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Lớp B speaking unit 4

Topic Chocolate

Từ vựng chủ đề “Chocolate”

● All-time favorite (Adjective): Ưa thích nhất từ trước đến giờ

Phát âm: /ˌɔːlˈtaɪm ˈfeɪ.vər.ɪt/

Định nghĩa (Definition): favorite of all choices, during all times (Được ưa thích nhất trong tất cả
các lựa chọn, xuyên suốt mọi thời điểm).

Ví dụ (Example): Eating at restaurants usually costs me an arm and a leg so I rarely order
desserts here which are normally ice cream or smoothies. Instead, I often go to a convenience
store to purchase a bar of chocolate, my all-time favorite dessert. (Dùng bữa tại nhà hàng thường
tiêu tốn của tôi rất nhiều tiền vì vậy tôi hiếm khi gọi món tráng miệng ở đây, mấy món mà
thường là kem hoặc sinh tố. Thay vì thế, tôi thường đến một cửa hàng tiện lợi để mua một thanh
socola, món tráng miệng ưa thích nhất của mình).
● Working my butt off (Idiom): Làm việc cật lực

Phát âm: /ˈwɜː.kɪŋ maɪ bʌt ɒf/

Định nghĩa (Definition): work really hard( Làm việc thật sự chăm chỉ)

Ví dụ (Example): Well, I must say that I used to be addicted to chocolate when I was a kid. You
know, I could even work my butt off all day long just to get some chocolate candies( À thì, tôi
phải nói rằng tôi đã từng nghiện socola khi còn là một đứa trẻ. Bạn biết đấy, tôi thậm chí có thể
làm việc cật lực cả ngày chỉ để có vài loại kẹo socola)

● Decompress (Verb): Thư giãn

Phát âm: /diː.kəmˈpres/

Định nghĩa (Definition): to relax( Thư giãn)

Ví dụ (Example): For me, having a bar of dark chocolate is the best way to decompress( Đối với
tôi thì, ăn một thanh socola đen là cách tốt nhất để thư giãn)

● Have a sweet tooth (Idiom): Hảo ngọt

Phát âm: /hæv ə swiːt tuːθ/

Định nghĩa (Definition): to like sweet foods( Thích đồ ngọt )

Ví dụ (Example): To be honest, I kinda have a sweet tooth so I can eat a great deal of chocolate
as long as that’s not dark chocolate. Well, I think dark chocolate is too bitter ( Thành thật mà nói
thì, tôi khá là hảo ngọt nên là tôi có thể ăn một lượng lớn socola miễn là đó không phải socola
đen. Ừ thì, tôi nghĩ socola đen quá đắng ).

● Moreish (Adjective): Ngon

Phát âm (Pronunciation): /ˈmɔː.rɪʃ/

Định nghĩa (Definition): (of food) having a very pleasant taste and making you want to eat more
(Nói về đồ ăn) ( Có hương vị rất ngon khiến bạn muốn ăn thêm nữa )

Ví dụ (Example): I have to admit that I’m not a chocolate lover but Kitkat is hands down the
most moreish candy that I’ve ever tasted.( Tôi phải thừa nhận rằng mình không phải là một
người thích socola nhưng mà Kitkat chắc chắn là thứ kẹo ngon nhất mà tôi từng nếm).

● Cardiovascular system(Noun): Hệ tuần hoàn/ hệ tim mạch

Phát âm: /ˌkɑː.di.əʊˈvæs.kjə.lər ˈsɪs.təm /

Định nghĩa (Definition): The system that circulates blood and lymph through the body,
consisting of the heart, blood vessels, blood, lymph, and the lymphatic vessels and glands. (Hệ
thống lưu thông máu và bạch huyết trong cơ thể, bao gồm tim, mạch máu, máu, bạch huyết, các
mạch và tuyến bạch huyết)

Ví dụ (Example): Since eating too much chocolate is not good for our health, especially the
cardiovascular system, my dad only allows us to eat a bar of chocolate each day.( Vì ăn quá
nhiều socola không tốt cho sức khỏe của chúng tôi, đặc biệt là hệ tuần hoàn, nên bố chỉ cho phép
chúng tôi ăn một thanh mỗi ngày thôi)

