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ELSEVIER Wear 213 ( It)t)71 185-19t~

Organic coating removal by particle impact

M. Papini, J.K. Spelt *
Uaiv~'r.~ity ~I Toroato. D~Tulrtment r~l M~'cham~at aml hJ~htstrial Erjgitleerit~g. 5 King "x College Road. Toronto. Ontario. Canada MSS .'IGB
Reccivctl i i September It.lOft;accepted 2(I March 1997


The collision of individual glas.,, heads wilh steel sa,l~ple.,,,'t~ated with an alkyd paint was examined in the context of coating removal using
the blasl cleaning process. It was fi~undthal coatiqg removal was best modeled "ts.,~umingthe development of a critical shear stress rather than
the creation of .stress wave.,,. For this particular .~y~tcm,only the normal component of incident velocity correlated with coating removal, and
a critical velocity existed where the coatin~ could he removed without damaging the suhstrate. A rneth~xlis proposed and tested for determining
this velocity, hasud tm a calculation t~f the veh~city needed for the glass bead to just penetrate the coating. © 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.

Kevwords: C~iltings:('olli.,ii~n.~:Blast cleaning:Impact: I)clamination:Paintrcmo,,al

1. Introduction ic,~ literature, and the field of solid particle erosion of bare
substrates. An excellent review of the solid panicle erosion
Organic coatings are often removed using solvents that of coatings can be tbund in the paper by Shipway and Hutch-
create waste which is difficult and expensive to dispose of. ings 141. The paper also outlines a method for describing
For this reason, mechanical coating removal techniques such coating erosion in terms of a critical dose of particles of a
as blast cleaning are of increasing interest, in the blast clean- particular size and shape needed to remove a coating. A book
ing process, a stream of particles is directed towards the by Johnson provides an excellent introduction to contact
coated substrate, and the coating is removed by mechanical mechanics, containing solutions forelastic collisions between
means. The fundamental mechanisms of coating, removal. particles and substrates 15 ], and for static contact analysis of
however, are not well understood, and there have been very elastic layers on semi-infinite substrates 16]. Ramamunhy el
few attempts at modeling the process. As a result, blast clean- al. [7.81 have modeled the removal of chips of paint on
ing is. for the most part, dominated by trial-and-error and automobiles due to stone impacts using shock physics and
rules of thumb. finite element models of wave propagation. Brach has devel-
Although coating removal by blast cleaning may be oped a very simple method for characterizing collisions of
affected by multiparticle interactions, the spread of the par-
single particles with uncoated substrates in terms of energy
ticle streams, and the distribution of particle sizes and shapes,
losses, the coefficient of restitution, and the ratio of normal
a single-particle model serves as a logical iirst step to under-
to tangential impulse 19]. Another paper by Hatchings [ 10l
standing the fundamentals of coating removal, This paper
attempts to explain, through experiment and theory, the fun- provides valuable insights into the different mechanisms of
damental mechanism of coating removal tbr single, spherical solid particle erosion of substrates using both irregular and
glass particles impacting an alkyd-coated steel subslrate. spherical panicles. Matthewson [ I ! ! has developed an
asymptotic solution for the static indentation of an elastic
layer on a semi-infinite substrate that includes the calculation
2. Literature review of" intcrfacial shear stress. Rossikhin and Shitikova [ 12 ] have
recently developed a wave propagation model of the impact
Previous research related to blast cleaning is mostly of an of a rigid sphere with an elastic layer based on Pay methods.
empirical nature and very specilic to particular systems I I- Lu I 13 ! has provided valuable observations of indentation
3 i. Other useful literature can be found in the contact mechan, cracks in coating-~ubstrate systems, and has proposed a
method to determine the crack paths, Dioh and Williams i 14 !
* Corresponding author. have studied the impact behavior of paints and developed
0043-1648197/$ I"L(X}~ It)97 ElsevierScienceS.A. All rights reserved
PI! S00,~.3- I b48{ 97 ](10()fi2-8
186 M. P¢+pinLJ.K. Spelt I Wear 213 f 1997t 185-1~

