Lesson Plan Animalsb

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Learning aims:

- to identify different animals in English in a meaningful context.

- to develop awareness of different sizes.
- to develop literacy skills.
- to develop fine motor skills by colouring animals.
- to develop speaking and listening skills by re-telling the story
- to develop creativity

Learning focus:

-Numbers 1-10 (revision)

-Parts of the face (revision)
-Colours (revision)
-Animals (Bear, Bird, Duck, Horse, Frog, Tiger, Dog, Sheep, Goldfish)
-See – Look at
-Sizes: Big – Small
-Pronouns: I-Me / We-Us / You

Integration of skills:

Through the different activities (routine (circle time), songs, craft) children are
bound to improve their listening and speaking skills while building their confidence
and fostering creativity. Children will also develop their motor skills by cutting and
colouring animals to make their own book. Language development will be promoted
through free play.

Multiple intelligences:

Linguistic Intelligence: Supported by talking to the teacher during circle time and free

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Supported by working with numbers in routine

activities and in circle time and by putting in order the events of the story.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence: Supported by art craft activity (cutting and colouring


Musical Intelligence: Supported by listening and singing to the different tunes.

Interpersonal Intelligence: Supported by working in group during circle time and

through free play.
Intrapersonal Intelligence: Supported by asking each child how he/she feels.

Materials and resources:

Flashcards (Animals) (print and laminate)

Flashcards for sorting out

Photocopies (15)
Stuffed Bears (Big and Small)

Book (Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?)

Possible contingencies:

-Children may not want to share the materials with their classroom mates
(Teacher will explain that we need to share and if we want to play with
something the other person has, we need to ask for it politely. For example “Can
I please have the…?)
-Children may talk at the same time as the teacher. (Teacher will ask for silence
and repeat)
-Children may not understand the instructions. (Teacher will show them. If
they still don’t understand, teacher may use L1 to explain and then repeat again
in L2)
-Children may get distracted or bored during circle time. (Teacher will make a
quick movement activity for children to release some energy) (walk, walk, jump
and then sit down)

Classroom management strategies:

To ask for silence I will use put my finger on my lips and make the “shhh” sound.
–“It´s time to be quiet and listen to the story/song…”

If it doesn´t work out, I will say “zip it, lock it put it in your pocket” showing them
how I close my mouth, lock it and put the “key” in my pocket.
Other choice: “1,2,3 eyes on me”

To organize children for circle time I will sing “Big Big Circle” to the tune of Frere
Big big circle
Big big circle
Round round you
Round round you

To give instructions I will get children’s visual attention first. (One, Two, Three, eyes
on me)
Then, I will use simple language and single instructions (one instruction at a time)
using an appropriate tone and making use of visual aids.

To make sure that children have understood the lesson children will be asked to
retell the story. They will also have to colour the animals and put them in order so as
to make their own books.

Assessment: collecting information and reporting your findings

Assessment will be based on observations and questions. In this class children should
be able to identify different animals in English and sizes. Children will have to retell
the sequence of the story. They will also be asked to cut and colour the animals and
put them in order to make their own books.

Lesson stages:


Purpose: To begin the day in a fun way while reinforcing vocabulary and structures
known by the group.
Timing: 25 minutes


I say hello to each child as they arrive.

- Good morning, everybody! Welcome back to the English Class! Let´s all make a circle
(“Circle Time”) and say hello!
(Sing Circle Time song)
(Sing “Hello Song”) (Tune: Frere Jaques)

Teacher: Hello children, hello children.

How are you? How are you?
Children: very well and thank you, very well and thank you.
Teacher: A kiss for you, a kiss for you (teacher mimes air kisses)
Children: Hello teacher, hello teacher
How are you? How are you?
Teacher: very well and thank you, very well and thank you, a kiss for you

Who can tell me what the weather´s like today? (Point to weather chart)
Song: How is the weather, how is the weather, how is the weather today?
Is it rainy? No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.
Is it sunny? No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.