● Antioxidant (Noun): Chất chống oxi hóa

Phát âm (Pronunciation): /æn.tiˈɒk.sɪ.dənt/

Định nghĩa (Definition): a substance that slows down the rate at which something decays
because of oxidization (một chất làm chậm tốc độ phân hủy của một thứ gì đó do quá trình oxy

Ví dụ (Example): Consuming a reasonable amount of chocolate each week has been proved to
bring about a lot of health benefits since chocolate contains some antioxidants which actually
slow the aging process in human ( Tiêu thụ một lượng socola hợp lý mỗi tuần đã được chứng
mình rằng là sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích sức khỏe vì socola chứa một số chất chống oxi hóa làm
giảm quá trình lão hóa ở người).

● Sensation (noun) - the ability to feel something physically, especially

by touching, or a physical feeling that results from this ability.
● Aftermath (noun) - the period that follows an unpleasant event or
accident, and the effects that it causes.
● Flavour (noun) - how food or drink tastes, or a particular taste itself.
● To put someone on the spot (idiom) - if you put someone on the spot,
you cause them embarrassment or difficulty by forcing them at that
moment to answer a difficult question or make an important decision.
● Sizeable (adj.) - large.
● To overindulge (verb) - to allow yourself to have too much of
something enjoyable, especially food or drink.
● To burn something off/up (phrasal verb) - to use or get rid of energy
or fat by doing a lot of physical exercises.
● Hindsight (noun) - the ability to understand an event or situation only
after it has happened.
● Diabetes (noun) - a disease in which the body cannot control the level
of sugar in the blood.
● Diabetic (noun) - a person who has diabetes.
● Lactose intolerance (noun) - the inability to digest lactose (= a
substance in milk).
● Connoisseur (noun) - a person who knows a lot about and enjoys one
of the arts, or food, drink, etc. and can judge quality and skill in that
● Texture(noun) - the quality of something that can be decided by touch;
the degree to which something is rough or smooth, or soft or hard.
● To get hooked on (someone or something) (idiom) - to become
addicted to a particular substance or activity.

1. Do you like chocolate?/ Do you like sweets or chocolate?/ Do you like

eating chocolate?

Well, chocolate is my all-time favorite. After working my butt off all day long, I usually
decompress with a chocolate bar.

Well, definitely yes. I really have a sweet tooth so it comes as no surprise that chocolate is one
of the desserts which I like the most.

(À thì, chắc chắn là có rồi. Tôi thật sự hảo ngọt nên chả có gì ngạc nhiên khi socola là một trong
những món tráng miệng tôi thích nhất.)
Yes, I do like eating chocolate. I think it’s a delicious treat that can bring a lot of pleasure
and enjoyment. Chocolate has a rich, creamy flavor that I find very appealing, and it can
be paired with a wide range of different flavors, such as nuts, fruit, and spices. I also find
that chocolate has a comforting quality, and it can be a great pick-me-up when I’m feeling
down or stressed.

● Delicious treat (adj.): chiêu đãi một bữa ngon/ ra trò.

● Pleasure (n.): niềm vui
● Enjoyment (n.): thích thú
● Rich (adj.): ngậy (vị giác)
● Creamy (adj.): mịn, nhiều kem
● Appealing (adj.): lôi cuốn
● Paired with (v.): đi kèm, ăn kèm
● flavors (n.): vị
● A pick-me-up (n.): sự an ủi tinh thần bằng đồ ăn đồ uống hoặc cuộc gọi
điện thoại tâm sự.

Well, I do have a sweet tooth, so chocolate has been something I fancy eating. Besides, be it
dark or milk chocolate, there is always a certain level of bitterness, making it very appetizing to

● have a sweet tooth (idiom): thích ăn đồ ngọt

● appetizing (a.): ngon miệng

Answer 1: Well, I am not really a big fan of chocolate. Perhaps, because I don’t particularly have a sweet

tooth. Having said that, when I feel blue, I enjoy a bar of chocolate because it enhances my mood

considerably (or: It does put me in an amiable mood). / (or:…I enjoy a bar of chocolate because it improves

my mood no end).

Answer 2: Yes, I do. I am actually a chocoholic (lol). white chocolate is my all-time favourite because of its

sweet, rich and creamy taste. Although most people love the bitterness of dark chocolate, I find it too strong


I like the sensations that come with eating chocolate, but not necessarily the
aftermath of eating as much of it as I would if I could. Although you have to
wonder though, is that actually the taste of the chocolate? Or is it all of the
sugar that's in it?