methods for the experimental determination of material prop- ular planes, thereby allowing a verification that the rebound
erties under impact conditions. and incident velocity vectors were in a single plane. A true
in order to characterize the erosion of both coatings and color RGB frame grabber ( Occulus TCX. Coreco Inc.) was
bare substrates, many investigators have designed various used with the two cameras connected to two of the three
types of erosion rigs and gas guns. For example, Hatchings channels. The frame grabber continuously grabbed frames at
and Winter I 151 have designed a gas gun that uses a reservoir the rate of 60 Hz, continuously overwriting its frame buffer.
lull of either helium or nitrogen, and is triggered by the Because the collisions were expected to last on the order of
bursting of two diaphragms. The single particles are placed hundreds of microseconds, it was only necessary to have the
in polythene sabots which are stopped at the end of the barrel, setup determine which of the frames was the frame of interest
yielding speeds of up to 600 m s - ~. The performance of this (i.e. the frame in which the collision occurred), and then the
gun under different operating pressures and fluids was eval- continuous grab could be terminated with the frame of interest
uated and compared to theory. Graham et al. 1161 built an in the frame grabber buffer. An infrared trigger mounted at
erosion test facility based on exploding aluminum foils that the end of the barrel (V|S ll, Optikon Inc.) sensed tile par-
propel single particles in the size range 100--8000 p.m at ticles as they left the barrel, and sent a signal to an l/O hoard
velocities ranging from 250 to 7000 m s - ' . Hatchings et al. (Opto 22 PB8) attached to the computer and to a delay
! 171 have designed a gun with a rectangular bore capable of generator. The I/O board was connected to the frame grabber
launching 0.5 g particles at speeds of 300 m s ', The gun and the frame grab sequence was terminated upon triggering.
uses a solenoid valve to release a compressed gas into u barrel, The trigger also caused the delay unit to generate pulses to
and the rect.'mgular bore ensures that the particles are trigger four high-speed flashes mounted near the target at
launched without rotation. A theoretical and experi- adjustable delays. Because the cameras are light integrators.
mental study of the effect of valve opening times on the summing all the light that reaches their sensor in one frame,
performance of gas guns can be found in the paper by White a trajectory of the particle (four images) appeared on the
and Fowles 1181. grabbed frame. The delays were timed so that two images of
the particle were just before collision, and two just after
collision. By using image analysis software ( Imi~ge Pro Plus.
3. Experimental method Media Cybernetics Inc. ), the precise distance between suc-
cessive particle images ( i.e. the distance the particle traveled
Collisions between single particles and bare substrates are between flashes) was measured. This di,~tance divided
normally characterized in terms of,+ +ergy losses and coeffi- by the delay between flashes gave the incidt.'nt and rebound
cients of restitution. A similar approach ;vas utilized in this velocities of the particle.
study to build an experimental database for collisions The model coating system was typical of a class of rela-
between small glass spheres and coated substrates. tively soft coatings on rigid substrates. The system consisted
To perform single-particle impact experiments, a gas-gun- of Valspar Inc. alkyd enamel of various thicknesses on Bon-
h,gh-speed photographic setup was constructed. A single derite I000 iron phosphate pretreated, polished cold-roiled
glass sphere was loaded into a cylindrical urethane sabot steel ( 0.66 mm thick) obtained from ACT Laboratories. The
(6.3 mm diameter and 10 mm length) which was, in turn. specimen holder consisted of a 9 mm thick piece of steel on
loaded into a 6.3 mm inner diameter, 50 cm long steel barrel which the specimens ( 30 × 30 mm ) were clamped. The spec.
via a breech. The barrel-breech was attached to a solenoid imen holder was pivoted in a clcvicc which allowed rotation
valve, which was. in turn connected to a compressed air to any incident impact angle. The clevice0 in turn, was
cylinder. The fast+acting solenoid valve (Model 73216 clamped to a long steel rod. permitting adjustments in the
BN2MT(X). Hon,.ywcll) permitted a burst of compressed air height of the target.
to accelerate the urethane sabot and glass sphere to the end In order to investigate the effects of particle impacts on
of the barrel where a urethane ring stopped the sabot, but this paint, the photographic setup described above was used
allowed the glass sphere to exit. A serie~ of holes drilled at to determine the incident and rebound velocities of single
the end of the barrel relieved the pressure behind the sabot as glass spheres (0,64ram diameter) launched, at various
it stopped, and minimized the amount of air exiting the end angles of attack, against the coated specimens. Four paint
of the barrel with the glass sphere. By regulating the pressure thicknesses were used ( 20. 25, 40and 50 Ixm ) and the normal
in the range 140-69(X1 kPa, particle velocities between 2(I component of the incoming velocity was varied between I0
and 130 m s t were obtained. It was found that the speed of and 120 m s +~. Experiments were also done on the bare steel
the particles exiting the barrel was independent of the size, substrate for comparison purposes. In all cases, the particles
density and shape of the particles when tested with angular remained undamaged after impact.
and spherical glass, plastic, and steel in the diameter range The Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of the coating,
0.1-1 ram. This was because the mass of the particles was ,,leel substrate and the glass were, respectively, 2470 MPa,
very small compared to that of the sabot. 0.4:21)0 GPa, 0.3; and 70 GPa, O, 17. The coating was found
Two cameras ( black and white C¢'D cameras+ not special to have material properties strongly dependent on strain rule,
field-on-demand) were used to obtain images in perpendic- and therefore, the Young's modulus was determined using a
M. Papim, J.K. Spelt/iig,ar 213 ~19971 IbtS-I~tt 187

time-of-flight ultrasonic method at 5 MHz [ t9l. it was rea- 4. Results a n d discussion

soned that the combination of a high measuring frequency
and low strain amplitude would produce an elastic (as 4.1. Obs('rvation.~ t!f c'~xtt'k path and impact site
opposed to viscoelastic) coating response approximating that
created by the very high strain rates of impact, The Poisson's Fig. I ( a ) shows a 3 3 m s ~ velocity (at normal inci-
ratio was not measured for this coating, but was assumed to dence ) impact site on the paint photographed with a scanning
be approximately 0.4, based on values for similar coatings electron microscope. The coating did not delaminate, but the
examined by Ramamunhy el al. 18]. The ma'~s of a single impact created an indentation that was similar to the plough-
panicle was measured on a microbalance as the average of ing or cratering observed by Hutchings in the collisions of
50 randomly selected particles and was 0.364 rag. The radius spheres with bare steel substrates [10l.
of the particle was also measured taking the average of 50 At higher velocities, the coating delaminated approxi-
measurements, and was found to be 0.32 ram. with a standard mate!y axisymmetrically. Fig. l ( b ) and ( c ) , for incident
deviation of approximat,zly 0.03 ram. velocities of 50 and 90 m s - i (90 ° incident angle), show the

. ~, • ,.. , . ~ .

. .. . . ::".~ ?,~.,~

• • . .~ ~.~~


• .~. . . . . . ,..~ .~ • -. . . . . . . .

,.,.i .
:.,: ,~ ~ ....

fig. I. I m p a c t ...,i~e,~o n 41b ~ m t h i c k c o a t i n g . ~ 0 ° i n c i d e n ! ; i n g l e . i n c i d e n t v e | c ~ i l i e . , , o f : ~.', ) 3 3 rn s ~. ( h ~ 5 0 m ~ ~. ,I ¢ ~ t~) m ~ '.

