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2023 FREE
Writer: Daniel J. Bishop • Cover artist: Doug Kovacs• Editor: Brian Gilkison • Cartographer:
Chuck Whelon • Interior Artists: Tom Galambos, Doug Kovacs, Aaron Kreader, Stefan Poag, and
Colin Richards• Art direction and layout: Matt Hildebrand • DCC RPG Developer: Michael Curtis
Dark Master and Pierce Eyeballer: Joseph Goodman
Playtesters: Jesse G. G. Withrow III, Mike Nusbaum, Benn Hough, Garett Oliver, Justin Amirkhani, and Jane Dunlop.
DCC RPG and this adventure are copyright © 2023 Goodman Games LLC. Dungeon Crawl Classics is a trademark of Goodman Games LLC.

iercing the Demon’s Eye is a Dungeon Crawl Classics nother group of adventurers, led by the piratical
RPG adventure intended for six to eight 2nd level Trocereo, has followed an old map to the Demon’s
characters. This is a deadly adventure, in which all Eye. These rivals can be used by the judge to spur
classes will be tested, but those who venture herein without the PCs onward, to add short skirmishes, or to trigger traps
a thief are surely doomed. This adventure is a classic death- in the time-honored “red shirt” tradition—allowing the
trap dungeon, and the judge is encouraged to allow mon- players to learn what dangers they cautiously bypassed. The
sters and deadly traps to do their worst. The adventure is rival party can also be used as allies, or as replacement char-
also entirely survivable, depending upon the choices made acters as needed. In campaign play, consider introducing
by the players. Don’t give your players hints about the right the rival party in earlier adventures to establish a friendly
or wrong choices, but be fair about what their PCs would be rivalry. Each of these characters has brief role playing notes,
able to see, hear, and smell. but if they become PCs, the players may adjust their person-
alities as they see fit.
The adventure is designed to take place over the course of
four hours in real time. Once the PCs enter the Demon’s Eye, Trocereo (2nd level thief, former jeweler): Init +1; Atk
they are outside the Lands We Know, and time runs dif- longsword +1 melee (1d8) or dagger +1 melee (1d4) or dag-
ferently there than it does here. When the four-hour run ger +2 missile fire (1d4); AC 11; HD 2d6+4; hp 12; MV 30’;
time of the adventure is up, the portal closes and the PCs Act 1d20; SP thief skills, luck die (1d4); SV Fort +2; Ref +2;
are trapped. In campaign play, you may wish to make this Will +0; AL N; Crit II/d12. Str 9, Agi 13 (+1), Sta 15 (+1), Int
limitation known to clerics, wizards, and elves. It is also pos- 16 (+2), Per 11, Luck 13 (+1).
sible to let exploration continue beyond the time limit, and
then pick up events a decade later if the PCs have access to Thief skills: backstab +1, sneak silently +6, hide in shadows
sustaining magic (such as food of the gods). +4, pick pocket +6, climb sheer surfaces +6, pick lock +4, find
trap +5, disable trap +4, forge document +6, disguise self +0,
This adventure includes tie-ins to the Free RPG Day 2021 read languages +3, handle poison +0, cast spell from scroll
adventure Tomb of the Savage Kings by Stephen Newton, but 1d12+2.
is a stand-alone adventure.
Equipment: jeweled longsword (50 gp), dagger, thieves’ picks
BACKGROUND and tools, very fancy hat.
Role playing notes: Trocereo covers his uncertainty with brag-

C enturies ago, the ancient nation of Lys raised gadocio. His fondest desire is to obtain a really big score so
proud monuments in the fertile lands of the river that he can retire in style, but his spendthrift ways make
Cheron and its bordering desert. They worshiped true retirement unlikely.
many half-forgotten gods combining human and animal as-
pects, and a few which were wholly bestial. Among these Jubal (2nd level warrior, former hunter): Init +2; Atk long-
gods was the Old Serpent, Io-Set, whose chthonic worship sword +1d4+1 melee (1d8 + deed die) or shortbow +1d4
consisted of unholy rites conducted in Stygian darkness. Al- missile fire (1d6 + deed die); AC 13; HD 2d12-2; hp 9; MV
though Io-Set was imprisoned beyond the world by those 30’; Act 1d20; SP deed die (1d4); SV Fort +0; Ref +1; Will -1;
gods of Ancient Lys who looked kindly upon humanity, the AL N; Crit 19-20 III/d14. Str 15 (+1), Agi 12, Sta 6 (-1), Int 9,
Old Serpent was able to send his thoughts beyond his pris- Per 6 (-1), Luck 9.
on, and through the Serpent Ring of Io-Set, impress servants
to do his bidding. Equipment: longsword, shortbow, quiver with 12 arrows,
studded leather armor, backpack, piece of chalk, 3 days ra-
The last of these servants was the arch-wizard Monath Ot tions, holy symbol (Pelagia), pouch containing 17 cp and 26
who, with his patron’s tutelage, was able to breach the bar- gp.
riers between dimensions. Although Monath Ot could reach
the Old Serpent’s prison, he was unable to free Io-Set him- Role playing notes: Strong and quiet, Jubal is devoted to Alar-
self. He constructed a vault leading to Io-Set’s prison, creat- iel and will always go to her defense. He laments the loss
ing traps which would slay those who entered, their blood of Brother Vulmea more than his compatriots, and resents
and souls feeding his ophidian god until the Old Serpent Trocereo’s cavalier attitude.
