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Source Page Source & Page Year Monster Appearing AC Move HD Lair Type AL Special Abilities
TD#29 p37 1979 Adaro 1 14/21 70hp Travel by rainbow and sunshower. Flying fish missile causes
TD#29 37 unconsciousness, and ultimately death. Fighter9, wizard10.
GH p31 1975 Aerial Servant 1 2 /72 8, 12, 16 Nil Nil -- Returns target to caster. Surprises 1-4. Can carry 500 lbs, only 18 strength
GH 31 can break free. 1d6+1 damage. Whirlwind sweeps away foe <2 HD. Immune
to non-magical weapons.

TD#20 27 TD#20 p27 1978 Amakua Spirit guide for journey to the underworld.

TD#17 p33 1978 Angel of Healing 9 15/24 6 Teleport, continual light, bless, fear, detect evil, tongues, speak with dead.
Turn undead. Immune to psionics and finger of death. Cure all. Remove
TD#17 33 curse, raise dead. Strength, dispel exhaustion. Dispel evil. Regenerating
touch. Magic resistance 75%. Flaming sword.

TD#17 p33 1978 Angel of Wrath 0 12/24 10 Teleport, continual light, bless, fear, detect evil, tongues, speak with dead.
Turn undead. Immune to psionics and finger of death. Cure serious, quest,
TD#17 33 double strength wall of fire, holy word. +5 Holy sword. Magic resistance 65%.

TD#5 12 TD#5 p12 1977 Ankheg 1 to 6 2/4 12#6 3 to 8 25% B x2 N Spit acid. Bite for 3-18hp.

BM 20 BM p20 1975 Aquatic Elves 10 to 300 5 12//18 1 30% E Invisible in weeds and on reefs. Always attack sharks and sahaugin which
are in lesser numbers.

TD#17 33 TD#17 p33 1978 Archangel of Mercy -1 15/30 12 Teleport, continual light, bless, fear, detect evil, tongues, speak with dead.
Turn undead. Immune to psionics and finger of death. Cure wounds, disease,
curse. Part water, find the path, wall of fire/ice/stone/iron/fog. Blade barrier,
M&T 10 M&T p10 1974 Basilisks 1 to 6 4 6 6+1 40% F -- Unintelligent. Touch and gaze turns to stone.
mass teleport, wind walk. Immune to timestop. Only hit by +2 or better
weapons. 85% magic resistance. Spells. Sword of sharpness.
EW 28 EW p28 1976 Basilisks Gaze attack extends to ethereal and astral planes.

GH p37 1975 Beholders 1 0/2/7 3 90% I, F NC Body AC0 40hp. Central eye AC 2 20hp. Eye stalks AC 7 hp 10 each. Central
eye + 1d4 stalks attack per round; charm, sleep, telekenesis, flesh to stone,
GH 37 disintegrate, fear, slow, cause serious wounds, death ray, anti-magic.

M&T 19 M&T p19 1974 Black (or Gray) Pudding 1 6 6 10 Nil Nil -- Immune to cold. Lightning or weapons merely divide it. Destroys wood and
metal. 3d6 damage to flesh. Clings to ceilings.

GD&H 43 GD&H p43 1976 Black Snakes 4 12 75hp Spit deadly poison. Highly magic resistant.

GH 38 GH p38 1975 Blink Dogs 4 to 16 5 12 4 30% C L Blink teleport. Attack displacer beasts on sight.

EW 39 EW p39 1976 Brain Moles 1 to 3 -- 1 -- -- -- Causes insanity. Psionic.

GH 34 GH p34 1975 Bugbears 5 to 20 5 9 3+1 30% B NC Very quiet; surprise enemy 3 in 6.

TD#1 19 TD#1 p19 1976 Bulette 1 to 2 -2 14 6 to 8 5% Nil Bite 4d12 dam. Claws 3d6 dam. Excellent stalker. Near impossible to
surprise. Loves horse flesh.
GPoD GPoD p7 1986 Carcass Critters 1 to 3 6 10 4+2 C N Immune to poison, acid, ooze, slime attacks. 2 attacks. Paralysing touch,
7 then drain 1 level per turn.

M&TA ? M&TA p? 1977 Carnivorous Ape 6 4? Three attacks. If 2nd and 3rd attacks hit, additional 1-8 hp damage.

GH 39 GH p39 1975 Carrion Crawlers 1 to 6 3/7 12 3+1 60% B Climbs walls, ceilings. Tentacles cause paralysis.

EW 29 EW p29 1976 Catoblepas Gaze attack extends to ethereal and astral planes.

SR#7 15 SR#7 p15 1976 Catoblepas 1 to 3 7 6 6+2 -- -- -- Fatal gaze attack (no save). Slow turning head.

TD#26 20 TD#26 p20 1979 Celestial Stag 2 to 12 3 12 3 Nil Nil N Immune to sleep, charm. Oozes thru tiny gaps. Vulnerable to daylight.

M&T 15 M&T p15 1974 Centaurs 2 to 20 5 18 4 5% A NL Attack twice per round.

EW 39 EW p39 1976 Cerebral Parasites 3 to 12 -- -- -- -- -- Ethereal, astral. Immune to psionics. Treat as a disease.
M&T 11 M&T p11 1974 Chimeras 1 to 4 4 12/18 9 50% F NC Fiery breath weapon for 3d6 damage. 3 attacks per round.

M&T 10 M&T p10 1974 Cockatrices 1 to 8 6 9/18 5 35% D -- Unintelligent. Touch turns to stone.

EW 28 EW p28 1976 Cockatrices Attacks extend to the ethereal and astral planes.

EW 38 EW p38 1976 Couatl 1 to 4 5 6/18 9 15% B+I NL Polymorph. 5th level magic-user and 7th level cleric. Psionics.

U&WA 35 U&WA p35 1974 Crocodiles 5 9//15

TD#14 3 TD#14 p3 1978 Cursed Crimson Crawler 7 6 3+1d4 CL Cursed treasures. Additional tail mace attack. Death releases gas of berserk

GD&H 17 GD&H p17 1976 Cyclopes -3 18 72hp Very intelligent, accepts gifts. 3d3+3 damage. Control weather.

TD#6 28 TD#6 p28 1977 Death Angel 1 4 12/20 7 Nil Nil N Telepathic. Teleport. Hit saps constitution. 95% magic resistance. Attack only
intended target. Slain foe rises as Death Angel.
EW p33 1976 Demon, Succubi 1 9 12/18 6 2% I x2 C Immune to non-magical weapons. Infravision, teleport, darkness, gate. Magic
EW 33 resistance 70%. Kiss drains 1 level. Charm person. Etherealness, ESP,
clairvoyance, suggestion, shapechange. Psionics.