188 M, PtqJhri, J.K. Spelt / Wear 21.¢ (1997) 185-199

blister-like nature of
the impact site. with the coating delam- (Fig. 2(a) ). Similar cracking patterns were observed by Lu
inated below the blister. This characteristic feature may have in static indentation tests on ZnO coated Si substrates [ 13J.
been due to the delaminated paint chip adhering to the glass Fig. 2(b) shows that at higher velocities ( > 6 0 m .~- a), the
particle as it rebounded and thus being partially pulled offthe remaining dot of crushed paint on the substrate is replaced
substrate. Alternately, the blister may have resulted from the by a dimple of permanent deformation in the steel. X-ray
lateral displacement and buckling of the coating as the panicle photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis of the back sur-
penetrated to the steel. A hole in the paint layer is visible in face of the removed paint chip revealed that there was no
the center of Fig. ! (b) and (c ], indicating that the glass phosphate present. This, together with the fact that there was
sphere had penetrated through the paint layer. An interesting no observed paint residue left on the substrates in Fig. 2,
feature of the 50 m s ~ collision (Fig. I ( b ) ) is the radial indicated that delamination occurred at the interface between
cracking pattern, which was typical only tbr a small range of the iron phosphate pretreatment and the paint, and not within
velocities (45-55 m s- ~for the 40 p..n coating). Impact sites either the paint or the iron phosphate l,yer.
lbr angles other than 90 ° showed similar features, but were A detailed inspection of the 50 m s- ' ( normal incidence)
slightly skewed into an oval shape for impacts at low angles impact site (Fig. 2 ( a ) ) revealed no visible damage to the
of attack (high tangential component of incident velocity substrate, indicating that it was possible to remove paint with-
vector). out damaging the substrate ( this will be discussed further in
At higher velocities, it was clear that delamination had Section 4.3 ).
occurred: however, at lower incoming velocities, it was not
so obvious. In order to determine it' the coating had delami- 4.2. D o m i n a n c e oJ'normal c;~k,~'ts allrl comptzrisolt to
nated, special adhesive tape was applied to the impact site B r a c h 'x m o d e /
and pulled off in the manner described in the ASTM standard
adhesion scratch test 1201. ira chip came off. it was assumed Brach has shown that the energy losses in a collision due
that delamination had occurred, In all cases, the tape consis- to normal and tangential effects are, respectively 19 J,
tently removed the paint to the bare substrate, i.e. the coating
always failed by delaminating from the pretreated steel. The I
"IT. = I( I - e 2) sin-cel~_ m r : (I)
area removed in each collision was measured using a video
camera on a microscope, a frame-grabber and digital image
analysis software, "'-[[~]
/',.- " (~)
~ 2- ]' mr:
cos-'o¢ ~ (2 )
Fig. 2 shows the steel substrate below the impact sites of
Fig. i (b) and (c) after the paint chips were removed with where o~ is the angle of attack, defined as the angle between
the adhesive tape, as described above. The paint has been the incident velocity vector and the surface, ,~ is lhe ratio of
completely removed in both cases, except for a small spot of the particle radius squared to the radius of gyration of the
crushed paint directly below the impact in the 50 m s - i case particle radius squared ( 5 / 2 for a sphere), e is the coefficient

Fig. 2. Slecl sub.~lrale b¢lc~w impact sit¢ after ,~'rnoval of 40 p,m coating using adhesive tape. 90 ° incident angle a! incident veloci|ies of: (a) 50 m ,~ '. {b)
M, !~ q~ini, J.K. Sp~,ll I Wear 213 ~I qq7 ~I,'¢5~-/ t~q 189

of restitution (defined as the ratio of the normal rebound transition between roiling and sliding appears to occur at 45 °
velocity to the normal incident velocity ). and/.t,, is the critical angle of incidence, after which the data points roughly Ibllow
impulse ratio which detines the transition from sliding to the "'envelope" dctined by the theoretical critical impulse
rolling during a collision and is detined as [ 9 I. ratios at e = 0 and e = I. The other experimental data show
similar trends and all have a large amount of scatter in the
#.,,: = (3) impulse ,'alto. This relatively large scatter has been experi-
( I +A)( I +e) t a n o¢
enced by other~ [ 9.211 and is probably due to surface irreg-
The impulse ratio, #, is t h e r a t i o o f l a n g e l l l i , ' d t o n o r m a l ularities and the I~ct ti]at the impulse ratio is very sensitive
impulse generated during the ilnpact, P~/P,,, and is ineasured io error,~ in Ihe measurement of the impact and rebound
by taking the ratio of the change in momentum in the tangen- velocities.
tial direction to the change in momentt, m in the nornlal direc- The dependence of the paint area removed on the energy
tion ( using the appropriate components of measured incident Io.,,.~ ass~ciated with the normal and tangential incoming
and rebound velocities). It is irnporlant to note that the ,,'elocitics is shown in Figs. 4. and 5. The amount of paint
impulse ratio is equiwdent to a dynamic friction coeflicient removed d~cs not depend very much on energy loss due to
only in the case where the mechanism of tangenlial impulse tangential effects ( Fig, 5 ). bill does increase with the enemy
is due to friction. For a more complete discussion of impulse loss due Io normal effects (Fig. 4). This relatively strong
ratio, and the role of friction, see Rel\ [gJ. An underlying corrclalion between the area loss and the energy losses due
assumption is thai, regardless of the mechanism of the tan- to normal efft2cts alld tl~e relalivcly weak correlation between
gential impulse, there can be no impulse ratio higher than ih, the area Io.,,s and the energy losses due to tangential effects
critical impulse ratio./x~., so that if a series of in]pact experi- st,~zesls that normal effects dominate paint removal. Fur-
ments is performed at tixed incident velocity..rnd the meas- thermo,'e. ~t threshold value of energy loss due to normal
ured impulse ratio is plotted vs. the .'ingle of incidence, there effects exi.,,tx for each coating thickness (Fig. 4). whereas.
should be a point where the transitffm from sliding to rolling there is no st,oh threshold value for energy loss due to
occurs, alter wllich the data points lie within a band detined tangential effects ( Fig, 5).
by Eq. (3) at e = 0 and e = I 191. Brach used experimental Fig. 6 is a plot of the incident normal velocity component
data on uncoated specimens to support his analysis, and in vs. the amount ~1 coaling removed for all experiments per-
particular, this hypothesis of a critical impulse ralio 191. f~rmcd at an~les of incidence between 18 and 90 °. This illus-
There is. however, no reason why the analysis should not trates that a critical amount of incideni nonnal velocity is
also hold for coated substrates, and Fig. 3 shows typical data required, for each coating thickness, to initiate removal of the
gathered in the present study. The data points are averages of coating, and. furthem~ore, that this critical value is independ-
multiple impacts performed at each angle of incidence. As ent of the tin,genital component. The dependence on normal
mentioned above, the impulse ratios were calculated by tak- efl'cct,~ is furthe," illustrated by Fig. 7 which is a plot of the
ing the ratio of the cl~ange in mornentum in the tangential energy losses normalized by the total incident kinetic energy.
direction to the change in momentum in the normal direction. vs. angle of attack, in all cases, the enerey loss in the normal
using the experimentally measured component.~ of values direction accot, nts for most of" the energy loss, This system
obtained at each angle of incidence, and incident velocity aqd exhibits, what is termed in the lield of solid particle erosion.
rebound velocity in the tangential and normal directions. The defor,natio,} (}r ploughing wear. a,s opposed to cutting wear

o.25 i .... !---


l i
[ - i

i ,
c -

"!., ]-,
,~ 0,15 ..... ~.