could gain strength enough to shatter his bonds and escape. Alariel (2nd level elf, former forester): Init +0; Atk mithril
A century ago, disaster struck. Monath Ot lost the Serpent longsword +1 melee (1d8) or longbow +1 missile fire (1d6);
Ring, and with it his connection to Io-Set. Monath Ot yet AC 10; HD 2d6; hp 12; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP infravision 60’,
lives, and long ago revenged himself upon the bold thief spellcasting (+2 to spell checks), heightened senses, iron
who stole the artifact from his finger while he slumbered sensitivity; SV Fort +0; Ref +1; Will +2; AL C; Crit II/d8. Str
in lotus dreams. Although they do not appear in this ad- 11, Agi 12, Sta 8 (-1), Int 12, Per 13 (+1), Luck 11.
venture, the Serpent Ring and Monath Ot may reappear to Spells: invoke patron (the King of Elfland), color spray, magic
trouble the world—and the PCs—at a later time! missile (luck distortion; -2 Luck for 1d4 rounds), read magic
(rush of wind; torches go out 50%), runic alphabet (mortal).

Page 2
Equipment: mithril longsword, longbow, quiver with 20 ar- An explosion of parrots heralds your arrival at the clearing indicat-
rows, large sack, spyglass, gold ring (25 gp). ed on your map. Before you squats an ancient stone platform some
forty feet square, and at each corner, a plinth bearing time-worn
Role playing notes: Alariel is well aware of Jubal’s feelings runes rises. In the center is a structure like a stylized stone eye, its
and Trocereo’s insecurities, and is willing to use both to her pupil a mere slit, but the whole structure being easily eight feet
benefit—after all, they are only human! In a pinch, Alariel high. As you gaze upon this sight, a flight of steps becomes visible,
chooses another elf over her human compatriots, although leading upward beyond the previously-empty pupil. The stairway
she does feel remorse for doing so. does not seem to exist in the mundane world at all—surely this is
The rival party also included a cleric of Pelagia, Brother the portal you seek!
Vulmea, but he succumbed to lignum vitae poisoning—or as But be warned—although vast treasures are said to lie within, the
Trocereo puts it, “He turned into a bush.” portal only remains open for four hours before closing until an-
other decade has passed!
DEMON’S EYE Six plantmen guard the platform from the nearby forest.
They are nearly impossible to see unless being explicitly
Once the PCs have entered area 1-1, any spellburn is par- looked for, and even then, a DC 15 Intelligence check is re-
tially powered by Io-Set, and partially works towards his quired. They are armed with blowguns dipped in their own
release. When any character uses spellburn, roll 1d10 + the sap, lignum vitae, a toxin capable of transforming a living
amount spellburned – Luck Modifier and consult the table humanoid into a plantman (DC 10 Fort save or 1d3 Person-
below. Each mundane living creature that dies during the ality damage per round; victim transforms into a plantman
adventure contributes an additional +2 to this roll. at Personality 0). Those transformed into plantmen imme-
diately attack their former comrades. Note that a cleric who
1d10 can successfully lay on hands for 3 HD can neutralize the
+ Spellburn toxin, but doing so does not reverse existing effects.
– Luck Mod Result
Plantmen were once humanoids, those who explored this
5 or less No additional effect.
area in times past and succumbed to lignum vitae poisoning.
6-10 A musk-like reptilian odor wafts around Hints of their former lives may be visible in their current
the caster, remaining for a number of forms, which are now more humanoid bramble than any-
rounds equal to spellburn + 1d3. Normal thing else.
animals are made uneasy.
Plantmen (6): Init -2; Atk claw -1 melee (1d3 plus toxin) or
11-15 The caster feels the briefest touch of a cold,
blowgun +0 missile fire (1d3 plus toxin); AC 10; HD 1d5; hp
ophidian mind, draining 1d3 Personality
3 each; MV 20’; Act 1d20; SP plant (immune to most critical
in addition to any spellburn gained. This
effects and poison), camouflage (DC 15 Int check to detect),
Personality drain doesn’t add to the spell
toxin (DC 10 Fort save or 1d3 Personality per round); SV
check, but it does add to any further rolls
Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +0; AL N; Crit III/d6.
on this table (by any character).
16-20 There is something ancient and evil slith- Each of the four plinths has different writing on it, in an an-
ering in the darkness. The caster loses cient form of the common tongue. Each plinth requires a full
their next 1d3 actions (after the spell is round and a DC 10 Intelligence or Read Languages check
cast), pinned by the entity’s lidless emer- to read (characters without relevant occupations roll 1d10).
ald gaze before the vision fades away. A character cannot both decipher a plinth and attack. The
plinths read:
21-25 The caster is struck by 1d5 invisible ser-
pents (bite +4 melee for 1 damage each, Northeast: “I do raise this passage for the glory of Io-Set and for
plus DC 12 Fort save or 1d3 Stamina dam- his return.”
age). Add +1 to any future roll on this table Northwest: “Seek thee then mine riches, paid for with thy blood.”
(by any character) per successful attack.
Southeast: “Here shall thy soul be devoured and thy bones lie
26+ Io-Set is released. Go to The Old Serpent
Rises! on page 11 for details.
Southwest: “So sayth Monath Ot, Servant of the Old Serpent.”