EW 30 EW p30 1976 Demon, Type I 1 to 6 0 12/18 8 5% B C Infravision, teleport, darkness, gate. Magic resistance 50%. Detect invisible,
EW p30 1976 Demon, Type II 1 to 6 -2 6 9 10% C C Infravision, teleport, darkness, gate. Magic resistance 55%. Detect invisible,
EW 30 cause fear, levitate, telekinesis. Psionics.
EW p32 1976 Demon, Type III 1 to 6 -4 6 10 15% D C Infravision, teleport, darkness, gate. Magic resistance 60%. Detect invisible,
EW 32 cause fear, levitate, pyrotechnics, polymorph self, telekinesis. Psionics.

EW p32 1976 Demon, Type IV 1 to 6 4 9/12 7 20% E C Immune to non-magical weapons. Infravision, teleport, darkness, gate. Magic
EW 32 resistance 65%. Detect invisible, cause fear, illusion, levitate, detect magic,
dispel magic, project image, symbol of fear/discord, polymorph self,
telekinesis. Psionics.
EW p33 1976 Demon, Type V 1 to 6 7 12 7 10% G C Immune to non-magic weapons. Infravision, teleport, darkness, gate. 80%
EW 33 magic resistance. Charm, levitate, detect invisible, pyrotechnics, polymorph
self, project image. Psionics.

EW p33 1976 Demon, Type VI 1 to 6 2 6/15 8 25% F C Immune to non-magical weapons. Infravision, teleport, darkness, gate. 75%
magic resistance. Cause fear, detect magic, read magic, detect invisible,
EW 33 pyrotechnics, dispel magic, suggestion, telekinesis, symbol of
fear/discord/sleep/stunning. Psionics.

SR#7 p15 1976 Denebian Slime Devil 1 to 4 -- 12 -- Nil Nil 90% Magic resistance. Tireless tracker. Fits through finy gaps. Repulsive
SR#7 15 appearance. Infactuated with nearest person. Striking it causes it to split in
1d4 similar creatures.

GH 38 GH p38 1975 Displacer Beasts 2 to 5 4 15 6 35% D C Displaced; attacks at -2, saves at +2. Save vs magic as F12.

M&T 19 M&T p19 1974 Djinn 5 9/24 7+1 Nil Nil -- 2d6-1 damage. Create fluids, soft objects, temporary hard objects. Illusions.
Invisibility. Gaseous form. Whirlwind sweeps away foe <2 HD.

TD#29 37 TD#29 p37 1979 Dogai 1 9 25hp Impersonate a Man's wife to seduce him. Polymorph, charm, seduction,
teleport. Fighter3.

BM 20 BM p20 1975 Dolphins 2 to 20 6 15//21 2+2 1-8 damage with prod attack, doubled if charge with spear harness.
Telepathy. Detect magic. Saves versus magic as 6th level fighter.
GH p37 1975 Doppelgangers 3 to 12 5 9 4 25% E NC Impersonating polymorph. Immune to sleep, charm. Save versus magic as
GH 37 F10.
U&WA 34 U&WA p34 1974 Dragon Turtle 1 to 4 2 3//9 11 to 13 60% H NC Lift ships upon its back. Fiery breath weapon. Spells. Resistant to elements.
Can be subdued.

M&T 11 M&T p11 1974 Dragons, Black 1 to 4 2 9/24 6 to 8 60% H NC Acid breath weapon. Spells. Resistant to elements. Can be subdued.

M&T 11 M&T p11 1974 Dragons, Blue 1 to 4 2 9/25 8 to 10 60% H NC Lightning breath weapon. Spells. Resistant to elements. Can be subdued.

GH 35 GH p35 1975 Dragons, Brass 1 to 4 2 9/30 6 to 8 60% H NL Sleep and fear breath weapons. Spells. Resistant to elements. Can be

GH 36 GH p36 1975 Dragons, Bronze 1 to 4 0 9/32 8 to 10 60% H NL Lightning or repulsion breath weapons. Spells. Resistant to elements. Can be

GH 35 GH p35 1975 Dragons, Copper 1 to 4 1 9/31 7 to 9 60% H NL Acid and slow breath weapons. Spells. Resistant to elements. Can be
M&T 11 M&T p11 1974 Dragons, Golden 1 to 4 2 9/26 10 to 12 60% H L Gas and fire breath weapons. Spells. Polymorph. Resistant to elements. Can
be subdued.

GH 36 GH p36 1975 Dragons, Golden 1 to 4 -2 9/34 10 to 12 60% H L Gas and fire breath weapons. Spells. Polymorph. Resistant to elements. Can
be subdued.

M&T 11 M&T p11 1974 Dragons, Green 1 to 4 2 9/27 7 to 9 60% H NC Poison breath weapon. Spells. Resistant to elements. Can be subdued.

M&T 11 M&T p11 1974 Dragons, Red 1 to 4 2 9/28 9 to 11 60% H NC Fiery breath weapon. Spells. Resistant to elements. Can be subdued.

GH 36 GH p36 1975 Dragons, Silver 1 to 4 -1 9/36 9 to 11 60% H NL Frosty breath weapon. Spells. Resistant to cold. Can be subdued.

M&T 11 M&T p11 1974 Dragons, White 1 to 4 2 9/29 5 to 7 60% H NC Frosty breath weapon. Spells. Resistant to elements. Can be subdued.

GH 34 GH p34 1975 Druids 1 to 4 15% A N 5-7th level magic-user and 7-9th level cleric. Shape change to repite, animal,
bird once each per day.

M&T 16 M&T p16 1974 Dryads 1 to 6 5 12 2 20% D N Improved charm person.

M&T 16 M&T p16 1974 Dwarves 40 to 400 4 6 1 50% G NL Large monsters attack at -2.

GD&H 42 GD&H p42 1976 Eagles 3 /32 150hp Fiery wings. Immolate. Claws do 2d6, beak 2d8.

M&T p19 1974 Efreet 3 9/24 10 Nil Nil -- C 2d6 damage. Incendiary. Wall of fire. Create fluids, soft objects, temporary
M&T 19 hard objects. Illusions. Invisibility. Gaseous form. Whirlwind sweeps away foe
<2 HD.

GD&H 29 GD&H p29 1976 Einheriar 7th+ level fighters. Rise again if slain.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Elasmosaurus 1 to 4 4 12 20

GH 34 GH p34 1975 Elementals Impervious to weapons < +2 quality. Impervious to attacks < 4 HD.

M&T 18 M&T p18 1974 Elementals, Air 1 2 /36 8, 12, 16 Nil Nil -- 1d6+1 damage. Whirlwind sweeps away foe <2 HD. Immune to non-magical

M&T 18 M&T p18 1974 Elementals, Earth 1 2 6 8, 12, 17 Nil Nil -- 3d6 damage vs foe in contact with earth, else 2d6. Cannot cross water.
Immune to non-magical weapons.

