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Edition 2 Booklet still in development


Greetings buckaroo! I have some Great News! You have in your
hands the holy grail of all the anti porn books!
So, let's get started on some rules.
Rule 1 - Never ask why.
Rule 2 - Embrace every step, be open minded.
Rule 3 - Rejoice everyday! You're now free from porn!
Rule 4 - Don't think You're a special case.

Before you ask, You're about to read a story that can be used
as a step by step to your recovery.
So, let's get started!

Chapter 1 - A Flickering Desire

This is a story about a man named Charles. Charles is a porn
addict, since his childhood, his life was depressing, not one has
ever loved him, not even Charles himself, Charles would blame
everyone and everything for his problems, telling about how
much of a victim he's always been. And then one day, something
very peculiar happened, something that would forever change
Charles, something he would never quite forget.
One day, Charles stared at his reflection in the mirror, a faint
glimmer of determination in his eyes. He had reached a breaking
point in his life, realizing that his addiction to pornography had
taken a toll on his well-being, relationships, and personal growth.
It was time for a change—a transformation that would set him
free from the chains of this insidious habit.
In his search for a solution, Charles stumbled upon a book that
promised to guide him towards liberation from porn addiction—
the "Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn." Intrigued, he followed the
link provided and found himself on a website displaying an array
of translations. He chose the English version and downloaded it,
ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Charles knew deep down that this book wouldn't magically solve
all his problems. He had to be the one to take charge, to commit
himself to the path of change. This book would merely be a
guide—a tool to help him navigate the treacherous waters of
He committed to reading just one page each day, gradually
increasing the amount until reading became a part of his routine.
Starting small would create a foundation upon which he could
build his newfound strength and resilience. Charles was
determined to break the cycle of addiction, one page at a time.
As he closed the curtains of his room, shutting out the
distractions of the world, Charles picked up the book and
opened it to the first page. The words on the paper beckoned
him, promising a new beginning, a life free from the clutches of
addiction. With a deep breath, he started reading.
And so began Charles' journey—a journey of self-discovery,
healing, and transformation. With every turn of the page, he
delved deeper into the heart of his addiction, unraveling the
complexities that had entangled his life for far too long.

Charles take notes about what he had to do every single day:

Step 1 - Read the book - Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn

Here: https://read.easypeasymethod.org/

There are a lot of translations.

Choose one and download.

Do not read it with fear. This book won't quit porn for you, YOU
will quit porn yourself.
If you have issues with reading books, try to start little by
little, read one page today, tomorrow 2, after tomorrow 3, and
go on. That's how you create a routine.
Always start small!

Chapter 2 - Unraveling the Memory Maze

As Charles delved deeper into his journey towards freedom from
porn addiction, he encountered a perplexing revelation. The very
tool he relied on for his transformation—the human brain—had its
own quirks and limitations. Understanding this peculiar aspect
would prove crucial in ensuring his progress didn't dissipate over
time. Thus, the second step of his endeavor emerged—the Anti
Charles pondered over the question that may have arisen in the
minds of those reading this chapter. Why discuss failure so early
in the process? The answer lay in the intricate workings of the
human mind itself. Our brains possess a fascinating trait, one
that Charles was well aware of—our capacity to forget.
Acknowledging this inherent flaw, Charles understood the
importance of preventing the gradual erosion of the knowledge
and insights gained from the book. He recognized that without
proper measures, his efforts could go to waste as the passing
days diminished the sharpness of his memory. To combat this
challenge, he embarked upon Step 2, armed with a potent
The solution was simple yet powerful: taking notes. Charles
realized the significance of documenting his progress, capturing
the essence of each chapter, and preserving the wisdom that
resonated with him. By recording key insights and moments that
caught his attention, he would build a personalized arsenal of
knowledge to combat the forgetfulness that lurked in the
To assist those unfamiliar with effective note-taking techniques,
the book directed Charles to a dedicated online community on
Reddit. Here, he discovered a treasure trove of resources—a
step-by-step guide tailored specifically for readers of the
"Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn." This comprehensive model
provided Charles with a roadmap, ensuring that no vital
information slipped through the cracks of his memory.
Armed with this newfound knowledge, Charles embraced the
practice of note-taking with zeal. He recognized it as an
indispensable tool, an ally that would safeguard his progress and
reinforce the lessons learned. Each chapter became an
opportunity for reflection, contemplation, and meticulous
In a world brimming with distractions, Charles understood the
value of anchoring himself to the insights he gathered along the
way. With pen in hand and a sense of purpose in his heart, he
weaved a tapestry of his journey—a testament to his
commitment and determination to overcome his addiction.
Soon, Charles' exploration of the brain's enigmatic tendencies.
Through the Anti Failure approach of note-taking, he ventured
into uncharted territory, fortifying his resolve and equipping
himself with the tools necessary to safeguard his progress. The
labyrinth of memory would no longer hinder his path; instead, it
would become a well-charted terrain, guiding him towards lasting
As Charles turned the page, he marveled at the possibilities that
lay ahead. With each note taken, he etched his footsteps upon
the path of change, inching ever closer to the light of liberation
from porn addiction. The journey continued, emboldened by his
commitment to preserving the wisdom within the pages of the
book and etching it into the very fabric of his being.