ADVENTURE START Area 1-1 – Stairway Between Worlds: The stairs rise
One night every decade, the Demon’s Eye, the vault of the ancient from the stone eye, broad stone steps fifteen feet wide without rails
wizard Monath Ot, opens. You have fought your way here to the or guards on either side. At first, there is only blackness around
cursed Island of Vilaya, past many dangers, following an old trea- the stairs, but as you climb upward, stars begin to appear, until it
sure map acquired over dice in a dockside tavern. Other copies of seems as though you are rising through the night sky itself. The trip
the map must exist, for you have been able to keep one step ahead seems to take forever, and yet no time at all. You have no idea how
of the pirate Trocereo and his band, which you suspect even now many steps you have climbed by the time you reach a heavy wooden
must be on the island somewhere in the thick jungle behind you. door, set in a green marble arch, and with a stylized serpent’s head
for a handle. There appears to be nothing behind the archway.
Page 3
The handle of the door is trapped with a poison pin that slides then ride the eastern block to the lowest passage, giving
out of the serpent’s left eye (DC 15 Find Trap, DC 10 Disable nearly direct access to area 1-12. The PCs could potentially
Trap). The pin contains lignum vitae toxin (DC 10 Fort save or do the same—after the western block has travelled 5’ (so
1d3 Personality damage per round; victim transforms into a that there is a 10’ difference between them), the eastern pas-
plantman at Personality 0; see Adventure Start). sage is visible. Once the western block has gone down 10’,
the eastern passage is at the western block’s floor level. The
Area 1-2 – The Counterweights: Pulling the door open eastern block must then go down 40’ to reach the passage to
reveals a stone chamber beyond, fully fifty feet wide and sixty feet area 1-12. Note that the PCs can look into area 1-13 as well
deep. The walls rise thirty feet, then seem to open overhead into through the western end of the corridor, although there will
a night sky awash in stars. The walls themselves are covered in be a drop of at least 10’ to reach the floor. The images on the
glyphs representing the heads and torsos of various bestial or half- walls run the full 60’ height of this area, so that their feet
bestial gods—you recognize some of the creatures, such as cats, start at floor level in area 1-13, and their heads are near the
baboons, and jackals, but others are beyond your experience—and top of area 1-2.
throughout them all, great serpents and serpent-men coil between
the figures. A mosaic of tiles in red, black, and purple hues covers The counter-weighted blocks are relatively slow-moving.
the floor, and a tunnel leads out from the center of the far wall. Though unlikely, it is possible to get crushed at the bottom of
the shaft if one is unable to move out of the way of a descend-
The room is divided into two 50’ × 30’ blocks, each of which ing block—this is instantly fatal. If a character is elevated to
is 30’ deep. The eastern block has a 10’ corridor running the top of the room (which can be accomplished by riding
through its core (see map on page 6). When the room is at a block, or by making a DC 10 Climb Sheer Surfaces check),
rest, the tiled floor is the upper surface of both blocks. A there is nothing visible apart from the room itself. The De-
half-inch gap around each stone block is easily discovered mon’s Eye is located in an extra-dimensional space and, apart
by any who look. A DC 5 Find Trap check, or a dwarf’s un- from the provided conduits, there is no connection between
derground skills, can determine that the floor moves with locations. For instance, the tunnels exiting from area 1-13 and
weight put on it, but there is no easy way to disable this (DC the stairs back down to area 1-1 cannot be seen.
30 Disable Trap).
These upper reaches are part of the hunting ground of void
Each block moves when weight is put on it, at a rate of bats, and anyone within 20’ of the upper area will attract the
roughly 6 inches per round per character. When the east- attention of 1d5-2 void bats per round (minimum 0). Any-
ern block moves downward, the western block moves up- one struck while climbing must make a Fortitude save (DC
ward at the same rate. For example, if three characters are 10 + damage done) or fall. Characters leaping off a block
on the eastern block, and one on the western, the east moves may attempt a DC 10 Agility check to negate the first 10’ of
downward at 1’ per round, and the west moves upward at falling damage (armor check penalty applies).
the same rate. This will eventually reveal the passages in
the center of each block and make them passable. Note that Void bats: Init +4; Atk tail +2 melee (1d4) or bite +0 melee
characters in the passages are treated the same as those atop (1d6) or shriek; AC 16; HD 3d8; hp 12 each; MV 10’ or fly
the blocks for purposes of weight. When there is no weight 50’; Act 1d20; SP shriek; SV Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +0; AL C;
on either block, they return to their starting positions at the Crit M/d8.
rate of 1’ per round.
Void bats have four wings with a 15-foot wingspan, and
In times past, Monath Ot would enter the room in the west, have barbed tails which they use to strike at targets. They
wait for the eastern block’s central passage to appear, and can use an action to shriek, causing disorientation for 1d4+1

Page 4
rounds (no save). Any creature within 100’ who hears this normal attacks, immune to heat, poison, disease, and critical
shriek fights with a -1d penalty on the dice chain to both at- hits; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3; AL N; Crit M/d8.
tack rolls and damage, and has a -2d penalty to spell checks
(these effects are not cumulative). If a void bat drops a target These minor elementals were imprisoned by Monath Ot
to 0 hp, it will grasp its victim and carry them off into the with the aid of his patron, and attack all living things if their
void if it can. Other PCs might, of course, try to prevent this, chests are opened. Vaguely cobra-shaped beings of desert
by attempting to kill the bat, using Mighty Deeds to make it sands, sand elementals desiccate those creatures they strike,
drop its victim, or other ingenious plans as the judge allows. requiring a DC 10 Fortitude save to avoid taking 1d3 Stam-
Under no circumstances will a void bat willingly descend ina damage due to rapid water loss. A sand elemental can
more than 20’ from the void at the top of the chamber. also break apart into a whirlwind of sand once every 1d6
rounds, doing 1d6 damage to every creature in a 20’ radius
There is a secret door in the southwest corner of this room. who fails a DC 10 Reflex save.