M&T 18 M&T p18 1974 Elementals, Fire 1 2 12 8, 12, 18 Nil Nil -- 2d6 damage vs non-fiery foe, else 1d6+1. Incendiary. Cannot cross water.
Immune to non-magical weapons.

M&T 19 M&T p19 1974 Elementals, Water 1 2 6//18 8, 12, 18 Nil Nil -- 2d6 damage in water, else 1d6. Immune to non-magical weapons.

M&T 16 M&T p16 1974 Elves 30 to 300 5 12 1+1 25% E NL Move silently. Near invisible. Move and fire bow without penalty.

M&T 16 M&T p16 1974 Ents 2 to 20 2 6 8 Nil Nil L Command plants.

BM 24 BM p24 1975 Evil High Priest 8th+ level cleric.

GD&H 67 GD&H p67 1976 Evil Spirits -2 5 25hp Ethereal. Inhabit statues. Psionic.

GD&H 67 GD&H p67 1976 Fairies 1 to 10 -7 5 25hp 7th to 15th level magic-user. Psionic. Always attack intruders.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Fire Lizard 1 to 4 2 9 12 60% E Fiery breath weapon. Resists fire.

GD&H 6 GD&H p6 1976 Fire Snake 2 2 20hp 85% magic resistance. Fiery breath weapon.

BM 23 BM p23 1975 Floating Eyes 2 to 12 8 36 1 to 2 Hypnotise. Fear.

GD&H 32 GD&H p32 1976 Fossergrim 30 to 300 7 12 1+1 12% A N -1 to hit on land.

BM 45 BM p45 1975 Frog People 30 to 300 7 9/15 1 40% A Out of water subject to 1d6 dam per turn day.

M&T 14 M&T p14 1974 Gargoyles 2 to 20 5 9/12 4 25% C C Immune to non-magical weapons.

GH 39 GH p39 1975 Gelatinous Cubes 1 8 6 4 Nil * Touch causes paralysis and 2-8 hp. Immune to lighting, cold, paralysis, fear,
SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Ghost 1+ 8 9 10 35% E C Ethereal. Cause fear. Magic jar attack.

M&T 9 M&T p9 1974 Ghouls 2 to 24 6 9 2 20% B C Paralysing touch. Slain Men become Ghouls.

BM 16 BM p16 1975 Giant Beaver 10 to 40 5 6 4 85% D N Intelligent. Will bargain for treasure. Only fight to defend lair.

BM 18 BM p18 1975 Giant Beetles, Rhinoceros 1 to 6 2 6 12 Nil Nil

BM 18 BM p18 1975 Giant Beetles, Bombardier 3 to 12 4 9 1 Nil Nil Deafening acid breath weapon.

BM 18 BM p18 1975 Giant Beetles, Boring 2 to 12 3 6 5 50% A Cultivate dungeon slimes/oozes/jellies.

BM 18 BM p18 1975 Giant Beetles, Fire 3 to 12 4 9 1-1 Nil Nil Mostly harmless. Glow in the dark.

BM 18 BM p18 1975 Giant Beetles, Giant Stag 2 to 12 3 6 6 Nil Nil Unintelligent. Attacks only if provoked.

U&WA 35 U&WA p35 1974 Giant Crabs 2 6 3 Attack twice.

BM 15 BM p15 1975 Giant Crabs 3 to 12 2 6 3 1 in 4 chance of siezing 1-3 Men in great claw with single attack.

BM 16 BM p16 1975 Giant Crocodile 12 to 60 5 9/15 6 20% Stun or trip attack with tail slap.

U&WA 35 U&WA p35 1974 Giant Crocodiles 5 9//15 2d6 damage

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Giant Eels 2 to 16 7 12 1+4 Lightning jolt.

U&WA 35 U&WA p35 1974 Giant Fish //30 to //50

BM p16 1975 Giant Frog 4 to 40 7 1/3/24 1 to 3 Unintelligent. Alwalys attacks small targets. Never check morale. Leap.
BM 16 Insects will avoid. Tongue attack draws prey into mouth, which may then
attacks at double value.

BM 16 BM p16 1975 Giant Leech 2 to 12 8 6 2 Invisible underwater. Bite drains 1 level, causes fatal disease.

U&WA 35 U&WA p35 1974 Giant Leeches 8 6 2 A hit indicates attachment. Thereafter automatically drain 1 level every 2
U&WA 35 U&WA p35 1974 Giant Octopi 7 //9 4 Triple move and ink cloud. 8 arms attack.

BM 16 BM p16 1975 Giant Octopi 1 to 4 7 3/9 4 30% A Only attack if provoked.

BM 17 BM p17 1975 Giant Otter 10 to 40 6 9 3 15% D Only fight to defend young. Frighten horses. Immune to non-magical traps.

BM 21 BM p21 1975 Giant Sea Spider 1 to 12 5 6 4 to 6 65% F Air breathing.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Giant Shark 2 to 12 5 24 4 to 9 Only attack if hungry (30% chance)

GH 40 GH p40 1975 Giant Slugs 1 8 6 12 Nil Nil Immune to blunt weapons. Break doors. Burrow through earth. Squeeze thru
small gaps. Spit acid.
U&WA 35 U&WA p35 1974 Giant Snakes 6 //20 6 Always attack. Never check morale. Deadly poison bite. Swallow whole.
Wrap around and crush small ships.

BM 16 BM p16 1975 Giant Squid 2 to 12 7/3 3/12 6 20% A Ink cloud. 2 in 3 fight to the death.

U&WA 35 U&WA p35 1974 Giant Squids 7/3 //12 6 Always attack. Never check morale. Triple move and ink cloud. 8 arms
attack. Wrap around and crush small ships.

GH 39 GH p39 1975 Giant Tick 3 to 12 4 3 3 Nil Nil 4 hp damage per round (no attack roll) after first hit. Bite causes fatal
BM p16 1975 Giant Toads 3 to 30 7 1/3/24 1 to 2 Camoflauged (near invisible). Never check morale. Leap. Insects will avoid.
BM 16 Tongue attack draws prey into mouth, which may then attacks at double

BM 18 BM p18 1975 Giant Wasps 3 to 30 5 6/24 3 Deadly poison sting, one (80%) or two (20%) uses. Fatal initially, and also 24
hours later.