° - i

~ O.L -


i ° "-~-
i , . . - - ~ . . . . . . •
0 ~
0 to 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Incident Annie of Attack, at ( d ~ . )
Fig. 3. Vari;itit)n of impulse r,'itk~ wilh iiIl~lt' lll';.lli~.L~.'k I'l, 85 m .', I 1~1al incident ~.'t,..hlt,'ily ~..olli~i~,~ll~, with 40 ~111 Ihick ~.'olJ|itl~. Crlti,,:.'LI illlptli.~¢ r:ltio ~ t 19r,tq.'ll
I ~) i :,1~ sh4~wn for e = 0 ~l,~d (' =- I.
190 M. Pupini, J.K. Spelt/We(zr 213 (1997) 1i~5-199

& 0
| a'~ &

,"" 1,4

4, •
!.2 ~,

~ 0.8 •

0.6 u_~ ••~$ •.

~ o.. ."
< 0.4 oo ~=••:'o o
_ O •o '~q~o
0.2 =o •

0 0,$ 1.5 2 2.5 3

Norm=l ZnerID' I o n , T L" (mJ)

Fig. 4. Area of coating removed w . energy loss due to normal direction etTccts for coating thickness: A 50 ~m, 4) 40 Is,re. [] 2.5 p.m. C) 20 p.m.


i.6 +

1.4 .
A •
• Ai A A
h, A

= I b

~s o.B i o
- i t
• ~ • u•
0.6, 41' • ,, 4••
< = UO % 4 4
0.4 a -I 0

0 D O

0 .1331nG4 ~ ~ 0 0 6~6 Mbt & $ 4 44•46 ~SO& • ~ •

0 0.05 O. I O. 15 0.2 0.2.5

Tanl¢enlii| Enerl~ Locq, TL+(mJ)

Fi E. 5. Arca of coatin~ rumnovcd vs. cncr~y Ios~ duc Io I~t)gcnliol direction ct'fect.~ for coatin~ thicknc.~s: ,~. 50 pro. 4 40 p.m. I-t 25 u.m. C) 20 I-Lm.

A ¢'

13 i
~ 1,4 -
[] & A
~ 1.2 . A .

• •o
o° 4 ' ' *
3 0s
•4. 4
o.6 o u -'..'*+. 4'
°o° 4~0 • O0 0
O 0°
" S
0 IZX)~CJmsIl~,mdlk4m~ 4- db ~, •

0 20 40 60 80 I00 120 ]40

Incident Normal Compoueut of Velocity, v, (m/s)
Fig. 6 . Arca ol'¢oating r c n u r , r c d a s it I+unctiono f in¢idc,]t normal vclo¢ily ¢ol'rl~t)llelll |'tlr c o a l [ l l ~ tJli~.'kll¢~.~: A .%0 p.111, • 40 ~m. [] ...5 ~ m , O 20 ~llt.
M. Papini. J.K. Speh / Wear 213 ¢1997~ I1s'5-199 191

0.90 45- o

, t
Normal Direction - ~e
~ 0.60

~a 0.50
i 0.40
E m,

~ 0.30 41, n .

- la~qll~ . Tangental Dir~ti~n


0.10 •
_~a." :tP':t
-4, a . '- ILhl~a~ J
..aT'~ 4,.
0,~ "

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Incident Angle of A l t a e k , o (degrees)
Fig. 7. Energy loss due to normal :rod tangential direction cl'fecl.~ normalized hy total incident kinetic energy as a function o f incident angle o f attack. Normal
energy loss for coating thickness and total incident velocity:/', 50 v-m thick coating, 80 m .~ ': - 40/,tm, 85 m s '." © 40 vtrn, 56 rn s- ' ; [] 25 v.m, 42 m s *;
O 20 v,m. 57 m s *. Tangential energy loss fl~r coating thickness and total incident velocily: & 50 bun. 811 m s " i, --411 ~m, 85 m s '; @ .tO, 56 m s ~2
• 25van, 42ms ~ : 0 2 0 1 1 m . 5 7 m s ~.

19, I0]. This type of deformation wear is also clmracterized 4.2, I. Role of umgentiai effects
by the dominance of normal effects, with the maximum The onset of coating removal was, as demonstrated above,
amount of damage (energy loss and area loss) occurring at independent of tangential effects. However, the role of tan-
high angles of incidence (ot--*90°). This is demonstrated gential effects in the magnitude of coating removal has not
further in Figs. 8 and 9, which show the area of paint removed yet been discussed. Fig. 6 shows that the area of coating
as a function of the incident angle of attack 1o1"various total removed increases as the normal component of incident
incident velocity ranges. The area losses are averages of mul- velocity increases. These data. however, are for a large num-
tiple impacts performed at each angle. The maximum coating ber of different impact conditions ( i.e. angle of attack, inci-
removal occurs at higher angles of alto(ok, and removal does dent velocity). In order to fully understand the role of
not begin until the normal componer;t of velocity is suffi- tangential effects on the area of coating removed, a series of
ciently large. experiments was performed in which the incident angle and



'¢E 1.4 - : A

I 1.2 '


@ .
° 8
"a o.s • ° O

0.6 •
4P =


0 ' ~ O11,0, ~.4B

0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
incident A n g k o f Attack, ~t (delgo)
Fig. 8. Average area o f coating reu'toved :ts a function o f incident angle o f attack l'or different ranges of incident total velocity and coating thickness. Data
points represent averages of area removal measurements at each angle. [] 5 5 - 6 2 m s 1.41) v.m: $ 8 I-iN] m s *, 411 I~m: A 78-81 m s t. 511 V,in, O 102-
1 ( ) g m s - t 5()p,m.
192 M. Pal, tat, J.K. Spelt/Wear 213 (1997) 185-19~



~ 1.4

I 1.2 -
,,a o.e •

~ 0.6

~0,4' 0__ ,


0,2 "

• & A
0 o
0 ........
0 10 20 70 80 gO

Incident Angle of'Attack, cc (dog,)