It is difficult to locate (DC 20 Intelligence check), and can
only be opened from the other side. Opening the secret door Area 1-4 – Tilting Floor: This forty-foot section of hallway is
locks the counterweighted blocks in their current position unusually high (twenty feet) for its first ten feet, and then ten feet
for 10 minutes. high thereafter. A light coating of musty-smelling mauve slime
makes the floor somewhat slick, but not so slippery that a careful
Area 1-3 – First False Vault: Beyond the door is a stone person would fall. You can just make out a door at the far end.
chamber thirty feet wide and twenty feet deep. There is another
door in the center of the far wall, and another corridor exits this The door is a false door. With a DC 5 Find Trap check, abra-
room through an archway to your left. To the right, three large sions on the rough stone walls can be understood to show
chests are arranged along the wall. While two of the chests remain that the floor tilts, although there is no obvious means to
padlocked, one of them has been opened, and a desiccated body disable the trap. A dwarf can automatically determine that
sprawls before it. The floor is covered with fine grit. the floor tilts if they think to check. Otherwise, when more
weight passes halfway down the hallway, it begins to tilt.
The door into this room (from area 1-2) cannot be opened from Quick-thinking characters can leap back to safety (DC 10
this side without magic. Those who go down this way are Reflex save), possibly preventing the floor from tilting. Oth-
meant to die. In ages past, Monath Ot would travel this way erwise, the entire corridor upends to a 45-degree angle, and
only to reset traps, loot victims, and dispose of their bodies. the slickness of the floor makes it difficult not to slide down
it (DC 20 Reflex save).
The corpse is a decade old, but still has usable leather boots,
217 sp, a set of thieves’ picks, and a dagger, and a short Characters that cannot stop end up at the upper end of area
sword lies on the ground nearby. 1-12, fall 40’ for 4d6 damage, and must succeed on a Luck
check or fall into the pit (see area 1-12). Characters that are
The opened chest contains only about three inches of sand. able to stop face an arduous climb (DC 20 Climb Sheer Sur-
The two locked chests can be opened with a DC 5 Pick Locks faces or Strength check) to safety, and even then, can only
check, but each chest (if opened) disgorges a sand elemental reach the area 10’ from the initial door—the rest is cut off by
shaped like an 8’ cobra. the tilted corridor—until at least half the remaining charac-
Sand Elementals (2): Init +6; Atk bite +4 melee (1d6 plus ters have climbed successfully. A rope thrown by a PC who
desiccate) or scour; AC 14; HD 4d8; hp 16 each; MV fly 30’; has made the climb makes this considerably easier (DC 10
Act 1d20; SP desiccate (DC 10 Fort save or 1d3 Stamina dam- Climb Sheer Surfaces or Strength check; armor check penal-
age), scour (1d6, DC 10 Reflex negates), half damage from ties apply).

Page 5
Some players may wish to hold a rope from outside the cor- A hidden trapdoor in the ceiling leads to area 1-7. Elves can
ridor. If the corridor tilts, the rope is severed when the floor spot this with a DC 10 Intelligence check; otherwise, charac-
meets the ceiling unless the characters relying on it all suc- ters must specifically look to find it. A series of grooves in
ceed on a Luck check. Players may also keep most of their the wall nearby are actually hand- and foot-holds.
number on the western half of the corridor while sending a
If reset (see area 1-7), the trap is easy to locate (DC 5 Find
scout east. This allows the scout to safely determine that the
Trap check) but difficult to disarm (DC 20 Disable Trap
eastern door is false.
check). It is triggered by several pressure plates in the floor
Should anyone choose to taste the mauve slime, they must (1 in 6 chance to be triggered per character per 10’ travelled),
make a DC 10 Fortitude save or suffer 1d3 Agility damage and causes 3d6 damage (DC 10 Reflex save for half).
due to cramps and nausea. Area 1-7 – Hidden Supply Closet: This chamber is small,
Area 1-5 – The Serpentine Corridor: This passage slopes dark, and musty smelling, with a low, cracked ceiling. Several
downward to the right. Although made of stone, the passage is small kegs and clay urns are pushed up against one wall. There is
rounded, with large scales decorating the walls, and the floor pat- a bronze lever built into the floor.
terned like the wide scales of a serpent’s belly—the corridor ap- This room contains 12 four-gallon kegs of oil (used to lubricate
pears almost organic, as though leading through the shed skin of the blades and mechanism in area 1-6), and three clay urns
an enormous basalt snake. filled with musty-smelling mauve slime (used to keep the
There are a number of corridors designed like this. If the floor slick in area 1-4). The lever resets the trap in area 1-6, but
PCs think to look, the scales are oriented so that the “head” it cannot be moved until at least half the oil is used to lubricate
of the serpent would be downward, and the tail upward. the traps’ gears (pouring it into the blades’ slots will suffice).
Another hidden trapdoor on the floor (Intelligence DC 10 to
Area 1-6 – Chamber of Rusted Blades: The corridor
locate) opens to reveal a narrow bronze spiral staircase go-
widens into a long chamber, obviously once designed to be a trap
ing down through solid rock, and leads to area 1-8.
room. Several dozen blades with ophidian motifs worked into the
edges protrude from grooves in the walls, ceiling, and floor. The As with area 1-4, should anyone choose to taste the mauve
trap looks like it was never reset after it was last sprung; a forest- slime, they must make a DC 10 Fortitude save or suffer 1d3
like maze of sharp rusted edges lies between you and the far exit. Agility damage due to cramps and nausea.