Sample 1: I think I have mixed feelings about chocolate. That’s because the silky smooth
texture makes me feel like, I just can’t get enough of it. The point is, it also makes me gain
weight so easily, so every time I only eat a little to tickle my sweet tooth.
Sample 2: Absolutely! I love all kinds of milk chocolate. They are simply pleasurable to eat! I
love the rich, smooth, and creamy texture of chocolates. Not to mention, I simply feel happier
after eating chocolates, the unique flavor is just so appealing to me.

2. What’s your favorite flavor?/ What type of chocolate do you prefer? Why?

To be honest, I’m addicted to chocolate. I do have my all-time favorite flavor, which is the
white chocolate. Since I have a sweet tooth, dark chocolate would be too bitter for me.
Meanwhile, milk chocolate just isn’t sweet enough. So white chocolate is just a perfect fit.

To be totally upfront, I have tasted a wide range of chocolate and it’s really difficult to tell which
flavor stands out from the rest. However, if I have to pick my all-time favorite one, that would
be the white chocolate manufactured by LDT brand. I mean it has a unique flavor, not too sweet,
not too bitter, but a perfect balance.

(Thành thật mà nói, tôi đã nếm thử nhiều loại socola rồi và nó thật khó để mà nói xem hương vị
nào thực sự nổi bật so với phần còn lại. Tuy nhiên, nếu tôi phải lựa ra loại ưa thích, nó sẽ là loại
socola trắng sản xuất bởi hãng LDT. Ý tôi là nó có một hương vị đặc trưng, không quá ngọt,
không quá đắng, một sự cân bằng hoàn hảo.)

My favorite chocolate flavor is probably dark chocolate. I love the deep, intense flavor of
dark chocolate, and the fact that it has a high cocoa content makes it feel more satisfying
and indulgent to eat. That being said, I also enjoy milk chocolate and white chocolate,
especially when they are paired with other flavors, such as nuts, fruit, or spices. Ultimately,
I think it’s hard to go wrong with any type of chocolate, as long as it is high-quality and
produced sustainably.

● dark chocolate (noun): socola đen

● Deep (adj): đậm đà
● intense flavor (n): vị mạnh
● high cocoa content (n): hàm lượng ca cao cao
● Indulgent (adj): nuông chiều
● Spices (n): gia vị
● produced sustainably (v): được sản xuất thân thiện với môi trường (bền

Answer 1: I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate, because I enjoy the distinctive bitter taste of it.

Chocolate lava cake is also one of my favourites. Even the mere mention of it makes my mouth water.

Gordon Ramsay often showcases this kind of cake in the Masterchef series. Uhm, what’s else? Oh, drinking

hot chocolate is also a perfect option for me, especially on freezing winter days :)).

Answer 2: I would definitely go for dark chocolate, especially the type that contains over 70% cocoa, since

that's the healthiest one, and also because it doesn't have much added sugar or dairy which I tend to avoid.

There are different flavours? I had no idea. And, well, now that you've put
me on the spot, probably milk chocolates. If I'm having a moment where I
don't care about my health. Although I do like dark chocolate and some
things, that's quite nice. I have these bars actually sitting next to me that have
a higher percentage of cocoa in them than usual. And they taste pretty good.
Although I would never eat anything, any kind of chocolate that had fruit in
it. For example, like with raisins.

The flavor I like the most, well that must be the nut chocolate. Honestly, it’s really moreish.
When I have a bite of it, it’s like the hazelnut and the chocolate itself are mixed together. I
should say, I’m really hooked on its layered taste.

Milk chocolate, hands down. They are so smooth and creamy, which is such a pleasure to eat.
Occasionally I do consume some variation of flavors such as mint, they are quite refreshing to
have, but not as good as milk chocolate.

3. How often do you eat chocolate?/ Do you often eat chocolate?/ When do
you usually eat chocolate?

Well, although it’s quite pricey, I usually buy myself a box of hand-made dark Belgian
chocolates when I receive my wages.

