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Departamento de Inglés

Teacher Calixto González J.

Giving characterictics
(8vo Básico)

Name: __Martina Pino_________________________________________ Date:

_______________, 2021

When there are two or more adjectives in a sentence, they usually go in the
following order:
Determiner Opinion Siz Age Shap Color Origin Materia Purpos
e e l e
three funny red plastic sleeping bags
this interesting moder American idea
a big round brown wooden table

1. Are the adjectives in the natural order? Put a  next to the right ones and a
 next to the wrong ones.

a.- a big red book.

b.- a red big book.
c.- a French green book.
d.- a beautiful green Italian scarf.
e.- a little green man.
f.- the German small town.

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Jack hid in the … box. b) nice little blond
a) lbig brown square c) nice blond little
b) brown square big 5. Mrs. Jones is a/an … lady.
c) big square brown a) arrogant old English
b) old arrogant English
2. The cook is using … knife. c) English old arrogant
a) a sharp long metal
b) a long metal sharp 6. The gardener uses a/an … can.
c) a long sharp metal a) big useful orange watering
b) useful big orange watering
3. It’s a jar full of … coins. c) orange big useful watering
a) many golden round bright
b) many bright round Golden 7. … bunnies are playing outside.
c) bright many golden round a) cute small two white
b) two small cute white
4. Your cousin is a … boy. c) two cute small white
a) little nice blond
Departamento de Inglés
Teacher Calixto González J.

8. She is wearing a/an … ring. b) big expensive diamond

a) diamond expensive big c) expensive big diamond

3. Place the adjectives in the correct order before the noun. Use a suitable
determiner (a, an, some, the) at the beginning.

1. round, small, reading, lamp A small round reading lamp

2. German, old, yellow, car the old yellow German car

3. wooden, huge, sailing, ship A huge wooden sailing ship

4. physics, boring, old, teacher the boring old physics teacher

5. slim, Canadian, handsome, snowboarder an handsome slim Canadian snowboarder

6. sugar, blue, round, bowl a sugar round blue bowl

7. new, French, two, bicycles, racing the two new French racing bicycles

8. woman, young, an, Vietnamese, an young woman Vietnamese

Preference Verbs.
4. Complete the sentences with the verb that expresses Like or Dislike,
depending on the number of “×” or “ ”.

a. I _dislike______________ (×××) spiders.

b. Dogs ___love____________ ( ) playing with balls.

c. My parents doesn’t like____________ ( ×) being cold.

d. I _don’t like ______________ (××) bees.

e. You _love______________ ( ) playing cards.

f. They _like______________ ( ) spinach.

g. Pete and John _like______________ ( ) writing essays.

h. Teachers _hate______________ (××××) noisy students.

5. Complete the sentences using Nouns or Verb in brackets.

a. I like _animals____ (animals). b. I enjoy __watching ___(watch) TV.

Departamento de Inglés
Teacher Calixto González J.

c. They love _chocolate__ (chocolate). f. Cats hate

d. My brothers prefer _playing (play) _cucumbers______________

football. (cucumbers).

g. You don’t like

dancing_______________ (dance).

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