The blades are easy enough to avoid by cautious adventur- Area 1-8 – Spell Chamber of Monath Ot: There are
ers, but anyone moving at more than half speed here must two plain wooden doors leading into this chamber, one from
make DC 15 Reflex save each round to avoid damage (any the spiral staircase from area 1-7, and the other from the se-
AC bonus from armor grants the same bonus to this save). cret passage from area 1-12. Both are trapped with scything
On a failed save, a roll of 10-14 indicates 1d6 damage, 2-9 blades that slice downward when the door is opened (DC 10
indicates 2d6 damage, and 1 or less indicates 3d6 damage. Find Trap, DC 15 Disable Trap; attack +6 melee, 1d6 damage).

Page 7
Roll Scroll
1 A cracked leather scroll tube contains a vellum scroll of magic shield, signed by the wizards Zola, Otalthax, and
Yag. The reader casts the spell using their own spell check, with the words disappearing from the scroll as the
spell is cast.
2 A bone scroll case contains a papyrus scroll of enlarge, written in the tongue of dragons. It must be translated to
be used (if the caster doesn’t speak Draconic). The scroll can be used any number of times, but the caster makes
a spell check as normal; on a failure, the scroll crumbles into dust.
3 A mithril scroll tube (25 gp value) contains a scroll of invoke patron (Azi Dahaka) and snake trick written on
human skin. Sigils on the case warn against using the scroll. When the scroll is first used, the caster takes 1d3
points of spellburn (taken using Azi Dahaka’s spellburn table, p. 332, DCC RPG), which do not add to the spell
check. Thereafter, this spellburn increases by +1d with every use. The caster makes a normal spell check, and
the scroll can be used any number of times.
4 A leather scroll case containing a scroll written on parchment. The scroll contains detect magic, choking cloud,
and runic alphabet (mortal). No matter who reads the scroll, the result is always 12 on the spell check. If the same
character tries to recast a spell from the scroll which they have previously cast, the scroll bursts into flame and
is consumed. The scroll is signed with the serpent-sigil of Monath Ot.
5 A scroll of magic missile in a bone scroll case. It is written in the language of Ancient Lys, and the caster must suc-
ceed on a DC 15 Intelligence check to decipher the spell as it is read. The caster makes a spell check as normal. Each
time the scroll is used, the caster must succeed on a Luck check or the ancient papyrus crumbles into fragments.
6 A bronze scroll tube containing a linen sheet, upon which the spells arcane affinity and polymorph are written.
The tube is marked with the glyph of the Crynydim, a conclave of masked wizards from Punjar. The caster
gains a +2 bonus to their spell check when using this scroll. The scroll can be used any number of times, but
each time it is used, the Crynydim is alerted to the caster’s location, and may eventually take steps to recover
the scroll and/or punish the caster’s temerity.
7 This bronze scroll case is trapped with a poison pin (DC 10 Find Trap, DC 5 Disable Trap; 1d3 damage plus DC
13 Fort save or 1d4 Stamina damage). Within is a papyrus scroll of shatter, which always gains a result of 22-25.
Once the scroll is used, it fades from existence.
8 A bone tube containing a vellum scroll of magic missile and ropework. It is signed “These incantations are mine,
Asluth Doom of Sunken R’lyeh, and those who dare read these potent syllables aloud shall be struck as if with
thunder and lightning.” The scroll can be used any number of times, but each time the caster must succeed on
a DC 15 Will save or be blinded and deafened for 1d5 hours. The caster gains a +2 bonus to their spell check.
9 A locked gold scroll tube (DC 15 Pick Lock; value 15 gp) contains a parchment scroll of Emirikol’s entropic mael-
strom. The spell wants to be released; each time the scroll is examined, the examiner must succeed on a DC 12
Will save or cast the spell immediately, with the spell being centered on the caster. The spell is cast with a +1d
bonus on the spell check, and once it is released the scroll is consumed by entropy.
10 A scroll tube of dark wood, containing a parchment scroll. Inscribed thereon are flaming hands, magic shield, and
lightning bolt. The caster always gains a minimum successful result, unless they roll a natural “1”. When this
occurs, the scroll disappears in a swirl of electricity, causing the caster 2d6 damage (DC 10 Fort save for half).
Each time the spell check would fail, but the caster gets a minimum result instead, the range for the scroll’s
electrical dissolution increases by 1 in a manner similar to clerical disapproval; for example, after three minimal
successes from failure, the range would be a natural 1-4.

This small chamber contains a plain wooden worktable and chair. at least a week’s study per spell level, in addition to the time
The walls are lined with stone shelves, upon which lie dusty clay needed to learn the spell itself.
tablets and scroll tubes of cracked leather, bronze, and bone.
Most of the scrolls have succumbed to the ages, crumbling
This was the magical library of Monath Ot, inscribed on clay into dust when an attempt is made to read them. However,
tablets in the language of Ancient Lys. These can be read each PC may uncover one of the scrolls above with a suc-
with comprehend languages, a Read Languages check of 15+, cessful Luck check and 10 minutes of searching. Roll 1d10
or an Intelligence check of 15+. There are too many tablets to to determine which scroll is found. In the case of duplicates,
carry, but whatever is taken can supply spell knowledge for no additional scroll is uncovered (making it more difficult
1d3 random spells of level 1d4-1 (minimum 1). This requires to find new scrolls as time goes on).