In his drawer, lays a paper with the following description:

Step 2 - Take notes of everything
Anything that you can relate with, anything that catches your
If you don't know how to do that, go to the reddit page below.
It has a whole step by step, and a note taking model.
g_in_easypeasy_is_a_memory_problem_simple/ "

Chapter 3 - Harmonizing with the Audio Veil

In this captivating chapter of Charles' quest to conquer his porn
addiction, a distinct and innovative approach presented itself—a
step that held both curiosity and intrigue. The Supreme Weapon,
as it was aptly named, emerged as an optional yet tantalizing
avenue for further reinforcement and assimilation of the book's
Having absorbed the wisdom contained in the book's pages and
diligently recorded his notes, Charles now stood on the precipice
of an auditory journey—a companion to his waking hours and
even his slumber. The Supreme Weapon beckoned him to listen,
to immerse himself in the realm of sound, and to explore the
depths of his subconscious mind.
Guided by the author's counsel, Charles embarked upon the
exploration of the audiobook version of the "Easy Peasy Way to
Quit Porn." A myriad of options awaited him on platforms like
YouTube, offering an array of renditions to choose from. With
eager anticipation, he clicked the link provided, ready to embark
on a sonic odyssey.
As the melodious voice resonated through the speakers or the
earbuds nestled comfortably in his ears, Charles found himself
engrossed in the profound words of wisdom. Whether he
listened during his waking hours or allowed the audiobook to
accompany his dreams, the harmonious cadence of the
narrator's voice became a constant presence.
Why, you may wonder, did Charles choose to integrate the
audiobook into his life so seamlessly? The answer lay in a
fascinating concept—the potential for learning even during sleep.
While scientists debated the efficacy of acquiring knowledge
during slumber, Charles saw an opportunity to capitalize on this
possibility. He reasoned that if one could potentially learn a
language during sleep, perhaps the same could hold true for
overcoming the clutches of porn addiction.
With audacity and a touch of uncertainty, Charles decided to
test this theory, allowing the audiobook to play throughout the
night as he rested. The alluring promise of this method fueled his
determination, offering a glimmer of hope that the spoken
words, deeply embedded in his consciousness, would forge a
stronger foundation for his transformation.
The integration of the audiobook into Charle's daily routine.
Through this fusion of sound and personal commitment, he
endeavored to enhance his understanding, consolidate his resolve,
and permeate his subconscious with the principles necessary for
lasting change.
As Charles listened to the audiobook he would embrace the
profound messages, he realized the potential within himself to
rewrite the narrative of his life. With each chapter explored,
each note taken, and each whispered phrase absorbed, he inched
ever closer to the culmination of his transformation—a
triumphant stride towards a life liberated from the clutches of
porn addiction.
And so, the story progressed, venturing forth into uncharted
territories, with more chapters to come and the promise of a
brighter future on the horizon.