Fig. 9. Area of paint removed as a function of incident angle o f attack tbr different ranges of incident total velocity and coating thickness. Data points represent
averages of area removal measurements at each angle. • 38--44 m s- ', 25 p.m; ~ 25-27 ,n s ~. 25 p.m: A 102-110 m s ~, 25 o.m: O 54-62 m s ', 21) ~ m :
• 2 5 - 3 0 m s " i, 20

total incident velocity were varied so as to always give the purposes of investigating the onset of coating removal, and
same normal component of incident velocity. The average for simplification of analytical models, the tangential effects
and standard deviation of the area removed was calculated can be ignored.
for a number of experiments performed at each condition,
and the results are shown in Table I. The area removed, for 4.3, Mechanism qf coaling removal
each coating thickness, is virtually independent of tangential
effects (the scatter in the data is approximately constant). 4.3. I. Spall&g by stress waves
This result is somewhat counterintuitive, as one might expect In order to determine whether the mechanism of coating
that an increase in tangential velocity should have some effect removal was dominated by dynamic (stress wave propaga-
on the amount of coating removed, As mentioned in Sec- tion) effects or quasi-static effects, a series of experimental
tion 4. I, the only tangential effect was that, at lower impact observations was made. It was initially suspected that
angles ( tangential component of incident velocity high), the removal was the result of a spalling mechanism, in which the
coating removal area changed from being axisymmetric to collision of the particle with the coating caused acompressive
being slightly oval shaped, even though the total area spherical stress wave to propagate through the coating, Most
removed was not affected by this change in shape. of the wave would then be reflected at the coating-substmte
The above arguments lead to the conclusion that, for this interface (because the substrate has a much higher acoustic
particular system, normal effects dominate the onset of coat- impedance) as a compressive wave, then reflect at the top
ing removal (i.e. the threshold value of normal incoming surface of the coating, and back down towards the coating-
velocity and energy loss required to remove the coating), and substrate interface as a tensile wave which could delaminate
that, subsequently, tangential effects have little or no influ- the coating. It was also possible that the portion of the com-
ence on the magnitude of coating removed. Thus. for the pressive wave that was transferred to the steel substrate could

Table I
Comparisonof coating area removedkeeping normalcomponentof veh~citycon.,~tant,whilevaryingtangentialcomponentof velncity

Coating thickness incident angle Normal component Tangential N u m b e r of data Average tenting St:mdard devialion
(lu.m) (°) of incident velt~:ity component of points area removed id" coating area
Im s ' ) incident velocity (mm 2) removed ( ram: )
(ms ')

20 q() 31 0 I0 0.273 O.03fi

20 38 3! 40 II 0.261 0.030
40 90 59 0 12 0.577 0.05 t)
40 46 59 57 12 0.545 0.060
40 33 59 91 9 0.559 t).lt)l
M. Paph~i. J.K. Spelt~Wear 213 ~lq97J 185-1q9 193

travel to the back surface of the substrate and reflect as a

tensile wave which would then travel to the interface and
delaminate the coating. In order to investigate the hypothesis
that paint removal was due to a type of spalling, a series of
experiments was perlbrmed.
A ! 2.5 mm thick piece of steel was clamped to the back of
the painted (40 p,m thick coaling) steel sheet with three dif-
ferent coupling layers: an ultrasonic coupling fluid, honey,
and a thin layer of epoxy, so that the clamped interface would
trans|'er any waves without much attenuation. If a wave
reflected from the backside of the 12.5 mm plate as a tensile
wave and caused a dehunination as explained above, the size
of the delamination should be decreased relative to the steel
sheet alone because the spherical wave would have been
dispersed and attenuated by the much thic~;er subslratc
(apprr~ximately 19 times as thick as the original sample). The
paint areas removed using the ('oupling gel, honey, and
epoxy, were, respectively, 0.659.0.6,~3 and 0.613 mm -~.The
area removed from the painted steel sheet alone ( without the
12.5 mm plate coupled to it) was 0.690 mm z. The differences
Fi$, IO, Impact near a free edge for a 40 ixm thick coaling, Nole the at(ached
between these values are small, and certainly well within pain1 in tile shape of the original free edge.
experimental error, which is approximately + 30% as shown
in Fig. 4. This means that compressive waves reflecting as The other possible mechanism for coating removal is the
tensile waves from the back of the substrate can be eliminated attainment of a quasi-static critical delamination shear stress.
as a mechanism of coating removal, Nevertheless, a spalling- In this model, the collision is treated as a quasi-static inden-
type mechanism could still possibly result if compressive tation problem, under the assumption that the coating will
waves reflected at the substrate-paint interlace and back delaminate once a critical shear stress is reached. An exper-
down from the free surface a! the top ofthe paint layer towards imental observation that appears to support this mechanism
the interface as tensile waves, The other conclusion that can is seen in Fig. 10, which shows an impact site very close to
be drawn from this experiment is that the 0.66 mm thick steel the cut edge of the paint layer (though relatively far away
substrate can be modeled effectively as semi-infinite, from the edge of the steel substrate). Here, a 0.64 mm glass
Further insights into the mechanism of removal may be sphere was launched at the edge of a 40 Ixm thick paint layer
gained from Fig, 6, a plot of the paint area removed vs. the sample to investigate the effect of a free surface in the vicinity
incident normal velocity component for all experiments per- of an impact site. The coating was delaminated in the usual
formed on this coating-substrate system. An interesting fea- manner, except that in the vicinity of the free surface at the
ture is that the area removed tends to reach a plateau at higher edge, a small ridge of paint (shown by arrow in Fig. 10)
incoming normal velocities. Although this observation is remained intact in exactly the shape of the original edge of
intuitively correct, it is contrary to the spalling hypothesis, the paint layer. Because the shear stress on a free boundary
where one would expect the area removed to continue to must be zero, equilibrium considerations imply that the shear
increase, as the intensity and energy of the wave increases stress along the paint-substrate interface must also fall to zero
with the incident normal velocity, very quickly at the edge, thereby explaining why a narrow
An additional assessment of whether quasi-static or inter- strip of paint remains attached in the immediate vicinity of
tial (wave) effects dominate can be obtained by calculating the free surface of the edge. Under the spalling i~ypolhesis,
the amount of time it takes for stress waves to traverse the one would expect the tree surface of the edge to have little
coating thickness, and comparing this to the amount of time effect on the reflected tensile wave, and for all of the paint to
that the sphere is in contact with the coating during the col- be removed.
lision. Assuming that the coating has a density, O, of
1200 kg m -~ and a Young,'s modulus, E, of 2470 MPa, the 4.3.2, Dehmtination by shear stresses
wave speed is ( E / p ) ~:: = 1435 m s - '. For a 50 I~m coating. The above experimental and analytical observations led to
it takes 0.03 p,s to traverse the coating. Experimental obser- the conclusion that the coating removal was due to a quasi-
vations have shown thai the contact lime is on the order of static interracial shear effect. An estimate of the stress distri-
50 Ixs. Because the stress waves will traverse the thickness bution within the coating layer was obtained by modifying a
of the coating approximately 1700 times during the contact model due to Matthewson [ I ! ], who developed expressions
time, the stress field will be dominated by static, rather than for the stresses and strains generated by the indentation of an
inertial effects. elastic layer on a rigid substrate by a rigid particle, The
194 M. Papini. £K. Spelt/Wear 213 (1997) 185-100