Page 8
Area 1-9 – The Hydra of Bones: The hall enters into a Nozzles high up along the walls (7 on each side set at 5’ in-
thirty-foot square chamber. The walls and ceiling, and what you tervals, 14 total) can be detected with a DC 20 Find Trap
can see of the floor, are decorated with images of a multi-headed or Intelligence check, and each takes a DC 10 Disable Trap
snake, but the floor is covered with old bones and scattered equip- check to disable. When the first PC reaches the dotted line
ment, most of it rusted beyond use. Six slabs of stone are arrayed marked on the map, a magic mouth appears in the center of
about the room, three to the right and three to the left. Upon each each wall to taunt the characters, and poison gas is released
slab lies an intact skeleton, the skulls of which are marked with the from the nozzles. The poison gas has lost some virulence
same sigil of a multi-headed serpent. The corridor continues out over the decades, but a DC 5 Fortitude save is still required
through the far wall. to avoid taking 1d3 points of Strength damage; on a natural
“1”, one point of the damage is permanent.
When the PCs are halfway across the room, or the intact
skeletons are disturbed in any way, the skeletons arise and The magic mouths take turns speaking, one each round, until
attack with their bony claws. When any of these skeletons their dialogue is finished, when they fade away. Each time
are destroyed, it instantly reforms on the following round a PC crosses the dotted line, the mouths reappear and run
into two skeletons from the bones strewn around the room, through their dialogue (unless they are still present), but
to a maximum of 18 skeletons. there is only enough poison gas for the single release.
Each skeleton bears the multi-headed serpent sigil when it North magic mouth: “Fools! Now thou art doomed!”
forms, and a skeleton can only be prevented from reforming
South magic mouth: “Past grave dangers have they come, almost
by destroying the skull. PCs can destroy a skull with a suc-
to success.”
cessful Mighty Deed, a critical hit that would target the skull
(and which destroys the skeleton), or by having a second char- North: “The Curse of Io-Set is upon thee!”
acter use an action die to destroy the skull before it can reform.
South: “Let them rejoice in their sacrifice.”
Classes without Mighty Deeds can also attempt to specifically
target a skull by taking a -1d penalty to their attack roll. North: “Only one may pass living from this chamber!”
These skeletons pursue foes, possibly causing them to flee South: “Let them war amongst themselves to determine the vic-
through area 1-5. tor.”
Reforming Skeletons (max 18): Init +0; Atk claw +0 melee Both together: “And their blood shall bring strength to the Old
(1d3); AC 9; HD 1d6; hp 4 each; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP un- Serpent, that He may rise!”
dead traits, half damage from piercing and slashing weap-
ons, reform into two skeletons; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; There is no actual curse involved, but if the power of sug-
AL C; Crit U/d6. gestion is strong enough to make the PCs fight each other,
so be it!
Searching this area can uncover a few items that are still in
usable condition: 2 daggers, an iron grappling hook, 4 iron Area 1-11 – The Serpent’s Head: The passage continues
spikes, and a threadbare pouch containing 32 sp and 3 gp. to loop downward to the right, until it meets another corridor
Two canine skeletons are mixed into the jumbled bones, and running perpendicular to it. Here the downward-sloping passage
can provide components for animal summoning. widens, as though to form a head biting the crossing corridor with
stone fangs. This second corridor appears crumpled where the
Area 1-10 – Second False Vault: The passage enters a serpent corridor is “biting” it—a disconcertingly realistic bit of
room thirty feet wide by forty feet long, with the corridor continu- stonework.
ing beyond the far wall. Both side walls are lined with dozens of
chests and ceramic urns. To the left, about thirty feet in, one of There is no trap here, although PCs may well spend some
the urns has cracked, spilling a shower of gold coins onto the floor. time looking for one.
A dwarf who takes the time to consider will note that, while The intersecting corridor leads left to area 1-13 and right to
they do smell gold here, the scent is not nearly enough for area 1-12. The door to area 1-12 is a massive wooden door,
the number of chests visible, and they can smell no gems. banded with bronze, with the image of a hooded cobra set
275 gp spill out from the noted urn (intended as a lure), but upon it in bronze. The handle is shaped like a serpent, also
the remainder of the chests and urns are empty. A pressure of bronze.
plate 10’ inside the doorway drops an iron portcullis in each The door has three locks, one atop the other, which operate
entrance, effectively sealing the room (DC 10 Find Trap, DC bronze sliding bolts built into the door. The top and bot-
15 Disable Trap). The portcullis bars can be bent with a DC tom locks are locked; the middle is unlocked. A DC 10 Pick
22 Strength check, or up to three characters can attempt to Lock check makes each change their state from locked to un-
lift the portcullis enough to wedge something under it with locked (or vice versa), and a thief who manipulates all of the
a DC 25 Strength check. locks successfully will always leave one or two locked. Suc-
Note that a similar pressure plate is near the far exit; PCs cess requires selectively unlocking only those bolts which
who detect the first trap may still find themselves trapped in are locked. Once a thief becomes aware of this, any Pick
this room. Both pressure plates must be disabled to prevent Lock check of 15+ will also give them an idea whether they
the twin portcullises from falling. have just locked or unlocked a bolt.

