems messy or unintelligible (Simplilearn, 2022). Therefore, data encryption is

a necessary instrument whose importance cannot be understated because its goal is to protect the

integrity of one's data. Since numerous encryption techniques are accessible, the decision of

which method to choose is based on several criteria.

The Workings of Data Encryption

Notably, data designated for encryption is referred to as plaintext and must be transmitted

via one or more encryption methods, each having a different application and security level

(Simplilearn, 2022). The plaintext is converted into an encrypted piece of data known as

ciphertext through the specific key and the encryption algorithm. In addition to the methods, a

user must have an encryption key. The ciphertext is sent rather than the plaintext if a user shares

the encrypted data.

Why is it necessary to encrypt data?

According to Simplilearn (2022), the primary goals of data encryption are security and

privacy because only a person with the correct encryption key and algorithm can read a

ciphertext. Another justification for the significance of data encryption is authentication. Having

data encrypted eliminates this problem because counterfeit websites are becoming more

prevalent. The third justification for the importance of encryption is security. Only the intended

recipient can decipher a ciphertext because they have the appropriate encryption key and

algorithm. Finally, because it is a legal duty, firms must abide by compliance rules set forth by

organizations like HIPAA and the GDPR.

Methods for Data Encryption

Various data encryption techniques are accessible, including hashing, symmetric

encryption methods, and other alternatives. The sender and receiver must share the same

encryption key to decrypt the message using the symmetric encryption technique, also known as

private cryptography (Simplilearn, 2022). Two encryption keys—a private key and a public key

—that are algorithmically linked are used in asymmetric encryption.

What an encryption algorithm is

Information is transformed into ciphertext using encryption methods. Data can be altered

predictably by an algorithm using the encryption key, making the encrypted data appear random,

yet, the encrypted data can be decrypted and returned to plaintext using the decryption key

(Simplilearn, 2022). Triple DES, AES, RSA, Twofish, and other top encryption algorithms are

only a few examples.

Reference List

Simplilearn, (2022). What Is Data Encryption: Types, Algorithms, Techniques and Methods.

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