:p o

P(a) ,= 2m'.dr (7)


Matthewson's result is [ i I ]
8h I G~rhv(4+ v)aet d I ( I -- v) 7rt,,4
"h P(") .---6 -~a( aK) i22 -- hR (8)
- ...- r .-
Eq. (8) assumes an indentation profile given by Eq. (6).
Fig. I I. Geometry of indentation of coating (thickness h) on rigid substrate
By a simple modification of the model (to be published else-
by a sphere of radius R.
where), the authors have found that the restriction of small
stresses in the coating (assumed very thin) were averaged a / R can be relaxed somewhat for deeper indentations by
through the thickness of the coating as adding a term to the indentor (particle) profile, Eq. (6), as,
r 2 _ a 2 r4 _ a 4
2vG ~- (9)
~,.(r) = - - (~+~+E) +2G~. fir)
1-2v 2R 8R "~

2vG This improved approximation to the actual spherical inden-

~-'~,(r) i _ 2 v (~+Z;o + ~ ) + 2G~o, tor profile, for a / R = 0 , 5 , has a maximum error of 2%,
(4) whereas Eq. (6) has a maximum error of almost 14%. Using
2vG Eq. (9), the analysis proceeds in a manner similar to that in
~ : ( r ) = l - 2 v ( ~ + ~,--S+~) + 2 G ~ . Matthewson's paper [ 111, and Eqs. (4) and (5) can be used
~( r) = G B ( r )
-vr'[g(6v-l)(,,-l)h" 2v ]
and the corresponding average strains are
B(r) (2v_I)R. ~- 3R~(2v-l) 2 +R(2~,--I) r
Id B i ,d
E(r) =2~ r (r)+~h-~rC("J.
+fll~ 1 - v) (O<r_<a)
I B(r) I .~C(r) (to)
=- +-.- --, (5)
~(r) 2 r 3 r (/6(I - v)r~
B(r', (r>a)
r:(r) =---~-
f(r) +
")="K,tV s ; ;
c(,-) =
I ( B(,.) + - - g f ) (0<r<a)
where or,. oro. or- are the average normal stresses in the r-, 0-
and :.-directions as shown in Fig. ! l, ~, is the interfacial shear (II)
stress. ~,, e,. and 7. are the corresponding strains averaged 2-v
C(r) . . . . B(r) (r>a,~
through the thickness of the coating layer, h is the coating 4h
thickness, v and G are the Poisson's ratio and shear modulus
of the coating, respectively, cSh is a constant representing the to find the stresses and strains in the coating, and the shear
pile-up of material at the edge of the contact area (Fig. I I ), stress along the interface with
and B(r) and C(r) are functions which depend on the inden- I .,[ hi, 4(6v - I)(v-I)11_.
tor profile. The profile of the indentor.f(r), in Matthewson's a= h(4+ v)(K'I-KI) "~.~al' 3 ( 2 v - I)2R ~
paper, was approximated by the first term of a parabolic series
expansion as
E2 - - ( i 2
l(3a2+2R2)(6v - I ) ] 4(6v--l)(v-l)h ~
.f(r) = ~ (6) + 4R3(2v- I ) J 9 ( 2 v - I)2R ~
( 6 e -- I ) ( 2R" + a 2) h~[
wilere a is the contact radius, and R is the radi(Js of the Y (12)
indenting sphere. This expression was used to calculate the
average strain in the z-direction ( Fig. I I ), and it assumes that and
the ratio a / R <_0.2. Assuming thai the profile given in Eq. (6)
4h2( - 7 v + 6 v 2+ I) K'
is used, expressions for & B(r) and C(r) can be found in /3=
Ref. I 111. 3 ( 2 v - I )"R~I ' £ ~ ( 4 + v)~7
An expression for the indentation force. P. can be obtained ( 3 a 2 + 2 R 2 ) ( 6 v - 1)
by integrating the average stress in the z-direction over the + (13)
4 ( 2 v - I )R31 '
contact area.
M. Papini. J.K. S p d t I Wet." 213 ¢1997~ 185-199 195

Table 2
Comp it)son of predicted velodly to cause penetration of coaling Io steel substrale, and measured vdoCily at onset of coating removal

Coal)hi:' thickness ( ~m I Predicted normal componenl o f vdocity m Experimenlal nt~rmal component of velocity at Difference ira , )
penetrate coating i m s ' 1 which coating begins Io be removed (Fig. 6)
( m s ')

20 20 20 I
25 25 22 13
40 39 40 4
50 50 45 11

where /,(x) and K~(x) are the first-order modified Bessel

7,,,,.-" 2ol
functions and,

/=,ltV:~],-_- ) (14) where Eq. (97 has been used to describe the relationship
between the contact radius, a, and the penetration depth at

.[/" ( I . - . ) 4
#¢,[ V6--~.~.Z) (i 5)
t'= 0. l,d is the dynamic hardness, am~, is the maximum con-
tact radius reached during the indentation, and m, R, and r
are. respectively, the mass, radius and incident velocity of the
dl panic le. The dynamic hardness, p,,. was determined by adjust-
/'- t16) ing it in Eq. (20) until the predicted maximum contact radius.
a ....... matched the contact radius measured on actual impact
dK ,;ires ( neglecting any spring-back due to elastic effects). The
K'= m (17)
da value of p,, for this coating was found to be approximately
Using Eq. (7), the indentation lbrce, assuming that 190 MPa.
Eq. (97 is the indentation prolile, is The Mly-plastic model was used to calculate the velocity
necessary to just penetrate the coating to the bare substrate.
GTrhv(4 + u ) a a d Grr( u - I )a" Table 2 shows a comparison of these predicted velocities and
P(a)= 6(2v-I) 7aa(aK) 3hR~(2v-I) the experimental observations of the normal velocity com-
ponent required to begin coating removal (from Fig. 6).
[vG~rh(6u7 i ) Grr(v-i) 1~
There is a good correlation between the predicted coating
penetration velocity and the measured velocity at which the