M&T 8 M&T p8 1974 Giants, Cloud 1 to 8 4 12 12+2 30% 1-6 x1000 gp each, or NC Keen sense of smell. 3d6 damage. Hurl rocks.
5000 gp + E
M&T 8 M&T p8 1974 Giants, Fire 1 to 8 4 12 11+3 30% 1-6 x1000 gp each, or C Impervious to fire. 2d6+2 damage. Hurl rocks.
5000 gp + E

M&T 8 M&T p8 1974 Giants, Frost 1 to 8 4 12 10+1 30% 1-6 x1000 gp each, or C Impervious to cold. 2d6+1 damage. Hurl rocks.
5000 gp + E
M&T p8 1974 Giants, Hill 1 to 8 4 12 8 30% 1-6 x1000 gp each, or C 2d6 damage. Hurl rocks.
M&T 8 5000 gp + E
M&T p8 1974 Giants, Stone 1 to 8 4 12 9 30% 1-6 x1000 gp each, or N 2d6 damage. Hurl rocks.
M&T 8 5000 gp + E

GH 34 GH p34 1975 Giants, Storm 1 to 8 4 15 15 30% 5000 gp + E NL 3d3+3 damage. Control weather.

M&T 8 M&T p8 1974 Gnolls 20 to 200 5 9 2 30% D C +2 morale.

M&T 16 M&T p16 1974 Gnomes 40 to 400 5 6 1 60% C NL Large monsters attack at -2.

BM 24 BM p24 1975 Gnomes 40 to 400 5 6 1 60% C NL Large monsters attack at -2.

TD#26 20 TD#26 p20 1979 Goat Demon 2 to 24 3 9 2 20% B C Immune to sleep, charm. Paralysing head butt attack.

M&T 7 M&T p7 1974 Goblins 40 to 400 6 6 1-1 50% 1-6 gp each C -1 to hit and morale in daylight. Attack Dwarves on sight.

SR#4 p10 1975 Golem, Clay 1+ 2 7 12 -- -- -- 50 hp. Controlled by creator. 3d6 damage vs foe in contact with earth, else
SR#4 10 2d6. Cannot cross water. Immune to other than blunt magical weapons.
Immune to magic other than move earth, disintegrate.

GH p40 1975 Golems, Flesh 9 8 12? Nil Nil 40 hp. Controlled by creator. Crash thru wood. Two attacks per round for 2-
GH 40 16hp. Immune to non-magical weapons. Immune to magic other than cold or
fire, which slows. Lightning heals.

GH p40 1975 Golems, Iron 2 8 12? Nil Nil 80 hp. Controlled by creator. Crash thru wood. 4-40 damage. Poison breath
GH 40 weapon. Immune to weapons less than +3. Immune to magic save lightning,
which slows. Fire heals.

GH p40 1975 Golems, Stone 5 8 12? Nil Nil 60 hp. Controlled by creator. Crash thru wood. 3d6 damage. Slow spell.
GH 40 Immune to weapons less than +2. Immune to magic other than stone
affecting, or fire which slows. Mud to rock heals.

M&T 10 M&T p10 1974 Gorgons 1 to 4 2 12 8 50% E C Breath weapon turns to stone.

EW 28 EW p28 1976 Gorgons Attacks extend to the ethereal and astral planes.

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Gray Ooze 8 1 3 Nil Nil -- Camoflauged. Immune to cold and fire. Destroys metal. 2d6 damage to flesh.

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Green Slime -- Nil 2 Nil Nil -- Immune to lightning and physical damage.Destroys wood and metal. Turns
flesh to slime in a turn. Destroyed by cure disease.

EW 29 EW p29 1976 Grey Ooze Add psionic abilities.

M&T 18 M&T p18 1974 Griffons 2 to 16 3 12/30 7 10% E N

GH 35 GH p35 1975 Harpies 2 to 12 7 6/15 3 20% C C Luring song. Charm on touch (no save).

GH 38 GH p38 1975 Hell Hounds 2 to 8 4 12 3 to 7 25% C C Firey breath weapon. Move with great stealth. Detect invisible.

M&T 17 M&T p17 1974 Hippogriffs 2 to 16 5 18/36 3+1 Nil Nil L

M&T 8 M&T p8 1974 Hobgoblins 20 to 200 5 9 1+1 30% D C +1 morale.

GH p68 1975 Homonculous Var 7 6/18 2 Var Var Controlled by creator. Creator knows all it sees and hears. Bite causes sleep.
GH 68 If slain creator suffers 2-20 hp.

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Horses, Draft Horse 7 12 2+1 Nil Nil -- N Panic-striken by fire, strange scents. Carries 4,500 gp.

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Horses, Heavy Horse 7 12 3 Nil Nil -- N Panic-striken by fire, strange scents. Carries 4,500 gp.

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Horses, Light Horse 7 24 2 Nil Nil -- N Panic-striken by fire, strange scents. Carries 3,000 gp.

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Horses, Medium Horse 7 18 2+1 Nil Nil -- N Panic-striken by fire, strange scents. Carries 3,750 gp.
M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Horses, Mules 7 12 2+1 Nil Nil -- N Panic-striken by fire, strange scents. Carries 3,500 gp. Agile enough to enter

TD#16 5 TD#16 p5 1978 Humbabas 1 25 230hp Unique being?

M&T 10 M&T p10 1974 Hydras 1 5 12 5 to 12 25% B N 1 attack per round per head. 6 hp per head.

GD&H p12 1976 Indian Ogre 3 to 18 5 9 4+1 30% 1-6 x100gp each, or C 1d6+2 damage. Polymorph self.
GD&H 12 1000 gp + C

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Insects or small animals 6 to 36 8 0 to 1 N

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Insects or small animals 6 to 36 8 0 to 1 --

EW p38 1976 Intellect Devourers 1 to 2 4 15 6 60% D C Astral, ethereal. Hide in shadows. Occupy victim's body. Immune to weapons
EW 38 lesser than +3. Light drives them off. Lightning causes 1hp per die. Fireball
no damage. Psionic.

M&T 18 M&T p18 1974 Invisible Stalkers 3 12 8 Nil Nil -- Faultless tracker.

EW 29 EW p29 1976 Invisible Stalkers Moves on the astral and ethereal planes.

BM 23 BM p23 1975 Ixitxachitl 90 to 150 5 9 2-1 75% F Vampire, magic-user and cleric individuals.

TD#14 3 TD#14 p3 1978 Jarnkung 1 to 12 3 9 5 15% I+G CNL ESP. 2 weapon attacks per round, or tail slap for 2-12hp.

BM 45 BM p45 1975 Killer Frogs 8 9//12 1/2 Nil Attack twice when eggs are threatened.

EW p38 1976 Ki-Rin 1 -5 24/48 12 5% E+I L Astral and ethereal movement. 18th level magic user, double strength
air/wind spells. Immune to spells below 6th level, 90% magic resistant
EW 38 otherwise. Create fluids, soft objects, temporary hard objects. Illusions.
Invisibility. Gaseous form. Whirlwind sweeps away foe <4 HD. Psionics.

