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Royal Wedding 2018

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When was the

royal wedding
Prince Harry and Meghan
Markle married on May 19, 2018.
The couple’s decision to wed on a
Saturday went against tradition, as
royal weddings usually take place on
a weekday. The Duke and Duchess
of Cambridge wed on a Friday and
the Queen on a Thursday.

On the morning of the wedding it was announced that the Queen has conferred a Dukedom on
Prince Henry of Wales. His titles will be Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel.
Prince Harry is thus His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, and Markle has become Her Royal
Highness The Duchess of Sussex.

The invitations follow many years of royal tradition and were made by Barnard Westwood. Using
American ink on English card, each invite was printed in gold and black, then burnished to bring
out the shine, and gilded around the edge. The three-feathered badge of the Prince of Wales was
given pride of place in the centre.

Where did the royal wedding 2018 take place?

The marriage of Prince Harry and Markle took place in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle at
12pm. They became the 16th royal couple to celebrate their marriage at Windsor Castle since
1863. The Queen granted permission for the ceremony to be held in the place of worship, which
seats approximately 800, and core aspects of the wedding, including the service, music, flowers,
decorations and reception, were paid for by the royal family. One week prior to the ceremony, the
Queen signed the Instrument of Consent - the official document granting her grandson permission
to marry his fiancé.

1. What do you think about enter the Royal family means? Is it a privilege or a burden?
2. Would you like to be the bride/groom? Why?
3. What are some privileges and some duties you think a princess might have?
4. Do you think it was easy to the Prince to choose his bride? Why? Why not?
5. What about the media? Do you think it`s a good or bad thing?

Look at the graphic of the succession line to British throne:

Who is the first in the line? _____________________________________

Who is the second? ___________________________________________

Who is the most probable next King/Queen of England in your opinion? Why?


The graphic is incomplete, who is missing? ________________________________________________________

How the missing members affect the succession line? ________________________________________________

What you think some of Princess` duties include?



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