[ 16G~'uh~( 6 v - 171 u - I )
9( 2 v _ 7 )",~'<
coating begins to be removed for four different coating thick-
nesses, in other words, coating removal begins only when the
coating is fully penetrated for this coating/substrate/particle
2Grruh( 6 v - I)] 4G~,h~lla system. The reason for this may be that the onset of delami-
+ giVR ,1:+ 3 ( 2 v - I ) (18) nation requires the creation of a free edge that is formed when
The pile-up of coating at the edge of the indentation the particle reaches the substrate.
( Fig. I I ). Bh, is the same as tiae one derived by Matthewson If the plastic deformation in the coating is assumed to be
I I I 1, and is given by, restricted to just under the penetrating particle, then the mod-
)lied Matthewson model should yield realistic values of inter-
u (4+ ~,)h a facial shear stress at some distance from the impact site. If
8tl--- "oe(K'a + K) (19)
I-v 12 a the fully-plastic indentation model is used to calculate the
For the range o f a i R ratios of the present study, the mod- penetration depth for a given incident velocity, the modified
ified analysis based on the indenlor prolile ofEq. ( 9 ), yielded Matthewso, analysis, Eqs. ( lO)-(19), gives an estimate of
threes that were 20-25% higher than the original Matthewson the interfacial shear stress for this incident normal velocity.
analysis I I l l . at a given distance from the point of impact. This was done
The modified Matthewson analysis. Eqs. ( 10)-(19), is for a distance of 0.4 mm from the impact site at 20 m/s
strictly only valid for linear elastic indentations. A more real- incident normal velocity, and the results are shown in Fig. 12.
istic model of the kinematics of the incident portion of the The model predicts that the interracial shear stress increases
collision assumes that the coating behaves locally in a fully with increasing coating thickness. This trend is consistent
plastic manner during the impact, resisting indentation with with the experimental results of Fig. 6, which show that the
a constant dynamic flow pressure (or dynamic hardness. area removed increases with coating thickness for a given
defined as the force divided by the contact area) 151. For a incident normal velocity and particle diameter. Under the
sphere, setting the incoming kinetic energy equal to the work hypothesis of a tensile wave reflection, this would not be
done indenting the coating gives, expected: one would expect that the thicker coating would
196 M. Papini. .I.K. Speh / Wear 213 f 1997) 185-199

have smaller amounts of coating removed, since a spherical proceeded in a similar manner for all the coating thicknesses
wave would disperse more alter reflection from the interlace. from this point. This is further illustrated in Fig. 14, which
it is important to note that the model is only valid for pene- shows that the coefficient of restitution tended to reach the
trations less than the coating thickness, and, strictly, cannot value measured on bare steel at higher incoming energies.
be applied after penetration to the bare substrate. Neverthe- The coefficient of restitution can be estimated by using the
less. the experimental data suggest that the trend of Fig. 12 fully-plastic indentation model (Eq. ( 2 0 ) ) to describe the
continues after penetration of the coating to the bare substrate. incident portion of the impact, and the modified Matthewson
A cerlain amount of energy is lost in penetrating the coat- model (Eqs. ( 10)-( 191 ) to describe the elastic rebound of
ing. :rod then the collision proceeds as if the remainingenergy the particle. Johnson ! 51 used a similar approach with bare
I incide,~t energy minus energy to penetrate the coating to the substrates. Doing this Ibr incident kinetic energies less than
substratr ) is incident on a bare substrate. This is demonstrated or equal to that lbr penetration to the substrate (range for
in Fig. 13. which shows that for all coating thicknesses, e which Eqs. ( 10)-( 191 ) are valid), yields values of e that
tended to reach an approximately constant value of 0.35 when agree very well with the data of Fig. 14. This further illus-
the coating began to be removed, meaning that the collision trates the validity of the present model, and shows that the


1.00E+05 . .,,.....,.f...._....----~"'~
~-~ I.OOE+04

I.OOE*03 -

~ 1.0OE+O2


20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Coating Thicl~aess (lam)
I;ig. ] 2. Prediction o f intcrlacial .,,hear ,,.trcnn ~..,..coatil|~ I]]iCkllt.',',;~.Ill r ==().--I-Illln Ior fixed iuciden! norm;,I v e l o c i t y o f 20 n'n/.,,; and spherical particle wilh R = 0.32
toni. ( "a I,.'u laliort.,, biL~cd ~m m o d i f i e d lllotlc ] ( l'.q~,. ( I (~)--( 19 ~.




",l~ ii
o &
• •
o D~
• 41,
"G (1.4


g 4,
0 e

0 •

).I 0 o
~, ~

ql, ,
¢v'D ~

.~ • '~ e.O

"i ~.
q" 4%
0.2 a ,, * • •


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Area or Coating Removed (mm z)
I'ig. 1 3 V a r i ; l l i ~ u I,f ct~ctlicicnl o l ru'nlilttlio.. ~.. w i t h ill'¢;i o f c o : f l i n g rell]ezvcd I'~lr c o a l i n g Ihickt]cns: ,:,, - 5() IJ.Ill. • I 4 I ) g i l l " uJ " 25 ~1"111"(~) " 20 ~Izl"
M. t'~tl#,i..I.K. Spctl / i~'~tt 213 t l~97~ 185 199 1')7


0.8 , -

0.7- a~"

ii - -
0.6 u ~, ":-~i.~ •

° = -:

"~ q.4 "~1~"~ ~ * ~ . ~',,i1% . *

4~4k 41 . ~ •
0,4, 41' ~ o e. 4 ,k
o.s. ,~ ®~".~., ,, : ¢ • & II,

0.2 [] ,~ ,%~,
a ,G

0.1 '

0 -

0 0.5 I 1.5 2 2.5 3

Nonmal Inciden! Kinetic Energy (m J)
l:ig. 14. V a r i a l i o n of cn¢l'licicnl o f Iesli;.ulioll. t'. xvifll i n c i d e n t k i n e t i c encr,c'.~ ill n o t n | a l d n w . ' t i o n f o r coa.~in~ tl'tickl|¢sn: .~. 5() Is.In. • 41~ ~.m. i 25 p m .
C) 20 p.m, ~ bare steel.

value of Young's modulus of the coaling obtained ultr;.lson- ! d he the incideill kinetic energy l~w the particular data
ically is a reasonable estimate of the true value trader impact plaint ()f inle]'cst, and let Ip eqtlal the incident kinetic energy
conditions. of a .~phere that .just penetrates the coatin~ to the substrate.
Figs. 4 and 5 show energy losses for the coated system as (a) Use the fully-plastic inodel [Eq. (2())1 to calculate I,..
a whole, including energy losses due to local plastic defor- the incident kinetic energy to penetrate the coating, corre-
mation i,] the bare steel substrate directly below the impact sponding to Ihe onset of coatiltg remo,;al.
site. An estimate of the amount of energy lost to the coating ( b ) Subtract I,, from I,~ to estimate the incident kinetic energy
alone can b," obtained using the normal direction enel~.y loss that is available to deform the steel nubstrate. As illustrated
for experiments performed on both coated and bare sub- in Fig. ! 3. once the coating has been penetraled, impact pro-
strates, as ~ function of incident norrnal direction eqergy ceeds its if the substrute were bare.
( Fig. 15 ). The following steps demonstrate how to use these i c) Use Ihc linear curve fit of the energy loss vs, incoming
plots for estimating energy losses to the coating due to rmrrnal cnerg) ~ for bare steel (bottom curve of Fig. 15, or figure
effects at high incident normal velocilies. All energies and similar to it for other coaling thicknesses) with the result of
energy losses in the following steps :ire due to normal effects. (b) io estimate the energy loss It) the steel substrate.



