30-07-23 (12-T2-T1) - Rewrite

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ST :- 9 40 15 mins

The given map compares the present situation of the city centre of the small town of "Islip" with the
future development plan.

Overall, the origin of the town is expected to become more commercialized and the centre will provide
more facilities to the residents of Islip. Moreover, main road of the area will be replaced by the walking
track only for the pedestrians.

At present, we can elucidate that the main road which connects the west and east side of the town
centre is occupied with shops, however, the park is located on the south
eastern side of the city centre.
The school is present on the dead end of the road, which is exactly on the south of the centre close to
the housing.

On the other end, in future, a lot of development is expected by creating more opportunities
opportunit to the
investors by constructing of the gigantic shopping mall, along wit
with h that new bus station and vehicle
ng that is not present at the moment will be made on the left and right side of the shopping centre,
respectively. Another striking change which can be observed, a circular dual carriageway will be
constructed across the centre of the town and landowners w will
ill look forward to convert the free area
into a housing
ing schemes to accommodate the new comers in the town centre. The school will remain
unchanged, however the size of the park is going to be reduced.

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