BM 31 BM p31 1975 Koalinth 20 to 200 5 9 1+1 30% D C +1 morale.

M&T 7 M&T p7 1974 Kobolds 40 to 400 7 6 1/2 50% 1-6 gp each C -1 to hit and morale in daylight. Attack Dwarves on sight.

BM 30 BM p30 1975 Kopoacinth 2 to 20 5 9/12 4 25% C C Immune to non-magical weapons.

BM 24 BM p24 1975 Lacedon 2 to 24 6 9 2 20% B Paralysing touch. Slain Men become Lacedons.

GH p37 1975 Lammasu 2 to 8 6 12/24 6+2 40% Ax3 L Invisibility. Protection from evil 10'r. Dimension door. 6th level cleric. Speaks
GH 37 all languages.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Lamprey 2 to 16 6 9 3 Drain 1d6 levels per round?

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Large insects or animals 2 to 16 8 to 2 2 to 20 N 2d6 to 4d6 damage.

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Large insects or animals 2 to 16 8 to 2 2 to 20 -- 2d6 to 4d6 damage.

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Leprechaun 1+ 8 15 1/2 10% F N Rarely surprised. Invisibility. Polymorph objects. Illusion. Ventrilliquism.

GH 35 GH p35 1975 Liches 1 to 4 3 6 10 100% A NC 12-18th level magic-user. Paralysing touch (no save). <5th level (or 5HD)
automatically flee.

EW 28 EW p28 1976 Liches Add psionic abilities.

GH 37 GH p37 1975 Lizard Men 10 to 40 5 6/12 2+1 40% D N

BM 23 BM p23 1975 Locathah 30 to 300 7 24/36 2+1 N Eel riding nomads.

TD#26 p20 1979 Lost Soul 1 to 6 5 12 4 Nil 1-4 gems C Immune to sleep, charm. Drain 2 levels. Damage 1-10. If foe slain, both foe
TD#26 20 and monster vanish forever.
TD#26 p20 1979 Lower Soul 1 to 6 2 9 7 to 9 20% F N Immune to sleep, charm. Immune to non-magical weapons. Energy drain 2
TD#26 20 levels. Slain Men become Lower Souls. Regenerate 3 hp per turn. Invisibility.
Summon bats, wolves. Vulnerable to daylight.

SR#3 3 SR#3 p3 1975 Lurker Above 1 to 4 6 1/9 10 50% Nil -- Unintelligent. Camoflauged. 1d6 constriction damage per round in 20ft by 20ft
area (no attack roll).
BM 23 BM p23 1975 Lycanthropes Only harmed by magic, or silver or magic weapons.

M&T 14 M&T p14 1974 Lycanthropes, Werebear 2 to 20 2 9 6 15% C NL Females attack thrice per round if young attacked. Male attacks twice per
round if mate attacked. Hits cause lycanthropy.
M&T p14 1974 Lycanthropes, Wereboar 2 to 20 4 12 4+1 15% C NC Females attack thrice per round if young attacked. Male attacks twice per
M&T 14 round if mate attacked. Hits cause lycanthropy.
GH p37 1975 Lycanthropes, Wererat or Rat Man 8 to 32 7 12 3 35% C C Females attack thrice per round if young attacked. Male attacks twice per
GH 37 round if mate attacked. Hits cause lycanthropy.

M&T 14 M&T p14 1974 Lycanthropes, Weretiger 2 to 20 3 12 5 15% C NC Females attack thrice per round if young attacked. Male attacks twice per
round if mate attacked. Hits cause lycanthropy.

M&T 14 M&T p14 1974 Lycanthropes, Werewolf 2 to 20 5 15 4 15% C NC Females attack thrice per round if young attacked. Male attacks twice per
round if mate attacked. Hits cause lycanthropy.
GPoD 6 GPoD p6 1866 Maggot Men 1 to 20 4 9 2+1 A N Fear fire. Only attack in superior numbers. Slain maggot-men rise as

BM 21 BM p21 1975 Manta Ray 1 to 4 5 8//12 12 gems N 15' wide mouth swallows whole. Paralysing tail sting.

M&T 10 M&T p10 1974 Manticoras 1 to 4 4 12/18 6+1 40% D C 6 missile attacks/round with tail spikes.

TD#29 37 TD#29 p37 1979 Marsalai 1 16 160hp Cause wind, landslide, earthquake and flood. Also cause stillbirths in women.

GD&H 12 GD&H p12 1976 Marut (Wind Spirits) -2 9/12 100hp Attack as F10. Able to ride the winds.

BM 23 BM p23 1975 Mashers 1 to 4 6 15 20 25% D Always attack. Never check morale. Deadly poison sting tail. Swallow whole.

M&T 10 M&T p10 1974 Medusae 1 to 4 8 9 4 75% F C Gaze turns to stone. Deadly poison snake bites.

EW 28 EW p28 1976 Medusae Gaze attack extends to ethereal and astral planes.

M&T 5 M&T p5 1974 Men, Bandits 30 to 300 6 12 1 15% A NC

M&T 6 M&T p6 1974 Men, Berserkers 30 to 300 7 12 1+1 16% A N +2 to hit, never check morale.

M&T 6 M&T p6 1974 Men, Brigands 30 to 300 6 12 1 17% A C +1 morale.

M&T 7 M&T p7 1974 Men, Buccaneers 30 to 300 7 12 1 15% A NC

M&T 7 M&T p7 1974 Men, Cavemen 30 to 300 9 12 2 15% A N -1 morale.

M&T 6 M&T p6 1974 Men, Dervishes 30 to 300 6 12 1+1 18% A L +2 to hit, never check morale.

M&T 7 M&T p7 1974 Men, Mermen 30 to 300 7 12 1+1 12% A N -1 to hit on land.

M&T 6 M&T p6 1974 Men, Nomads 30 to 300 6 12 1 19% A NC

M&T 7 M&T p7 1974 Men, Pirates 30 to 300 7 12 1 15% A C

BM 15 BM p15 1975 Mermen 30 to 300 7 9/15 1 40% A Out of water subject to 1d6 dam per turn day, per hour night. "Drysuits"
negate damage, but slow.

SR#1 2 SR#1 p2 1975 Mind Flayers 1 to 4 5 12 8+3 50% F Mind blast. 90% magic resistance.

EW 39 EW p39 1976 Mind Flayers 1 to 4 5 12 8+3 50% F Add psionics.

GD&H 2 GD&H p2 1976 Minions of Set -2 12 25hp Never check morale. Attack as F10. Polymorph into giant snake.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Minotaur Lizard 1 to 6 3 9 8 50% E Always attack in lair.