Page 9
The door can potentially be battered down with a DC 25 The Pit: The pit in the center of the room leads to the prison
Strength check (up to three characters may aid each other). of Io-Set, the Old Serpent. After descending 60’, there is only
Characters can hack the door open with 30 hp of damage, re- blackness—even lights dropped disappear at this depth.
moving wood around the bolts. Axes and similar implements Any creature or object falling more than 60’ into the pit is
do full damage. Swords and other bladed weapons not de- lost forever. The judge may allow a falling character one last
signed for chopping do half damage. Piercing or bludgeoning DC 20 Reflex save to grab hold of a projection on the wall
weapons are ineffective. Hacking a door open may seem te- as they fall. Such a character must still succeed on 1d4 DC
dious, and judges may be tempted to simply rule that the door 15 Climb Sheer Surfaces or Strength checks to escape the pit.
can be hacked open– but remember that there is a time limit
before the portal closes, and handwaving how long this takes Random weapons: The room has many weapons in it, some
removes some of the tension caused by the real-world clock. broken and others not. A PC may spend an action to gain a
specific sort of weapon (but cannot gain the Serpent’s Tooth
Players may also use magic—for example knock, a reversed in this manner). PCs who grab weapons from the floor as
ward portal, or even shatter—to get past this barrier. Judges part of their move roll 1d14 + Luck modifier to determine
are encouraged to reward player ingenuity. what is grabbed: (1 or less) broken spear, (2-5) broken long-
word, (6-10) broken polearm, (11-15) short sword, (15-20)
Area 1-12 – The Demon’s Eye: The door opens into a stone spear, (21-23) longsword, (24-26) javelin, (27-29) polearm,
chamber like a flattened cylinder, some sixty feet in diameter and or (30+) the Serpent’s Tooth (chaotic +1 spear, Int 12, wielder
forty feet high. In the center of the room is a gaping pit, twenty gains 120’ infravision and eyes appear snake-like, special
feet in diameter. Around the walls are scattered a number of chests, purpose is to destroy the forces of Law, and lawful creatures
bags, urns, and piles of loose coins. Many old weapons, some bro- must make a DC 14 Fortitude save when struck or take an
ken, are scattered across the floor. Surely this is the vault you seek! additional 1d8 damage from venom). The Serpent’s Tooth
As you glance around though, you can see the stone walls bulge in can only be found once.
places and then return to their former state—as if they were elastic,
with a vast serpent moving beyond, and the walls but a prison Secret Door: This can be found with a DC 10 Intelligence
grown thin, barely keeping it Outside. check. A hidden catch causes the door to swing outward,
revealing the passage to area 1-8. The secret door is obvious,
About 30’ away from the doorway, the demon Khosus waits. and can easily be opened from the other side.
It has a chameleon-like ability to blend into its surround-
ings, looking like nothing more than a heap of iron chests. Treasure: In addition to the Serpent’s Tooth, the vault con-
Khosus remains motionless until someone approaches it, or tains the following treasures:
until the party is distracted while despoiling the room. The • Loose coins: Any PC can spend a round scooping up
demon appears as a giant insect, half mantis, half scarab, 1d30 cp, 1d24 sp, and 1d6-1 gp. The only limitations here
whose carapace is made of iron. Its single eye is molten fire, are time, weight, and what the coins are carried in.
and is its single point of vulnerability. • A small chest containing 164 sp, 30 gp, a light blue potion of
Khosus, Type I Demon: Init +0; Atk bite +5 melee (1d6+2 invisibility (as spell check 16-19, p. 172, DCC RPG), Spike (a
plus venom) or claw +6 melee (1d6+2 plus throw); AC 12 or lawful +1 dagger with 4 Intelligence and no ability to com-
17 (see below); HD 3d12; hp 28; MV 40’ or fly 20’; Act 2d20; municate), and a silver ring shaped like entwining ivy with
SP demon traits, iron carapace, venom (DC 14 Fort or 1d4 a single citrine gem (apparent value 35 gp, this ring grants
Stamina damage), throw, molten eye, chameleon-like; SV a +1 bonus to AC and all saving throws when worn).
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4, AL C; Crit DN/d4. • A
 locked chest (DC 10 Pick Lock check) containing 206
cp, 63 sp, 57 gp, 21 ep, and a silver chain with 5 small
Demon traits: Infravision 60’, speech (Demonic, Common), emeralds worth 200 gp.
cast darkness with +4 modifier, half damage from fire.
• A locked chest (DC 10 Pick Lock check) contains chain-
Iron carapace: Khosus’s iron hide is impenetrable to non-mag- mail, a mace, and a shield. None of these are magical, but
ical weapons. Only by targeting the demon’s eye (through a the shield is so well-made as to grant +2 to AC instead
successful Mighty Deed, a critical hit that would affect the of +1.
eye, or making a successful attack against AC 17 while at- • A locked iron chest (DC 20 Pick Lock check) holds 201
tempting to target the eye) can mundane weapons do any cp, 284 sp, 85 gp, and 10 pp. A false compartment in the
damage at all. Magical weapons do half damage when strik- bottom (DC 10 Intelligence check to locate) hides a deep
ing the demon’s iron carapace. green potion which heals 2 HD of damage, and a scroll of
fireball in a bone tube (always casts at 24-26 spell check
Throw: With a successful claw attack, Khosus throws oppo-
result, can be used three times before crumbling into ash).
nents 1d3 × 10’ toward the open pit. Characters at the edge
of the pit are allowed a DC 14 Reflex save to avoid falling in. • Pouch holding 40 sp, 20 gp, and an emerald worth 100 gp.
• Small sack containing 50 gp.
Molten eye: A weapon which strikes Khosus’s molten eye
• Copper bowl holding 150 sp. If examined, the bowl is
bursts into flame and is drawn into the demon, where non-
found to be finely made, inlaid with silver and worth 50
magical weapons are utterly destroyed. If the owner suc-
gp itself.
ceeds on a Luck check, magical weapons are ejected from
the eye when the demon is slain. • Large sack containing 259 gp.