.= T, ° ~ 0.89751 - 1.091 x I 0 '2




~ 1.0


T I '~ = 0 . 8 3 0 9 1 - 6.980x 10:

c:, 'P"
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3~0 3.5
Inciden! normal titration e n e r g y , I ( m J)
lql~. 15 IEt~cr~ l . s n d u ¢ IO llor111~li dirl:t:lit|ll eft,.'cln ~.',. l]Orllliil iilu'iiiL'llt ~ { n e l i e L'llt.'r~). li~t~U:ili,.Wi "., nlio'~~.n iirk• l i n e a r l,.2~i,..~.'.,i,tH1 l..'uix.c IllS. ~ .4(I' ~i.i~i c~.1,:.|liii~. : !
198 M. Papini. J.K. Spelt / Wear 213 (1997) 185-199


1,6 &

1.4 ..........

!t dl &JS, X)~ x
? tilb "" '~
xl,ii ~
! • _ ~,,=x x

0,8 ..... .........x~.-~ x~ ,

d D
x'. ,.

0.6 Qe ~ - ._

. ~. x . . . . .
x ~

0 O.I 0.2 0,3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Normll EielT.y ~ to Coating (mJ)
Fig. 16. Are.'J o f c o a t i n g r e m o v e d vs. e n e r g y lost to c o a t i n g tbr c o a t i n g thickness: A 50 Ixm, × 40 I~m. • 25 p,m. [~ 20 p,m.

(d) Use the top curve of Fig. 15 with Id tO find the energy for a range of velocities that do not cause plastic deformation
loss for the coated system (which is made up of energy loss of the steel (Fig. 2). Hence, the use of an elastic (Hertzian)
to the coating and energy loss to the substrate). Subtract the analysis is expected to yield realistic results, at least for inter-
energy loss to the steel substrate obtained in (c) from this mediate velocities. For example, according to Table 2, a
energy loss. This is an estimate of the amount of the energy 39 m s- Lincident normal velocity is required to just penetrate
lost to the coating. a 40 p.m coating, corresponding to 0.27 mJ total incident
Figures similar to Fig. 15 were obtained for all coating energy (particle velocity is zero at substrate contact). Now,
thicknesses, and the above steps were performed on all data assume that a second particle is incident at 50 m s - ~normal
obtained in this study. The resulting estimates of energy loss velocity, corresponding to 0.46 mJ of incident normal energy.
to the coating due to normal effects can be found in Fig. 16. The particle will again use 0.27 mJ of incident energy in
As seen before in Figs. 4, 8 and 9, there is a threshold value penetrating the coating and the remaining incident energy
of the normal energy loss corresponding to the onset of coat- will be 0.19 mJ. Assuming all of the remaining incident
ing removal. The threshold increases with coating thickness, energy is available to deform the substrate and particle, the
and beyond it, the area removed increases rapidly with energy Hertzian analysis gives a maximum deflection of the steel
loss. The energy losses due to tangential effects for coated substrate of approximately 3 p.m, and the particle diameter
substrates (Fig. 5) are approximately equ:al to the energy at the point of impact decreases approximately 8 ~m. The
losses to the coating itself due to tangential effects. This is volume of coating displaced by this particle deformation was
because the energy losses due to tangential effects were found approximately 40% of the original coating volumc displaced
to be very low for impacts on bare substrates when the impact by the penetration to the substrate. Therefore, significant
angle was varied from 17 to °0° for incident total velocities amounts of lateral deformation of the coating are expected to
of 50 and 90 m s- i (less ~.han 10% of total energy lost in occur as the particle deforms (flattens), even at the relatively
most cases). low velocity of 50 m s - I This additional deformation of the
As the incident normal :inetic energy is increased beyond coating may account for the continuing increase in the area
that required to penetrate the coating to the substrate, the area removed. The analysis of the stresses along the interface after
of coating removed increases. It is hypothesized that this may coating penetration is an important subject for further study.
be due to the deformation of the particle after it contacts the As noted above, an interesting result in the context of
steel substrate. Because the steel is approximately three times coating removal using blast cleaning is that it may be possible
stiffer than the glass, it is possible that, upon contacting the to remove the coating without causing visible permanent
steel, the glass particles experienced significant lateral defor- damage to the substrate. An examination of the impact sites
mation which resulted in increased shear stresses at the coat- for all experiments (optical microscope at 160× ) showed
ing-substrate interface. An estimate of the extent of this the existence of a range of incident normal velocities, begin-
deformation can be obtained by using a Hertzian analysis ning at the coating penetration velocity, where coating
[ 22 !. Although the substrate will deform plastically at higher removal occurred with no visible damage to the substrate.
impact velocities, it is noted that coating removal does occur For the 50 p.m coating, this range was about 50-80 m s- ~,
M. Papini. J,K. Spelt / Wear 213 ( 1997~ Ibl5-1t) t) 199

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Acknowledgements organic coatings, M. Eng. Report, Department of Mechanical and
Industrial Engineering. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 1996.
12(} I ASTM D3359-93, Standard les! methods for measuring adhesion by
The authors wish to thank the Manufacturing Research tape test. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, American Society for
Corporation of Ontario and the Natural Sciences and Engi- Testing and Materials.
121 ] B. Ratner, E.E. Styller, Characteristics of impact fete,ion and wear of
neering Research Council of Canada for financial support, polymeric materials, Wear 73 ( 1981 ) 213-234.
and Valspar Inc., particularly Mr Denis Johnston, for provid- ]221 K.L. Johnson, Contact Mechanics, Cambridge University Press,
ing the samples and valuable technical advice. Cambridge, [985, pp. 84-106.

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