M&T 15 M&T p15 1974 Minotaurs 1 to 8 6 12 6 10% C NC Always attack. Never check morale. Always pursue while prey is in sight.

BM 23 BM p23 1975 Morkoth or Morlock 1 3 8 100% H Charm. Reflects magic.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Mososaurus 1 to 4 3 3/15 10 to 20

BM 24 BM p24 1975 Mottled Worms 1 to 4 6 6 15 25% D N Always attack. Never check morale. Deadly poison sting tail. Swallow whole.

M&T 9 M&T p9 1974 Mummies 1 to 12 3 6 5+1 30% D C Mummy rot. Immune to non-magical weapons. Vulnerable to fire.

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Naga, Guardian 1+ 5 15 11 to 12 60% H L Spit poison. Constrict. 6th level cleric.

GD&H 12 GD&H p12 1976 Naga, Guardian -5 15 36hp Spits poison, contricts.

GD&H 12 GD&H p12 1976 Naga, Master -5 15 36hp 7 heads. 10th level magic-user and 10th level cleric. Regenerate 5hp per

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Naga, Spirit 1+ 5 15 9 to 10 61% H C Poisonous bite. Charm by gaze attack. 6th level (evil) cleric and 7th level

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Naga, Water 1+ 5 15 7 to 8 62% H N Poisonous bite. 5th level magic-user (with no fire or lightning spells).

GD&H 12 GD&H p12 1976 Naga, Water -5 15 36hp 5th level magic-user

GD&H 32 GD&H p32 1976 Neck 1 to 100 7 12 1 100% B N 10 Neck together can charm person. Luring song. Charm on touch (no
save). Command fish.

M&T 15 M&T p15 1974 Nixies 1 to 100 7 12 1 100% B N 10 Nixies together can charm person. Command fish.

BM 24 BM p24 1975 Nymphs 1 to 6 5 12 2 20% D N Improved charm person.

M&T p19 1974 Ochre Jelly 1 8 3 5 Nil Nil -- Immune to electricity. Weapons merely divide it. Fits through tiny gaps.
M&T 19 Destroys wood. 1d6 damage to flesh.
GH p34 1975 Ogre Magi 1 to 6 4 9/15 5+2 40% E C 1d6+2 damage. Invisibility, fly, darkness, polymorph to Man form, charm
GH 34 person, sleep, cone of cold. Regenerate 1 hp per round.

M&T 8 M&T p8 1974 Ogres 3 to 18 5 9 4+1 30% 1-6 x100gp each, or C 1d6+2 damage.
1000 gp + C

M&T 7 M&T p7 1974 Orcs 30 to 300 6 9 1 50% D C -1 to hit and morale in daylight. Attack Orcs of other tribes on sight.

TD#29 37 TD#29 p37 1979 Origoruso 2 12 60hp N Fighter8, but non-aggressive.

GH 39 GH p39 1975 Owl Bears 2 to 5 5 12 5 40% C Attack on sight. Never check morale.

M&T 17 M&T p17 1974 Pegasi 1 to 12 6 24/48 2+2 Nil Nil L

GH 39 GH p39 1975 Phase Spiders 1 to 6 6 6/15 5 80% E N Ethereal except when attacking.

GD&H 7 GD&H p7 1976 Phoenix 3 12/24 50hp Incendiary, 25hp fire damage in 30'r. Immune to magic. Weapons less than
+4 melt on contact. Regenerates 5hp per round.

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Piercer 2 to 12 3 1 1 to 4 Nil Nil -- Camoflauged as stalegtite.

M&T 16 M&T p16 1974 Pixies 1 to 100 6 9/18 1 25% C N Invisible. Attack and remain invisible.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Plesiosaurus 1 to 4 4 15 20 to 25 Always attack.

BM 23 BM p23 1975 Poisonous Coral Deadly poison.

TD#29 35 TD#29 p35 1979 Porpoise Girls 2 12//24 50hp Fascinated by Men dancing. Enslaved if tail captured.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Portugese Man-Of-War 2 to 12 8 3 2 Near invisible tentables cause paralysis.

TD#7 23 TD#7 p23 1977 Prowler 1 1 12 14 C Gaze attack turns foe to zombie. Constriction 4-48hp. Bite 1-8hp. 50% magic

BM 20 BM p20 1975 Pungi Ray 1 to 4 6 6 6 gems Invisible beyond 10'. Deadly poison spines. Bite drains 1 level, causes fatal

M&T 15 M&T p15 1974 Purple Worms 1 to 4 6 6 15 25% D N Always attack. Never check morale. Deadly poison sting tail. Swallow whole.

SR#5 p14 1975 Rakshasa 1 to 4 -4 12 7 20% F C ESP. Illusions. 1st thru 3rd level magic-user and 1st level cleric spells.
SR#5 14 Immune to non-magical weapons. Resist magic +1 and +2 magic weapons.
Vulnerable to blessed bolts. Immune to spells lower than 9th level.
GD&H 12 GD&H p12 1976 Rakshasa (Demons of India) -5 18/36 200 hp Attack as fighter15. shapechange, improved invisibility, regenerate 3hp per
turn, control weather. Cannot refuse a gamble.

TD#2 21 TD#2 p21 1976 Remorhaz 1 to 4 0/2/4 12 6 to 14 20% F N 75% magic resistance. Bite 3-36 hp. Fiery breath weapon. Non-magical
weapons melt on contact.

GD&H GD&H p12 1976 Ribhus 30 to 300 5 12 1+1 25% E NL Move silently. Near invisible. Move and fire bow without penalty.
M&T 17 M&T p17 1974 Rocs 1 to 20 4 6/48 6 20% I NL

SR#2 4 SR#2 p4 1975 Roper 1 to 3 0 3 10 to 12 90% D C Immune to lightning, charm. Resistant to cold. Vulnerable to fire. 80% magic
resistance. Tenticle hits drain 50% strength. Bite causes 5-20 damage.

GH 39 GH p39 1975 Rust Monsters 1 to 2 2 12 5 Nil Nil Smells iron. Touch destroys iron.

BM 21 BM p21 1975 Sahuagin (Devil-Men of the Deep) 10 to 60 4 18/30 2 30% F, A 2d6 damage with tail swipe. Cannot breath air. Eyes dazzled by daylight.
Poisoned tridents.

GH 37 GH p37 1975 Salamanders 2 to 5 3 to 1 9 7+3 65% F C Touch causes 1d6 fire damage. Tail constricts for 2-16 hp. Incendiary.
Cannot cross water. Immune to non-magical weapons.

GD&H 17 GD&H p17 1976 Satyrs -1 12 75hp Attack anything harming woodlands. Attack as fighter10 for 2-20 damage.