Page 10
• A silver cup (worth 25 gp). cause of poor maintenance, only 1d3 darts are released when
• Rolled tapestry with silver and gold threads (worth 450 the door is opened (+4 ranged attack, 1d3 plus poison, DC 18
gp, but bulky to carry). Fortitude save or be permanently blinded; if first save fails,
• Clay urn holding 273 sp and 328 cp. another DC 18 Fortitude save is required to avoid death).
• Large sack containing 285 sp. Area 1-14 – Stairway to the Top: Beyond the secret door,
• Large sack containing 182 cp and 79 ep. you see a black marble staircase which spirals upward through
• Large sack containing 300 gp. solid basalt.
• Small chest containing 300 cp. This stairway leads upward to the secret door in area 1-2.
• Small chest containing 250 coins which appear to be gold, The secret door can easily be pushed open from this side,
but are lead with a thin coating of gold, worth 1 cp each. and the counterweights in area 1-2 are frozen in place for 10
• Small locked chest (DC 15 Pick Lock check) containing a minutes when the door is opened.
silver armlet (worth 35 gp), 31 gp, and 5 pp.
• Iron box holding 200 gp, 400 sp, a gem-studded belt

worth 150 gp, and a scroll of protection from the un-dead f the PCs (or their NPC rivals) trigger the release
in a leather scroll case (when read, it creates a 30’ radi- of Io-Set, read or paraphrase the following. If the
us zone around the scroll where all creatures gain a +5 characters are not in area 1-12 when this occurs,
bonus to AC vs. the un-dead, and a +5 bonus to saves adjust the text to reflect what they are aware of:
against un-dead creatures’ abilities; after 1d6 turns, the
scroll crumbles into dust and the protection ends). There is a hushed moment when everything seems to stand still.
• Urn containing 1,263 sp. A gloating, hissing whisper echoes in your minds: “Free…free!
FREE!” The enormous serpent, which had been pressing in on the
• An alabaster statue of a woman and a serpent, weighing
walls, moves with lightning speed, downward and away.
40 pounds and worth 200 gp.
• Urn stuffed with 12 pieces of silk worth 10 gp each. The PCs have three rounds to react.
• Locked chest (DC 10 Pick Lock check) with poison needle Suddenly, an enormous black cobra of malignant aspect shoots
trap (DC 5 Find Trap, DC 10 Disable Trap; DC 15 Fort upward from the pit, it’s girth so large that the floor around the
save or 3d8 damage) containing 390 gp, 130 ep, a ruby- pit cracks as it emerges. It regards you for a moment, but the lure
encrusted gold coronet worth 600 gp, and a silver ring of freedom outweighs its malevolence, and it crashes through the
with a rampant stag sigil worth 30 gp. ceiling to escape, raining chunks of masonry down upon you. As
• The Staff of Sekhmet, a lion-headed and bronze-shod dark it breaks free of its prison, the magic binding the vault together
wooden staff (lawful +2 staff, Intelligence 11, capable of begins to unravel, and reality seems to grow thin. You suspect
speech through the lion’s head, +1d10 damage against that soon, these chambers will burst like a series of bubbles, and
serpents and snake-like creatures, can grant 3 HD of everything still remaining here will be lost to the Void.
healing each day).
Anyone in area 1-12 must succeed on a DC 10 Reflex save or
• 12 shields.
take 2d6 damage from falling stones. The PCs now have 20
• 1 suit of plate mail. minutes (in real time) to find a way out of the Demon’s Eye
• 1 suit of chainmail sized for a dwarf. or they are lost. Any area they leave ceases to exist, becom-
• 24 helmets of various styles. ing part of the Void, and possibly cutting off their retreat
Area 1-13 – Below the Counterweighted Room:
This description assumes that both counterweighted stone
blocks (see area 1-2) are in their original position. Note that

if the PCs approach through the upper passage, they will he adventure ends when the PCs leave the De-
be 10’ above the floor of the room. The judge should alter mon’s Eye, or when leaving becomes impossible
descriptions as needed to account for current conditions. (either because the Demon’s Eye ceases to exist, or
This large chamber is decorated with images of the feet and lower because the portal closes for another decade). Plantmen only
legs of various creatures, human and bestial, going up to the ceil- harass adventurers entering the Demon’s Eye; the jungle is-
ing thirty feet above. The floor is covered with a mosaic depicting land is strangely silent when the PCs return.
a great serpent twisting upon itself in a labyrinthine shape. The Although it is beyond the scope of this adventure to detail
tiling around the serpent is red, black, and violet, but the serpent Io-Set as a patron, enterprising judges may choose to do
itself is bright green. Its eyes appear to be twin rubies. so. Monath Ot is still out there somewhere, and might well
There is nothing magical about the tiled labyrinth, and the recover the Serpent Ring, becoming a formidable enemy to
ruby eyes can be pried from the floor. Each is worth 50 gp. higher-level characters. The PCs may be wealthy when they
escape the Demon’s Eye, but riches must be transported
The secret door is easily found (DC 5 Intelligence check) and to civilization to be useful, and additional adventures are
opened, but it is trapped with a device that shoots poisoned bound to occur on the way. Life is never dull in the lands of
darts at the opener (DC 15 Find Trap, DC 5 Disable Trap). Be- Dungeon Crawl Classics!

Page 11
fun tpks



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