I always eat a bar of dark chocolate after working my butt off to recharge my battery. That said,
I only have to work that hard like twice a year so eating chocolate is actually not my daily hobby,
just once in a blue moon.
(Tôi luôn ăn một thanh socola đen sao khi làm việc cật lực để nạp lại năng lượng. Tuy vậy, tôi
chỉ phải làm việc vất vả như thế hai lần một năm thôi nên ăn socola không phải sở thích hàng
ngày của tôi, rất hiếm khi thôi.)

Answer 1: Once in a blue moon. I know some people find it hard to resist buying chocolate every time they

go to convenience stores or supermarkets, but I only buy it on special occasions like Valentine’s Day or my

beloved’s birthday. It costs a small fortune to buy fancy confectionery like a great box of dark Belgium

chocolate. (or: it’s quite pricey/costly), therefore it’s not a temptation I surrender to very often.

Answer 2: Well, I eat chocolate whenever I feel like it. On days when I am in a good mood, I buy and share it

with my friends. Whereas, when things go wrong, and I’m plagued by misfortune, chocolate is an energy

bar for me. Just a miniscule taste cheers me up instantly (or: uplift my mood easily).

Not very often. I only eat chocolate when I am too busy to have a proper meal. Eating a bar of chocolate not

only could save you a copious amount of time but also keeps my blood sugar at a moderate level.

4. When was the first time you ate chocolate?

To the best of my recollection, it was 20 years ago when I ate chocolate for the first time. The
7-year-old me was over the moon/on cloud nine/deliriously happy when eating something that
moreish. Now that my taste has changed though, still I enjoy having some dark chocolate after
working hard all day long.

Well, if my memory serves me right, it has been ten years since I first tasted chocolate. At that
time, I was under a lot of pressure so my dad decided to buy me a box of luxury chocolate
hoping that it would help me decompress. And of course, It is hands down the most moreish
chocolate that I’ve ever eaten.
(À thì, nếu tôi nhớ không nhầm, đã được 10 năm kể từ lần đầu tôi nếm thử socola rồi. Vào thời
điểm đó, tôi đang chịu rất nhiều áp lực nên bố tôi đã quyết định mua cho tôi một hộp socola
thượng hạng, hi vọng rằng nó sẽ giúp tôi thư giãn. Và tất nhiên rồi, nó chắc chắn là loại socola
ngon nhất mà tôi từng ăn.)

5. Is chocolate popular in your country?/ Why do you think it’s so

popular?/ Why do you think chocolate is popular around the world?

There are a variety of chocolate brands with different price ranges and quality available in the
market nowadays. Thanks to the health benefits that it offers for humans, consuming chocolate
at a suitable level is encouraged. The sweetness of chocolate also makes it a common present
that men choose to give their beloved women on special days, especially Valentine’s Day or
International Women’s Day.

Well, I suppose it’s mainly because of its bittersweet taste, which satisfies people’s taste buds.
That’s why chocolate is used as an ingredient in various foods or drinks like cheesecakes, ice
creams, lattes, or bubble tea. Apart from that, chocolate can serve as meaningful presents for
your nearest and dearest on special occasions or anniversaries.

● bittersweet (a.): vừa đắng vừa ngọt

● satisfy one’s taste buds (phrase): làm thoả mãn vị giác
● your nearest and dearest (idiom): những người thân yêu nhất

Definitely, like other places. For example, when people want to express their love, many people choose to do
so with chocolates. That’s why there is such a variety of chocolate brands with different price ranges and
quality available in the market these days. The sweetness of chocolate also makes it a preferred present for
men to give their beloved women on special days, especially Valentine’s Day or International Women’s Day.
6. Is chocolate good for our health?

Scientifically, chocolate provides humans a number of health benefits. Firstly, eating chocolate
helps improve our mood and lift our spirits, even when we’re under pressure. Secondly,
consuming chocolate at a reasonable amount is good for the cardiovascular system.
Interestingly, chocolate has been proved to contain antioxidants, which benefits women as well.
However, if people have an over-consumption, it can pose a dire threat to their bone density.

Hmmm, I think it depends. Consuming a reasonable amount of chocolate can be good for our
health since chocolate can actually improve our mood and provide antioxidants for our body.
That being said, eating too much chocolate can pose a dire threat to our cardiovascular system.
(Hmmm, tôi nghĩ nó còn tùy nữa. Tiêu thụ một lượng socola hợp lý có thể tốt cho sức khỏe vì
socola thật sự có thể cải thiện tâm trạng và cung cấp các chất chống oxy hóa cho cơ thể chúng
ta. Tuy vậy, ăn quá nhiều socola có thể đem đến một mối đe dọa nghiêm trọng đến hệ tuần hoàn
của chúng ta.)