On his bedroom's floor lays a fallen note that says:

Step 4 - Listen to the audiobook
(This step is optional, not sure if it works for everyone, it was
what worked for me).
Listen to the audiobook. Listen to it every single time! Or just put
it on a sound box.

Here is the link:

(There are more versions of the same audiobook on youtube)

Even when You go to sleep. Leave it there playing all night."

Chapter 4 - The Radiant Triumpth

Amidst the triumphs and challenges, Charles discovered an
essential truth that acknowledged the inherent nature of
relapses on the path of overcoming addiction. As he delved into
this complex territory, armed with newfound knowledge, he
understood that even in moments of temporary setback,
redemption and progress were possible. The book illuminated a
set of strategies designed to navigate the treacherous terrain
of relapses, offering guidance to weather the storm and
emerge stronger. Charles embraced the wisdom within, finding
solace in the rituals that fortified his resolve and laid the
groundwork for recovery.
The path towards healing amidst a relapse began with a series
of pre-relapse measures—a collection of activities and rituals
designed to fortify the mind, body, and spirit. Push-ups, guided
meditation, cold showers, prayer, seeking support from friends,
exploring the depths of YouTube's "before relapse" videos, and
revisiting the notes from the "Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn"
book all formed a robust arsenal against the encroaching tide of
But what if the momentary lapse did occur? What if the battle
was lost in a fleeting moment of weakness? Charles recognized
that forgiveness and self-compassion were the stepping stones
towards recovery. He implored himself to have mercy, to
replenish his body with hydration, and to take responsibility for
his mistake without succumbing to despair.
The final step in the aftermath of a relapse involved learning
from the experience—a solemn introspection that asked the
question, "Why have I failed?" Charles committed himself to
unravelling the underlying causes of the relapse, understanding
that only through this self-awareness could he forge a new
path towards lasting change.
As the journey neared its end, Charles embraced activities that
brought joy, nurturing his spirit and infusing each day with a
renewed sense of purpose. He understood that happiness could
be found even in the darkest of moments, that the triumph over
addiction was not measured solely by the absence of relapse,
but by the unwavering determination to persevere and grow.
And so, with each setback, Charles emerged stronger, carrying
the wisdom of his experiences. The Radiant Triumph of his
journey was not merely an end but a new beginning—a testament
to the transformative power of resilience and the indomitable
human spirit.
As the final pages turned, Charles stood at the precipice of a
life liberated from the clutches of porn addiction. The story,
however, did not end here, for his journey was but a single
chapter in the grand tapestry of human resilience and personal
growth. And so, with the closing of this chapter, a new
adventure awaited—one brimming with possibility, fulfillment, and
the unyielding radiance of triumph.
Charles closes the book with a sense of deep gratitude. He
recognized that the lessons learned, the challenges overcome,
and the profound transformation he had undergone were not
merely his own but belonged to a collective tapestry of
individuals striving for liberation. Together, they formed a
beacon of hope, illuminating the path for others embarking on a
similar journey of self-discovery and triumph over addiction.
The tale came to an end, hope you reader is inspired,
invigorated, and ready to face your own unique journey—a
journey filled with possibility and the radiant triumph that
awaits those who dare to break free from the chains that bind

Bonus Step - Relapses

Before relapse
Do 200-100 Push-ups
10 to 20 minutes of guided meditation
Cold shower
Reach out for help from friends
Search for "before relapse" on youtube
Review your easy peasy notes

While relapsing
Well, now you've pretty much screwed everything up.

After relapse
Have mercy on yourself.
Drink loads of water.
Ask yourself "why have I failed?"
Take responsibility for your mistake.
Find a way not to do the same mistake again.
Do an acticity that you enjoy.
Be happy even though it feels worst than it was before.
Continue fighting, you can't win one without losing a bunch.

That's all folks!

Any issues, doubts or questions send me a text message at:


Now, fly off to your freedom! Rejoice!

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