TD#16 5 TD#16 p5 1978 Scorpion Men 1 20 240hp Fighter15, Wizard15.

TD#26 20 TD#26 p20 1979 Sea Bonze 1 to 6 2 9 6 20% F C Immune to sleep, charm. Charm breath weapon.

BM 24 BM p24 1975 Sea Hag 1 to 6 5 12 2 20% C C Improved charm person.

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Sea Horse 1 to 20 7 12 2 to 3 Mermen steed.

M&T 15 M&T p15 1974 Sea Monsters 15 to 45 N 3d6 or 4d6 damage.

TD#17 p33 1978 Seraphim -3 24/48 16 Teleport, continual light, bless, fear, detect evil, tongues, speak with dead.
TD#17 33 Turn undead. Immune to psionics and finger of death. Curse wounds,
disease, curse. Restoration, raise dead. Dispel evil. Quest, triple strength wall
fo fire, balde barrier, earth quake, insect plague. Improved invisibility. Holy
GH p34 1975 Shadows 2 to 20 7 9 2+2 50% F C Incorporeal; immuneDouble
Word. Any Symbol. to non-magical weapons.
strength meteor Immune
swarm. to sleep
Immune and charm.
to timestop,
GH 34 Not
hold, Touch drains 1 point of strength.
stun, unconsciousness. SummonFoe drained
Angels. 95%tomagic
0 strength rise
as shadows.
resistance. Spells. Vorpal sword.

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Shambling Mound 1 to 3 0 6 6 to 9 25% I N Immune to fire. Cold resistant. Electricity heals. Weapons half effect. Subject
to plant spells.

EW 38 EW p38 1976 Shedu 2 to 8 4 12/24 9+2 20% A L Travel astrally and ethereally. Speak all tongues. Telepathy. Psionic.

GD&H 66 GD&H p66 1976 Shen Shu -2 10 100hp Attacks as fighter 10 with halberd.

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Shrieker 2 to 5 7 1 3 Nil Nil -- Unintelligent. Light or movement causes them to shriek. 50% chance of
attracting wandering monsters.

M&T 9 M&T p9 1974 Skeletons 3 to 30 7 6 1/2 Nil Nil -- Never check morale. Controlled by creator.

TD#29 37 TD#29 p37 1979 Sky Maidens 2 12/24 50hp Fighter1. Charm, seduction. Fascinated by dance. If wings caputred,

SR#5 14 SR#5 p14 1975 Slithering Tracker 1 5 12 5 15% C N Near invisible; difficult to detect, -4 to hit. Fit thru tiny gaps. Follows and
attacks sleeping foe. Paralysing touch.

M&T 9 M&T p9 1974 Spectres 1 to 8 2 15/30 6 25% E C Energy drain 2 levels. Immune to non-magical weapons. Slain Men become

GD&H 6 GD&H p6 1976 Sphinx 3 12/24 150hp Loves riddles. All saves 2+. 2 attacks for 4-40hp.

GD&H 63 GD&H p63 1976 Spirits of the Air 1 to 100 -5 /24 25hp Attack as fighter 10. 2-20 hp damage.

GH 39 GH p39 1975 Stirges 3 to 30 7 18 1 55% D Attack as F4. Cause 1-4 hp per round (no attack roll) after first hit.

BM 23 BM p23 1975 Strangle Weed Strangling grapple.

EW 39 EW p39 1976 Su-Monsters 1 to 12 6 9 4+2 40% C C Females attack thrice per round if young attacked. Male attacks twice per
round if mate attacked. Psionic.

EW 39 EW p39 1976 Thought Eaters 1 to 3 9 6 3 -- -- Ethereal. Eats intelligence.

EGG ? EGG p? ? Thoul 6 4+2 Two claw attacks. Paralysing touch. Regenerate 1hp per round. Immune to
Holy water. Vulnerable to sunlight.

GH 35 GH p35 1975 Titans 1 2 to -3 15 or 21 15 5% A+1 10 individuals exist. 75 to 100 hp. 3d6+3 damage. Up to 7th level magic-user
and cleric spells.

EW 27 EW p27 1976 Titans 60% magic resistance. Immune to psionics. Add psionic abilities.

SR#5 p14 1975 Trapper 1 3 3 12 70% G N Camoflauged as floor. Resist cold and fire. 4+AC hp constriction damage per
SR#5 14 round (no attack roll).

GH 34 GH p34 1975 Tritons 5 to 30 6 to 4 //15 5 to 7 25% Var 90% magic resistance. Move //24" mounted on seahorse. Magic-user spells.

EW 27 EW p27 1976 Tritons Add psionic abilities.

M&T 8 M&T p8 1974 Trolls 2 to 12 4 12 6+3 50% D C Regenerate 3 hp per turn.

TD#16 3 TD#16 p3 1978 Ulik 1 to 6 4 14 4+2 20% I C Hypnotising gaze attack.

GH 38 GH p38 1975 Umber Hulks 1 to 4 2 6#1 8 50% E N Gaze attack causes confusion. Tunnel through rock.

M&T 15 M&T p15 1974 Unicorns 1 to 4 2 24 4 Nil Nil L Sense enemy at 24". Resist magic. Dimension door once per day.

TD#20 27 TD#20 p27 1978 Vahine-Hae 4 15 40hp Attack as fighter 1. Charm person, monster. Luring song. Seduction.

GD&H 29 GD&H p29 1976 Valkyrs 7th+ level paladin maidens.

M&T p9 1974 Vampires 1 to 6 2 12/18 7 to 9 20% F C Energy drain 2 levels. Immune to non-magical weapons. Slain Men become
M&T 9 Vampires. Regenerate 3 hp per turn. Charming gaze. Gaseous form.
Polymorph. Summon bats, wolves. Vulnerable to daylight.

GH 34 GH p34 1975 Vampires Eastern vampires add invisibility, subtract charm.

TD#26 p20 1979 Vampire-Spectre 1 to 2 1 18 10 20% F x2 C Immune to sleep, charm. Immune to non-magical weapons. Energy drain 2
levels. Touch causes disease (no save). Slain Men become Vampire-
Spectres. Regenerate 3 hp per turn. Charming gaze. Invisibility. Gaseous
TD#26 20 form. Fly. Summon bats, wolves. Turn foe to enslaved weretiger. Vulnerable
to daylight.

GPoD 6 GPoD p6 1986 Watchwings 4 to 24 7 10/20 1/3 Nil N Excellent eyesight. Can be trained. Always attack intruders in their aviary.

BM 21 BM p21 1975 Weed Eels 10 to 100 8 3 1 100% E

BM 19 BM p19 1975 Whale 1 to 8 5 //18 40 H x3 Only attack if provoked. Swallow small vessels whole.