To the best of my knowledge, there are several benefits of eating it. You know, chocolate helps
increase the level of feel-good hormones like endorphins, which boost our moods and keep our
minds sharp. What’s more, it can provide our bodies with essential minerals such as copper,
iron, and magnesium.

● sharp (a.): nhạy bén, sắc sảo

● mineral (n.): khoáng chất

Scientifically, chocolate provides a number of health benefits. Firstly, eating chocolate helps improve our
mood and lifts our spirits/ moods. Secondly, consuming a reasonable amount of chocolate is good for the
cardiovascular system. Interestingly, chocolate has been proved to contain antioxidants, which benefits
women as well. However, if people over-consume chocolate, it can pose a dire threat to their bone density, so
it’s important to remember the old adage “nothing in excess/ too much of a good thing can be bad.” .

Well, it's funny, actually, because I was thinking about it after that question
about whether I liked eating chocolate. And I wondered, is it because of the
sugar that's in it? And I think that might actually be what attracts people to it,
rather than the, or at least its combination with the chocolate flavour.
Although I imagine there are some chocolate connoisseurs out there who
would talk about the texture of the chocolate and the different histories that
draw people in. But I would probably go back to my original answer and say
that it's the sugar that's really getting people hooked on it.

7. Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in the past?

Well, I have never ever thought about it. However, I suppose that people living in this modern
life prefer eating chocolate than their ancestors. In my country, the number of chocolate
consumption is on the rise, especially among young consumers.
To be honest, I’m not sure as I haven’t done any research on this matter. Having said that, I guess
chocolate was mainly seen as a treat in the past, whereas it can also be used as a health
supplement today. You see, it has been scientifically proven that chocolate contains antioxidants
that can benefit your cardiovascular health.

● health supplement (n.): thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khoẻ

● antioxidant (n.): chất chống oxi hoá
● cardiovascular (a.): liên quan đến tim mạch

Answer 1: Well, actually I have never ever thought about it. However, I suppose modern men and women eat a

lot more chocolate than their ancestors ever would have done. In my country, chocolate consumption is on

the rise, especially in/ among younger generations.

Answer 2: I think in the past, people used to consume chocolate in the conventional form of a popular drink.

In recent years, however, there has been a vast number of new foodstuffs created that all involve chocolate in

some way or other, particularly desserts like cakes, puddings, mousses, etc. Gifts of chocolate molded into

different shapes like eggs or hearts are also popular on Easter and Valentine’s Day.

8. Have you ever given chocolate as a present to someone? Why?/ Did

you give chocolate to someone as a gift?/ Is chocolate a good gift?/ Do
people give chocolate as a present in your country? When?/ Do you think it is
good to use chocolate as gifts to others?
Yes. The sweetness of chocolate also makes it a common present that people choose to give their
beloved ones on special days, especially Valentine’s Day or International Women’s Day.

I certainly did. You know, I feel that chocolate can be a perfect gift for many occasions, such as
Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or Christmas. That’s why there were several times when I gave
assorted boxes of delectable chocolate to my loved ones on such special days.

● assorted (a.): có nhiều loại

● delectable (a.): ngon lành

Answer 1: Yes, it's very common to give a lovely box of chocolates as a gift. You can give chocolates on any

special occasion like/ such as birthdays, Valentine's day, Easter, Christmas, and so on.

Answer 2: I think it really depends. If the person you are giving them to likes chocolate, then yes. But if

chocolates are not their cup of tea (or: … are not their kind of thing), then it’s probably not a decent choice.

Answer 1: Yes, I have. Every time I have to give a gift to someone who I don't know personally, chocolate is

always my go-to present. (or: always the best bet.) I think chocolates are one of the easiest gifts you can give

because most people tend to like them. They also often look fancy, so it’s a great way to express your love

and gratitude.

Answer 2: Yes, lots of times. I’ve given several boxes of imported chocolates from Belgium as presents to my

sister. She loves them so much and literally jumps for joy. I think when I give chocolate to the people I love,

it really embodies my great affection for them.

