Ece 532 - Field Experience

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Julia Chiango

ECE 532

Dr. Ferraro

10 August 2023

2023 Summer Field Experience

In the Summer of 2023, I worked ESY, extended school year, for the Haverford School

District. Specifically, I was placed in Haverford Middle School working with Autistic Support

high schoolers. A typical day in the classroom consisted of improving math and ELA skills,

social skills, independent work regarding job skills, and brain breaks. Examples of their math

and ELA activities were practicing time on an analog clock and answering comprehension

questions based on a passage. Social skills were being monitored by interactions while playing

groups games and daily observations. Their independent work of job skills consisted of

completing and answering questions about applications and other paperwork used in adulthood.

Lastly, brain breaks included walks around the track, interactive games, and sensory bin time.

Though students were usually able to complete their work independently, I would assist them

with corrections or any confusion with assignments.

During ESY, the students’ favorite part of the day was anytime they were able to move

and be creative. Movement and hands on activities were among the most engaging with the

students. These activities included walks, group games, and meeting up with other classes, and

cooking. When taking a poll of the best activities of ESY, the students chose our “dirt pudding”

cooking activity. The “dirt pudding” activity touches upon collaboration, life skills, and the arts.

The arts (theatre, visual arts, music, and health/movement) are a very important aspect to
integrate into education for many reasons. The arts promote development in problem-solving,

motor skills, language skills, social-emotional skills, decision-making, and health and wellness.

In the “dirt pudding” activity, students sat around the table while the teacher explained

what they are going to and how to handle each ingredient and kitchen tool. She also explained

they will need these cooking skills as they get older. With each step of the recipe, each student

took a turn selecting the tools, adding the ingredients, mixing, and plating. With each step, the

students became intensely engaged. When the food was plated, students passed out utensil and

they all sat together eating their creation. The assessment of the class was teacher observation

and a survey of students’ thoughts. Some observations I noticed was how entranced and eager

students were during the cooking activity. Each student would offer to do a job before being

asked. I have integrated cooking activities with a variety of grade levels and each time the

students claim it to be their favorite. Overall, I believe this cooking experience was beneficial for

students’ life skills as well as was a positive memory created in the classroom.

 Standard - 11.2.12.B : Evaluate the effectiveness of action plans that integrate personal,

work, family, and community responsibilities.

 Standard - 11.2.12.C : Analyze teamwork and leadership skills and their application in

various family and work situations.

 Standard - 16.2.K.A1 : Interact with peers and adults in a socially acceptable manner.

 Standard - 10.5.1.C1 : Use tools with control and skill to perform tasks.

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