M&T 9 M&T p9 1974 Wights 2 to 24 5 9 3 60% B C Energy drain. Immune to non-silvered missiles. Slain Men become Wights.

GH 35 GH p35 1975 Will O'Wisps 1 to 1 -8 18 9 1% A NC Invulnerable to non-metal weapons. Invisibility. 2d6 electrical damage.

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Wind Walker 1 to 3 8 15/30 6 20% Nil N Ethereal. ESP. Vulnerable to control weather spell.

GD&H 6 GD&H p6 1976 Winged Serpent 2 3/15 25hp Spits poison.

M&T 9 M&T p9 1974 Wraiths 2 to 16 3 12/24 4 20% E C Energy drain. Immune to non-silvered missiles. Half damage from silvered.
Slain Men become Wraiths.

M&T 11 M&T p11 1974 Wyverns 1 to 6 3 9/24 7 60% H N Deadly poison sting in tail.

GD&H p12 1976 Yakshas (Weaker Demons of India) -2 9/24 50hp Attack as 9HD, 2d6 damage. Incendiary. Wall of fire. Create fluids, soft
GD&H 12 objects, temporary hard objects. Illusions. Invisibility. Gaseous form.
Whirlwind sweeps away foe <2 HD.

M&T 20 M&T p20 1974 Yellow Mold -- -- -- Nil Nil -- Destroys wood. 1d6 damage to flesh. Deadly poisonous spore cloud.

EW 29 EW p29 1976 Yellow Mold Add psionic abilities.

SR#3 2 SR#3 p2 1975 Yeti 1 to 6 6 12 4 10% D N Immune to cold. Vulnerable to fire. Camoflauged in snow. Paralysing gaze
attack. Hug attack 2-16.
M&T 9 M&T p9 1974 Zombies 3 to 30 8 6 1 Nil Nil -- Never check morale. Controlled by creator.

GD&H 64 GD&H p64 1976 Being Called "Autumn"

GD&H 64 GD&H p64 1976 Being Called "Spring"

GD&H 64 GD&H p64 1976 Being Called "Summer"

GD&H 64 GD&H p64 1976 Being Called "Winter"

GD&H 21 GD&H p21 1976 Demon 2 0 100hp Deadly gaze attack (no save).

EW 37 EW p37 1976 Demon Princes, Demogorgon

EW 35 EW p35 1976 Demon Princes, Orcus

GH 36 GH p36 1975 Dragons, Chromatic 1 9/33

GH 36 GH p36 1975 Dragons, Platinum 1 9/35

City of the Gods (DA3) 37 City of the Gods (DA3) p37 1987 Camarilla

City of the Gods (DA3) 37 City of the Gods (DA3) p37 1987 Cyborg

City of the Gods (DA3) 37 City of the Gods (DA3) p37 1987 Gakarak

City of the Gods (DA3) 37 City of the Gods (DA3) p37 1987 Garl

City of the Gods (DA3) 37 City of the Gods (DA3) p37 1987 Geonid

City of the Gods (DA3) 37 City of the Gods (DA3) p37 1987 Grazer

City of the Gods (DA3) 37 City of the Gods (DA3) p37 1987 Herex, Adult Stage

City of the Gods (DA3) 37 City of the Gods (DA3) p37 1987 Herex, Larval Stage

City of the Gods (DA3) 38 City of the Gods (DA3) p38 1987 Hide Hunter (Human)

City of the Gods (DA3) 38 City of the Gods (DA3) p38 1987 Hook Beast, Hook Horror

City of the Gods (DA3) 38 City of the Gods (DA3) p38 1987 Hook Beast, Hulker

City of the Gods (DA3) 39 City of the Gods (DA3) p39 1987 Robot, DBOT

City of the Gods (DA3) 39 City of the Gods (DA3) p39 1987 Robot, EBOT
City of the Gods (DA3) 39 City of the Gods (DA3) p39 1987 Robot, SBOT

City of the Gods (DA3) 39 City of the Gods (DA3) p39 1987 Robot, UBOT

City of the Gods (DA3) 40 City of the Gods (DA3) p40 1987 Quarg

City of the Gods (DA3) 40 City of the Gods (DA3) p40 1987 Roper

City of the Gods (DA3) 40 City of the Gods (DA3) p40 1987 Sand Folk

Dragon #186 45 Dragon #186 p45 1992 Kangaroo

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Dingo

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Emu

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Giant Spiny Anteater (Echidna)

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Goanna

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Koala

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Kookaburra

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Saltwater Crocodiles

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Termite (Giant)

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Wakaleo

Dragon #186 46 Dragon #186 p46 1992 Wild Turkey

Dragon #186 48 Dragon #186 p48 1992 Chameleon Men

Dragon #186 48 Dragon #186 p48 1992 Thunderheads

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 36 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p36 1987 Brother of Greenwood (Human)

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 36 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p36 1987 Dolphin

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 36 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p36 1987 Dragon Turtle

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 36 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p36 1987 Gakarak

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 37 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p37 1987 Gator Man

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 37 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p37 1987 Grazer

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 37 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p37 1987 Handmaiden of Death (Human)

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 38 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p38 1987 Hide Hunter (Human)

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 38 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p38 1987 Lava Lizard

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 39 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p39 1987 Roper

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 39 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p39 1987 Sister of Fire (Human)

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 39 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p39 1987 Skandaharian Raider (Human)

Duchy of Ten (DA4) 40 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p40 1987 Sollux (Sun Brother)
Duchy of Ten (DA4) 40 Duchy of Ten (DA4) p40 1987 Soul Eater

Dungeon #12 27 Dungeon #12 p27 1988 Spottle Toad

Dungeon #14 54 Dungeon #14 p54 1988 Wood Golem

Dungeon #14 63 Dungeon #14 p63 1988 Greater Wererat

Dungeon #2 64 Dungeon #2 p64 1986 Epadrazzil

Dungeon #2 64 Dungeon #2 p64 1986 Tyrannabyss

Dungeon #24 24 Dungeon #24 p24 1990 Death-From-Above

Dungeon #39 39 Dungeon #39 p39 1993 Giant Spitting Spider

Dungeon #41 33 Dungeon #41 p33 1993 Vampire Moss

Dungeon #46 15 Dungeon #46 p15 1994 Horseflies, giant

Dungeon #46 15 Dungeon #46 p15 1994 Jumping Spiders, Large

Polyhedron #51 14 Polyhedron #51 p14 1990 Jinsu Orcs

Polyhedron #51 14 Polyhedron #51 p14 1990 Marshmallow Harpy

Dragon #156 100 Dragon #156 p100 1990 Heldannic Knight

Dragon #156 100 Dragon #156 p100 1990 Heldannic Knight, Officer

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