Yes definitely, people usually buy or even make chocolate themselves to give to their significant others,
especially on Valentines day. It’s one of the top choices as a romantic present. Also, when people come back
from traveling abroad, they often buy high-quality Swiss or Irish chocolates for their loved ones.
Yeah, it’s always a good idea to get people for chocolate gifts. Some young people use it to tell
someone how he or she feel, maybe on Valentine’s Day. And it’s also great to give a blind box
of chocolate as a kind of gift to the friend who happens to be a chocolate addict. The process is
gonna be fun.

I don’t know about history, but it is a tradition that people give chocolate to their significant
other on Valentine’s Day. Other than that, I would say chocolate may not be a good gift choice
because many people have dietary restrictions that prevent them from eating chocolate or
certain types of chocolate. For example, many people are allergic to nuts, dairy products, or
alcohol, which many chocolates have them as part of the ingredient.

9. Do you like dessert?

I’d say I like dessert way more than I should! I usually eat dessert after dinner at least four to five
times a week. I should either reduce that, or switch to healthier options.
Absolutely yes. They all taste amazing and look so adorable. I especially love the tiramisu

Well I must say that I’m a big fan of dessert because it helps put me in a good mood. You know
the feeling when you’ve turned to a box of chocolate on a bad day just so you could feel that
there’s still hope left in this world.

Yes definitely! I have a sweet tooth and cakes are my favorite kind of dessert. The delicious flavors of the
cake make them the perfect companion of any cuisine. I do not mind indulging into this yummy dessert
after any meal, be it dinner or lunch.

Yes, I love dessert. In fact, I can reduce the quantity of my meal if I have dessert as I belong to Punjab, so
I like Punjabi dessert such as rice Kheer, Gajar ka Halwa.
No, I do not like dessert. I always skip the sweet dish while having a meal.

10. Do you think it is good to use chocolate as gifts to others?/ Is it good

to give chocolate as gifts to others?

Well, I think chocolate can be a great present to others, as long as it is given thoughtfully
and with the recipient’s preferences in mind. You know chocolate has the ability to bring
joy and pleasure, and it can be a wonderful way to show someone that you care. I suppose
it’s a nice gesture to bring a small gift of chocolate when visiting someone’s home or when
attending a social event.

● recipient’s preferences (n): sở thích của người nhận

● nice gesture (n): cử chỉ đẹp

Well, I don't see why not, unless they're, well, assuming they're not diabetic
or lactose intolerant. Because chocolate's like it's cheap, it's available, it
exists in a variety of flavours and forms. So it would definitely be at the top
of my list of ideas as a gift for somebody.

11. Did you like chocolate when you were a child/ kid?
I can’t say for sure because my childhood memories seem vague. However, as a rule, most
kids enjoy sweets like chocolate, so I’d assume that I was not an exception. Also, I guess that
since I’m very keen on chocolate as an adult, I must have liked it when I was just a little boy too.

● can’t say for sure (idiom): không chắc lắm

● vague (a.): mơ hồ
● as a rule (idiom): theo thường lệ

Well, since I was quite a sizeable child, I would definitely say I

overindulged in treats more than just from time to time. Of course, when I
was a teenager, I burned all the fat off. So it wasn't so bad. But it's still, in
hindsight it wasn't a great idea or a great lifestyle choice at the time.
12. When was the first time you ate chocolate?
Honestly speaking, I haven’t the faintest idea when I first had a bite of chocolate. That said, I
can vividly recall the last time I did, which was last December. A close friend of mine came back
from the U.S. and he gave me a box of splendid Hershey’s chocolate.

● not the faintest idea (phrase) (C2): không biết gì hết trơn
● splendid (a.): ngon tuyệt

​ All-time favorite (noun): favorite of all choices, during all times
​ working my butt off (idiom): work really hard
​ Decompress (verb): sit down and chill
​ All day long (phrase): throughout the day
​ To have a sweet tooth (n): to like sweet foods
​ Moreish (adj): delicious
​ Cardiovascular system (n): The system that circulates blood and lymph through the
body, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, blood, lymph, and the lymphatic vessels and
​ To benefit (v): to provide advantages to sb
​ Antioxidant (n): a substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging
oxidizing agents in a living organism.

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