Months of the year

How about the months of the year? Can we say them all together?
Teacher will say the months of the year and children will repeat them.
(Months of the year song)


Crazy Finger: teacher wiggles her finger and points her finger at each child and they
will count in turns from zero to 10. There are number flashcards in the classroom.
Teacher will help children to count by one from 10 to 20 and then by tens from 10 to


-Hello everybody! Oh, the big bear and the small bear are still here!! Hello brown
bears, children say hello to the big bear. Now say hello to the small bear.
I want to show you something… I have a big box here, and I have a small box over
here. Do you see them?
(Teacher will show children the two stuffed bears from the previous class. Teacher
will point at the boxes and exaggerate her voice when she says ‘big’ and lower her
voice when she says ‘small’)
Purpose: To reinforce the theme of the previous lesson in a playful and meaningful
way. To develop listening and speaking skills.

Timing: 7 minutes

-Do you remember the brown bear book?

(Teacher will show children the cover of the book)
-Let’s see if we can remember the story. Do you want to ask the bears what they see?
Let’s all ask them together: “Brown bears, brown bears, what do you see?
(Teacher will show the red bird flashcard and elicit children’s answer. The same will
be repeated for each of the animals until the sequence is over)
-Very Good! You remembered all of the animals!

Development of the sequence of activities

Purpose: To reinforce animals vocabulary and the concept of big and small. To
develop listening and speaking skills.

Timing: 6 minutes

Sorting out:

-What do you have over there, brown bear?

(There will be a bag next to the stuffed bears)
(Teacher will open the bag and take a look)

-What do I see? I see a lot of big and small animals looking at me! Brown bears, do
you want the children to help you put them in the boxes? Ok everybody, Let’s help the
bears. We have a big box and a small box. Let’s put the big animals in the big box and
the small animals in the small box!

(Teacher will make ‘big’ and ‘small’ gestures for children to understand sizes.)
(Teacher will show children the big and small animals’ flashcards and ask them
questions: Is this red bird big or small? And what about this red bird? Is it big or
small? This will continue until the sequence is over and all the flashcards are in the

-Well, very good everybody! Now some of us are going to make our own books and
some of us are going to play with the bears and then we change.
(Teacher will show them the area with the materials and the area for making their
books. As this instruction may be difficult for the to understand, teacher may have to
explain it in Spanish and then repeat it in English)
2- Free Play
Purpose: To promote language development and creativity through free play.
Timing: 7 minutes

(Teacher will place all the materials in an area of the classroom: all the flashcards,
stuffed bears, boxes, and book)
(Teacher will monitor children)

3- Making their books

Purpose: To round up the theme of animals while fostering creativity.

Timing: 15 minutes

(Teacher will guide some children to their tables and show them the materials and
how she starts colouring and cutting the animals. Each animal has its corresponding
number in the sequence to make it easier for them. When they have finished, teacher
will staple the pages.)
(When the first group has finished with the books she will guide them to the ELA. She
will tell children who are already at the ELA: “Look at the books your friends have
made!! Come with me and we will make our own! Now it’s your turn”)

-These books look amazing! I will put them all here and you can play with them or
you can take them home.

- Ok…. I think the bears are tired now and it’s time to say goodbye.

Purpose: To end the activities and say goodbye to the dog and the teacher before
going to the playground. To take care of their place by tidying up.
Timing: 5 minutes

-Let’s say goodbye to the big bear. Bye bye big bear, have a good rest! Bye bye small
bear, have a good rest!
Now that we said goodbye to the bears, we can all clean up so we can go outside and

Tidy Up Song

“Clean up Song” (Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”)

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

Time to clean up where you are.
Put the toys back in their place.
Keep a smile upon your face.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
Time to clean up where you are.

-Goodbye everybody. I will see you in a few days! Goodbye children!

Goodbye Song

(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)

We wave goodbye like this.

We wave goodbye like this.
We clap our hands for all our friends.
We wave goodbye like this.

(Teacher waves goodbye to children)

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